Author Topic: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....  (Read 533 times)


you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« on: December 30, 2008, 06:51:57 AM »
all the rappers and celebrities and people in general that got behind him are gonna look like idiots - completely fooled by rhetoric and spin. rappers in particular got behind dude because he's black without looking into the policies or anything in any particular detail. even the seemingly most clued-up, anti-establishment underground rappers have demonstrated complete stupidity in regard to politics. the leftist liberal side of the media is just as bad as fox news its only posing as the rational side of politics.

i can tell you already that obama is gonna do f*** all to bring america back to a standing as a moral nation and the economy is getting much much worse before it's getting better. go on youtube and search for 'peter schiff' and 'jim rogers' and see what some smart people who saw the 'meltdown' cominga mile away have to say about the future of the economy.

people can believe in change all they like but that certainly doesn't mean somebody else is gonna deliver it for them on a plate! especially not some sleazy chicago politician. look at the appointments he's made to his cabinet, the reasoning being he needs experienced people to carry out his change ::) people are gonna be very pissed off! this aint the 1930's - people expect to be stupid (over consume etc) and still get shit!

the party is over :pirate:


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 06:59:39 AM »
all the rappers and celebrities and people in general that got behind him are gonna look like idiots - completely fooled by rhetoric and spin. rappers in particular got behind dude because he's black without looking into the policies or anything in any particular detail. even the seemingly most clued-up, anti-establishment underground rappers have demonstrated complete stupidity in regard to politics. the leftist liberal side of the media is just as bad as fox news its only posing as the rational side of politics.

i can tell you already that obama is gonna do f*** all to bring america back to a standing as a moral nation and the economy is getting much much worse before it's getting better. go on youtube and search for 'peter schiff' and 'jim rogers' and see what some smart people who saw the 'meltdown' cominga mile away have to say about the future of the economy.

people can believe in change all they like but that certainly doesn't mean somebody else is gonna deliver it for them on a plate! especially not some sleazy chicago politician. look at the appointments he's made to his cabinet, the reasoning being he needs experienced people to carry out his change ::) people are gonna be very pissed off! this aint the 1930's - people expect to be stupid (over consume etc) and still get shit!

the party is over :pirate:

i said that all along although the whole thing was pretty insightful just the scale that people will swallow anything as long as its packaged right still on the bright side even if the u.s did get duped at least they got to vote their countries leader in more than can be said for us


Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 07:31:33 AM »
sure they got to vote but if you don't even know what exactly your voting for it isn't much use...

Rugged Monk

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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 07:47:25 AM »

people are gonna be very pissed off! this aint the 1930's - people expect to be stupid (over consume etc) and still get shit!

Then call it foresight across presidencies; because Bush militarised the fuck out of domestic law enforcement.

The world still breaths a collective sigh of relief with Obama in power even if it is just good cop replacing bad cop in charge.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 07:53:25 AM by Illuminatus Ayatollah Overfiend »

Jared Taylor

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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 08:09:53 AM »
all the rappers and celebrities and people in general that got behind him are gonna look like idiots - completely fooled by rhetoric and spin. rappers in particular got behind dude because he's black without looking into the policies or anything in any particular detail. even the seemingly most clued-up, anti-establishment underground rappers have demonstrated complete stupidity in regard to politics. the leftist liberal side of the media is just as bad as fox news its only posing as the rational side of politics.

i can tell you already that obama is gonna do f*** all to bring america back to a standing as a moral nation and the economy is getting much much worse before it's getting better. go on youtube and search for 'peter schiff' and 'jim rogers' and see what some smart people who saw the 'meltdown' cominga mile away have to say about the future of the economy.

people can believe in change all they like but that certainly doesn't mean somebody else is gonna deliver it for them on a plate! especially not some sleazy chicago politician. look at the appointments he's made to his cabinet, the reasoning being he needs experienced people to carry out his change ::) people are gonna be very pissed off! this aint the 1930's - people expect to be stupid (over consume etc) and still get shit!

the party is over :pirate:

First of all, Jim Rogers is full of shit when it comes to his views on Asia, and especially China. The fact that he foresaw the "meltdown" (as you call it) coming back in 2006/07 is not as profound as you think, because there are economists who have talked about the possibility of a "credit crunch" since the late-90s. Schiff is also, you realize, not a fan of Obama, since he's a radical Libertarian type.

Anyway, as far as Obama goes, who cares what a bunch of celebrities (especially illiterate rappers) think? Anyone with common sense should know Obama is not going to "fix" America. He isn't the Messiah.


Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 08:21:27 AM »
unfortunately 'anyone with common sense' is far less than 1% of the population. who would you have voted for?

and i don't see what's so radical about having 'libertarian' views, most of it is just common sense. most people would fall flat on their face without a government protecting them and telling them what to do. the rest of us could then thrive without having to be part of an elite/shape-shifting extra dimensional lizards. your a lizard aren't you jared?

Jared Taylor

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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2008, 08:45:18 AM »
unfortunately 'anyone with common sense' is far less than 1% of the population. who would you have voted for?

Chuck Baldwin.

and i don't see what's so radical about having 'libertarian' views, most of it is just common sense. most people would fall flat on their face without a government protecting them and telling them what to do. the rest of us could then thrive without having to be part of an elite/shape-shifting extra dimensional lizards. your a lizard aren't you jared?

Um, aren't you contradicting yourself?


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2008, 08:50:36 AM »

Um, aren't you contradicting yourself?

no more than a white supremacist posting on a rap site

the human beings a contradiction


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2008, 09:05:26 AM »

It's one thing being a racist but this is a guy who lacks any kind of intellect. I mean he is so brainwashed that when I posted an article about military officers within the indian forces (A HINDU) planting train bombs, he starts talking about fucking conspiracy theorists not believing that muslims are the greatest threat on planet earth lol. That is the level of retardation you have to deal with when replying or reading his bullshit posts. I think you are right about Obama he is just another puppet but while we now have to deal with obaaaaaaaaaama stans, before him this guy was no doubt a worshipper of Bush. Matty is right most people either don't want to think for themselves or can't think for themselves.

I find it amazing just how ridiculously stupid these people are they will defend the republican party for instance when the republican ideology has moved so far from it's original point, that the word conservative is now just semantics, it means nothing. The same is true with the democrats, who are now happily indulging in corporate welfare to the banks. This is a president to be who campaigned on an anti war footing and yet is now going to be massively expanding troop presence in Afghanistan, a man who was against warrantless spying of the American people but then stuck two fingers up, spat on the constitution and endorsed the Fisa bill.

Let them eat cake and let them choke on it, no doubt many of these idiots will be thanking their "precious leaders" even then.


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2008, 09:11:15 AM »
If you think one man can change a country you're one dumb motherfucker :D

Jared Taylor

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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2008, 09:19:22 AM »
before him this guy was no doubt a worshipper of Bush.

I find it peculiar the way you dumbasses think.

On the one hand, I am a white nationalist who thinks negroes are a burden to the advancement of the human race. On the other hand, you think I am a supporter of a President who hired a negro man to be his secretary of state (for the first time ever) and then a negro woman to replace him? And did NOTHING to fight affirmative action or take a stand against immigration? Does that make any sense whatsoever, or are you talking out of your ass as usual? Bush invaded Iraq because he thought Arabs were all decent people at heart who were fit to live the way that whites live. Me, I would have stayed out of Iraq because it had nothing to do with white American interests. Or, if Saddam really was a problem (which I don't think he was), I would have supported nuking Iraq and riding the world of Saddam and his useless camel-raping dune coons.

The fact that I think you're a retarded conspiracy theorist whose entire education consists of what he reads on Prison Planet doesn't mean that I'm a supporter of Bush. It just means I think you're retarded. End of story.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 09:24:53 AM by Jared Taylor »

Jared Taylor

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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2008, 09:29:13 AM »
no more than a white supremacist posting on a rap site

That's not a contradiction. It's not like I talk about the jungle-beat noise you call "music" on here. I came on here because I heard there was a negro named Job who was talking about how evil white folk were. I had to tear him down, and I did so successfully, which is why he has left this forum. Now, I shall tackle and destroy all other non-whites and non-white sympathizers who oppose the advancement of the White Man.


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2008, 09:46:41 AM »

Of course there were geopolitical interests, the oil fields have gone from being a nationalised industry to auctioned off cheaply. Iraq will be used as a staging post for further military adventures into the middle east you dumb idiot Lol about prison planet, I have dozens of books, read dozens of books and read hundreds of articles I like to be informed and educate myself. Your entire education consists of the simplified bullshit spin ridden crap that you see on television and all it's bullshit rhetoric.

The key point being geopolitical interests of a select few, the domination of resources by a select few, your money being used to further their domination. So using the "we are doing this, "we are doing that" "we are the good guys" etc, you are dreaming but clearly you enjoy deluding yourself so don't let me stop you and as for advocating nuking a country, you sick sick fuck.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 10:01:23 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2008, 11:38:15 AM »

Um, aren't you contradicting yourself?

no more than a white supremacist posting on a rap site

the human beings a contradiction

Owned in the face bitch, get down and stay down jared.


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Re: you realise that if obama doesn't fix america....
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2008, 02:42:48 PM »
before him this guy was no doubt a worshipper of Bush.

I find it peculiar the way you dumbasses think.

On the one hand, I am a white nationalist who thinks negroes are a burden to the advancement of the human race.

There are/were many black scientist who invent(ed) lots of things.
Also: Without black entertainment , the world would be a boring place

Dave Chappelle >>>>>>>>>Jared Taylor
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 02:48:40 PM by CantCme213 »