Author Topic: Michael Vick's pitbulls  (Read 787 times)

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2008, 03:08:55 PM »
Thats so great to see,  also shows how fuckin sick and disgusting Vick is,  that pathetic, murdering piece of slime, He makes me sick, thqat cruel piece of shit
shut the fuck up........and stop cryin like a little bitch..... you got fucked up shit happening out here to people........... no outrage over that though................but on the other hand you got faggets like yourself problem who probably got a wardrobe for your fuckin dog, and probably make a cake with candles on it and celebrate your dogs birthday.........eye hate crackers like you..........

Exactly, nobody is to condemn cruelty to animals until all the niggers safely reach zion.

No the point he is saying is you got little kids in the hood that get caught in some stuff that has nothing to do with them and they catch a bullet in the head at 8 years old.  You get a little blurb on page 12 of the news paper but Michael Vick gets a front cover and 8 pages of coverage.
you feel me it dont even have to be just fucked up shit in the hood................there is just fucked up shit going everywhere you feel me. and you got these dumb mutha fucker ready to hang a powerful NIGGER just because he fucked with some crackers dog. like are you fuckin kidding me........... ALL EYE AM SAYIN IS THAT IT SEEMS DOGS GET TREATED BETTER THAN PEOPLE ESPECIALLY NIGGERS! but you crackers dont here because you all have dogs and you share the same plate of food you eat from with your dog.......... fuck out of here FREE VICK............... COME TO THE GIANTS VICK!

  Newsflash - Blacks arent the only ones suffering from injustices. Im Mexican and they fucking my people 24/7 everyday here in CA,  on a way more consistent basis than they do Blacks.  I dont put all other negative issues aside and only worry about my kind... what kind of shit is that?  Im also assuming you prolly dont believe in God by showing you give no value of life to any and all of God's creatures.  I guess only Blacks are capable of being abused, I forgot.    Also I dont hear you giving any solutions or ways to fix this problem, youre just venting about shit you see on the news, none of which has prolly ever happened to you figuring you spend the majority of youre time here, where its safe.  u playing the "its rough on the black man/fuck whitey" card every chance you get is a tired gimmick.  And What do you propose they do with Michael Vick, Reward him and up his salary?   taking your anger out on a forum aint healthy, my negroid... if anything be mad at the media for giving this too much attention instead of random people on a message board.


lol at mexicans...... catching guys too busy trying be like mr.gringo or be accepted by them.basically you guys are mr.gringos trained dog...........he say jump you guys say how how, he say roll over and you roll over........... and thats all eye am going to say about that........because eye talked on this numerous times already


  • 'G'
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  • NOWTHAT$GANG$TA BKA $oCal P$ycho
Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2008, 08:19:32 PM »
Thats so great to see,  also shows how fuckin sick and disgusting Vick is,  that pathetic, murdering piece of slime, He makes me sick, thqat cruel piece of shit
shut the fuck up........and stop cryin like a little bitch..... you got fucked up shit happening out here to people........... no outrage over that though................but on the other hand you got faggets like yourself problem who probably got a wardrobe for your fuckin dog, and probably make a cake with candles on it and celebrate your dogs birthday.........eye hate crackers like you..........

Exactly, nobody is to condemn cruelty to animals until all the niggers safely reach zion.

No the point he is saying is you got little kids in the hood that get caught in some stuff that has nothing to do with them and they catch a bullet in the head at 8 years old.  You get a little blurb on page 12 of the news paper but Michael Vick gets a front cover and 8 pages of coverage.
you feel me it dont even have to be just fucked up shit in the hood................there is just fucked up shit going everywhere you feel me. and you got these dumb mutha fucker ready to hang a powerful NIGGER just because he fucked with some crackers dog. like are you fuckin kidding me........... ALL EYE AM SAYIN IS THAT IT SEEMS DOGS GET TREATED BETTER THAN PEOPLE ESPECIALLY NIGGERS! but you crackers dont here because you all have dogs and you share the same plate of food you eat from with your dog.......... fuck out of here FREE VICK............... COME TO THE GIANTS VICK!

  Newsflash - Blacks arent the only ones suffering from injustices. Im Mexican and they fucking my people 24/7 everyday here in CA,  on a way more consistent basis than they do Blacks.  I dont put all other negative issues aside and only worry about my kind... what kind of shit is that?  Im also assuming you prolly dont believe in God by showing you give no value of life to any and all of God's creatures.  I guess only Blacks are capable of being abused, I forgot.    Also I dont hear you giving any solutions or ways to fix this problem, youre just venting about shit you see on the news, none of which has prolly ever happened to you figuring you spend the majority of youre time here, where its safe.  u playing the "its rough on the black man/fuck whitey" card every chance you get is a tired gimmick.  And What do you propose they do with Michael Vick, Reward him and up his salary?   taking your anger out on a forum aint healthy, my negroid... if anything be mad at the media for giving this too much attention instead of random people on a message board.


lol at mexicans...... catching guys too busy trying be like mr.gringo or be accepted by them.basically you guys are mr.gringos trained dog...........he say jump you guys say how how, he say roll over and you roll over........... and thats all eye am going to say about that........because eye talked on this numerous times already

You must be the dumbest  nigga alive seeing how the picture in YOUR SIG shows poor Mexicans and was taken in Mexico.  Wow, They really look like they wanna be mr. gringo...  Have you ever heard of modern day slavery in your limited world?  Out of minorities, Mexicans take 75% of the hard labor jobs (alot making less than minimun wage in harsh conditions) that blacks are too proud to take.  We keep the economy moving. They rounding up my people like chickens and dumping them back in hopelessness by record numbers each day.  You probably selll dirt weed on the corner because you need plastic spinners on your celica. 

By the way what does, "how how" mean.  If you wanna portray yourself as a righteous, intelligent black man,  at least take 10 seconds to read the bullshit you post.  Eye hope eye made meyeself clear, you smart geye you.     
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 08:22:13 PM by NTG »

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2008, 09:54:05 AM »
Thats so great to see,  also shows how fuckin sick and disgusting Vick is,  that pathetic, murdering piece of slime, He makes me sick, thqat cruel piece of shit
shut the fuck up........and stop cryin like a little bitch..... you got fucked up shit happening out here to people........... no outrage over that though................but on the other hand you got faggets like yourself problem who probably got a wardrobe for your fuckin dog, and probably make a cake with candles on it and celebrate your dogs birthday.........eye hate crackers like you..........

Exactly, nobody is to condemn cruelty to animals until all the niggers safely reach zion.

No the point he is saying is you got little kids in the hood that get caught in some stuff that has nothing to do with them and they catch a bullet in the head at 8 years old.  You get a little blurb on page 12 of the news paper but Michael Vick gets a front cover and 8 pages of coverage.
you feel me it dont even have to be just fucked up shit in the hood................there is just fucked up shit going everywhere you feel me. and you got these dumb mutha fucker ready to hang a powerful NIGGER just because he fucked with some crackers dog. like are you fuckin kidding me........... ALL EYE AM SAYIN IS THAT IT SEEMS DOGS GET TREATED BETTER THAN PEOPLE ESPECIALLY NIGGERS! but you crackers dont here because you all have dogs and you share the same plate of food you eat from with your dog.......... fuck out of here FREE VICK............... COME TO THE GIANTS VICK!

  Newsflash - Blacks arent the only ones suffering from injustices. Im Mexican and they fucking my people 24/7 everyday here in CA,  on a way more consistent basis than they do Blacks.  I dont put all other negative issues aside and only worry about my kind... what kind of shit is that?  Im also assuming you prolly dont believe in God by showing you give no value of life to any and all of God's creatures.  I guess only Blacks are capable of being abused, I forgot.    Also I dont hear you giving any solutions or ways to fix this problem, youre just venting about shit you see on the news, none of which has prolly ever happened to you figuring you spend the majority of youre time here, where its safe.  u playing the "its rough on the black man/fuck whitey" card every chance you get is a tired gimmick.  And What do you propose they do with Michael Vick, Reward him and up his salary?   taking your anger out on a forum aint healthy, my negroid... if anything be mad at the media for giving this too much attention instead of random people on a message board.


lol at mexicans...... catching guys too busy trying be like mr.gringo or be accepted by them.basically you guys are mr.gringos trained dog...........he say jump you guys say how how, he say roll over and you roll over........... and thats all eye am going to say about that........because eye talked on this numerous times already

You must be the dumbest  nigga alive seeing how the picture in YOUR SIG shows poor Mexicans and was taken in Mexico.  Wow, They really look like they wanna be mr. gringo...  Have you ever heard of modern day slavery in your limited world?  Out of minorities, Mexicans take 75% of the hard labor jobs (alot making less than minimun wage in harsh conditions) that blacks are too proud to take.  We keep the economy moving. They rounding up my people like chickens and dumping them back in hopelessness by record numbers each day.  You probably selll dirt weed on the corner because you need plastic spinners on your celica. 

By the way what does, "how how" mean.  If you wanna portray yourself as a righteous, intelligent black man,  at least take 10 seconds to read the bullshit you post.  Eye hope eye made meyeself clear, you smart geye you.     
1.) There is a reason why that picture is there. And when eye am talkin about mexicans acting white or so desperately trying to be accepted by whites, its obvious eye aint talkin about them penedejo because for the most  part a lot of you racist ass mexicants dont even want to acknowledge that there are Blacks in mexico in the first place.
2.) this is interesting eye never knew this.......... so mexicans keep the economy running huh?? sooo what the fuck are the mexicans doing now then......... because the economy aint too good ahora. if anything they fucking up the economy because they draining social security. so lets stop all that if it werent for mexicans this economy wouldnt be functioning........thats some bullshit excuse you people use to justify your illegal ass hoppin the gates. ( AND EYE DONT GIVE  A FUCK IF CALIFORNIA OR TEXAS USED TO BE MEXICO)

3.) you the dumb nigga..... you act like mexicans are the only hardworking people in this country.......... what other jobs are there for you non english speaking motherfuckers....... you dont speak no english, no degree, no certification, NOTHING, NADA ese........ so what the fuck jobs you think you qualified to do?? CUT LAWNS and hard labor shit...... eye know plenty of Black that do hard labor to earn a living ( they just dont get paid that fucked up like you mexicants).......... just because your primos y primas getting paid bullshit dont mean that they are an exception and they are the most hard working. its just means you guys cant say cant complain because YOU NOT EVEN LEGAL IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!! SO YOU GUYS HAVE  NO CHOICE
4.) you talking about Blacks too proud to take that job (thats the mentality your slave master yes mr.gringo put in your head or was it mexicos racist el presidente? hmmmmmmmm)............. check it out holmes..... even Blacks in financial crisis arent going to work for no bullshit ass below below  below minimum wage, when they can just go work at mcdonalds or burger king for at least minimum wage.

DONT YOUR THICK ASS MEXICant dome get it. MEXICant aint willingly choosing to perform them jobs............. if that was the case SHIT ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET AND GIVE THEM THE HARDEST WORKERS trophy, and then you can brag about how hardworking they are and etc etc......... BUT YOU NON ENGLISH SPEAK NIGGAS HAVE NO CHOICE PERIOD!

5.) at the end of the day mexicans stay tryin to be white or be accepted by mr.gringo........eye mean shit that should already be evident when you  watch the spanish channels.....but your too dumb to realize that......... WHITES tell you guys 'hey you guys are better than those Black people (NIGGERS) so we are going to treat you just a little bit better, BUY HEY DONT YOU FORGET you will never be better than us' then he  pats you on your head and you carry on......walking around ass if you better than Black........fuck out of here with that bullshit............and a good exmaple of that is when you said "eye sell weed on the cornor just to get plastic spinning rims on my celica" like nigga please eye know plenty of so called lations who do exactly what you just described. you guys swear your better but where can we always find you so called latinos living RIGHT NEXT TO ANY FUCKED UP Black neighborhood....... living in the same bullshit.........but yet you guys think your better than us.......... go check your self maricon


  • 'G'
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  • Posts: 194
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  • NOWTHAT$GANG$TA BKA $oCal P$ycho
Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2008, 02:15:42 AM »
Thats so great to see,  also shows how fuckin sick and disgusting Vick is,  that pathetic, murdering piece of slime, He makes me sick, thqat cruel piece of shit
shut the fuck up........and stop cryin like a little bitch..... you got fucked up shit happening out here to people........... no outrage over that though................but on the other hand you got faggets like yourself problem who probably got a wardrobe for your fuckin dog, and probably make a cake with candles on it and celebrate your dogs birthday.........eye hate crackers like you..........

Exactly, nobody is to condemn cruelty to animals until all the niggers safely reach zion.

No the point he is saying is you got little kids in the hood that get caught in some stuff that has nothing to do with them and they catch a bullet in the head at 8 years old.  You get a little blurb on page 12 of the news paper but Michael Vick gets a front cover and 8 pages of coverage.
you feel me it dont even have to be just fucked up shit in the hood................there is just fucked up shit going everywhere you feel me. and you got these dumb mutha fucker ready to hang a powerful NIGGER just because he fucked with some crackers dog. like are you fuckin kidding me........... ALL EYE AM SAYIN IS THAT IT SEEMS DOGS GET TREATED BETTER THAN PEOPLE ESPECIALLY NIGGERS! but you crackers dont here because you all have dogs and you share the same plate of food you eat from with your dog.......... fuck out of here FREE VICK............... COME TO THE GIANTS VICK!

  Newsflash - Blacks arent the only ones suffering from injustices. Im Mexican and they fucking my people 24/7 everyday here in CA,  on a way more consistent basis than they do Blacks.  I dont put all other negative issues aside and only worry about my kind... what kind of shit is that?  Im also assuming you prolly dont believe in God by showing you give no value of life to any and all of God's creatures.  I guess only Blacks are capable of being abused, I forgot.    Also I dont hear you giving any solutions or ways to fix this problem, youre just venting about shit you see on the news, none of which has prolly ever happened to you figuring you spend the majority of youre time here, where its safe.  u playing the "its rough on the black man/fuck whitey" card every chance you get is a tired gimmick.  And What do you propose they do with Michael Vick, Reward him and up his salary?   taking your anger out on a forum aint healthy, my negroid... if anything be mad at the media for giving this too much attention instead of random people on a message board.


lol at mexicans...... catching guys too busy trying be like mr.gringo or be accepted by them.basically you guys are mr.gringos trained dog...........he say jump you guys say how how, he say roll over and you roll over........... and thats all eye am going to say about that........because eye talked on this numerous times already

You must be the dumbest  nigga alive seeing how the picture in YOUR SIG shows poor Mexicans and was taken in Mexico.  Wow, They really look like they wanna be mr. gringo...  Have you ever heard of modern day slavery in your limited world?  Out of minorities, Mexicans take 75% of the hard labor jobs (alot making less than minimun wage in harsh conditions) that blacks are too proud to take.  We keep the economy moving. They rounding up my people like chickens and dumping them back in hopelessness by record numbers each day.  You probably selll dirt weed on the corner because you need plastic spinners on your celica. 

By the way what does, "how how" mean.  If you wanna portray yourself as a righteous, intelligent black man,  at least take 10 seconds to read the bullshit you post.  Eye hope eye made meyeself clear, you smart geye you.     
1.) There is a reason why that picture is there. And when eye am talkin about mexicans acting white or so desperately trying to be accepted by whites, its obvious eye aint talkin about them penedejo because for the most  part a lot of you racist ass mexicants dont even want to acknowledge that there are Blacks in mexico in the first place.
2.) this is interesting eye never knew this.......... so mexicans keep the economy running huh?? sooo what the fuck are the mexicans doing now then......... because the economy aint too good ahora. if anything they fucking up the economy because they draining social security. so lets stop all that if it werent for mexicans this economy wouldnt be functioning........thats some bullshit excuse you people use to justify your illegal ass hoppin the gates. ( AND EYE DONT GIVE  A FUCK IF CALIFORNIA OR TEXAS USED TO BE MEXICO)

3.) you the dumb nigga..... you act like mexicans are the only hardworking people in this country.......... what other jobs are there for you non english speaking motherfuckers....... you dont speak no english, no degree, no certification, NOTHING, NADA ese........ so what the fuck jobs you think you qualified to do?? CUT LAWNS and hard labor shit...... eye know plenty of Black that do hard labor to earn a living ( they just dont get paid that fucked up like you mexicants).......... just because your primos y primas getting paid bullshit dont mean that they are an exception and they are the most hard working. its just means you guys cant say cant complain because YOU NOT EVEN LEGAL IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!! SO YOU GUYS HAVE  NO CHOICE
4.) you talking about Blacks too proud to take that job (thats the mentality your slave master yes mr.gringo put in your head or was it mexicos racist el presidente? hmmmmmmmm)............. check it out holmes..... even Blacks in financial crisis arent going to work for no bullshit ass below below  below minimum wage, when they can just go work at mcdonalds or burger king for at least minimum wage.

DONT YOUR THICK ASS MEXICant dome get it. MEXICant aint willingly choosing to perform them jobs............. if that was the case SHIT ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET AND GIVE THEM THE HARDEST WORKERS trophy, and then you can brag about how hardworking they are and etc etc......... BUT YOU NON ENGLISH SPEAK NIGGAS HAVE NO CHOICE PERIOD!

5.) at the end of the day mexicans stay tryin to be white or be accepted by mr.gringo........eye mean shit that should already be evident when you  watch the spanish channels.....but your too dumb to realize that......... WHITES tell you guys 'hey you guys are better than those Black people (NIGGERS) so we are going to treat you just a little bit better, BUY HEY DONT YOU FORGET you will never be better than us' then he  pats you on your head and you carry on......walking around ass if you better than Black........fuck out of here with that bullshit............and a good exmaple of that is when you said "eye sell weed on the cornor just to get plastic spinning rims on my celica" like nigga please eye know plenty of so called lations who do exactly what you just described. you guys swear your better but where can we always find you so called latinos living RIGHT NEXT TO ANY FUCKED UP Black neighborhood....... living in the same bullshit.........but yet you guys think your better than us.......... go check your self maricon

1.  Does that come in paperback?

2.  The economy is fucked in most part due to a trillion, yes trillion dollar war cost we got going on... maybe you heard of it?  Its somewhere in the mideast.  That plus the devalue of  U.S. currency plus sky rocketing gas prices is the reason behind a bad economy.  Its current events 101... look into it.
And lets say your right and Mexicans dont really play a vital role in the economy. Then Lets say we deport every last one.  Then lets say your grocery bill increases by 100%.  Fuck it 200 and half of the stores have to shut down.  Many businesses (not just small, im talking corporate) could not exist without mexicans aka lower class minorities. 

3.  Back to Vick - You reasoning and logic for defending him contradicts your very own weak point of calling out injustices.   He's a multi-millionaire superstar that killed and abused animals for kicks.   How dare anyone try to prosecute him, right?  SMH.  With Vick's fame through athletic ability comes responsibility. Kids look(ed) up to him.  He inspired people.  If hes gonna be on sports center all week, then he better be prepared to be on the 6 o'clock news all week if he fucks up, its as simple as that.  If You wanna defend that trash, go ahead. You're just playing yourself in the end and continue to show just how out of touch with reality you are.       

Nat Turner-reincarnated

  • Guest
Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2008, 10:07:49 AM »
Thats so great to see,  also shows how fuckin sick and disgusting Vick is,  that pathetic, murdering piece of slime, He makes me sick, thqat cruel piece of shit
shut the fuck up........and stop cryin like a little bitch..... you got fucked up shit happening out here to people........... no outrage over that though................but on the other hand you got faggets like yourself problem who probably got a wardrobe for your fuckin dog, and probably make a cake with candles on it and celebrate your dogs birthday.........eye hate crackers like you..........

Exactly, nobody is to condemn cruelty to animals until all the niggers safely reach zion.

No the point he is saying is you got little kids in the hood that get caught in some stuff that has nothing to do with them and they catch a bullet in the head at 8 years old.  You get a little blurb on page 12 of the news paper but Michael Vick gets a front cover and 8 pages of coverage.
you feel me it dont even have to be just fucked up shit in the hood................there is just fucked up shit going everywhere you feel me. and you got these dumb mutha fucker ready to hang a powerful NIGGER just because he fucked with some crackers dog. like are you fuckin kidding me........... ALL EYE AM SAYIN IS THAT IT SEEMS DOGS GET TREATED BETTER THAN PEOPLE ESPECIALLY NIGGERS! but you crackers dont here because you all have dogs and you share the same plate of food you eat from with your dog.......... fuck out of here FREE VICK............... COME TO THE GIANTS VICK!

  Newsflash - Blacks arent the only ones suffering from injustices. Im Mexican and they fucking my people 24/7 everyday here in CA,  on a way more consistent basis than they do Blacks.  I dont put all other negative issues aside and only worry about my kind... what kind of shit is that?  Im also assuming you prolly dont believe in God by showing you give no value of life to any and all of God's creatures.  I guess only Blacks are capable of being abused, I forgot.    Also I dont hear you giving any solutions or ways to fix this problem, youre just venting about shit you see on the news, none of which has prolly ever happened to you figuring you spend the majority of youre time here, where its safe.  u playing the "its rough on the black man/fuck whitey" card every chance you get is a tired gimmick.  And What do you propose they do with Michael Vick, Reward him and up his salary?   taking your anger out on a forum aint healthy, my negroid... if anything be mad at the media for giving this too much attention instead of random people on a message board.


lol at mexicans...... catching guys too busy trying be like mr.gringo or be accepted by them.basically you guys are mr.gringos trained dog...........he say jump you guys say how how, he say roll over and you roll over........... and thats all eye am going to say about that........because eye talked on this numerous times already

You must be the dumbest  nigga alive seeing how the picture in YOUR SIG shows poor Mexicans and was taken in Mexico.  Wow, They really look like they wanna be mr. gringo...  Have you ever heard of modern day slavery in your limited world?  Out of minorities, Mexicans take 75% of the hard labor jobs (alot making less than minimun wage in harsh conditions) that blacks are too proud to take.  We keep the economy moving. They rounding up my people like chickens and dumping them back in hopelessness by record numbers each day.  You probably selll dirt weed on the corner because you need plastic spinners on your celica. 

By the way what does, "how how" mean.  If you wanna portray yourself as a righteous, intelligent black man,  at least take 10 seconds to read the bullshit you post.  Eye hope eye made meyeself clear, you smart geye you.     
1.) There is a reason why that picture is there. And when eye am talkin about mexicans acting white or so desperately trying to be accepted by whites, its obvious eye aint talkin about them penedejo because for the most  part a lot of you racist ass mexicants dont even want to acknowledge that there are Blacks in mexico in the first place.
2.) this is interesting eye never knew this.......... so mexicans keep the economy running huh?? sooo what the fuck are the mexicans doing now then......... because the economy aint too good ahora. if anything they fucking up the economy because they draining social security. so lets stop all that if it werent for mexicans this economy wouldnt be functioning........thats some bullshit excuse you people use to justify your illegal ass hoppin the gates. ( AND EYE DONT GIVE  A FUCK IF CALIFORNIA OR TEXAS USED TO BE MEXICO)

3.) you the dumb nigga..... you act like mexicans are the only hardworking people in this country.......... what other jobs are there for you non english speaking motherfuckers....... you dont speak no english, no degree, no certification, NOTHING, NADA ese........ so what the fuck jobs you think you qualified to do?? CUT LAWNS and hard labor shit...... eye know plenty of Black that do hard labor to earn a living ( they just dont get paid that fucked up like you mexicants).......... just because your primos y primas getting paid bullshit dont mean that they are an exception and they are the most hard working. its just means you guys cant say cant complain because YOU NOT EVEN LEGAL IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!! SO YOU GUYS HAVE  NO CHOICE
4.) you talking about Blacks too proud to take that job (thats the mentality your slave master yes mr.gringo put in your head or was it mexicos racist el presidente? hmmmmmmmm)............. check it out holmes..... even Blacks in financial crisis arent going to work for no bullshit ass below below  below minimum wage, when they can just go work at mcdonalds or burger king for at least minimum wage.

DONT YOUR THICK ASS MEXICant dome get it. MEXICant aint willingly choosing to perform them jobs............. if that was the case SHIT ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET AND GIVE THEM THE HARDEST WORKERS trophy, and then you can brag about how hardworking they are and etc etc......... BUT YOU NON ENGLISH SPEAK NIGGAS HAVE NO CHOICE PERIOD!

5.) at the end of the day mexicans stay tryin to be white or be accepted by mr.gringo........eye mean shit that should already be evident when you  watch the spanish channels.....but your too dumb to realize that......... WHITES tell you guys 'hey you guys are better than those Black people (NIGGERS) so we are going to treat you just a little bit better, BUY HEY DONT YOU FORGET you will never be better than us' then he  pats you on your head and you carry on......walking around ass if you better than Black........fuck out of here with that bullshit............and a good exmaple of that is when you said "eye sell weed on the cornor just to get plastic spinning rims on my celica" like nigga please eye know plenty of so called lations who do exactly what you just described. you guys swear your better but where can we always find you so called latinos living RIGHT NEXT TO ANY FUCKED UP Black neighborhood....... living in the same bullshit.........but yet you guys think your better than us.......... go check your self maricon

1.  Does that come in paperback?

2.  The economy is fucked in most part due to a trillion, yes trillion dollar war cost we got going on... maybe you heard of it?  Its somewhere in the mideast.  That plus the devalue of  U.S. currency plus sky rocketing gas prices is the reason behind a bad economy.  Its current events 101... look into it.
And lets say your right and Mexicans dont really play a vital role in the economy. Then Lets say we deport every last one.  Then lets say your grocery bill increases by 100%.  Fuck it 200 and half of the stores have to shut down.  Many businesses (not just small, im talking corporate) could not exist without mexicans aka lower class minorities. 

3.  Back to Vick - You reasoning and logic for defending him contradicts your very own weak point of calling out injustices.   He's a multi-millionaire superstar that killed and abused animals for kicks.   How dare anyone try to prosecute him, right?  SMH.  With Vick's fame through athletic ability comes responsibility. Kids look(ed) up to him.  He inspired people.  If hes gonna be on sports center all week, then he better be prepared to be on the 6 o'clock news all week if he fucks up, its as simple as that.  If You wanna defend that trash, go ahead. You're just playing yourself in the end and continue to show just how out of touch with reality you are.       

1.) does it come in paperback?

2) THATS NOT WHAT THE FUCK YOUR CHOLO ASS SAID. You said that mexicans keep the economy moving? so if mexicans keep the economy running/moving.......... then what the fuck is up with it then? THEY DONT KEEP SHIT MOVING BECAUSE THEY too are effected by it last time eye checked...... if anybody is talking basura its your mexicANT ass if you think corporate business would not be able to exist without mexiCANTS...........

3.) once again...........eye never said he should go unpunished....... what eye said is why the fuck they had to do him like that. and eye broke it down like this..... if a white cop kills a Black person or to you a mayete and gets off punishment nada...........then its obvious dogs are more important than NIGGERS..........


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Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2008, 04:32:22 PM »
they got something on tonight on National Geographic

9 eastern    2 hours


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Re: Michael Vick's pitbulls
« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2008, 12:29:23 AM »
JOB kinda has a point. There making this show to demonize Michael Vick for his actions when  you got way worse problems like the police murdering an innocent man the day before he was gonna get married. Why they dont make a show to demonize them cops for the fucked up shit they did.
Sometimes I need reminders why I bother to rap
Then I think back to cats who only father is rap
I dead beats, but you niggas is Lou
Im Uncle Phil gotta give em somethin real
cause If I dont who will