Author Topic: Palin "Clowning" Herself  (Read 281 times)

The King

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Palin "Clowning" Herself
« on: September 12, 2008, 11:47:24 PM »
The four 10 minute segments of Palin's interview on ABC are on youtube. After watching it, there is only one logical conclusion, Charlie Gibson is more qualified for VP then Sarah Palin. Most of the answers are obviously rehearsed, and frequently repeated during follow-up questions, often with only a few words switched around. Most of what she said is what you would expect her or McCain to say. But the way she handles the questions obviously points to the fact she isn't knowledgeable on any of the issues, especially foriegn policy. Not to say Obama has any more experience, but at least he at least knows more about it, being a Senator, and actually having to debate and win all those primaries. Not everything she says is stupid, but almost everything she says isn't specific.

Here's a few entertaining quotes from the transcript.
GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?
PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.
GIBSON: Exact words.

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?
PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

She should be teaching middle school geography.

GIBSON: What if Israel decided it felt threatened and needed to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities?
PALIN: Well, first, we are friends with Israel and I don't think that we should second guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security.

PALIN: Transportation fund dollars still came into Alaska. It was our choice, Charlie, whether we were going to spend it on a bridge or not. And I said, thanks, but no thanks. We're not going to spend it on the bridge.

So she's against wasteful government spending, yet she takes the money anyways and doesn't build the bridge?

GIBSON: The state of Alaska, under OMB figures in 2008, got $155 million in earmarks for a population of 670,000. That's $231 per person in Alaska. The state of Illinois, Obama's state, got $22 per person. You got 10 times per person as much. Governor, this year, requested $3.2 million for researching the genetics of harbor seals, money to study the mating habits of crabs. Isn't that exactly the kind of thing that John McCain is objecting to? How does that square with your reforms?

PALIN: *Shit, my whole platform is a fraud*

GIBSON: Would you change and accept it in rape and incest?

PALIN: My personal opinion is that abortion allowed if the life of the mother is endangered. Please understand me on this.

No abortions for rape victims..

GIBSON: Guns, 70 percent of this country supports a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons. Do you?

PALIN: I do not and, you know, here again, life being an open book here, as a candidate, I'm a lifetime member of the NRA. I believe strongly in our Second Amendment rights.

Remember, when asked a tough question, just repeat the same talking point over and over even if it doesn't make sense. It's obvious why they won't let Palin do many interviews, or even leave McCain's side. She's being used as an object to attract people to McCain's speeches and events. Her speeches are also are all the same, same talking points, little substance, but that seems to be fooling America. The facts on earmarks say one thing, Palin and McCain say the opposite. Not to mention the fact McCain said today Palin has never accepted an earmark for her state. It's lying. How can anyone say someone who thinks assault rifles shouldn't be banned, isn't an idiot. What's an assault rifle for? Killing people! Don't need an M-4 to kill a deer, and if you do, you shouldn't be hunting. Obama may be just as inexperienced, but his knowledge of these issues is on a way higher level. Has Obama ever given an interview as bad as this?
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 11:55:48 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »

Real American

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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 07:52:41 AM »
Wow, I always knew that you were an uneducated imbecile, but never before has it been more obvious than in this thread.

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?
PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.
GIBSON: Exact words.

Actually Governor Palin was right, those were not her exact words. Gibson misquoted her and took what she said completely out of context. But that isn't really suprising when you have a media actively campaigning for for her opponent to win. What Palin actually said was:

"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's will."

Now anyone with even the most basic comprehension skills can see that Palin isn't calling the Iraq war a holy war. She is merely praying to God that we are doing God's will in Iraq. In other words, she is praying that the Iraq war is right and just.

PALIN: Transportation fund dollars still came into Alaska. It was our choice, Charlie, whether we were going to spend it on a bridge or not. And I said, thanks, but no thanks. We're not going to spend it on the bridge.
So she's against wasteful government spending, yet she takes the money anyways and doesn't build the bridge?

The issue isn't about taking government money. Every city, state, and county in the United States takes federal money. The point in all of this is whether the money is being spent on legitimate uses or not. In this case of the infamous "bridge to nowhere", that project was considered to be a waste of government money. So that project was killed and the money was used to build other roads, bridges, etc that were actually important and needed repairs. What exactly is the problem, besides the fact that you are trying really hard to be outraged about something?

GIBSON: Guns, 70 percent of this country supports a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons. Do you?

PALIN: I do not and, you know, here again, life being an open book here, as a candidate, I'm a lifetime member of the NRA. I believe strongly in our Second Amendment rights.

Governor Palin actually gave a great answer to this question, which you conveniently left out. She said that a government ban on these weapons would have little effect on gun violence in the country. As Palin pointed out, in that situation the only people who would obey the ban are the law abiding citizens who wouldn't commit crimes in the first place. Violent criminals who go around shooting people aren't going to just give all that up and turn in their guns because of a new law. Think about it like this: the US government made drugs like marijuana illegal. Does that mean there is no weed in the country?

Overall, I think Palin did fine in the interview and answered every question correctly. Obviously, her answers regarding foreign policy really weren't in depth but that is to be expected. Governors just don't have foreign policy experience to call on......whether it is Palin or Bill Clinton or George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. But that is why they have advisors, briefings, etc. Considering that Governor Palin had less than 2 weeks to be brought up to date with foreign policy I really can't complain about anything she said.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 08:00:26 AM by Real American »

The King

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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 11:59:07 AM »
Wow, I always knew that you were an uneducated imbecile, but never before has it been more obvious than in this thread.

haha Nice try though.

Now anyone with even the most basic comprehension skills can see that Palin isn't calling the Iraq war a holy war. She is merely praying to God that we are doing God's will in Iraq. In other words, she is praying that the Iraq war is right and just.

I never said that, I'm sure you can read. She said that the US military is on a task from God. That the Iraq war is part of God's plan. That's a pretty insane thing to say. And you being educated would realize he didn't misquote her at all. Read the question. The holy war part wasn't a quote.

The issue isn't about taking government money. Every city, state, and county in the United States takes federal money. The point in all of this is whether the money is being spent on legitimate uses or not. In this case of the infamous "bridge to nowhere", that project was considered to be a waste of government money. So that project was killed and the money was used to build other roads, bridges, etc that were actually important and needed repairs. What exactly is the problem, besides the fact that you are trying really hard to be outraged about something?

The point is Alaska takes more government money per person, then any other state. So a women, who apparently wants reform, and fights earmarks, takes more money from the government per person, then anyone else. How can you actually justify that? 3.2 Million for harbor seals eh? Sounds wasteful, maybe not to some people. What about McCain's classic example of studying DNA of bears? Sounds completely hypocritical doesn't it?

Think about it like this: the US government made drugs like marijuana illegal. Does that mean there is no weed in the country?

That's a pretty illogical example. I won't explain why, it should be obvious to an educated person. The major reason US's gun violence is so high, because guns are so easy to get. If guns are hard to get, gun violence will go down. Look at Britain, Europe, Canada, anywhere with bans on guns. Again, the facts don't support what she says. You're very naive. Again, this is about assault rifles. Assault rifles are for killing human beings.

Considering that Governor Palin had less than 2 weeks to be brought up to date with foreign policy I really can't complain about anything she said.

Oh yeah, so does that make her ready to be President? Are you impressed by someone who thinks Russia being close to Alaska is foriegn policy experience? Listen kid, I hate argueing with you, you're the kind of person that shouldn't be allowed out in public. You misunderstand simple concepts, and obviously not a strong supporter of common sense. Palin and McCain lie to you every second of the day. Reform, Earmarks? The facts show something completely different. It's not an opinion. It's a simple fact. Palin accepted more earmarks then any governor, yet thinks their wasteful. McCain said on national TV, she never once accepted an earmark as governor. How can you actually support people who lie to you? What about rape victims and abortions?

Have you ever left the US Real American? Have you graduated from college? Because the things you say, sound like a 17 year old, C average kid, who watches too much FOX news. Nothing you said made any logical sense.

Don't you think it's odd they don't let Palin talk to reporters or do more interviews? Doesn't that mean something to you? McCain doesn't want people to get to know her, because her values are crazy. He just wants a women to attract crowds. She's not educated (Creationist, anti-global warming, anti-environment) and her evangelical values are completely insane. She's an idiot, with a lack of knowledge in everything. And you're excuse is, she's new, give her a break, she hasn't memorized the talking points.

Go here, start reading, don't stop. Then come back and we'll try to have a discussion. You need the facts before you start making arguments.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 12:13:07 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 12:20:19 PM »
yo this guys name is faith. he;s a virgin. hes 27 yrs old. he watches black porn. he studies at devry.

cwalker is an alias. stop arguing with him. but keep making fun of him. just stop trying to convince him with logic and common sense and all that wierd shit
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

Real American

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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2008, 01:03:25 PM »

I never said that, I'm sure you can read. She said that the US military is on a task from God. That the Iraq war is part of God's plan. That's a pretty insane thing to say. And you being educated would realize he didn't misquote her at all. Read the question. The holy war part wasn't a quote.

Again, go back and read the full quote, not the snippet that Gibson took out of context. Governor Palin never said that the US military was on a task from God. She was in a church and was PRAYING that they were on a task from God. Do you understand the difference between a statement of fact and a prayer? Palin was merely praying that the US is doing the right thing in God's eyes. Do you know how many prominent US presidents, from Abraham Lincoln to John F Kennedy, have publically expressed their hope that our country is doing the right and just thing according to God?

The point is Alaska takes more government money per person, then any other state. So a women, who apparently wants reform, and fights earmarks, takes more money from the government per person, then anyone else. How can you actually justify that? 3.2 Million for harbor seals eh? Sounds wasteful, maybe not to some people. What about McCain's classic example of studying DNA of bears? Sounds completely hypocritical doesn't it?

The point that you don't understand is that there is nothing wrong with taking federal money. All states do. The problem is taking federal money for projects that serve no legitimate purpose, such as the bridge to nowhere. In order to make a case against Governor Palin, you would have to prove that she was knowingly taking exhorbitant sums of federal money for projects that serve no legitimate purpose. Does $3.2 million dollars for the study of seals qualify? I have no idea, but that amount of money is a drop in the bucket for a country like the US. And as Governor Palin stated in this interview, the amount of money her state took in earmarks was drastically reduced once she became governor.

Another thing, the reason why Alaska gets so much federal money per person is because it is the largest state in the country in terms of geography and one of the smallest in terms of population. Therefore there isn't the population base of taxpayers to provide the funds to maintain the infrastructure the state needs, especially when you consider it is so important in terms of natural resources.

That's a pretty illogical example. I won't explain why, it should be obvious to an educated person. The major reason US's gun violence is so high, because guns are so easy to get. If guns are hard to get, gun violence will go down. Look at Britain, Europe, Canada, anywhere with bans on guns. Again, the facts don't support what she says. You're very naive. Again, this is about assault rifles. Assault rifles are for killing human beings.

But what you don't understand is that guns have been a huge part of American culture since this country was founded. Our own constitution guarantees the right for every citizen to bear arms. Guns are everywhere in this country, and you can't snap your fingers and make them all disappear. As Governor Palin said, in you were to ban assault rifles the only people to follow the regulations would be law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care about gun laws, there would always be a black market for these weapons just as there is for drugs and other banned goods.

What about rape victims and abortions?

What about them? Governor Palin is pro life and so am I. People who are pro life consider abortion to be the killing of an innocent human life. That life is just as innocent and just as human as when the mother is a rape victim. Besides, how often does that even happen?

Have you ever left the US Real American? Have you graduated from college? Because the things you say, sound like a 17 year old, C average kid, who watches too much FOX news. Nothing you said made any logical sense.

No offense, but I have always wondered the exact same thing about you in terms of your stupidity. But then I read that you were a Canadian and that explained a whole lot. No offense, but Canadians are well known for being mindless sheep who are brainwashed by their left wing media. Your own government monitors what its citizens think and say and hauls them into government courts if someone holds the wrong opinion (google the names Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant). So when someone lives in a country where there is no such thing as freedom of speech,I guess I can't really be suprised that you are unable to think rationally and logically. It is really sad though.

Don't you think it's odd they don't let Palin talk to reporters or do more interviews? Doesn't that mean something to you? McCain doesn't want people to get to know her, because her values are crazy. He just wants a women to attract crowds. She's not educated (Creationist, anti-global warming, anti-environment) and her evangelical values are completely insane. She's an idiot, with a lack of knowledge in everything. And you're excuse is, she's new, give her a break, she hasn't memorized the talking points.
Go here, start reading, don't stop. Then come back and we'll try to have a discussion. You need the facts before you start making arguments.

What are you talking about? Governor Palin has been the vice presidential nominee for only 2 weeks and she has already done one interview with Charlie Gibson is doing another with Sean Hannity next week. She got asked harder questions (not to mention had quotes taken out of context) in her first interview than Obama has been asked in the 19 months since he announced his presidential campaign.

And exactly which of her evengelical values do you consider to be insane? She wants to teach creationism in schools? Actually that is another lie. Maybe instead of telling me to read, you should read it yourself. As your very own website says:

Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska's schools. She has said that students should be allowed to "debate both sides" of the evolution question, but she also said creationism "doesn't have to be part of the curriculum."

Posting websites that contradict the very same shit that you say is not a good look.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 01:09:41 PM by Real American »

Real American

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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2008, 01:16:26 PM »
King of the Mitt Romney Fan Club.......would your government throw me into jail for making the above post if I were a Canadian? Are those kind of conservative viewpoints even legal in your country?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 01:34:34 PM by Real American »

The King

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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2008, 01:48:24 PM »
No offense, but I have always wondered the exact same thing about you in terms of your stupidity. But then I read that you were a Canadian and that explained a whole lot. No offense, but Canadians are well known for being mindless sheep who are brainwashed by their left wing media. Your own government monitors what its citizens think and say and hauls them into government courts if someone holds the wrong opinion (google the names Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant). So when someone lives in a country where there is no such thing as freedom of speech,I guess I can't really be suprised that you are unable to think rationally and logically. It is really sad though.

Mindless sheep brainwashed by their left wing media? Last time I checked, our PM is a member of the CONSERVATIVE party.What you just said was insane, and ignorant. We have freedom of speech, but when people say stupid things, we tend to ignore them. Believing in Creationism is insane, irrespective of whether she wants to teach it in schools. You obviously have no idea what you're even talking about. Canada isn't overly liberal, we're just pro-common sense. Common sense and religion is usually at odds. You're values and opinions are based on things people believed 200 years ago. Pro-Life? Give me a break. Some people aren't fit to be parents, and shouldn't have kids. An innocent human life eh. What about the 200,000 innocent Iraqi's that Americans have killed? You're not pro-life. You're pro-American life.

yo this guys name is faith. he;s a virgin. hes 27 yrs old. he watches black porn. he studies at devry.
cwalker is an alias. stop arguing with him. but keep making fun of him. just stop trying to convince him with logic and common sense and all that wierd shit

Devry? You know, I thought about writing more, but obviously, you're fucking hopeless Real American. Isn't it even slightly obvious that everyone here thinks you're an idiot? Doesn't that say something? Religion is a border line mental illness. Rejecting science in favor of creationism, is fucking insane. Believing God has a plan, which some how favors America, is fucking insane. You're not worth the time, you're useless, and brainwashed. Are you 27 like the wise King Tech says? Are you formally educated? Stupid people can relate more to other stupid people, like you relating more to Palin. Over 50% of Americans, are stupid, look at the 2004 election. No intelligent person would've voted for Bush the second time.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 02:07:35 PM by The King »


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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2008, 08:17:17 PM »
Real American, if hes an uneducated imbecile, does that make you a mentally disabled one?


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Re: Palin "Clowning" Herself
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2008, 10:46:39 PM »
No offense, but I have always wondered the exact same thing about you in terms of your stupidity. But then I read that you were a Canadian and that explained a whole lot. No offense, but Canadians are well known for being mindless sheep who are brainwashed by their left wing media. Your own government monitors what its citizens think and say and hauls them into government courts if someone holds the wrong opinion (google the names Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant). So when someone lives in a country where there is no such thing as freedom of speech,I guess I can't really be suprised that you are unable to think rationally and logically. It is really sad though.

Mindless sheep brainwashed by their left wing media? Last time I checked, our PM is a member of the CONSERVATIVE party.What you just said was insane, and ignorant. We have freedom of speech, but when people say stupid things, we tend to ignore them. Believing in Creationism is insane, irrespective of whether she wants to teach it in schools. You obviously have no idea what you're even talking about. Canada isn't overly liberal, we're just pro-common sense. Common sense and religion is usually at odds. You're values and opinions are based on things people believed 200 years ago. Pro-Life? Give me a break. Some people aren't fit to be parents, and shouldn't have kids. An innocent human life eh. What about the 200,000 innocent Iraqi's that Americans have killed? You're not pro-life. You're pro-American life.

yo this guys name is faith. he;s a virgin. hes 27 yrs old. he watches black porn. he studies at devry.
cwalker is an alias. stop arguing with him. but keep making fun of him. just stop trying to convince him with logic and common sense and all that wierd shit

Devry? You know, I thought about writing more, but obviously, you're fucking hopeless Real American. Isn't it even slightly obvious that everyone here thinks you're an idiot? Doesn't that say something? Religion is a border line mental illness. Rejecting science in favor of creationism, is fucking insane. Believing God has a plan, which some how favors America, is fucking insane. You're not worth the time, you're useless, and brainwashed. Are you 27 like the wise King Tech says? Are you formally educated? Stupid people can relate more to other stupid people, like you relating more to Palin. Over 50% of Americans, are stupid, look at the 2004 election. No intelligent person would've voted for Bush the second time.

Someone drank my Kool-Aid (sorry there wasn't enough sugar by the way) but I have to tell you guys... I'm voting for Obama. I'm CWalking my way into the booth, and pull the Obama lever.