Author Topic: Wing Interview!  (Read 69 times)


Wing Interview!
« on: October 14, 2008, 12:32:50 PM »
Not my work

Illuminati 2G chopped it up with one of the ILLEST mcs doing they thing right now in my opinion, Wing for a exclusive interview. We discuss his upcoming mixtape, My Music, My Life, his thoughts on what makes a true mc, state of the west coast and more so check it out.

To check out the audio of the interview, click on the link below:

Illuminati 2G is here with Wing, how's it going?

How's it going man?

Good, good. Tell me about how you got your start in the game and some of your musical influences out there in hip hop.

Basically I started off with poetry back in school, performing in school and stuff like that. But I started off listening to KRS-One, Ruff Ryders, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, people like that. They got me into it and made me want to do it.

Tell me some details about your new mixtape, My Music, My Life. When is it dropping?

It is supposed to be dropping next week. It's going to be for free download. I was actually going to sell it, but I decided that the message on the project could make a impact on people's lives. So I decided to give it out for free, because the people need to hear the message. I don't want them to have no excuse not to hear that message. That is basically why I did it like that. It's a real cool project man. It's one of my favorite projects that I have been working on. For the simple fact that the messages on there are real, and it is stuff people can actually relate to.

How would you say, if at all, it's different from your 1st mixtape, Eat Or Be Eaten?

The sincerity in it. The vulnerablity in it as well. It shows that I am human. You know how most rappers act like they are so hard or whatever. Because I came off like that on my 1st mixtape. "I'm the dopest lyricist ever", "the hardest mc ever". But on this one I took it back to making songs and having emotion and feeling, and you can feel that in every song. Because it is real.

Yeah I really dig the 2 single you have out, Open Ya Eyes and Unfaithful. It's definitely different from alot of the music that you hear on the radio. It really has alot of substance to it. Has your material always been like that or you just go off of everday life. What motivates you to write?

Wing - Open Ya Eyes -

Wing- Unfaithful-

Everyday life and experiences. That motivates me to write the type of songs that I make. The Unfaithful song came from a somewhat real experience and stuff like that, so it was easy for me to make that song. Open Ya Eyes, everybody goes through different things at different time everyday in life. So it's like the song is talking about the different things for instance, the things that women and dudes go through in the streets and stuff like that and it goes on about that. Basically just everyday life experiences.

Do you have a label situation or anything at the moment, or are you just going to keep it indie at this time?

Right now I am indie until somebody offers me something right (laughs). Keep it like that. I just have been pushing my movement, real music for change. So I will keep it like that until I hear something worth listening to.

What would be Wing's best definition of what a MC is in rap?

Just the total package man. Somebody that can hop on any kind of track. You can't really label them as anything. You can label them as a backpacker or a club artist or just a regular rapper. They can get on any kind of track and deal with it in they own way. That to me is a real definition of a MC. And they can move the crowd too. You got to be the total package.

What are your thoughts today on the state of hip hop on the west coast? You like the music that is coming out, you think it is alot of BS, what is your thoughts on it?

I think that the people that really got talent, I think that there is alot of politics on the west coast. You hear the same cats over and over and alot of dope cats are not getting that shine. Crooked I, he be putting out alot of hot stuff. He has those weekly freestyles. Those joints be crazy. You got Strong Arm Steady, they just now getting a little love now, Dilated Peoples that is not really getting no shine. You got alot of cats that is really dope that is not getting that love. When you got other cats that is really not as talented, but they getting they shine, it's like it's whatever. But I think it is politics out there, it's all about who you know, or who you kicking it and clicked up with.

 My personal opinion is content. Not to say the content that's good is not good to hear on the radio, it almost seems like gangsta rap, if you are not a gangsta or you are not talking about something like that, and the west coast as been brought up on so many gangsta rap artists coming to prominence, it's almost like if you don't have that content, you can't get a voice out here. Do you find that to be true?

Yeah I find that to be very true. If you not banging or you not doing youtube with a gang of cats behind you, repping whatever hood you supposed to be from or whatever. That's how it is, you have people that want to hear a story. "I came from this, I came from the dirt". "I was this grimey cat before I got into this music stuff". They just want a story line. If you ain't got no storyline, you ain't got nothing. It's not even about the music anymore, it is about the storyline. That's how I feel. It's like the WWF (laughs).

Yeah definitely. You had just mentioned before a story. Your songs lay out like a story. Like Open Ya Eyes and Unfaithful. Is there any process or anything you go through as far as writing a song? Do you put it in pieces or do you just go in the studio and let it all flow. What a process if anything you go through when you are making a song like those?

The process I go through, what I do is I go in the studio, I find a beat that I like and whatever the beat is saying to me, I go in the booth and just freestyle. Until I come up with a concept. When the concept sticks to me, I sit down and listen to what I was freestyling about and pick and choose  the lines that I liked in the freestyle and re write it and go back in the booth and record it again. That is basically how I do it. I just freestyle and brainstorm on ideas and record it. I actually have the scattered thoughts that are inside my head. After that I just re writr the scattered thoughts and make them stick together and connect the dots after that.

What are your plans after My Music, My Life drops? Do you have a full length album or anything you are thinking about dropping?

I got a full length album called Scattered Thoughts. I think that is going to be turning alot of heads man. Because of the simple fact that it ain't going to be anything like it. The production is off the hook, the lyrical content is off the hook, the concepts of the songs is off the hook. I leaked a couple of the songs to a couple different websites. I had a song called Dying Inside that is on my myspace page right now. That's one of the songs that is on that project. I have another song called Hourglass that is on a couple websites too. Hourglass is basically talking about the industry. It's a full out assault on the industry. It's basically saying that you can't make dance records forever. You can't be bubble gum forever. For those cats that's like that, your time is running out. Because music is starting to turn, it's looking for that content. People are starting to want that content. We are in a recession now and everyone ain't ballin like that. It is hard to relate to that kind of message when you don't have it. It's called Hourglass for that simple reason. I was thinking about calling the whole project Hourglass, but I rather call it Scattered Thoughts because it is alot of thoughts that people think, and when you think those thoughts, they are scattered. You try to think certain things and when you think about it..., I don't know, I just want the people to be able to grab on to something, so possibly it might be some scattered thoughts that they were thinking, that I also have too.

Do you have any producers or anything lined up for it? Who are you working with for the new project?

I am working with alot of the same producers. I added 2 more to it. My brother, Rob Jessie, and I am working with my best friends father, his name is Malcom Harvest. Those are the most musically inclined people that I know. So I think the project is going to be dope just for the simple fact that they are going to be working together on it.

What is some music that you are bumping right now at the house or in the ride that you are really digging that the moment?

I ain't really bumping too much hip hop. I was bumping Game for a little while. I like the new Young Jeezy album. I am really bumping Lloyd. I'm feeling that album. His whole joint and jump off is sick. From beginning to end it's dope.

Do you have any upcoming shows or tour dates you want to let everybody know about?

My tour is going to start in December and go all the way into February. You check my myspace at for those tour dates because they will be posted on my page.

Well that is all the questions that I have for you, appreciate you getting down for the interview. Is there any last words or shoutouts that you want to get out there to the fans?

Most definitely. I want thank everybody for taking the time out to listen to the interview. Come through my myspace page man and leave comments and be sure to check out that My Music, My Life project, it's dope. So that's all I got to say man.
Peep it!

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« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 12:39:52 PM by Rud »
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