Author Topic: Joe Budden Deads Stunted "Growth,"Announces New Album..& Gives Prodigy No Mercy"  (Read 97 times)


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And even though Joe's roots are heavy in Queens, he calls himself the "King of New Jersey." WOW. The king of Jersey? Not sure of how that sounds. But for now I'll say it sounds kind of corny. No one's doing anything in Jersey. How do you claim a throne that doesn't exist?
"I dont get how Prodigy gonna acknowledge me/ The n*gga about as big as an apostrophe/... Real talk I can't front on your old sh*t, now you just old as SH*T!!!!! / ... Never mind me, worry about your Medicaid/ ...50 signs the bum only cuz where he was from/ Put a stamp on the n*gga and still nobody feels him/ ...Your sound is old, not even worth a download"

Knowing the way Joe can spit, I know he could have slaughtered Prodigy way worse than this. But this is still considered "going in on a n*gga" status. He went in so bad that I kind of feel bad for Ballerina P. Mainly because there's no way P's skills are still sharp enough to strike back with enough force for the sting to be felt. Kind of like what Papoose did to Fat Joanna. However, it's f*cked up to talk about a dude's physical condition. 2Pac once said something in reference to Prodigy's illness, which was funny but f*cked up: "Don't one of you n*ggas got sickle cell or somethin?!! You f*ckin with me n*gga you f*ck around and have a seizure or a heart attack. You better back the f*ck up, 'fore you get smacked the f*ck up!"

But anyways, f*ck Deaf Jam. Amalgam Digital put Joey on the roster, and now according to the Amalgam website he's set to drop his album October 28th, even though in the above video he says something about September 16th.

How does it take FIVE YEARS to release your sophomore album? Although I must say that the Mood Muzik series was highly successful and gave Joey a loyal fanbase that probably wouldn't have been established if he had received a second release on IDJ. So in this I'd say Deaf Jam shelving Joey was a blessing in disguise. He would have been too focused on being commercial, and Mood Muzik 2 and 3 probably would have never been as hot, if dropped at all.
(Written By SOHH Reckless)



dude needs to release a proper album. Bought his first and thought it was ok but not as great as i would have expected it to be.
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