Author Topic: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?  (Read 1767 times)


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2009, 02:18:31 AM »
is personal insults the people can come up with? People should learn how to have a mature discussion or debate before the even consider stepping into the train thought. Dubcc should have a special section for members who know how to have a proper debate/discussion without resort to schoolboy cusses. I can't take anyone serious who resorts to ur a "retard" or a "homo". I may not agree with peoples opinions but i respect them if you say for example.. "its real becos... this reason and that fact".. someone like I TO DA GEEZY im willing to hear out.

^^^on point....using the  ::) repeatedly is just as bad...back to the arguement...wasnt it the jews specifically who used to have to wear stars on their clothes??...that would point to them being singled out but i wouldnt be suprised to hear the death toll was exaggerated


Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2009, 06:08:00 AM »
yeah the holocaust is definatley a defining point in human history. there is little doubt that the holocaust did take place, witness accounts, film footage, photography etc etc all shows that these concentration camps did exist and mass extermination did happen. But what people forget is that "the holocaust" didnt just involve jews. when we think of the holocaust we automatically think that it was the extermination of all jewish people, it was in fact all "non native" races to germany which included gypsies and foreign beings.

The figure of millions is a intensley disputed topic and there is actually a lot of evidence too suggest the figure to be greatly exaggerated. For whatever reasons the figure is exaggerated is an entirely differend arguement in itself. I mean propaganda was rife in world war 2 from both sides. I forget which scientist it was but he carried out experiments at the extermination camps and one of his findings was that soil samples taking from these sites did not harbor the chemicals that would be required to carry out the extermination on the scale that has been suggested. I will try and find articles on said scientist for y'all to take a look at. 

But the killing of 6+ million people would take aboloutley HUGE resources and man power, I mean 6+ million people is a mammoth ammount of people. I also think that people who arnt open to debate on such topics and other history in general are morons in them selves. People need to realise that history insn absoloute TRUTH we are been lied to on a dailybasis now by our governements and we have been lied to for thousands of years.

People need to keep an open mind about such issues but i think theres no denying that extermination did happen its a question on what scale.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 06:09:35 AM by tempo2 »


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2009, 08:45:05 AM »

exaggerated so that a few people can extort mind boggling figures from german taxpayers. I think if the mass people consciously stopped to realise what was actually happening to their taxes not just in this sick event of looting of a real tragedy but in general, then most would stop paying their taxes almost overnight but instead most people still think that the taxes actually are spent on maintaining vital services lol yeah right.

Crooked I

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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2009, 05:08:41 PM »
they were only jews.....


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2009, 03:21:18 AM »


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2009, 06:34:20 AM »


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2009, 12:41:44 PM »
^^ nah just anti-jew

Cali Climate

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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2009, 01:02:45 PM »
^^ nah just anti-jew

You're a fucking moron.


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2009, 02:19:24 PM »

That's the problem with this all, there is a lack of understanding on all sides, firstly jews aren't semites, it's a much broader term than that. However secondly, being anti anything based upon the actions of a few is hard to reconcile. I think it's apparent that the holocaust has become a political tool and a weapon to be used in many circumstances against people that disagree with the actions of Israel and the complicity of the american government for instance. However how does that equate to jewish people in general? I think for instance you will find that zionists were preventing jews from leaving Germany. Now clearly this represents significance because it displays tbat jewish people aren't some united "evil" force. Jewish people are as much pawns in this game as anyone else therefore to represent yourself as being against jews is nonsensical. If we go on the premise that jewish people run the planet, which arguably and clearly there are prominent jews in positions of power across the political spectrum, across the media and the entertainment sector, then we must also acknowledge that they are fairly small in number and therefore aren't inclusive of "all jews". There are also whites like the royal family who hold huge sway in power and yet, why not be anti white also?. The fields of opinion in reality are very diverse so therefore attacking another group because of your perceptions of members of that group whether right or wrong, only weakens you and strengthens the very people you are trying to expose/discredit. Plus animosity, whether intense or passive is draining, sweeping blanket contempt is not healthy for you mentally and it's no different to when a jewish rabbi justifies that a jewish life is more important than a palestinian life. It is all a form of dehumanising and therefore is just too destructive, chill man


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2009, 03:00:55 PM »
or was it a fabrication to evoke sympathy for the creation of an Israel state?

lets look at the facts

1) During world war 2 millions of people were murdered. People of all religions, they wern't specifically targetted cos of there religion, but were executed becos they were perceived as the 'enemy'. Also Nazis didn't specifically target jews, they also killed millions of non-jewish civilians, basically anyone who was seen as a 'threat' to Nazi supremacy.

2) Gas chambers, where allegedlly 1 million jews were murdered have never been discovered.

3) Since World War 2, jews have used the holocaust as a means of monetary gain, not only as a means of gaining reparations from West Germany, but to release countless books and movies.

1. Actually 6 million were murder, the number was taken from a high ranking nazi. Jews received the blunt of the abuse, but many were destroyed in this ignorance induced policy.

2. Gas chambers were found, but remember many death camps used Ovens as the main disbursement.

3.Only Holocaust survivors got money. The Books and Movies are normally been released via Veterans of the war (on both sides) and only a minority are actually from the Jewish stand point. The main one would have to be Anne Franks Dairy.

If you honestly believe half the shit you said, you've been destroyed via propaganda. The over whelming evidence proves the events did happen. You can say "oh it was just 2 million" the fact is, it was still a attempt at Genocide.

The Entire Nazi Germany Experience showed exactly how Dangerous propaganda, Xenophobia, Racism, Government, Fear, and many other factors can result in such destruction. Nazi Germany may of used many of these elements, but each of these elements can still lead to this much destruction on its own.  

Fact is fact, and your ass doesn't have to believe it.The events happened, weather or not you accept is your own thing.

You also have to remember several things.

1. The entire Thing was a huge fucking secret. we never found out about this, until near the end of the war when we found the camps.

2. The final Solution was NOT know to Civilians.

3.Jews were the main target, but we have to remember many other religions, races and people were also destroyed. We only bring up the Jewish population, is cause they received the blunt of of the destruction.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 03:06:17 PM by Blasphemy »


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2009, 03:12:01 PM »

Not to dismiss what you said, but that's too simplistic, take a read at this


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2009, 06:28:12 PM »
of course the greedy jews made that shit up


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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2009, 09:50:23 AM »

It's that kind of warm unbreakable compassion which makes this such a great place to post thoughts!

Borat Sagdiyev

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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2009, 10:36:02 AM »
of course the greedy jews made that shit up
I a like how you a hate jew.  This a make us friends.  Holocaust a very much reals.  It a shame Hitler and his a Germans could not a win war.  If they a did, jew would be all dead.  No more money taking jew.  Great success!
I am continuing my Cultural Learnings of U, S and A for their musicial likings.  WEST WEST BITCHES!

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Re: do you believe the 'Holocaust' theory?
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2009, 08:47:37 PM »
Blasphemy if anything the amount of Zionist Jewish propaganda is 50 times the amount of material on holocaust revisionism