Author Topic: FUCK IRAN...  (Read 1655 times)

Jared Taylor

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« Reply #45 on: January 07, 2009, 11:39:21 AM »
Israel cut off all the water and power to Gaza, that is why they responded with rockets, it's a fucking provocation you brainless zombie.

First of all, don't call me a brainless zombie. You're not so clever and well-read as you think are just because you read Prison Planet. I know it makes you feel cool and privileged to think you know something that I don't, but the fact is, you're still a delusional fucking child.

Anyway, Israel cut off the water and power to Gaza BECAUSE of the fact that the Palestinians had been attacking them, even AFTER they withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Remember how the whole world was telling them to do it and insisting that the Palestinians would start to become more peaceful if they pulled out? Didn't happen, did it?

Also, what does it say in the first place that Israel supplies water and power and fuel to Gaza, in spite of the fact that the Gazans are constantly attacking them? If you want more comedy, consider this: Palestinians militias have actually attacked aid routes and, in April 2008, the same fuel terminal that supplied power to Gaza!

In turn all these people have are these shitty crude homemade rockets, when you corner an animal it will fight back.

But the Palestinians aren't being cornered. It's ridiculous to characterize their violence as defensive, because just about everything wrong with them is their own fault.

Which part of this don't you understand, suicide bombs are horrific but the policies of Israel are the cause and the effect is suicide bombers and other extremist elements.

No, the cause of suicide bombs is a combination of (1.) the Green Fascist (read: Islamist) propaganda that Palestinian kids have been brainwashed with their whole lives, telling them they'll get martyred for suicide-bombing, and (2.) The Palestinians' unwillingness to accept anything other than the destruction of Israel.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 11:41:39 AM by Jared Taylor »


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« Reply #46 on: January 07, 2009, 11:41:04 AM »
You're not so clever and well-read as you think are just because you read Prison Planet. I know it makes you feel cool and privileged to think you know something that I don't, but the fact is, you're still a delusional fucking child.



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« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2009, 12:20:45 PM »
Hey dipshit, the majority of prison planet articles are from the mainstream press, but you are so damn dumb that you call things "conspiracy theories" even when the information comes straight from the horses mouth i.e. documents written by the bastards lol. The IDF is forever provoking the palestinians, bulldozing their homes, trespassing, using collective punishments and grabbing more and more land for settlements.

As for justifying the destruction of people and their homes because of the "evil hamas" and saying well they use human sheilds, it would be like robbers holding hostage many people within a bank, opening fire on the police and the police responding by blitzing the bank with rockets. Oh but wait destroying men women and children has been done before at Waco, your wet dream right?

You are one sick fuck, go and fight the "good fight" in Afghanistan or Iraq oh and just to note I am of average intelligence but it's mentally under developed retards like you which make me appear extremely intelligent.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 12:26:13 PM by virtuoso »

Jared Taylor

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« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2009, 12:37:11 PM »
It's interesting that you managed to avoid addressing my point about Israel supplying water and power to Gaza in spite of the fact that all they get from the Gazans in return is terrorism. Which was pretty much your entire excuse for justifying Hamas' rocket attacks.

Hey dipshit, the majority of prison planet articles are from the mainstream press, but you are so damn dumb that you call things "conspiracy theories" even when the information comes straight from the horses mouth i.e. documents written by the bastards lol.

First of all, that's kind of a stupid point, because the "mainstream press" tends to be left-wing and sympathetic to the Palestinians, just like you.

Anyway, my own site, American Renaissance, also gets its articles from the mainstream press (check out our web site if you don't believe me). Yet of course, I can't imagine you have anything positive to say about us due to our INTERPRETATIONS of the news releases that we post on our site. Why? Because you don't agree with racial-realist thinking.

Likewise, I disagree with how Prison Planet presents the articles and the conclusions it obviously wishes its dumbfuck readers like yourself to draw from them.

The IDF is forever provoking the palestinians, bulldozing their homes, trespassing, using collective punishments and grabbing more and more land for settlements.

Or is it the other way around? Have the Gazans been constantly provoking the Israelis since the Intifada in '87? And likewise, the PLO has been provoking Israel for a helluva lot longer than that.

As for justifying the destruction of people and their homes because of the "evil hamas" and saying well they use human sheilds, it would be like robbers holding hostage many people within a bank, opening fire on the police and the police responding by blitzing the bank with rockets. Oh but wait destroying men women and children has been done before at Waco, your wet dream right?

That's a poor analogy, because the Palestinians ELECTED Hamas to power. Even those that didn't are still repugnant people for supporting (A.) the destruction of Israel, and (B.) the killing of civilians to accomplish this. See, "collective punishment" makes sense in a place like Gaza because there is a thin line between "combatant" and "civilian".

Also, you wanna know something interesting? 95% of the Palestinians getting killed by the IDF are MEN, not women.

You are one sick fuck, go and fight the "good fight" in Afghanistan or Iraq oh and just to note I am of average intelligence but it's mentally under developed retards like you which make me appear extremely intelligent.

You wish.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 12:47:12 PM by Jared Taylor »


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« Reply #49 on: January 07, 2009, 02:02:58 PM »
They supply the water to them because they were the occupiers of their land, but when they go after the water and electricity supplies to undermine and overthrow Hamas then they are engaging in terrorism. However Israel don't engage in terrorism, no, according to your simple minded interpretation...
A terrorist is a muslim extremist "who hates our freedoms" Oh and you can't have both ways, by using people as human shields which the IDF accuses of them doing so, then they are making the people hostages, so in fact the analogy is sound.

I am done with you, at least people like Leo Strauss try and conduct their wickedness in a clever if twisted way, you are just a common piece of shit. Apologies to the mod for allowing this "fuck iran" thread to turn into something else and on topic, no, fuck this idea of blowing the shit out of any country.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 02:09:34 PM by virtuoso »

Jared Taylor

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« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2009, 05:28:42 PM »
They supply the water to them because they were the occupiers of their land, but when they go after the water and electricity supplies to undermine and overthrow Hamas then they are engaging in terrorism.

That avoids the key issue - why should Israel supply water and power to them in the FIRST PLACE if these fucking Arab scumbags aren't doing anything except firing rockets at them? Furthermore, why is it that the Palestinians themselves have attacked the same fuel plant that gave them power? I'm pretty sure countries at war don't give water and fuel to their enemies at all in most cases. The fact that Israel does reflects quite well on them.

However Israel don't engage in terrorism, no, according to your simple minded interpretation...

I dunno about that, but at least Israel isn't trying to set up some radical Islamic fascist state on the land. Instead, they've built a thriving democracy where Arabs are welcome as fellow Israelis (something I would never do myself). Can you imagine such a thing existing if the Palestinians got their way? I sure can't.

Seriously, why do the Palestinians even DESERVE to have their own country? We all know what it would be like - it would be some Islamic fascist country where Jews would not be welcome, and would almost surely be reduced to dhimmis or (worse) wiped out. Do we really need another Arab autocracy in the Middle East? Between an Islamist Palestine and a democratic Israel, I prefer the latter.

A terrorist is a muslim extremist "who hates our freedoms"

No, a terrorist is someone who kills innocent people, laughs about it, CELEBRATES it the way the Palestinians do. All in the name of setting up some totalitarian state where there is no freedom. How you find ANY moral equivalence between the Israelis and Hamas is just beyond me, but it's a peculiarly European tendency.

Oh and you can't have both ways, by using people as human shields which the IDF accuses of them doing so, then they are making the people hostages, so in fact the analogy is sound.

But Hamas isn't "using" these people. That's the truth you refuse to face. Hamas is a very large organization with thousands of fighters. An organization that large can't move around, conduct operations, and survive without the support of a large segment of the Gazan population. The Palestinians aren't hostages because they share Hamas' goals, they voted Hamas into power, and most of them have a seething racist, anti-Semitic hatred of Jews that their enemies do NOT have.

Really, I will never figure out why anyone would sympathize with the Palestinians. Of all the so-called "oppressed" people in the world, they're by far the most violent and depraved, and in my opinion, the least worthy of anyone's sympathy. Then again, I suppose it's fair to note that it's only the radical student leftists in Europe who support them. The other Arab countries have shitted on them for as long as the Israelis have. But of course, it's Israel and America that get 100% of the hatred.

Furor Teutonicus

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« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2009, 01:40:55 AM »
I'm partially with Taylor here. Israel has every right to bomb Palestina. They  always throw the first rock, and Israel has every right to defend their people. Only imagine that your government would tolerate that they fire rockets at your city on a daily basis. And the rest of the world expects that you protect their water supplies. But I can understand the anger in the Arabic world, they conrtolled this land for 100s of years, then they were surpressed by british invaders, and now they expect that these people accept that Jews should control 'their" country, only because their former surpressors/the western countries say so.  How can you expect that his works out?

 Of course it's a tragedy for the people, and calling them 'Arabic scumbag' is  :grumpy:
I think the majority of them would rather live in peace with Israel instead of living in a warzone. It's just that those people have no voice in these countries.
But the question is: What's the purpose of these bombings? There will never be peace anyway. When they bomb these people just to retailiate, they only increase the urge of revenge.
They can't eliminate Hamas, and even if they could, other radical organisations would take over.
Sorry but one of them has to go, this is the only solution. But if they  deport all Palestinians, Israel would still be surrounded by hostile nations. It's clear that tey're not welcome in the Arabic world.  So why not give them their own territory in Europe, the Fench have more than they need anyway. Or in America. They just have to shit on their roots, but that's a fair price compared to living in danger and hate if you ask me.

The problem with you guys is that you only can see black or white, but you need to look from both perspectives. Neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis are saints, but at the end of the day, it's not Israels fault. It's just that  their current government is very awkward and incompetent.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 02:01:15 AM by Dr. Ján Ďtor »


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« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2009, 02:36:32 AM »
virtuoso chill for a minute god dammit


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« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2009, 06:13:03 AM »
Richard Falk reported that on November 4th Israel broke the ceasefire which then led to the palestinians responding. You decided to ignore that bit and talk about the history of the past few years but of course that to is riddled with bs and spin. I could go back and forth with you on that score, like the murder of the family on the Gaza beach which was then initially denied, admitted that it might have been the IDF and finally admitted that okay it was us but what can you do, it's only Palestinians.

As for the above poster talking about the prospect of "deporting the palestinians", another few words for that, are ethnic cleansing, it's amazing how the alteration of a few words suddenly conjures up a completely different image isn't it.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 06:17:31 AM by virtuoso »

Furor Teutonicus

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« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2009, 06:52:49 AM »

As for the above poster talking about the prospect of "deporting the palestinians", another few words for that, are ethnic cleansing, it's amazing how the alteration of a few words suddenly conjures up a completely different image isn't it.

Sorry but my vocab is limited to Nazi terminology. Damn it sucks to be German,  I don't want to think like that, but I'm determined to do so.
The best solution would be when one of them moves voluntarily, or they'll have to live with bloodshed forever. Seems like both sides prefer it, so let them do what they want to. People are fighting for the Holy Land for over 1000 years, what would the world be without it? Let them kill each other, then we can sell some weapons and everything is fine.


Jared Taylor

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« Reply #55 on: January 08, 2009, 10:45:24 AM »
Richard Falk reported that on November 4th Israel broke the ceasefire which then led to the palestinians responding.

What? What has Hamas been doing almost since the ceasefire went into effect?

Jared Taylor

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« Reply #56 on: January 08, 2009, 01:28:49 PM »
But the question is: What's the purpose of these bombings? There will never be peace anyway. When they bomb these people just to retailiate, they only increase the urge of revenge.
They can't eliminate Hamas, and even if they could, other radical organisations would take over.

The purpose? Pretty simple. Bush is about to leave office, and the Israelis think Obama won't let them get away with the same shit (not that I believe this is true, but they seem to). So they're trying to this now while they figure it'll get the least resistance from D.C.

Defeating Hamas isn't possible, but they know enough about the leadership that they can kill off most of the group's most senior members and experienced operators. The rest, they hope, will fall to Fatah to take care of. Hamas will be weak for a few years, and Fatah might just able to re-assert control in Gaza. Of course, Hamas will inevitably come back in the long-term, and probably be tougher than ever, but Israeli CI doctrine has always focused on the short-term strategy (which is why they used to fund Hamas in the first place), which is part of what makes it all so stupid.

Then again, I'm not sure there's a better option.

King Tech Quadafi

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« Reply #57 on: January 08, 2009, 07:53:43 PM »
They supply the water to them because they were the occupiers of their land, but when they go after the water and electricity supplies to undermine and overthrow Hamas then they are engaging in terrorism.

That avoids the key issue - why should Israel supply water and power to them in the FIRST PLACE if these fucking Arab scumbags aren't doing anything except firing rockets at them? Furthermore, why is it that the Palestinians themselves have attacked the same fuel plant that gave them power? I'm pretty sure countries at war don't give water and fuel to their enemies at all in most cases. The fact that Israel does reflects quite well on them.

However Israel don't engage in terrorism, no, according to your simple minded interpretation...

I dunno about that, but at least Israel isn't trying to set up some radical Islamic fascist state on the land. Instead, they've built a thriving democracy where Arabs are welcome as fellow Israelis (something I would never do myself). Can you imagine such a thing existing if the Palestinians got their way? I sure can't.

Seriously, why do the Palestinians even DESERVE to have their own country? We all know what it would be like - it would be some Islamic fascist country where Jews would not be welcome, and would almost surely be reduced to dhimmis or (worse) wiped out. Do we really need another Arab autocracy in the Middle East? Between an Islamist Palestine and a democratic Israel, I prefer the latter.

A terrorist is a muslim extremist "who hates our freedoms"

No, a terrorist is someone who kills innocent people, laughs about it, CELEBRATES it the way the Palestinians do. All in the name of setting up some totalitarian state where there is no freedom. How you find ANY moral equivalence between the Israelis and Hamas is just beyond me, but it's a peculiarly European tendency.

Oh and you can't have both ways, by using people as human shields which the IDF accuses of them doing so, then they are making the people hostages, so in fact the analogy is sound.

But Hamas isn't "using" these people. That's the truth you refuse to face. Hamas is a very large organization with thousands of fighters. An organization that large can't move around, conduct operations, and survive without the support of a large segment of the Gazan population. The Palestinians aren't hostages because they share Hamas' goals, they voted Hamas into power, and most of them have a seething racist, anti-Semitic hatred of Jews that their enemies do NOT have.

Really, I will never figure out why anyone would sympathize with the Palestinians. Of all the so-called "oppressed" people in the world, they're by far the most violent and depraved, and in my opinion, the least worthy of anyone's sympathy. Then again, I suppose it's fair to note that it's only the radical student leftists in Europe who support them. The other Arab countries have shitted on them for as long as the Israelis have. But of course, it's Israel and America that get 100% of the hatred.


dont try to kick knowledge. keep being the entertaining shock poster that you are, otherwise some big boy might take you serious and kick you out the sand box
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

Jared Taylor

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« Reply #58 on: January 08, 2009, 08:05:17 PM »

dont try to kick knowledge. keep being the entertaining shock poster that you are, otherwise some big boy might take you serious and kick you out the sand box

The White Man gives you permission to speak.

King Tech Quadafi

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« Reply #59 on: January 09, 2009, 04:57:50 AM »
The purpose? Pretty simple. Bush is about to leave office, and the Israelis think Obama won't let them get away with the same shit (not that I believe this is true, but they seem to). So they're trying to this now while they figure it'll get the least resistance from D.C.

Defeating Hamas isn't possible, but they know enough about the leadership that they can kill off most of the group's most senior members and experienced operators. The rest, they hope, will fall to Fatah to take care of. Hamas will be weak for a few years, and Fatah might just able to re-assert control in Gaza. Of course, Hamas will inevitably come back in the long-term, and probably be tougher than ever, but Israeli CI doctrine has always focused on the short-term strategy (which is why they used to fund Hamas in the first place), which is part of what makes it all so stupid.

Then again, I'm not sure there's a better option.


Crackerdamus, easy on the predictions. Your crystal ball is about accurate as a dick cheney shot
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll