Author Topic: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for  (Read 1232 times)

Jared Taylor

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The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« on: January 26, 2009, 08:58:20 PM »
There seems to be a lot of confusion on this board about my positions on racial issues and other stuff like that. I have been called names like "Nazi" even though such comparisons are superficial and demonstrate that many people on this board have very parochial views of what it means to be a racially conscious white man in 2009.

The New Century Foundation (and American Renaissance, our publication) are not Nazis, nor are we white supremacists. Our goal is not to enslave blacks, but to dispel political correctness and the censorship being practiced by the cultural Marxists who now control the media and education. You are entitled not to agree with us, but you should still reject our views ONLY after hearing them out.

So, let me outline our basic positions. I would hope that these would frame the context for any future discussions with me.

(1.) Jews - White nationalism is very often associated with anti-Semitism, and most traditional European nationalist (fascist) movements during the first half of the 20th century were known for these views, particularly Adolf Hitler's German National Socialist (Nazi) Party. NCF/AmRen rejects anti-Semitism completely. We do not believe there is some Jewish conspiracy aimed at taking over the world; such notions are obviously ridiculous to any sane person. We may criticize Jews for various reasons (namely, the fact that many are liberals who buy into the whole egalitarian-Marxist agenda, while others are neo-conservatives who want America to "spread democracy" to places like Iraq), but we do not recognize the entire Jewish world as an enemy of white civilization. Jews are welcome in our movement, particularly since they are currently on the front lines against the TRUE enemy of white civilization...

(2.) Islam - It is the position of NCF/AmRen that the religion of Islam is a very wicked and intolerant faith which aims to become dominant over the entire world. The modern-day jihadist movement represents the most violent and ambitious incarnation of Islam yet, but NCF/AmRen believes that Islam is fundamentally a very dangerous belief system that is antithetical to human progress. Right now, many countries in Europe are, in a slow death wish, inviting hoards of Muslims into their cities, many of whom hate the West and want to replace it with some sort of caliphate. NCF/AmRen rejects the traditional anti-Semitic white nationalists who believe Jews are the enemy and are willing to cooperate with Muslims (as David Duke did in 2006 when he met with Iranian President Ahmoud Ahmadinejad). We believe that right now, the greatest threat to Western white European/American civilization comes from Islamic immigrants. We support a policy of deporting Muslims who espouse jihadist views, and limiting Islamic immigration generally as much as possible.

(3.) Race - We are believers that race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society—language, religion, class, ideology—it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse.

(4.) Slavery - We are NOT proponents of slavery, or of America's involvement in the slave trade. However, we are also of the opinion that slavery is not enough to explain the obvious dispositions of blacks towards violent, unproductive, selfish behavior. In particular, we point out the fact that blacks and Arabs were involved in the slave trade, yet blacks' hatred is directed primarily at whites.

(5.) White supremacy - It is the position of NCF/AmRen that there is no scale on which racial differences can all be ranked so as to draw across-the-board conclusions about racial ‘superiority’ or ‘inferiority’. t is certainly true that in some important traits—intelligence, law-abidingness, sexual restraint, academic performance, resistance to disease—whites can be considered ‘superior’ to blacks. At the same time, in exactly these same traits, North Asians appear to be ‘superior’ to whites.

(6.) Religion - Although most of NCF/AmRen's members are white Protestants, our religion does not figure in any way in our arguments. Our views are not based upon a perceived "Christian identity"; they are based upon scientific research and statistics. Our white nationalism is a secular, scientific nationalism. It is not like 1940s European fascism (linked closely with Christianity in many countries) in this sense. Theological explanations do not figure in our views of blacks, Muslims, Latinos, or other minorities.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask.


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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 05:44:09 AM »

If the threat of Islam was as clear as that, then surely western governments must also recognise this and so it would lead one to ask why they would be so happy to populate the west with muslims? sounds like they want chaos to me but you said real conspiracy's don't exist?  The intention of that comment is not even to be sarcastic, I am just simply taking the lines within what you have written albeit an excerpt and just trying to demonstrate that in them seems to lie a real contradiction.

Jared Taylor

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 12:30:17 PM »
then surely western governments must also recognise this and so it would lead one to ask why they would be so happy to populate the west with muslims? sounds like they want chaos to me but you said real conspiracy's don't exist?  The intention of that comment is not even to be sarcastic, I am just simply taking the lines within what you have written albeit an excerpt and just trying to demonstrate that in them seems to lie a real contradiction.

There is no contradiction. Western governments are dominated by self-hating white liberals and Marxists who want to believe in the "equality" crap that they were raised on for their entire lives. It's not so much a conspiracy as the inevitable outgrowth of white guilt. I am trying to make whites realize that they do not have to feel guilty, and that doing so puts them in a vulnerable position.

And ultimately, it's quite likely we're going to see the rise of true conservative parties (like the British National Party) in Europe within the next decade, which will lead to mass deportation of jihadists and their sympathizers in the European Muslim communities.

But what would you know? You're the one who wants to believe there's a Jewish/Israeli conspiracy. You're on the same level as the REAL fascists.

Hey Ma

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 12:46:00 PM »
I agree with all those points, for the most part. However I don't know why simply sharing that philosophy makes me a "white nationalist". If I accept those facts as truth, why do I need to be part of a movement, can't I just be my own person with no affiliation to anything? To me independent thought and lack of an established "movement" pertaining to racial attitudes is what has separated whites from others in the first place. People who compartmentalize their thoughts in the name of unity or whatever in effect shoot themselves in the foot and appear more foolish. You see it with organizations like the NOI, FOI, La Raza, etc.. Nobody takes them seriously at a national level because they choose to align themselves with a concrete organization instead of just holding those core beliefs to themselves and building a life independently.  They look weaker, and sometimes just plain crazy.

"Fuck black leaders cuz whites ain't got none leading them"
-Nas "Black Zombies"

He has a point because we don't, nor have ever (with exception for ignorant rednecks involved in KKK and similar groups) had to find strength in a group to make us succeed in life. We have ourselves, and our families, and enough infrastructure in our own minds to build happy lives, without having to subscribe to or worship the ideals of what's known as "white nationalism". We have those beliefs internalized in us already, and don't need those "basic positions" outlined for us and every one else.

Eihtball, I don't know if you are doing your own personal research on Jared Taylor or his group and have any correspondence with them, but it would be nice if you did, and it would be nice if someone let them know that they are cheapening themselves as a strong people by creating in essence a "support group" for a race that is already the strongest (in America/Europe). Jared Taylor is a smart man but his decisions have made the white race, (or at least those involved with him) look weaker.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 12:52:10 PM by Pacific Standard »

Teddy Roosevelt

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 12:57:48 PM »
There is no contradiction. Western governments are dominated by self-hating white liberals and Marxists who want to believe in the "equality" crap that they were raised on for their entire lives. It's not so much a conspiracy as the inevitable outgrowth of white guilt. I am trying to make whites realize that they do not have to feel guilty, and that doing so puts them in a vulnerable position.


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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2009, 02:50:59 PM »
then surely western governments must also recognise this and so it would lead one to ask why they would be so happy to populate the west with muslims? sounds like they want chaos to me but you said real conspiracy's don't exist?  The intention of that comment is not even to be sarcastic, I am just simply taking the lines within what you have written albeit an excerpt and just trying to demonstrate that in them seems to lie a real contradiction.

There is no contradiction. Western governments are dominated by self-hating white liberals and Marxists who want to believe in the "equality" crap that they were raised on for their entire lives. It's not so much a conspiracy as the inevitable outgrowth of white guilt. I am trying to make whites realize that they do not have to feel guilty, and that doing so puts them in a vulnerable position.

And ultimately, it's quite likely we're going to see the rise of true conservative parties (like the British National Party) in Europe within the next decade, which will lead to mass deportation of jihadists and their sympathizers in the European Muslim communities.

But what would you know? You're the one who wants to believe there's a Jewish/Israeli conspiracy. You're on the same level as the REAL fascists.

Where did I say it was an jewish conspiracy? the groups that run the world are the royal families and the bankers who are predominantly are jewish that's true. However to claim I think it's a jewish conspiracy is a falsehood because of the above and b) these international bodies consist of many different races and religions. What you are saying in response to what I asked, does not make sense since it's the think tanks which are financed by big business which create the policies. This is what I don't understand once again, you are trying to tell me that the most powerful people running the show only want to create equality? feel guilt. It seems you are compartmentalizing my question since it is these very same groups who have created this environment in the first place.

The ideology that drives these people has nothing to do with guilt, it seems you still don't get it do you, the global elite have smashed the third world, capturing their resources and sucking any wealth dry. The money is created, simply printed, handed to the governments to build up their economies but in turn come with conditions which lead to total power. Now though as they "it's a small world" real economic output has slowed, and so the attention of these groups has now focused it's attention inwards, hence the bank bail outs which will keep coming, whilst credit will keep drying up. Of course it's a conspiracy. So I find it hard to believe that in knowing that, you can simply address the idea of mass immigration as "guilt" they know what they are doing.

P.S I don't believe that Islam is inherently evil but I used that to illustrate my point
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 03:07:38 PM by virtuoso »

Jared Taylor

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 07:19:29 PM »
Where did I say it was an jewish conspiracy?

You just started a topic about how the Israelis own news agencies.

This is what I don't understand once again, you are trying to tell me that the most powerful people running the show only want to create equality?

The "most powerful people" aren't some monolithic entity which have all the same views. However, most professors and journalists are ultra-liberals who vote Democrat and have strong pro-equality feelings, and who have a need to feel they're championing a cause. So they force multi-cultural propaganda down people's throats, to a point where anyone who does not espouse their views is ostracized and treated as evil.

Unlike you, I don't look for some evil conspiracy plot, which is obviously bullshit. The people who are shoving us down the road to a multi-cultural society are well-intentioned. But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Jared Taylor

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2009, 07:24:10 PM »
However I don't know why simply sharing that philosophy makes me a "white nationalist". If I accept those facts as truth, why do I need to be part of a movement, can't I just be my own person with no affiliation to anything?

You aren't unless you believe that a white society is preferable to a mixed-race society. That is what white nationalism is. We may draw from many arguments that conservatives of the mainstream variety have championed for years, but we draw different conclusions. There are, for instance, many conservatives who take a stand against affirmative action, and who believe that slavery, segregation, and insufficient social spending do not explain why blacks are prone to poverty and crime. However, almost none of those in the mainstream (i.e. the Republican Party) would ever dare argue that race has anything to do with this. They're more likely to blame problems in the black community upon a lack of proper family values (translation: they'll be better if they go to Church) and the ghetto culture (translation: ban rap music). The thought that blacks are genetically prone to such behavior is something they will always stop short of arguing. Whereas I won't.

Rugged Monk

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2009, 09:34:23 PM »
However I don't know why simply sharing that philosophy makes me a "white nationalist". If I accept those facts as truth, why do I need to be part of a movement, can't I just be my own person with no affiliation to anything?

You aren't unless you believe that a white society is preferable to a mixed-race society. That is what white nationalism is. We may draw from many arguments that conservatives of the mainstream variety have championed for years, but we draw different conclusions. There are, for instance, many conservatives who take a stand against affirmative action, and who believe that slavery, segregation, and insufficient social spending do not explain why blacks are prone to poverty and crime. However, almost none of those in the mainstream (i.e. the Republican Party) would ever dare argue that race has anything to do with this. They're more likely to blame problems in the black community upon a lack of proper family values (translation: they'll be better if they go to Church) and the ghetto culture (translation: ban rap music). The thought that blacks are genetically prone to such behavior is something they will always stop short of arguing. Whereas I won't.

Boom. See thats where we differ: you think its down to one's nature and intelligence is hereditary. Scientist have found certain genes give a disposition towards certain aspects like types of emotions and intelliigence however its nurture/one's upbringing and environment and personal will, etc that determines intelligence/contribution to society. So we know now race and genetics have a little to do with it but also nothing to do with it when compared to extraneous factors and one's postion in the world and environment and one's personal will.

If my hand had free reign and the ability to i'd impose a secular UN dictatorship upon Israel and Palestine and forcefully spoon feed their children a liberal secular enlightenment inter-religious education...I'd encourage inter-faith, bi-racial and bi-cultural relationships and families ......Plus I'd rebuild Solomon's Temple...
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 01:03:37 AM by Rugged Monk-Shaolin illuminati Click »

Rugged Monk

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2009, 09:51:20 PM »
why do I need to be part of a movement, can't I just be my own person with no affiliation to anything? To me lack of independent thought and an established "movement" pertaining to racial attitudes is what has separated whites from others in the first place.


Although you know, Farrakhan isn't really a seperatist or at least since 2002 he isn't a seperatisit. I know alot of brothers suffering from post-traumatic slave syndrome probably lean that way.
But Farrakhan is not a seperatist.

<a href=";hl=en&amp;fs=1" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en&amp;fs=1</a>
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 10:25:29 PM by Rugged Monk-Shaolin illuminati Click »


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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 05:51:47 AM »
Where did I say it was an jewish conspiracy?

You just started a topic about how the Israelis own news agencies.

This is what I don't understand once again, you are trying to tell me that the most powerful people running the show only want to create equality?

The "most powerful people" aren't some monolithic entity which have all the same views. However, most professors and journalists are ultra-liberals who vote Democrat and have strong pro-equality feelings, and who have a need to feel they're championing a cause. So they force multi-cultural propaganda down people's throats, to a point where anyone who does not espouse their views is ostracized and treated as evil.

Unlike you, I don't look for some evil conspiracy plot, which is obviously bullshit. The people who are shoving us down the road to a multi-cultural society are well-intentioned. But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Yes, Israel does wield great power but they aren't the only arm and I never said they were. However with all things Israeli related they more or less control the flow of information. In fact that's not even an opinion, every word from foreign journalists is scrutinised.

Yeah I can understand that about them only trying to better serve humanity, I mean the IMF are such wonderfully loving people, they don't want to financially rape the peasantry, they love everyone. Leo Strauss didn't actually consider the citizens slaves to be controlled by their masters, even though he states that, obviously his words are taken out of context. Ah man fuck it, yes they are just wonderfully fantastic people, so well intentioned.

Notice I am talking about the architects, of course there are good intentioned people to but the further you go up the chain, the uglier things become and when you are dealing with global bodies like the IMF, then you are dealing with an entity whose purpose is to create dependence thus dominating all economic activity. Do you think the architects of the european union usurpsed sovereign powers, created a central dictatorship because they love everyone, yeah I am sure they do. After all, power and dominance and enslavement equals love, it's silly of me to argue to the contrary.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 10:43:00 AM by virtuoso »

Jared Taylor

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2009, 01:02:40 PM »
Boom. See thats where we differ: you think its down to one's nature and intelligence is hereditary. Scientist have found certain genes give a disposition towards certain aspects like types of emotions and intelliigence however its nurture/one's upbringing and environment and personal will, etc that determines intelligence/contribution to society. So we know now race and genetics have a little to do with it but also nothing to do with it when compared to extraneous factors and one's postion in the world and environment and one's personal will.

Maybe you should check out some of what I have posted on the science of race. Start with this:

If my hand had free reign and the ability to i'd impose a secular UN dictatorship upon Israel and Palestine and forcefully spoon feed their children a liberal secular enlightenment inter-religious education...I'd encourage inter-faith, bi-racial and bi-cultural relationships and families ......Plus I'd rebuild Solomon's Temple...

Right, but here's the thing: The Israelis would go along with it, while the Palestinians wouldn't. Chances are, you'd be forced to slap the Palestinians around the same way that the Izzies have had to do.

Jared Taylor

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2009, 01:04:22 PM »
Yeah I can understand that about them only trying to better serve humanity, I mean the IMF are such wonderfully loving people, they don't want to financially rape the peasantry, they love everyone. Leo Strauss didn't actually consider the citizens slaves to be controlled by their masters, even though he states that, obviously his words are taken out of context. Ah man fuck it, yes they are just wonderfully fantastic people, so well intentioned.

Notice I am talking about the architects, of course there are good intentioned people to but the further you go up the chain, the uglier things become and when you are dealing with global bodies like the IMF, then you are dealing with an entity whose purpose is to create dependence thus dominating all economic activity. Do you think the architects of the european union usurpsed sovereign powers, created a central dictatorship because they love everyone, yeah I am sure they do. After all, power and dominance and enslavement equals love, it's silly of me to argue to the contrary.

You obviously missed the point of what I've been saying entirely.

Jared Taylor

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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2009, 05:58:37 PM »
Let me clarify a bit more...political correctness as it exists today is not really a "movement" or a "conspiracy" so much as a set of false values mutually shared. Remember it used to be common sense to people that the world was flat, or that people should be tried and executed for witchcraft? Political correctness and multi-cultural ideas are basically the same sort of thing - a lot of dumb ideas that can eventually be disproven as false and rejected once enough people come to their senses. And fortunately, the good news is that right now, many whites are coming to their senses. This is why so many nationalist parties in Europe like the BNP are seeing increased electoral success. I have complete faith that this will happen in America, too.


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Re: The new white nationalism - WHAT we stand for
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2009, 11:32:45 PM »
I have a question that I think hasn't been asked yet. Do you think that Muslim hatred toward the west is a strictly religious phenomenon? If so, how do years of western infiltration and exploitation of Arab and Muslim countries figure in their antagonism toward the west?. You also don't mention that violent forms of resistance practiced by Muslims are far surpassed by Western violence. Would you also attribute Western violence to the inherent evil of various western religions or cultures?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 11:36:21 PM by I TO DA GEEZY »
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?