Author Topic: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?  (Read 219 times)


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Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« on: November 20, 2008, 06:39:26 PM »
For those of ya'll who don't know, guard Anthony Morrow is the sharp-shooting undrarfted Warrior rookie who went off for 37 points last week (most by an undrafted rookie) and followed it up with another great performance (25 points), hitting with amazing acccuracy from three-point range. Dude looks like the real deal. Anyways, here are some interesting facts about the young'n:

FACT: When Anthony Morrow misses a shot, ESPN's ticker lets you know about it.

FACT: Anthony Morrow shot JR.

FACT: Nihilists care about Anthony Morrow. A lot.

FACT: Agent Smith now realizes that the sound of inevitability is the swish of an Anthony Morrow shot.

FACT: Newton was inspired by an Anthony Morrow 3 pointer.

FACT: People yell out "Kobe!" when they shoot the J. Kobe yells out "Morrow!"

FACT: Dutch newspapers refuse to print cartoons of Anthony Morrow.

FACT: Anthony Morrow was disqualified from competing in the 2009 3-point shooting contest. And won.

FACT: When Chuck Norris crossed Anthony Morrow's path, Morrow ripped his head off and shot it in for three.

FACT: Anthony Morrow is the all time Operation champion. He never touches the sides.

FACT: Anthony Morrow may need to bail out the US Treasury.

FACT: Anthony Morrow recreated Beethoven's 9th Symphony using a Nerf Vortex Howler and a stick of orbit gum.

FACT: Bear Sterns shorted Anthony Morrow.

FACT: Every time Anthony Morrow takes a jump shot, a kitten is born.

FACT: Even on opposite day, Anthony Morrow still doesn't miss.

FACT: Anthony Morrow lost "The Contest" on Seinfeld because he couldn't stop stroking it.

FACT: Anthony Morrow thinks shooter's rolls are God's way of teaching people how he feels.

FACT: There are actually 3 certainties in life: death, taxes, and Anthony Morrow's jumpshot.

FACT: The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The shortest distance between 3 points is Anthony Morrow.

FACT: Anthony Morrow can take a piss from 26 feet and not miss a single drop.

FACT: Anthony Morrow defeated the Trojans in a game of HORSE.

FACT: The net touches Anthony Morrow's J only because of Bernoulli's principle.

FACT: Sarah Palin doesn't have to get back to you about Anthony Morrow's points per game.

FACT: If by some space-time paradox, Anthony Morrow were to play himself in HORSE, he'd win. Period.

FACT: Usain Bolt runs like Anthony Morrow.

FACT: There is no such thing as global warming. Anthony Morrow has just been shooting all this time.

FACT: Simon & Garfunkel wrote the Sound of Silence in the gym where Morrow was shooting.

FACT: Morrow's front teeth separated to give his tongue a clear view of the ball going through the net.

FACT: Mr. T does not pity Anthony Morrow.

FACT: To tout its accuracy, Google has decided to rename its search engine Morrow.

FACT: Anthony Morrow's first job was as a paperboy. We now call it the internet.

FACT: The Big Bang is not a theory, it was Anthony Morrow shooting for the stars and missing. Once.

FACT: FACT: Baron Davis once looked into Anthony Morrow's eyes, he woke up a week later a Clipper.

FACT: Anthony Morrow one-shotted Kil'Jaeden. The shot went on to kill the Wrath of the Lich King bosses.

FACT: Anthony Morrow will be the face of the new $3.00 bill.

FACT: Anthony Morrow is the Warrior's bailout plan.

FACT: Anthony Morrow lives by one rule: If you can't beat him, he's Anthony Morrow.

FACT: Anthony Morrow sleeps with his eyes open....and swishes 3s with his eyes closed.

FACT: Anthony Morrow is so HOT that Ron Jeremy is contemplating gay porn.

FACT: After seeing Anthony Morrow, Gatorade admits that the slogan "Be like Mike" was a mistake.

FACT: Stuart Scott follows Anthony Morrow with both eyes.

FACT: Anthony Morrow now shoots the Warriors technical free throws - from the three point line... of the opposing team...backwards...with his eyes closed.

FACT: On the first day, God created light. On the second day, Anthony Morrow shot the lights out.

FACT: "The Most Interesting Man in the World" has gone on record saying: "I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, I drink it with Anthony Morrow."

FACT: Anthony Morrow can put a dime in a parking meter from 15 feet.

FACT: The arc on Anthony Morrow's shot directly reflects the golden ratio.

FACT: Anthony Morrow impregnates women from a range of 26 feet. And it's always triplets.

FACT: Anthony Morrow hits the net so often it wants to cuddle with him after the game.

FACT: Anthony Morrow is the best in-your-face shooter since Dick Cheney.

FACT: Anthony Morrow only steps on the court because scoring 40 on the bench didn't seem sporting.

FACT: Anthony Morrow was born on the grassy knoll.

FACT: The net at Oracle Arena has filed assault charges against Anthony Morrow.

FACT: You can't draft Anthony Morrow. You can only hope to contain him.

FACT: Only Dick Cheney is a better face up shooter than Anthony Morrow.

FACT: Anthony Morrow looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes and saw three letters: L O L.

FACT: Anthony Morrow gave birth to triplets. 14 times.

FACT: Anthony Morrow was actually drafted first overall. He burned his draft card and took off for Frisco.

FACT: If you try rearranging the letters in Anthony Morrow... he'll fucking break you

FACT: Anthony Morrow does not know the meaning of the word brick.

FACT: Anthony Morrow does not need the magnets.

FACT: An Anthony Morrow jumpshot is the only thing that can escape from a black hole (Which is why Azubuike passes to him).

FACT: Anthony Morrow's team is always last in the league in offensive rebounds.

FACT: Anthony Morrow doesn't dunk... because it only counts as two points.

FACT: Anthony Morrow can't see your hand, he only sees net.

FACT: A missed shot by Anthony Morrow can cure cancer. Too bad he doesn't miss.

FACT: Anthony Morrow's mother felt no pain during birth. He doesn't hit rims.

FACT: There was one WMD in Iraq, but Anthony Morrow decided to go to college.

FACT: Anthony Morrow taught Antoine Walker that there are in fact 4's.

FACT: Anthony Morrow fired Robert Rowell for salary protection.

FACT: Anthony Morrow will make David Stern add 4 pt line.

FACT: Anthony Morrow is what Willis was talking about.

FACT: They left out the chapter about Anthony Morrow in the book of Revelations.

FACT: Anthony Morrow can shoot a square peg into a round hole.

FACT: Anthony Morrow once missed a shot in practice.... the stock market dropped 500 points.

FACT: Anthony Morrow makes Steve Nash's free-throw shooting look like Shaq's.

FACT: Anthony Morrow has sued Better Basketball for patent infringement.

FACT: As a child, Anthony Morrow always wanted to play with the big boys. God.

FACT: The housing market collapsed because Anthony Morrow decided to live in a hotel.

FACT: Anthony Morrow is left handed. He plays with his right because he likes a challenge.

FACT: Anthony Morrow's right hand is hotter than the sun. His veins, however, are filled with ice-water.

FACT: Anthony Morrow freed the slaves. Years later, Anthony Morrow shot Lincoln for taking credit. He shot him from half-court.

FACT: In 1969, Anthony Morrow became the first man on the moon. To this day, whenever he plays hearts, Morrow shoots the moon to honor the occasion

FACT: Anthony Morrow has never shot a gun. He does not endorse anything that takes longer to hit its target than his jump shot.

FACT: When Anthony Morrow goes to a bar, he does not take shots (he's unselfish even when drinking)

FACT: The word "tomorrow" conveys hope because its proper punctuation is "to: morrow". Because whenever you send something to Anthony Morrow, there's a good chance he will immediately shoot it and score.

FACT: For Anthony Morrow, pimpin' IS easy

FACT: Anthony Morrow is too modest to tell you this, but his jersey number is significant. From the roof of the warriors practice facility, Anthony Morrow can hit 22 different countries with his jump shot.

FACT: Anthony Morrow once bit Latrell Sprewell's pit bull in the ear. The dog can no longer hear, but it can now shoot over 50% from beyond the arc.

FACT: If you cut a basketball in half and put it to your ear, you can hear Anthony Morrow's jump shot swishing through the net.

FACT: Because of Anthony Morrow's initials, the Warriors are forbidden from playing games before noon. David stern has correctly ruled that playing AM in the AM is unfair to the other 29 teams in the league.

FACT: When Anthony Morrow plays Jesus in "H-O-R-S-E", he starts with "H-O-R-S" to make it fair.

FACT: Scientists fear Anthony Morrow may contribute to global warming.

FACT: Obama ran for president in 2008 because he knew he couldn't beat Anthony Morrow in 2012.

FACT: Gilbert Arenas didn't sign with the Warriors because Anthony Morrow refused to look him in the eye. Anthony Morrow never takes his eye off the basket.

FACT: Tom Berenger has refused to star in "Sniper 12" unless his army code name is changed to "Morrow".

FACT: When it comes to the ladies, Anthony Morrow aims to please. And Anthony Morrow's aim is never off.

<a href=";eurl" target="_blank" class="new_win">;eurl</a>

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 07:26:10 PM by Now_I_Know »

Turf Hitta

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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2008, 10:19:03 AM »
chuck norris is a redneck republican, so yes, morrow>>>norris by leaps and bounds and heaps and mounds.


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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2008, 11:46:03 AM »
^Chuck Norris will kick you in the face.


Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2008, 12:05:04 PM »
^Chuck Norris will kick you in the face.

man, Chuck Norris's kicks are probably as slow as Michael Jacksons now..
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"

Ali Tha Great

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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2008, 12:55:40 PM »
that nigga got game... 8)



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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2008, 01:02:10 PM »

Ali Tha Great

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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2008, 01:03:34 PM »


dunno about all that...LOL.
well i know about all that and its true...morrow>rose  8)


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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2008, 01:05:08 PM »


dunno about all that...LOL.
well i know about all that and its true...morrow>rose  8)

Morrow for rookie of the year?

Ali Tha Great

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Re: Anthony Morrow>Chuck Norris?
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2008, 01:13:09 PM »