Author Topic: Ask me a question  (Read 237 times)


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Ask me a question
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:29:01 PM »
Ok. Ask me something and I will bless you with some jewels.  Buckle your seatbelts cuz I'm feelin philosophical as fuck. 


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 11:35:01 PM »
why cant we all just get along? why are humans naturally so controlling?  ???


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2009, 11:46:23 PM »
why cant we all just get along? why are humans naturally so controlling?  ???

Great question.

Humans are not naturally controlling.  The corrupt elite in the world are confused and misguided.  They truly believe that all of their systems of control are completely justified because they think the average person on earth is too stupid for their own good.  They honestly believe they are doing God's bidding by controlling us, because if they didn't we would all die off. 

But keep in mind that while there are negative forces out there, they can easily be defeated through love of self and others.  And I truly believe that through all the bullshit we're all experiencing on earth as we speak, it's for the greater good and we are going to come out much much better.


Kool Beenz

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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2009, 11:53:46 PM »
i have a question that i never got answered and it still wonders in my mind today...
there was this girl i use to date last year not much of a "relationship" we would just go out and hang out and party n stuff
well anyways one night she invites me over to stay at her apartment and i do... well we get to making out and her breathe stinks really really bad.. i think nothing of it because i think maybe its cus im drunk...

then like a week later she invites me over again.. this time we get to making out and her breathe still stinks but this time its worse... its like  fuckin sewer water... straight ass.
the next day i wake up and go home and i have the WORST taste in my mouth i have ever had in my life... i even throw up and get diarrhea from it... my stomach feels weird
well i go home and brush my teeth extra good and wash out with Listerine but it still have the bad taste in my mouth for at least 2 days!!

let me give you some background info on this girl... ive known her since i was 16, she has PERFECT teeth, they are aligned and WHITE as fuck... she uses the best toothpaste, Listerine, and whitening strips... but she is really really skinny like 80-90 pounds skinny...

my grandma said its because she may be bulimic
my mom says maybe she has gingivitis

i think she may be bulimic and pukes her own shit out of her mouth because that's what it tasted like...
poor girl could of had a chance but her breathe stank to damn bad... and my cousin said she smelt it too and she thinks her fuckin breathe stinks the worst out of anything she has ever smelt.. but she claims that she isnt bulimic

any answer's??


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 12:03:08 AM »
i have a question that i never got answered and it still wonders in my mind today...
there was this girl i use to date last year not much of a "relationship" we would just go out and hang out and party n stuff
well anyways one night she invites me over to stay at her apartment and i do... well we get to making out and her breathe stinks really really bad.. i think nothing of it because i think maybe its cus im drunk...

then like a week later she invites me over again.. this time we get to making out and her breathe still stinks but this time its worse... its like  fuckin sewer water... straight ass.
the next day i wake up and go home and i have the WORST taste in my mouth i have ever had in my life... i even throw up and get diarrhea from it... my stomach feels weird
well i go home and brush my teeth extra good and wash out with Listerine but it still have the bad taste in my mouth for at least 2 days!!

let me give you some background info on this girl... ive known her since i was 16, she has PERFECT teeth, they are aligned and WHITE as fuck... she uses the best toothpaste, Listerine, and whitening strips... but she is really really skinny like 80-90 pounds skinny...

my grandma said its because she may be bulimic
my mom says maybe she has gingivitis

i think she may be bulimic and pukes her own shit out of her mouth because that's what it tasted like...
poor girl could of had a chance but her breathe stank to damn bad... and my cousin said she smelt it too and she thinks her fuckin breathe stinks the worst out of anything she has ever smelt.. but she claims that she isnt bulimic

any answer's??

Phenomenal question.  You really challenge me.

I can't help but be reminded of this line:  "Talk so much shit, I got halitosis"...But really sunny, you knew this broad had a fucked up oral situation, and yet you went back.  Funky breath is caused by bacteria, so yes, you absolutely 100% got sick cuz of that shit.  Let's charge this one to the game and thank God it wasn't syphollis or something.  Amen.

Kool Beenz

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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2009, 12:05:13 AM »
like i said the first time i was drunk so i just thought thats why...
plus she was pretty hot for a skinny chick and she let me grub all her food and smoke all her weed  :)

but what kind of bacteria do you think it was?


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 12:08:11 AM »
like i said the first time i was drunk so i just thought thats why...
plus she was pretty hot for a skinny chick and she let me grub all her food and smoke all her weed  :)

but what kind of bacteria do you think it was?

Drunk or not, you should trust your instincts.  The bacteria was likely sulfuric, which is why it smelled like satans taint.

Kool Beenz

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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 12:11:55 AM »
thanks buddy i no longer will ever wonder why it stunk...

have a prop :)


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 12:25:22 AM »
If a man says something in the woods and no woman is around is he still wrong?

Kool Beenz

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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2009, 12:28:46 AM »
now that we found the solution it births more questions....
1. how did she get something like that bacteria she had?
2. do you think she knows she has it? obviously anyone who smelt it would know but was it like she knew her breathe stank the whole time or did she not know and couldnt taste it? i mean i can smell my own breathe... cant she?
3. how would she get rid of it?


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2009, 12:30:19 AM »
Ag you scandalous.and me calling someone scandalous is something ha ha many stds you got?ill put my gonnarhea up against your shyphillis

Rick McCrank

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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2009, 12:48:10 AM »
why do people swing open their car doors while inches from oncoming traffic?

and at the same time stick out their feet and look for something

why are people so clueless?

Pacific Standard

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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2009, 12:50:58 AM »
Why is it that very creative people never amount to the financial and seemingly overall success of their narrower peers (tools)?


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Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2009, 12:59:34 AM »
why is fuck shit shit fuck?


Re: Ask me a question
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2009, 01:10:25 AM »
why cant we all just get along? why are humans naturally so controlling?  ???

how it really goes down..