Author Topic: quit bein a bunch of pussies and....  (Read 803 times)


Re: quit bein a bunch of pussies and....
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2009, 10:28:26 AM »
haha damn i guess i just dont think about this as much as you do....all of you make decent points but obviously i dont share the same hatred for the people selling the bootleg as you do.  i get the idea that its bullshit that the release isn't guaranteed but how is that any inconveniance to you aside from taking 5 minutes to make the purchase? the money isn't lost....yeah i guess i'll be dissapointed if it doesn't go through but at least i'll know that i made the effort for it to see the light of today rather than tomorrow or 2010 or whatever.

$25 fellas....if they get 100 orders they'll have 2,500 minus any costs if any....the fact that they've been sitting on somethin like this for so long and only manage to get 2500 is insult enough.  i woulda been on the streets gettin at it....but thats beside the point

  I don't have any hatred in my heart for these guys whatsoever. Like I said if people wanna buy the project that is more power to them but let's call this for what it is. This thread was started, calling out people for not supporting the project when there are some very valid points not to. The project, in my opinion, isn't anywhere near reasonably priced. Beyond that, the business is very questionable.

If they don't have enough customers, perhaps they should change something about how they are doing business. If you have $25 to blow on a CD-R, that's your business but don't try to bait others into following you down that line by accusing them of being "cheap". I wouldn't spend $14 on a Pepsi either. It's not because I'm too cheap to afford the $14, it's because I know how much a Pepsi is worth. I'm no more mad at the person trying to sell it than he should be at me for recognizing his hustle and choosing not to purchase.

It's not an emotional investment with me. I've never bought a thing from them so how could I be mad at them? If you look at the situation from an objective perspective, it's pretty clear that they need to make some changes if they want to raise the projected amount of money. Having the 10 people who did buy the CD flood other forums asking people to cough up the money so they can get theirs isn't the answer. I don't have the Crooked I album at my house so I have no say in you getting it. I cough up the $25 and I get to sit around and play the waiting game with the rest of you. No thank you. Talk to the people with your money. That's on them.

That's exactly right.  But again, it goes back to arrogance.  They feel like they're doing everyone a favor by putting it up for sale.  It hasn't even occurred to them that people buying the product might be an equally integral part of this equation.  Look, if these people weren't grossly incompetent, this material would have been on the internet two weeks ago.  Their unwillingness to make any concessions to the original buyers fully proves how poorly they understand even rudimentary business practices. 

Jimmy H.

Re: quit bein a bunch of pussies and....
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2009, 12:22:35 PM »
investment? jesus christ, thats why i would say you're cheap.  i'm done with trying to understand where your comin from.  if you're just really smart with your money then okay, but if you ever spend more than $25 on a bitch then damn!
I said I didn't have an "emotional investment". Meaning I have no personal feelings about the people who sell this one way or the other. Was that terminology really that difficult to follow? Like I said, nobody is telling you that you can't buy as many of these Crooked I CD's as you want. Buy all 100 yourself and give them to your friends as birthday/X-mas gifts for all I care. All I'm getting at is you shouldn't hold other people responsible for you not getting your CD when we have no say in that.

If you can't understand where I'm coming from when I say I don't want to spend twenty-five dollars to buy something that I have to wait for 89 more people to buy before I receive then maybe you're right to give up. I have spent $25 at bars. I do spent $25 on women. However, I've never gone to a bar where I've ordered a $25 drink and they told me, "You can't have it until you go outside and get 90 other people to come in here and buy the same drink." If any bar had the policy, you'd better believe I wouldn't be drinking there. I shouldn't have to bother other people to buy something so I can get what I've already paid for. It sounds like you paid for this, realized they only had 10% of the customers they needed and are now mad because you have to wait for the other 90% which at this rate sounds like it might take awhile. That's a rough break but like I said, you're mad at the wrong people.


Re: quit bein a bunch of pussies and....
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2009, 12:28:01 PM »
investment? jesus christ, thats why i would say you're cheap.  i'm done with trying to understand where your comin from.  if you're just really smart with your money then okay, but if you ever spend more than $25 on a bitch then damn!
I said I didn't have an "emotional investment". Meaning I have no personal feelings about the people who sell this one way or the other. Was that terminology really that difficult to follow? Like I said, nobody is telling you that you can't buy as many of these Crooked I CD's as you want. Buy all 100 yourself and give them to your friends as birthday/X-mas gifts for all I care. All I'm getting at is you shouldn't hold other people responsible for you not getting your CD when we have no say in that.

If you can't understand where I'm coming from when I say I don't want to spend twenty-five dollars to buy something that I have to wait for 89 more people to buy before I receive then maybe you're right to give up. I have spent $25 at bars. I do spent $25 on women. However, I've never gone to a bar where I've ordered a $25 drink and they told me, "You can't have it until you go outside and get 90 other people to come in here and buy the same drink." If any bar had the policy, you'd better believe I wouldn't be drinking there. I shouldn't have to bother other people to buy something so I can get what I've already paid for. It sounds like you paid for this, realized they only had 10% of the customers they needed and are now mad because you have to wait for the other 90% which at this rate sounds like it might take awhile. That's a rough break but like I said, you're mad at the wrong people.


Quadruple OG

Re: quit bein a bunch of pussies and....
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2009, 12:24:06 PM »
the more people talk about certain Death Row artists on here, the more likely it is that Wide Awake Ent. will release the music properly and without the bullshit that these bootleggers in general put people through.

If FTP and these other idiots were smart, they'd leak all the Crooked I material (or whatever artist material they have) for free. That way less people would be inclined to purchase the real release when it eventually comes out. All these attention whore bootleggers brought this among themselves.


Re: quit bein a bunch of pussies and....
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2009, 12:39:36 PM »
the more people talk about certain Death Row artists on here, the more likely it is that Wide Awake Ent. will release the music properly and without the bullshit that these bootleggers in general put people through.

If FTP and these other idiots were smart, they'd leak all the Crooked I material (or whatever artist material they have) for free. That way less people would be inclined to purchase the real release when it eventually comes out. All these attention whore bootleggers brought this among themselves.

Yep.  I've never seen a more shining example of people thinking backasswards.  Plus we know that Wideawake is releasing projects from the artists that they've already spoken to first, and they've already spoken to Crooked I.  So the math on this is pretty easy for those who are paying attention.  These people who have this should get rid of it while it's still of some value.