Author Topic: West Coast - Radio, DJ, Voice Over, Sportscasting - GETTING IN  (Read 78 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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West Coast - Radio, DJ, Voice Over, Sportscasting - GETTING IN
« on: September 17, 2008, 07:09:02 PM »
Hey everyone! How's it going? Someone just asked me this question. So, I want to share with you

I'm very passionate about how I got into Radio. I learned from a real live professional You get private sessions. Like apprenticeship. The program since I have seen several people succeed. In fact, there's nothing like it in success rate. I started down a 2-4 University and changed my major more times than a persons head could spin. Then someone pointed me to this program that only started as possible solution. Now, I work in the coolest place doing what I never thought I could do. Radio!!! BUT....My boyfriend couldn't afford University tuition nor did desire paying 30k+ in loans later. So, he got into the sportscasting program. How cool is that?

No, program can beats this. None that I researched anyways. And in this industry it's always about WHO you know rarely is it about WHAT you know. But you get the both right here! It is called Radio Connection. Anyways, I just want you to know it works. Check it out at their site at

Get private classes from someone in the industry and make connections for future gigs. Whether your interest is Radio, Dj, Voice Over or even Sportscasitng... This is the way you want to go. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know if you have questions for me.... Message me. I am busy most days at the station but I want to see others get the break I did. :o