Author Topic: ever had a girl break your heart...  (Read 1417 times)

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2008, 10:32:13 PM »
you talkin about that Black chick ? anyways eye think the answer is yes all around......except for poppa large because that nigga is such a pimp....


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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2008, 08:00:09 AM »
And yes I have.  It fucking sucks, feels like it's never going to go away.  You gotta try and look at the bright side, like what was it that made it not work and learn from it.  I'm a sucker from hell for a pretty face and usually get blinded by the light, know what I'm sayin?  If you're looking for some long term shit, u really gotta be friends with that person, share the same interests, be able have intelligent convo, and be on the same path in life.  If all those things are congruent you can avoid getting your heart broken.

If you find yourself having to change something about yourself, and you're not truly ready to make that change, it will fuck things up.

Those are the things I've learned as a result.

true words right there.  I'll share my story from this summer about a girl I was hanging around with that I felt was trying to lead me on in a way.  We used to hang out and talk all the time at the beginning of the summer.  She comes over to my house one night we end up having some drinks and she spends the night, well I confront her straight up because there was a rumor going around that she was trying to play me, plus she has a rep for trying to fuck with guys heads.  She looks right in my eyes and says "I promise I'm not trying to play you" and then we continue making out.  Two nights later I call her to hang out again she doesn't answer and fuckin sends a text saying that she is in love with my little cousin.  So I have to witness them two together all summer.  Bitches can be just plain heartless man.  I wouldn't let it bother you too much I wasn't really even mad because it was so scandalous and immature.  The crazy thing is I still talk to this broad if her intentions were to get the best of me I'm trying to prove to her that she can't do it.  Keep treating people how you would want to be treated and you will get it someday.

i've seen this happen heaps of times with a girl i used to be good friends with, some guys dont realise some girls are just friendly and nice and they mis interpret the situation. they usually dont go for the 'nice guy' types, because theyre already friends with a bunch of them, you'll also notice they fuck the friends that arent nice to them but the ones that are cheeky and challenge them.

and that girl was makin out with you, she wasnt playin you, youre probably just a nice sensitive guy amd that unfortunately (for the nice guys) turns some girls off. so you asked her if she was playing you, thats probably what got her to not want to fuck you anyway, she probably wanted to fuck you but didnt want you to smother/cling onto her. some girls are cool like that, theyre happy with friends with benefits, it would take a fair amount of time to start dating them but why would you spoil a good thing?

pretty much right on chief


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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2008, 05:33:26 PM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2008, 05:35:47 PM »
I'll tell you a little bit about my previous girls, I've had shitty luck with them.

A met this girl a year or two ago now called Leah. Anyway to cut a long story short she was the sister of a friends girlfriend. I met her around Christmas time and she was with another lad but we exachanged numbers and began texting and calling each other for months. We seemed to have a connection. Alot of my friends warned me about her and one of my friends was pissed because he was sort of with the girl when he was in school, nothing serious just usual school bullshit. Me and this girl never kissed and never went out, basically because of the fact that she was with somebody but I didn't see that I was getting led along the garden path by her. She went on holiday with her friends and was literally on the phone to me as she stepped onto the plane telling me she loved me and all this bullshit. While she was away on holiday I text her once or twice just saying hey and telling her I missed her and shit and then when she got back she told me she didn't like the way I text her while she was away. She told me she wanted to leave it and we both went our seperate ways. It was a month or two later I found out she had a met another lad on holiday so I basically put it down to that. I didnt take me long to get over her because as I said I never went out with her or anything so I was down for about a month and then back to normal.

Around Christmas last year I met this girl who was working in my local pub who every lad in the area was after. I was always attracted to her but because she was good looking I just thought there is no point trying to get into her because she probably gets that all the time off lads who come into the pub. I always clicked with this girl and had a laugh with her so one day I went into the pub, and I had broken my wrist at the time so there was a big cast on my arm, and I made a joke her her saying something like "put your number on my cast" haha she laughed and saw the funny side and eventaually we got talking on facebook and exachanged numbers again. I was in town one night and one of her friends came upto me and said to me very sternly "Bez, take her out!, make sure you take her out!" so I was like cool. I took her out and we had loads of fun and we ended up going on a few dates and becoming very close. It was weird for me but I was really starting to like this girl. Strange thing was though after around a month or two she became very distant from me. SHe only lives at the top of my road and I felt as if she didnt want to make anytime for me. She worked nights, I worked days, she was in university and I had just finished University so we both kinda had alot of stuff going on but because by now I really liked her I looked past all that stuff and carried on as normal. Anyway, just before Christmas, I had already spend like £300 on presents for her, she came around to my house and told me it wasnt working and she wanted to leave it. Basically she put everything on me didnt take any responsibility herself and left me feeling like shit for months. I really liked this girl and over Christmas I phoned my work and told them I had personal problems and I wouldnt be in for a few weeks. I went and stayed at a friends and I have never felt so down in my life. We ended up arguing alot after that because I tried to get her back and stuff and things ain't never been the same between us. I see her and say hi and have the odd conversation with her but its obviously never been the same. Anyway, she's with somebody else now and I am well over her, dont think about her at all anymore but for the longest time I did and it hurt me alot, to the point were I said to myself if I meet another girl within the next year whom I like I'm not going to do anything about it because I can't be bothered feeling this way anymore ... then 6 months down the line guess what happened ...

... I met a girl called Steph. This is only recent an I'm still abit caught up in this mess and I'm stuck between love and hate for this girl. I was in my local pub again and me and my boys had just started to hang around with this group of girls, all good looking and all very nice. The first night we are all hanging around I'm talking to all the girls and see this one girl, who I had seen before and never liked, staring right at me. Not blinking, not moving, just starting and smiling. As I said I had seen her before but she had since dyed her hair and looked lovely. I added her on facebook and everything and got talking to her and low and behold ... she had a boyfriend. I eventually found out her boyfriend was working through the summer in Zante in Greece and one day this girl text me just saying hey. So we text for abit and some of my mates had free houses coming up so I would text her saying "are you and the girls coming to blah blah blah's later" etc. Anyway, the first free house we had, she came in and sat right by me and was playing with me and stroking my arm all night and shit. That night we ended up in bed, not just us, me her, another girl and one of my friends, just chilling and messing about. During the night I gave her a lil kiss, nothing major just a tiny peck on the lips, nothing bad or anything. Anyway the next week my best friends house is free and she comes with all of her friends. Later on that night we are chilling on the couch and she says "I dont want you to think I've done it for you, but I've finished with my boyfriend". So I was like woahhhh, ok. That night we ended up in my mates bed and we did a few things, if you know what I mean. This carried on for weeks and turned into months. I saw this girl like nearly everyday over summer, we had loads of fun and we started going out properly just me and her and just chilling together. We was having loads of fun and having sex and everything like that alot too. Things where good...

... I ended up telling Steph that I didnt really want to get into anything deep because of how I felt about the situation with my ex girl. I didnt want to feel down if it ended again so I explained that to her and she understood. So I said to her "we will see how it goes, if it works out then great but if it goes sour then shit happens", to which she replied straight away "I dont want it to go sour". Anyway we carried on as normal, seeing each other alot, sleeping together and I really started to like this girl. Everything was great. Life was great. Then I got sick at the beginning of July, had a sore throat and was on tablets for two weeks so I couldnt kiss her nor do anything else with her because of another problem and for two weeks I had to sit back and just think about how good it will be when I finish all my tablets and shit. Anyway, the day I was finishing my tablets I was speaking to her on the Internet and was telling her I was finishing my tablets tonight so I couldnt wait to see her and give her a kiss and shit. We was both laughing saying how I was expecting a kiss and everything and we was both on the same page. That night we had a night out in town for my friends graduation and things were weird with her, she was quiet. At the end of the night I went to give her a kiss and she turned away. She got into a taxi home with her friends and I text her asking if she wanted to come back to my house to which she replied "I think youre a lovely lad, but I dont want nothing serious, hope you understand". Anyway, this sent me off the rails abit. I got out of my taxi and phoned her saying "What the fuck is all that about, what have we been doing for the last few months then". She hung up cos I was getting angry and I text her calling her a disgrace and shit. The next day we talked and I apoligised to her and everything, what she didn't really understand was that it was 4.30am when I rang her, I was drunk and I was angry so I said some things I didnt mean. Anyway she kinda finished it between us there and then. Saying she wanted to be single and because she has been with two lads since she was like 15 years old she just needed some time on her own. I understood and let it be.

I still liked the girl and everything and one night a week later in town I got really drunk and started saying shit to her like "we like each other, why dont you wanna meet me again" and stuff and again she gave me the "I want to be single shit". I was gutted about the situation but trying to put a brave face on. I had really fallen for this girl now. Everything about her I like, her smile, her looks, personality, everything but nothing I did seemed enough. A few weeks later she went on a two week holiday with all her girlfriends and when she got home pictures were put on facebook of her kissing a boy which I wasnt to happy about, but then I found out she slept with him and everything which made me a bit gutted, but I thought fuck it, shes single, shes on holiday, if I was on holiday Id be doing exactly the same. It had been about 3 weeks since I last saw/spoke to her and one of my mates had a free house. That night she was all over me. I was watching tv on my own and she came in and sat by me and was all over me, not kissing or anything but all over me. Over the next few weeks and a few more free houses we ended up in bed about 5 or 6 times, just laying together, cuddling and shit, not kissing or doing anything, but it was weird to me. I was thinking 'if she doesnt like me, then why do we keep ending up in bed', it was weird to me so I mentioned it to her to which she said again "I just want to be your friend, and I want to be single". As of right now, its been around another 3 weeks since I last saw/spoken to her and I've heard that she is back meeting/with the boyfriend that was in Zante. They are both now back in University together and I dont know how to feel about it really. I want her to be happy but I'm just so pissed off about it all because I kinda feel that I was there for her during summer while he was away and now that he is back shes gone straight back to him, its crazy.

As I said I havent seen or spoken to her in a few weeks and the other night I had a missed call off her and a voicemail on my phone. I listen to it her phone must of been in her pocket and rang me by mistake but I could hear her in a supermarket with this lad who went to Zante. Didnt make me feel very good to be honest. I'm still caught up in this mess and dont know what to do for the best. At times I want to text her and just say I miss her and shit but other times I just think nahhh shes made her bed and she can lay in it because eventually this lad will hurt her and she will realize I was the better lad for her. But I dont know, its mad.

And there you go, I guess I have had my heart broken by girls a few times.

u gotta be retarded if u read this


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2008, 06:42:42 PM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat

i was a great grille man...................................................then sadly a great wheel man



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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2008, 03:26:49 AM »
I'll tell you a little bit about my previous girls, I've had shitty luck with them.

A met this girl a year or two ago now called Leah. Anyway to cut a long story short she was the sister of a friends girlfriend. I met her around Christmas time and she was with another lad but we exachanged numbers and began texting and calling each other for months. We seemed to have a connection. Alot of my friends warned me about her and one of my friends was pissed because he was sort of with the girl when he was in school, nothing serious just usual school bullshit. Me and this girl never kissed and never went out, basically because of the fact that she was with somebody but I didn't see that I was getting led along the garden path by her. She went on holiday with her friends and was literally on the phone to me as she stepped onto the plane telling me she loved me and all this bullshit. While she was away on holiday I text her once or twice just saying hey and telling her I missed her and shit and then when she got back she told me she didn't like the way I text her while she was away. She told me she wanted to leave it and we both went our seperate ways. It was a month or two later I found out she had a met another lad on holiday so I basically put it down to that. I didnt take me long to get over her because as I said I never went out with her or anything so I was down for about a month and then back to normal.

Around Christmas last year I met this girl who was working in my local pub who every lad in the area was after. I was always attracted to her but because she was good looking I just thought there is no point trying to get into her because she probably gets that all the time off lads who come into the pub. I always clicked with this girl and had a laugh with her so one day I went into the pub, and I had broken my wrist at the time so there was a big cast on my arm, and I made a joke her her saying something like "put your number on my cast" haha she laughed and saw the funny side and eventaually we got talking on facebook and exachanged numbers again. I was in town one night and one of her friends came upto me and said to me very sternly "Bez, take her out!, make sure you take her out!" so I was like cool. I took her out and we had loads of fun and we ended up going on a few dates and becoming very close. It was weird for me but I was really starting to like this girl. Strange thing was though after around a month or two she became very distant from me. SHe only lives at the top of my road and I felt as if she didnt want to make anytime for me. She worked nights, I worked days, she was in university and I had just finished University so we both kinda had alot of stuff going on but because by now I really liked her I looked past all that stuff and carried on as normal. Anyway, just before Christmas, I had already spend like £300 on presents for her, she came around to my house and told me it wasnt working and she wanted to leave it. Basically she put everything on me didnt take any responsibility herself and left me feeling like shit for months. I really liked this girl and over Christmas I phoned my work and told them I had personal problems and I wouldnt be in for a few weeks. I went and stayed at a friends and I have never felt so down in my life. We ended up arguing alot after that because I tried to get her back and stuff and things ain't never been the same between us. I see her and say hi and have the odd conversation with her but its obviously never been the same. Anyway, she's with somebody else now and I am well over her, dont think about her at all anymore but for the longest time I did and it hurt me alot, to the point were I said to myself if I meet another girl within the next year whom I like I'm not going to do anything about it because I can't be bothered feeling this way anymore ... then 6 months down the line guess what happened ...

... I met a girl called Steph. This is only recent an I'm still abit caught up in this mess and I'm stuck between love and hate for this girl. I was in my local pub again and me and my boys had just started to hang around with this group of girls, all good looking and all very nice. The first night we are all hanging around I'm talking to all the girls and see this one girl, who I had seen before and never liked, staring right at me. Not blinking, not moving, just starting and smiling. As I said I had seen her before but she had since dyed her hair and looked lovely. I added her on facebook and everything and got talking to her and low and behold ... she had a boyfriend. I eventually found out her boyfriend was working through the summer in Zante in Greece and one day this girl text me just saying hey. So we text for abit and some of my mates had free houses coming up so I would text her saying "are you and the girls coming to blah blah blah's later" etc. Anyway, the first free house we had, she came in and sat right by me and was playing with me and stroking my arm all night and shit. That night we ended up in bed, not just us, me her, another girl and one of my friends, just chilling and messing about. During the night I gave her a lil kiss, nothing major just a tiny peck on the lips, nothing bad or anything. Anyway the next week my best friends house is free and she comes with all of her friends. Later on that night we are chilling on the couch and she says "I dont want you to think I've done it for you, but I've finished with my boyfriend". So I was like woahhhh, ok. That night we ended up in my mates bed and we did a few things, if you know what I mean. This carried on for weeks and turned into months. I saw this girl like nearly everyday over summer, we had loads of fun and we started going out properly just me and her and just chilling together. We was having loads of fun and having sex and everything like that alot too. Things where good...

... I ended up telling Steph that I didnt really want to get into anything deep because of how I felt about the situation with my ex girl. I didnt want to feel down if it ended again so I explained that to her and she understood. So I said to her "we will see how it goes, if it works out then great but if it goes sour then shit happens", to which she replied straight away "I dont want it to go sour". Anyway we carried on as normal, seeing each other alot, sleeping together and I really started to like this girl. Everything was great. Life was great. Then I got sick at the beginning of July, had a sore throat and was on tablets for two weeks so I couldnt kiss her nor do anything else with her because of another problem and for two weeks I had to sit back and just think about how good it will be when I finish all my tablets and shit. Anyway, the day I was finishing my tablets I was speaking to her on the Internet and was telling her I was finishing my tablets tonight so I couldnt wait to see her and give her a kiss and shit. We was both laughing saying how I was expecting a kiss and everything and we was both on the same page. That night we had a night out in town for my friends graduation and things were weird with her, she was quiet. At the end of the night I went to give her a kiss and she turned away. She got into a taxi home with her friends and I text her asking if she wanted to come back to my house to which she replied "I think youre a lovely lad, but I dont want nothing serious, hope you understand". Anyway, this sent me off the rails abit. I got out of my taxi and phoned her saying "What the fuck is all that about, what have we been doing for the last few months then". She hung up cos I was getting angry and I text her calling her a disgrace and shit. The next day we talked and I apoligised to her and everything, what she didn't really understand was that it was 4.30am when I rang her, I was drunk and I was angry so I said some things I didnt mean. Anyway she kinda finished it between us there and then. Saying she wanted to be single and because she has been with two lads since she was like 15 years old she just needed some time on her own. I understood and let it be.

I still liked the girl and everything and one night a week later in town I got really drunk and started saying shit to her like "we like each other, why dont you wanna meet me again" and stuff and again she gave me the "I want to be single shit". I was gutted about the situation but trying to put a brave face on. I had really fallen for this girl now. Everything about her I like, her smile, her looks, personality, everything but nothing I did seemed enough. A few weeks later she went on a two week holiday with all her girlfriends and when she got home pictures were put on facebook of her kissing a boy which I wasnt to happy about, but then I found out she slept with him and everything which made me a bit gutted, but I thought fuck it, shes single, shes on holiday, if I was on holiday Id be doing exactly the same. It had been about 3 weeks since I last saw/spoke to her and one of my mates had a free house. That night she was all over me. I was watching tv on my own and she came in and sat by me and was all over me, not kissing or anything but all over me. Over the next few weeks and a few more free houses we ended up in bed about 5 or 6 times, just laying together, cuddling and shit, not kissing or doing anything, but it was weird to me. I was thinking 'if she doesnt like me, then why do we keep ending up in bed', it was weird to me so I mentioned it to her to which she said again "I just want to be your friend, and I want to be single". As of right now, its been around another 3 weeks since I last saw/spoken to her and I've heard that she is back meeting/with the boyfriend that was in Zante. They are both now back in University together and I dont know how to feel about it really. I want her to be happy but I'm just so pissed off about it all because I kinda feel that I was there for her during summer while he was away and now that he is back shes gone straight back to him, its crazy.

As I said I havent seen or spoken to her in a few weeks and the other night I had a missed call off her and a voicemail on my phone. I listen to it her phone must of been in her pocket and rang me by mistake but I could hear her in a supermarket with this lad who went to Zante. Didnt make me feel very good to be honest. I'm still caught up in this mess and dont know what to do for the best. At times I want to text her and just say I miss her and shit but other times I just think nahhh shes made her bed and she can lay in it because eventually this lad will hurt her and she will realize I was the better lad for her. But I dont know, its mad.

And there you go, I guess I have had my heart broken by girls a few times.

u gotta be retarded if u read this

Dont read it then ...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2008, 09:13:03 AM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat

i was a great grille man...................................................then sadly a great wheel man

so is u dennis haysbert for real or just a fan???...cuz i have this great script for u..its called Boyz N The Hood 2 and it happens 20 years after Boyz N The Hood 1. it follows the rise of Doughboys son, Anthony and u play Anthonys STEPfather, Big C-Mac.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 09:02:21 AM by C-BLUE »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2008, 11:31:51 PM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat

i was a great grille man...................................................then sadly a great wheel man

so is u dennis haysbert for real or just a fan???...cuz i have this great script for u..its called Boyz N The Hood 2 and it happens 20 years after Boyz N The Hood 1. it follows the rise of Doughboys son, Anthony and u play Anthonys father.

ya know u remind me of me back when i was 14 15.....  i was like boys and meance shoutin out cube lines breaking out eazy e lyrics..... man thoes where the days.... the days i actaully thaught i was, a gangster...lmao


Johnny B

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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2008, 11:42:41 PM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat

i was a great grille man...................................................then sadly a great wheel man

so is u dennis haysbert for real or just a fan???...cuz i have this great script for u..its called Boyz N The Hood 2 and it happens 20 years after Boyz N The Hood 1. it follows the rise of Doughboys son, Anthony and u play Anthonys father.

u r officially retarded and immature as hell.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2008, 02:43:05 AM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat

i was a great grille man...................................................then sadly a great wheel man

so is u dennis haysbert for real or just a fan???...cuz i have this great script for u..its called Boyz N The Hood 2 and it happens 20 years after Boyz N The Hood 1. it follows the rise of Doughboys son, Anthony and u play Anthonys father.

u r officially retarded and immature as hell.

lol +1



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2008, 02:27:26 AM »
I'll tell you a little bit about my previous girls, I've had shitty luck with them.

A met this girl a year or two ago now called Leah. Anyway to cut a long story short she was the sister of a friends girlfriend. I met her around Christmas time and she was with another lad but we exachanged numbers and began texting and calling each other for months. We seemed to have a connection. Alot of my friends warned me about her and one of my friends was pissed because he was sort of with the girl when he was in school, nothing serious just usual school bullshit. Me and this girl never kissed and never went out, basically because of the fact that she was with somebody but I didn't see that I was getting led along the garden path by her. She went on holiday with her friends and was literally on the phone to me as she stepped onto the plane telling me she loved me and all this bullshit. While she was away on holiday I text her once or twice just saying hey and telling her I missed her and shit and then when she got back she told me she didn't like the way I text her while she was away. She told me she wanted to leave it and we both went our seperate ways. It was a month or two later I found out she had a met another lad on holiday so I basically put it down to that. I didnt take me long to get over her because as I said I never went out with her or anything so I was down for about a month and then back to normal.

Around Christmas last year I met this girl who was working in my local pub who every lad in the area was after. I was always attracted to her but because she was good looking I just thought there is no point trying to get into her because she probably gets that all the time off lads who come into the pub. I always clicked with this girl and had a laugh with her so one day I went into the pub, and I had broken my wrist at the time so there was a big cast on my arm, and I made a joke her her saying something like "put your number on my cast" haha she laughed and saw the funny side and eventaually we got talking on facebook and exachanged numbers again. I was in town one night and one of her friends came upto me and said to me very sternly "Bez, take her out!, make sure you take her out!" so I was like cool. I took her out and we had loads of fun and we ended up going on a few dates and becoming very close. It was weird for me but I was really starting to like this girl. Strange thing was though after around a month or two she became very distant from me. SHe only lives at the top of my road and I felt as if she didnt want to make anytime for me. She worked nights, I worked days, she was in university and I had just finished University so we both kinda had alot of stuff going on but because by now I really liked her I looked past all that stuff and carried on as normal. Anyway, just before Christmas, I had already spend like £300 on presents for her, she came around to my house and told me it wasnt working and she wanted to leave it. Basically she put everything on me didnt take any responsibility herself and left me feeling like shit for months. I really liked this girl and over Christmas I phoned my work and told them I had personal problems and I wouldnt be in for a few weeks. I went and stayed at a friends and I have never felt so down in my life. We ended up arguing alot after that because I tried to get her back and stuff and things ain't never been the same between us. I see her and say hi and have the odd conversation with her but its obviously never been the same. Anyway, she's with somebody else now and I am well over her, dont think about her at all anymore but for the longest time I did and it hurt me alot, to the point were I said to myself if I meet another girl within the next year whom I like I'm not going to do anything about it because I can't be bothered feeling this way anymore ... then 6 months down the line guess what happened ...

... I met a girl called Steph. This is only recent an I'm still abit caught up in this mess and I'm stuck between love and hate for this girl. I was in my local pub again and me and my boys had just started to hang around with this group of girls, all good looking and all very nice. The first night we are all hanging around I'm talking to all the girls and see this one girl, who I had seen before and never liked, staring right at me. Not blinking, not moving, just starting and smiling. As I said I had seen her before but she had since dyed her hair and looked lovely. I added her on facebook and everything and got talking to her and low and behold ... she had a boyfriend. I eventually found out her boyfriend was working through the summer in Zante in Greece and one day this girl text me just saying hey. So we text for abit and some of my mates had free houses coming up so I would text her saying "are you and the girls coming to blah blah blah's later" etc. Anyway, the first free house we had, she came in and sat right by me and was playing with me and stroking my arm all night and shit. That night we ended up in bed, not just us, me her, another girl and one of my friends, just chilling and messing about. During the night I gave her a lil kiss, nothing major just a tiny peck on the lips, nothing bad or anything. Anyway the next week my best friends house is free and she comes with all of her friends. Later on that night we are chilling on the couch and she says "I dont want you to think I've done it for you, but I've finished with my boyfriend". So I was like woahhhh, ok. That night we ended up in my mates bed and we did a few things, if you know what I mean. This carried on for weeks and turned into months. I saw this girl like nearly everyday over summer, we had loads of fun and we started going out properly just me and her and just chilling together. We was having loads of fun and having sex and everything like that alot too. Things where good...

... I ended up telling Steph that I didnt really want to get into anything deep because of how I felt about the situation with my ex girl. I didnt want to feel down if it ended again so I explained that to her and she understood. So I said to her "we will see how it goes, if it works out then great but if it goes sour then shit happens", to which she replied straight away "I dont want it to go sour". Anyway we carried on as normal, seeing each other alot, sleeping together and I really started to like this girl. Everything was great. Life was great. Then I got sick at the beginning of July, had a sore throat and was on tablets for two weeks so I couldnt kiss her nor do anything else with her because of another problem and for two weeks I had to sit back and just think about how good it will be when I finish all my tablets and shit. Anyway, the day I was finishing my tablets I was speaking to her on the Internet and was telling her I was finishing my tablets tonight so I couldnt wait to see her and give her a kiss and shit. We was both laughing saying how I was expecting a kiss and everything and we was both on the same page. That night we had a night out in town for my friends graduation and things were weird with her, she was quiet. At the end of the night I went to give her a kiss and she turned away. She got into a taxi home with her friends and I text her asking if she wanted to come back to my house to which she replied "I think youre a lovely lad, but I dont want nothing serious, hope you understand". Anyway, this sent me off the rails abit. I got out of my taxi and phoned her saying "What the fuck is all that about, what have we been doing for the last few months then". She hung up cos I was getting angry and I text her calling her a disgrace and shit. The next day we talked and I apoligised to her and everything, what she didn't really understand was that it was 4.30am when I rang her, I was drunk and I was angry so I said some things I didnt mean. Anyway she kinda finished it between us there and then. Saying she wanted to be single and because she has been with two lads since she was like 15 years old she just needed some time on her own. I understood and let it be.

I still liked the girl and everything and one night a week later in town I got really drunk and started saying shit to her like "we like each other, why dont you wanna meet me again" and stuff and again she gave me the "I want to be single shit". I was gutted about the situation but trying to put a brave face on. I had really fallen for this girl now. Everything about her I like, her smile, her looks, personality, everything but nothing I did seemed enough. A few weeks later she went on a two week holiday with all her girlfriends and when she got home pictures were put on facebook of her kissing a boy which I wasnt to happy about, but then I found out she slept with him and everything which made me a bit gutted, but I thought fuck it, shes single, shes on holiday, if I was on holiday Id be doing exactly the same. It had been about 3 weeks since I last saw/spoke to her and one of my mates had a free house. That night she was all over me. I was watching tv on my own and she came in and sat by me and was all over me, not kissing or anything but all over me. Over the next few weeks and a few more free houses we ended up in bed about 5 or 6 times, just laying together, cuddling and shit, not kissing or doing anything, but it was weird to me. I was thinking 'if she doesnt like me, then why do we keep ending up in bed', it was weird to me so I mentioned it to her to which she said again "I just want to be your friend, and I want to be single". As of right now, its been around another 3 weeks since I last saw/spoken to her and I've heard that she is back meeting/with the boyfriend that was in Zante. They are both now back in University together and I dont know how to feel about it really. I want her to be happy but I'm just so pissed off about it all because I kinda feel that I was there for her during summer while he was away and now that he is back shes gone straight back to him, its crazy.

As I said I havent seen or spoken to her in a few weeks and the other night I had a missed call off her and a voicemail on my phone. I listen to it her phone must of been in her pocket and rang me by mistake but I could hear her in a supermarket with this lad who went to Zante. Didnt make me feel very good to be honest. I'm still caught up in this mess and dont know what to do for the best. At times I want to text her and just say I miss her and shit but other times I just think nahhh shes made her bed and she can lay in it because eventually this lad will hurt her and she will realize I was the better lad for her. But I dont know, its mad.

And there you go, I guess I have had my heart broken by girls a few times.

thats fucked up Bez.. daymn what a story.. i swear i felt like i was reading a book.. props for sharin this playa

but to answer this thread.. well i guess most people in here have tried it.. i have myself.. loved a gurl... she wasn't takin me serious.. fell in love with a former crack-head.. they ran away together.. fucked each other.. here moms and pops knew wassup..  they got all crazy bout and demanded the crac-head to marry her..  (she was 15 he was 29).. I was only 16.. but i felt something bout this gurl.. she've broke my heart cause she kept tellin me she loved me.. and we had our lil dates here and there.. well years later.. and last year.. i meet an angel.. (u know the rest) we've been together a year now.. and she's a blessing from heaven..

I can't be more happy that the other gurl broke my heart and ran away with that pric.. cause then I wouldn't meet my angel

I guess you'll find your "soul-mate" sooner or later
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 02:30:20 AM by hellrazor86 »


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Re: ever had a girl break your heart...
« Reply #41 on: October 24, 2008, 08:59:35 AM »

whatever man.. you gotta cool your jets talking that shit... take your shit elseware.....

i loved u in Heat

i was a great grille man...................................................then sadly a great wheel man

so is u dennis haysbert for real or just a fan???...cuz i have this great script for u..its called Boyz N The Hood 2 and it happens 20 years after Boyz N The Hood 1. it follows the rise of Doughboys son, Anthony and u play Anthonys father.

u r officially retarded and immature as hell.

hahaha...u have a hard time readin between the lines??..whats your major? i bet it ain't psychology lol