Author Topic: Rough Draft:  Never could finish it. lol  (Read 141 times)


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Rough Draft:  Never could finish it. lol
« on: November 14, 2001, 03:24:29 PM »
You need to see a reflection of your self/
that's why you always keep going the other way/
whatever it is that's going on inside you head/
you need to see physically/
you need to have it played out for you like a play/
like a screenwriter/
and you don't have time to see where I'm coming from/
the world moves to fast, so you would rather pass by/
dealing with your own world I can't blame you for that/
your trying to figure shit out/
but let me help/
your using rumor to cover up a possible unclosed truth you fear the possibility/
myth, expressing fears and aspirations, and facilitating the transition from one living place to another/ way of thinking to another/
giving a level of intellectual control over the situation, even though in all actuality it's a myth/
because the ideas may seem foreign to you/
I did the same thing with our relationship, I needed to see a reflection of what was going on inside of me played/
but art is also a reflection of what's going on inside of us/ you’re an artist as well, apparently a good one, I've never seen any of it before though, anyway….
like a lot of Eminem's music (art) gives me a reflection of what's going on inside of me, so I don't have to dangerously play out those scenes on my own, I can learn from them/
So this is my art, the same way, I'm a writer, teacher, rhymer, rapper, whatever, this is my art, and I'm an x-boyfriend of yours... so this gives me the opportunity and knowledge needed to give a fair representation of what's going on in your head, and play it out for you through art so you don't have to make mistakes in your life, to see a 'picture' of what's going on in you head/social critique/fighting an anynonomous social power/ I grasp a hold of the machine of oppression and tweak it through their subversive rhetoric/

Reflections...... Myths.....  First reflections... then myths... and we'll get to the bottom of this....... get past the 'myths'...... with love from Infinite... aka by Brian for Erin

Your a reflection of me, I'm a reflection of you, to help us see through to the deeper truth/
So that our future doesn't render more heartbreak we must not refuse to hold the larger picture in clear view/
So here goes, read this twice if need be, because it would be easy to throw my thoughts to the side/
Hiding the potential fear that the truth could hold for you, you disclose it within a 'myth'/
Rather than trying to learn how my message could help you, you intend to find out for yourself/
Well, please allow me to help, because I'm in the same shoes as you, I've used you to help myself/
Because our relationship was a 'reflection' of what was going on inside my head at the time that we met/
Simple as this, I was failing at conquering the outside world, and was confused, but refused to give up/
For I felt that I wasn't completely to blame, because this crazy world was given to me/
Now compare my psychology to what ended up happening between you and me/
You ended up being a girl that 'confused' me, that I couldn't get back or rather 'conquer'/
But that I 'refused to give up', and that I fucked up, but that I felt it wasn't completely my fault/
See the similarities?

Your reflection.... and your desire to see this.. is why you keep turning in an opposite direction from me/
You give what you think is your 'all' with your boyfriends but it seems to fail/
But you often don't feel responsible and often beat yourself up for it/
Your confused, and don't know what road to choose, who you want to be with?/
So you end up just fulfilling this path that takes u-turns ultimately ending up in the same place/
It repeats itself over and over in an effort that you make to see your 'reflection'/
Well, reflection can also be seen through art, and my art is writing and rhyming/
So allow me to off a reflection for you so you don't continue to break hearts one after another/

Compare you life to the end results in your relationships with men/
Your trying to figure it out, and can't, become confused, and then don't know what road to choose/
You feel like you give it your 'all' in relationships, just like you feel like you've been a good daughter to your father/
But then you get fucked, like him not showing up, and sometimes you even beat yourself up for it/
So what's the solution, the solution was in the reflection, you wanted to see yourself/
Well here it is laid out for you, now you can see your thoughts manifested and learn from it/

So your going to continue to hurt your boyfriends badly until you can see that.../
Know that your more than they tell you you are, and that they don't know what you've gone through/
And that your intent is always positive no matter how it ends up/
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »