Author Topic: Bardem Drops out of Killing Pablo, Edgar Ramirez Steps In  (Read 78 times)


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Bardem Drops out of Killing Pablo, Edgar Ramirez Steps In
« on: March 14, 2009, 02:39:07 PM »
It seems that hit HBO show Entourage is rather prophetic in its satire. Just like Vince Chase’s Medellin project, it seems that reality’s attempts to make a film about the insane exploits of Columbian drug baron/philanthropoligist Pablo Escobar is fraught with difficulties also. Javier Bardem, who would have been perfect for the role, has dropped out of the adaptation of Killing Pablo. Bardem would have starred alongside Christian Bale as Major Steve Jacoby.

Director Joe Carnahan has, however, found a replacement in actor Edgar Ramirez, best known for his role in The Bourne Ultimatum, as the assassin Paz, and also for Vantage Point. But here’s where is gets confusing. It’s well know that two Escobar films are in production at the moment, the other being Escobar, produced by Oliver Stone and directed by Antoine Fuqua. But IMDB has Ramirez playing Escobar in the latter, and not Killing Pablo. This has been known foe sometime. Is it a case of wrong information, or has Ramirez been whisked away to the bigger film?

Escobar and Killing Pablo both aim to see a 2009 release.


Director Joe Carnahan (Smokin' Aces) updated his official blog with some news about his upcoming Pablo Escobar movie, entitled "Killing Pablo" and starring Christian Bale. Since his new film is one of three projects based on the famous drug lord's life, Carnahan is happy to announce that his is the only one that received support from the only remaining Escobar family member. Here is what Carnahan had to say:

"I received a letter addressed to me courtesy of my agency yesterday. It was beautifully written, emphatically detailed and nearly three pages long. The author was Juan Pablo Escobar. Pablo's only son. Now 30. He had his name legally changed in 1994 and I won't share his new nom de guerre out of respect for him and his intention in contacting me.

He offered me unlimited access to his family's history, including photos, films, letters and the like. There are obvious caveats and considerations but the next step is a face to face meeting. I'm honored he would think to reach out to me in this way.

Sitting down with the man that was once thought as the natural heir to the Medellin cartel and his father's legacy, only to turn his back on all of it, has got me f*cking pumped to say the least."

Edgar Ramirez

Pablo escobar

Val Kilmer>Jim Morrison

There's an impressive likeness, Bardem is fantastic but Ramirez looks more like Escobar.

We'll see 2 movies about escobar,and one is produced by oliver stone 8)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 02:41:29 PM by The Krasnoe Dinamo »