Author Topic: written knowledge  (Read 121 times)


written knowledge
« on: August 17, 2008, 01:00:42 AM »
dear lord, please just let me live
for my family, my life i would give
cause i love them all to death
thats why i would give my last breath
just to see them live on, movin strong
so lord please let them all live long
and i can live with all them very happy
love them all from my momma to my pappy
we all celebratin and straight lovin life
one question, why must i live so trife?
puts me and them in danger
life, i tell u aint nothin stranger
watch it from a far distance
and u could lose it in an instant
from a cowherd with a gun
one bullet and ya life is done
but don't let em' catch u on the run
from the feds, now dont that sound fun?
let em catch u, do life in jail
holdin cell without any bail
wait for the judge to put it down
on you, upon you he will frown
and the crimes you committed
drop the sentence, on u he shitted
cause the system is full of racists
we need to go back to the basics
so whos the real boss? the po-lease
to ya life, they say peace
they love to get a snitch
a talker, a straight bitch
to give you up to a cell
feel like from a buildin you fell
and you can't grab on to nothin
straight fallin, no longer ballin
off of the drug money
now aint that funny?
same thing get u rich
get chu locked up quik
so basically watch who u trust
dangerous game when u kickin up dust
and on this shit, i can go on for ever
me step away from the mic? haha, never
keep that in ya sweetest dreams
keep servin my fans like fiends
im ya worst night mare
kill the mic again, i dare
in my eyes, u dont dare to stare
like lookin at death, bye to ya life
to bless the mic, i have the right
and i can do no fuckin wrong
killed it and now i'm gone
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 10:00:01 AM by Lunatic 63 »
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