Author Topic: T.I still won't talk about Detox.  (Read 236 times)


T.I still won't talk about Detox.
« on: March 11, 2009, 12:45:05 PM »
T.I. Says He Has '18, 19' New Songs -- But Still Won't Talk DetoxTip still will not confirm his work on Dr. Dre's forthcoming LP, despite leaked tracks.
By Shaheem Reid, with additional reporting by Sway Calloway
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When T.I. takes a vow of silence, he apparently rides it out to the end. Tip has evidently made a pledge not to divulge any information about his reported collaborations with Dr. Dre for the Doc's forthcoming Detox LP — even though an inside source confirmed the information to MTV News, and tracks have leaked (one of which was labeled "I Am Hip-Hop (Detox)," with Tip referencing verses for Dre. Still, T.I. will not open up about his work on the album.

"I heard about that," Tip said nonchalantly about the Detox tracks leaking on Monday in the New York City borough of the Bronx, where he spoke to kids at a Boys & Girls Club.

As questioning about Detox continued, T.I. replied, "Did I really reference vocals for Dr. Dre? Did Dr. Dre confirm I referenced vocals for Dr. Dre? I cannot confirm or deny my involvement with the Detox project, but if I had the chance to work with the great Dr. Dre, it would be an honor and a privilege, and definitely be a pivotal moment and highlight of my career."

T.I. had previously told MTV News that "a little birdie" told him Detox will be "phenomenal."

Tip is scheduled to face a federal judge at the end of this month on March 27, where he will learn the full details of his prison sentence. Many of Tip's peers have been reaching out for guest verses from him before he has to go away.

"I'm trying to do as much as I can," he said. "I can't make it to everybody, but I'm gonna do as much as I can."

T.I. has also been at work on a new album, but doesn't have a release date as of yet.

"As far as my own personal project, I am working and recording," he explained. "I got 18, 19 new songs."