Author Topic: The Rat Pac Interview  (Read 99 times)


The Rat Pac Interview
« on: April 13, 2009, 09:10:36 AM »

Raptalk.Net hooked up with an up and coming duo from New Jersey who goes by the name of The Rat Pac. We get all the background information on the group including how they met and began performing as the duo they do today.

The Rat Pac have been through a lot in terms looking for recognition and exposure in the Hip-Hop world, so they share with us an interesting and funny scam story they've been through! It's not all negative though, they let us know about the best thing that's ever happened to their career.

Their debut album cleverly titled "Self-Titled Debut" (or "STD" for short) is currently available digitally so everybody make sure to log onto iTunes and get a copy of that!



Raptalk.Net: We’re here with The Rat Pac; how are you guys doing?


The Rat Pac: We’re doing well; I’m doing alright! We’re chillin’ man. I’m about to crack a bottle and let my body waddle!


Raptalk.Net: Eminem style!


The Rat Pac: Yeah! Eminem, this guy needs to hurry up and come out with an album. The game is lacking right now; it’s boring.


Raptalk.Net: He’s got one coming out soon.


The Rat Pac: Yeah, I’m waiting for it! And I’m waiting for that 50 (Cent) album.


Raptalk.Net: In due time. You guys are talking about how the game is lacking, you made some videos regarding that subject that will touch on later. Firstly, we want to get some background information on you two. How did you meet and form the duo you perform as today?


The Rat Pac: Oh Man. That was like in 2000. No wait; it was 1999 because we graduated in 2002. We met in 1999 in High School. We were actually apart of a bigger group at the time but things and people change so we just kept it together. We make better music as a duo anyway. That’s just what we did; we just kept it like that. We had a studio in the house. It went from the microphone with the sock on it to a professional studio with pro-tools and a mixer and all that.


Raptalk.Net: It’s been a long time coming and that advancement in equipment plays well into my next question - You guys have gone through a lot in terms of trying to gain some recognition; all the way from waiting outside record labels and driving long distances to participate in talent shows…


The Rat Pac: (Laughs) we have a story to tell, for real. We went to Baltimore, Maryland for an audition and there was some guy from The Wire; we were trying to audition as well but oh man, that guy couldn’t sing! They booed him off the stage (laughs). They were charging people like $200-300 to perform and they didn’t want rappers; they were looking for a certain singer so basically scammed people out of their money; it was ridiculous.


Raptalk.Net: (Laughs) oh boy! That was a negative story, we also want to hear something positive - what would you say from those experiences resulted in the biggest break you’ve received in this industry?


The Rat Pac: Our publicist was the best one; he was one of the people that actually hit us back and wanted to work with us. We’ve given CD’s and emailed music to a lot of people but a lot of them don’t call back or whatever. It is what it is. Our publicist definitely hit us up and let us know what the deal was. He liked the music and everything. Whatever he wants us to do, will do it – that’s what it is; that’s basically the man right there.




Raptalk.Net: Well that’s positive to hear. The cleverly titled debut album “Self-Titled Debut” is currently available digitally. I’m sure there is more meaning behind that than it suggests; so tell us why you decided to roll with that title?


The Rat Pac: (Laughs) you know we call that album “STD” for short. We actually came back from one of those Manhattan centre studios and we met some guy going down the stairs and he was trying to sell us some DVD’s so we started yelling out “We got STD’s for sale!” We were passing CD’s out like crazy so we figured we’d just go like that.


There’s a story as to why that album is on digital distribution too; yo’ Ed, wherever you at – give us our money man! (Laughs) you’re putting our music all over the Internet and you aren’t paying anybody.


Raptalk.Net: (Laughs) “STD” that’s crazy! As mentioned, the album is available digitally; what do you think the digital has done to Hip-Hop?


The Rat Pac: oh man, digital. I think the Internet is definitely a good thing for Hip-Hop right now. It’s a gift and a curse. It’s a gift because people like us can just put up stuff on blogs and go to Myspace without having to get a demo in the mail or whatever. It’s a curse because you have so many video blogs that are just straight garbage. There’s a lot of trash out there in Hip-Hop as far as the Internet goes. I think the digital age is definitely a good look for Hip-Hop. Instead of going to the store…half the stores that sell music are shutting down anyway, they’re shutting down Virgin Megastores and all of this. You can just sit at your computer and buy it from Itunes.


Raptalk.Net: No doubt. Specifically, what have been the personal benefits you two have seen of taking your album digitally instead of following the traditional hard copy method?


The Rat Pac: I would say you could reach a broader audience. You can get people in Europe buying your music from Itunes if they don’t have your CD there. You could get at a wider audience. We still have the CD on hard copy too. We still pass it around; you don’t have to just buy it on the Internet but people definitely do.


Raptalk.Net: I think you get a larger percentage from digital sales than hard copies as well.


The Rat Pac: We wouldn’t know about that because homeboy isn’t giving us our money! (Laughs). It’s better if we just give the CD out on hard copy and collect the $10 ourselves or however much you want to sell it for.


Raptalk.Net: That’s a good strategy as well. Do you guys want to remain independent or would you consider signing to a major label at this time?


The Rat Pac: Oh definitely go major. Independent doesn’t work right now. There’s no point in staying independent. It’s not working. We’ve been independent for seven years and we’re still broke. We need that major deal.


Raptalk.Net: That outlook is definitely against the majority; most artists claim independent is the way to go. Do you feel from your personal experiences is the reason as to why you two prefer the major label deal?


The Rat Pac: Put it this way – everybody says they want to stay independent so they can make the music they want to make, this and that. Look at what Kanye (West) did – look at artists like Kid Cudi today; look at Lupe Fiasco type artists. They’re making Hip-Hop the way they want to make it; they’re not selling out like the Soulja Boy’s, this and that. That’s how a lot of these artists are. It’s usually the non-talented artists that want to stay independent. I could talk all day about these cats that are announcing this independent stuff; it’s ridiculous. I don’t have anything against them but if you can’t make a hit single on a major label, then that’s your problem.


Raptalk.Net: We like that point of view because it’s different and it’s well put. I do however think with guys like Lupe and Kanye, they kind of lucked out that their label allowed them that freedom to do music the way they want to.


The Rat Pac: You’re definitely right on that one. Listen to what Kanye said; this guy made a song called “Jesus Walks.” If they didn’t think that song was going to be as big it was, I don’t see anybody else coming out with a song like that – Do you see somebody like Soulja Boy doing a song like “Jesus Walks?” I don’t think so. All I’m hearing is “Stinky Leg” and “do the Ricky Bobby.” Whoever signed them “Stinky Legs” dudes needs to be fired. That song is straight trash (Laughs). I’m tired of dancing in the clubs; I’m tired of dancing moves; this is ridiculous. I feel like I should be a choreographer.


Raptalk.Net: Next up is the “Stinky Elbow.”


The Rat Pac: (Laughs) “The Bionic Elbow” or some shit. People are going to be doing wrestling moves in the club now. We have our secret song; it’s stashed away on our hard drive in the basement. It’s called “Boogers up my Nose.” It’s a real song, we have it stashed away. Whoever wants it, holla’ at us – it’s a hit. It’s catchy. Will sell it to you Soulja Boy!


Raptalk.Net: Soon I’ll be doing that dance in the club.


The Rat Pac: (Laughs) people are going to be going in there with a cold and not even clean their nose.


Raptalk.Net: You’re talking about the wrestling moves, it’s going to get to a point we’re dancing in the club to some Hip-Hop will consent of knocking people out with your dance moves.


The Rat Pac: (Laughs) Oh man. It’s getting like that now anyways. Tell me why I turn on Hot 97 the other day and I heard Bruce Springsteen? I have a problem with Bruce Springsteen, but it’s Hot 97! I’m trying to hear like T-Pain or something! What’s going on? This Isn’t K-Rock! It’s ridiculous but it is what it is. In ten years, Hip-Hop won’t even sound like what it does today – it’s going to be something completely to the left that nobody thought it would be.


Raptalk.Net: We’re talking about all the crazy singles that are out nowadays, and you guys gained a lot of attention for you’re video on the “10 worst singles of 2008” – tell us about you’re number one selection and why it was deserving of that title?


The Rat Pac: We actually have two of them – we have videos on the top 10 worst rappers and another video on the top 10 worst singles.


Raptalk.Net: We’re going to get into the top 10 worst rappers next.


The Rat Pac: Oh, ok. You guys must have been digging through the crates because I put that worst singles list on you tube and got like 3 hits on it! I’m waiting on DJ Vlad to promote that.


Raptalk.Net: What was the worst single of 2008?


The Rat Pac: Hot Stylez “Lookin’ Boy” was the worst single (Laughs). They have a guy in the group called Meatball. That’s all I could say. Who wakes up in the morning and gets out of bed and says “Yo’ I got a hot rap name for myself; I’m going to’ call myself Meatball” (Laughs). Meatball and DJ Spaghetti and they’re going to sell some Pasta. That single was garbage.


Raptalk.Net: In relation to that, you guys made a video titled the “ten worst rappers” which received over 100,000 hits in no time; tell us about your list of the “ten worst rappers” and why some of those rappers deserve to be on that list?


The Rat Pac: The number you just said, we were hoping to get 100,000 views and that video in about 4-5 days, received about 300,000. You can check out the video right now and it has over 300,000 and it’s still getting hits. As far as the video goes, it’s almost a year old actually. We posted it and it only had 10,000 views. When we put it on Vlad TV, it took off. People were just eating up that video. We made that video because it’s the way to get attention and it did it’s job; there’s a lot of garbage out here. I’m glad we threw Webbie on that list because the man walks around with fish neck shit; I can’t stand some of this garbage out here. It makes me upset as a fan of Hip-Hop. I know it makes Lupe Fiasco type rappers upset. Nas is upset. He had to make an album called “Hip-Hop Is Dead” and it is dead. Hip-Hop is dead. A lot of people were upset that we put certain artists on that list but nobody else is doing it; everybody else is afraid to say people’s names. We had to make sure we addressed it and we didn’t hold anything back. If we don’t do it, nobody else will.


Raptalk.Net: We appreciate that realness. This question is for Abwon – if you could take one skill away from Nikkels and add it to your arsenal of skills, what would it be and why?


The Rat Pac (Abwon): I would have to say his ability to write catchy hooks. I could write hooks as well, but he (Nikkels) comes up with the hooks straight like that. Will have the same beat for like a week and he’ll (Nikkels) have a hook for that beat in 1-5 minutes. It’ll take me like an hour or so. I have to step my game up on that part (laughs).


Raptalk.Net: Same question for you Nikkels.


The Rat Pac (Nikkels): He (Abwon) has some crazy punchlines. That’s all I could say; he (Abwon) comes up with some crazy ass punchlines.


Raptalk.Net: Tell us about the new website you guys are launching shortly.


The Rat Pac: That’s going to have a whole bunch of music stashed on the computer that we’re not releasing yet, it’s under lock and key – we’re going to get some new stuff up there, including “Boogers up my Nose” – people think we’re joking about that. People are going to be feeling that song. We’re going to be putting up new pictures - not nude pictures, new pictures (laughs). We actually have a show coming up at a College in Pennsylvania so will have some video footage of that and whatever top 10 videos we have, because we have a lot to address so will be posting that as well. People will definitely know what time it is – The Rat Pac is going to be a household name.


Raptalk.Net: What’s next up for The Rat Pac?


The Rat Pac: In the short term or long term?


Raptalk.Net: Within’ the next five years.


The Rat Pac: We’re trying to have The Rat Pac be a brand. The new Rat Pac – you can call me Frank Sinatra Jr. (laughs); that Mickey Blue Eyes, Steve Martin and all that; brand, new. If it’s not that big, will settle for a major deal with a successful career.


Raptalk.Net: I appreciate your time Abwon and Nikkels; do the two of you have any last words for Raptalk.Net?


The Rat Pac: All the MC’s out there that are putting out that garbage ass music, watch out because I’m coming for all you guys. For real, people out here need to start watching themselves because I’m still waiting for those artists on that top 10 list to try and address us but they don’t want to it because I know they’re not trying to make it bigger than it already did. As far as my last words, DJ Vlad, hit us up and holla’ at us; we’re waiting on you to post up that new video – get in touch. One more thing; the Myspace. Hit us up on Myspace at
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Re: The Rat Pac Interview
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 10:34:08 AM »


Re: The Rat Pac Interview
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 10:34:27 AM »
Co-Director of Site Content For Raptalk.Net
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