Author Topic: guitar hero 3 is anyone any good?  (Read 159 times)


guitar hero 3 is anyone any good?
« on: September 23, 2008, 07:49:03 PM »
anyone got this game/any good at it? i'm usually very good at music games and maybe i need to play it more but i can't help thinking that i kinda suck at this. i done all the tracks on easy/medium but i have a feeling i'm never gonna get to grips with it enough to get through hard and god forbid expert.

its so confusing with the notes that you dont have to strum and having to hit all 5 buttons and move your fingers around that much is a real headache. anyone got any tips for how to work your fingers round the buttons effectively or just general advice. i'm gonna do some reading to see if there are better techniques than what i'm naturally trying. a friend of mine is really good (well he impresses me cause he can do the hardest songs on hard mode) and uses 3 fingers and rapidly moves them up and down. i tend to go with 4 but maybe that's whats messing me up...


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Re: guitar hero 3 is anyone any good?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2008, 03:10:45 AM »
I'm pretty good at the game.  When I moved up to hard I also found the 5th note to be a pain.  There is a cheat you can use called the rubberband trick but it's pretty stupid and you really only cheat yourself when doing this.  I mean the whole point of moving up in difficulty is to give yourself a challenge, right?

As for tips...
-Try bringing your hand down to begin with (pinky on orange).  It is much easier to move your index up to green than it is to move your pinky down to orange so why not just start out this way?  After a while, you will get the hang of moving your hand back and forth between the two positions... just be patient.
-Learn the songs.  Save your star power for the tough parts of songs that you know you can't do very well.  When star power is activated, your bar moves up more for each note that you hit correctly.
-Don't panic and just start strumming like crazy.  You bar moves down more for hitting a wrong note than it does for just missing it.
-Play on expert.  I know this one might sound a bit silly but it actually works.  Play a couple of songs on expert and your brain will start to adjust to the super speed of the notes.  Once you've done a couple of songs, go back to hard and the notes will seem pretty slow.
Ninja Babes -
like women who have abortions... i'm not havin' it.  ~canibus~
bust a nut inside your eye just to show you where i come from.  ~phife dawg~
like a man without no arms... you can't hang.  ~method man~
<--my future wifey


Re: guitar hero 3 is anyone any good?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2008, 06:06:06 AM »
thanks for the response. i'm way better now. its a pretty steep learning curve going up to hard though. i just kept playing it, but damn the RB chord is always a bitch. the first batch of songs on hard are a nightmare too!

after those i found the next ones were a lot easier...done about half of the songs on hard now 8) and starting to get used to where all the notes are at any one time/alternating between top finger being on green or red depending if there is gonna be any orange action. got a feeling there will be epic challenges toward the end of hard though...


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Re: guitar hero 3 is anyone any good?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2008, 03:05:47 AM »
Yeah there are a ton of challenges at the end.  One, Raining Blood, and the final battle with Lou.  I still haven't beat that last battle with Lou and I'm already doing songs on expert.  Go figure.
Ninja Babes -
like women who have abortions... i'm not havin' it.  ~canibus~
bust a nut inside your eye just to show you where i come from.  ~phife dawg~
like a man without no arms... you can't hang.  ~method man~
<--my future wifey

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Re: guitar hero 3 is anyone any good?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 11:46:18 PM »
Keep in mind, that just because a note is a hammer on/pull off, you can still strum it if you want to. I strum those occasionally because i just feel more comfortable strumming them when they're in certain patterns.

Also remember you can hold any of the lower notes down while you're playing a high note (You can hold down green while playing a red note for example), this helps a lot in higher difficulties.

If you're like me, and have trouble reading the notes because they're so close together, try the hyperspeed cheat. The notes come at your faster, but look more separated, so its easier to read.

Thats about all I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned.

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