Author Topic: Dope New Album --->K-Os "Exit"  (Read 212 times)

Suga Foot

Dope New Album --->K-Os "Exit"
« on: May 03, 2002, 05:59:49 PM »
Anyone who sees this album pick it up!  This album should have been called 'the blueprint', the way the album is put together is amazing.  You can tell he put his all into the album.  I know a lot of people outside of Canada won't see this in stores, and that's a real shame.  This is the realest guy I've ever heard in music.  I know he won't even get a lot of recognition here in Canada.  His music is amazing, it's mainly all live instruments with the exception of Drum machines and some synth.  He's a singer/rapper, and the album is smooth, deep, and hard hitting all at the same time.  With this album, he is using Hip Hop to it's full potential, there is none of that bling bling, fuck a bitch bullshit, this is mature hip hop.  It's basically just poetry with beats and flow.  And that's only half of it, the album casing is dope too.  Here's a message from him that lies on the inside jacket:

This album has taken me 29 years to make, so first and foremost I must give thanks and praise to the Most High, The Grand Architect.

My Eyes Have Seen many things my heart could not believe.

To all those exploiting art in the of commerce, the life you lead now, and in the future will be your punishment.  Heaven only knows.  For those expressing art in the name of truth, fear not, your rewards will be in the highest realms!  You cannot invite an unknown guest.

I must take this time to apologize for the 'ego'. Hip Hop has 'egocentric' element to it, interestingly enough it is this bravado that allows an emcee (or any artisan), to sound confident and convincing.  However, I belive that a confident man is really a dead man and honestly, you cannot 'convince' anyone of the truth.  Realizations such as these bring me to 'EXIT'.  It seems that we all fear the ending of ourselves, but in reality we fear losing all the things we 'know' especially who we think we are.  So, in reference to this album, "EXIT", means leave your SELF behind.  

Artists, If I may, you are the lions of this musical ecosystem.  Fear not the hyenas, vultures, or maggots, Do what you feel, and be honest about yourself about what you want to achieve.  Everything else will fall in line.  Heaven Only Knows.

To the people, the listeners.  You humble me.  To love music is to love the language of the soul.  Sometimes I wish I was there again, when music mystified me.  To complete this mission that innocence has been lost.  So I must be going...

And in the booklet he writes a little bit how every song was created and how he feels about them.  So all I'm sayin is, if you see this album get it.  You will not be dissapointed.