Author Topic: Mu Dills Interview  (Read 99 times)


Mu Dills Interview
« on: April 17, 2009, 10:42:16 PM »

I2G linked back up with Mu Dills for a interview. Since the last time we linked up, Mu has signed a distribution deal with Sony, which he talks about, also the name and release date of his debut album, his constant mixtape grind and more so check it out.

We are here with Mu Dills, how's it going man?

Can't call it collect man, I am enjoying life right now.

Since our last interview a couple months ago you signed a new deal. Tell me the details about it.

Yeah we with Sony Red Distribution, Money Green/Sony Red. It's working out real good for us right now, they getting behind everything right now so I am just putting music together for it.

Now the track you were talking about last interview, Raincheck with Lil Kim, that is now released correct?

Mu Dills feat Lil Kim- Raincheck:

Yeah it is released now. Actually it is already on stations, and We just started pushing it.

Is that going to be the lead single from your album?

Yes that will be one of my singles from my album, which is The Birth Of A Star.

Any plans to do a video for the single?

Oh yeah we are going to do a video for the single. We are going to sit down with Kim and discuss everything and then we are going to get that video done.

Do you already have guests or producers lined up for the album?

For the production, I got a lot of producers. For the most part I have a lot of in house production because if you look at all these major labels, these labels that came from the bottom to the top, Ruff Ryders, Death Row, Bad Boy, they brought a lot of producers names to the forefront. So I got alot of in house production and I got alot of joints from Souldiggas Production, so we just chopping it up right now.

Do you have a projected release date or time frame that you want to have the album out by?

Birth Of A Star August 18th. So everyone can get ready for that on the 18th. We are going to crack everyone in the head with that.

Any plans to drop a mixtape or anything to warm the streets up before the album drops?

Definitely, speaking of mixtapes I have been dropping numerous mixtapes up to this point. I just did a mixtape with DJ Prince Futuristic Southstar mixtapes, I did Concrete Walls 2 with DJ J Boogie, I did Brick Therapy with DJ King Nade. Not to mention my independent mixtapes, Grind City 1,2,3 editions. I have been out here man, I have been on the scene. I got music floating around everywhere right now.

I just was not sure if you would do maybe like a pre-tape right before the album. Have a couple tracks from the album on the mixtape.

Actually before the album I was going to release Grind City 4, which is going to be a street album. All original joints, because if you look at my prior history on Grind City1-3 I was going on other peoples beats to display my lyrical talent. On Grind City 4, it will be like a album before the album.

Do you have any other artists in mind that you would like to reach out to before the album gets finished that you would like to be on the album? Or maybe work with in the future?

I got all doors open right now. I mean I don't have a particular artist in mind, but it is all open. I am here to create and I am here to make it happen.

One mixtape I really liked of yours was that collaboration mixtape with Richie Sosa.

OH YEAH, Big shouts out too to the whole Canada, DJ Las Vegas, he did the Greatest Heavyweights mixtape with me and Richie Sosa. You got that?

Yeah I got that.

How did you like it?

Yeah it was fire man. You guys were going bar for bar, track to track, back to back. It was straight lyrics from beginning to end.

No doubt, that's what's up.

Do you have any plans to do another mixtape with him or maybe another artist?

I don't have any plans but whatever comes my way I am always ready to grind and collaborate with whoever.

What do you feel the fans and the people out there are going to get with this new album once it drops on August 18th?

First I want to thank all my fans and my supporters out there that have always supported me. What you are going to get is definitely Mu Dills, you are going to get something new, you are going to get something that you have never heard, you are going to get a whole different sound when you get that Birth Of A Star. A whole different sound. Originality.

What is your personal thoughts right now on music that is coming out from the East Coast?

As far as the east coast music scene, I think I am the next dude. Actually a couple of months ago I was on the computer and I was checking out some stuff on this website. Somebody had left a comment and somebody said Mu Dills is going to bring the east coast back. This is a comment that somebody left. So I was like wow, that is real big for somebody to say right there. As far as east coast music, I that it is good but I try not to put myself in a box with east, west, south or anything. I am all about music man, I love music and I love doing it.

What is your myspace or website information for people looking to check out your music?

Definitely, everybody can check me out at Go can go to the Money Green website, You can also check me on You Tube. If you can't find me just Google Mu Dills and everything will come up. Also check me out on Facebook.

Do you have any upcoming shows or tour dates coming up that you want to let the people know about?

We are working on a tour now, that is in the works. It is not done yet, but we are getting it together now so everybody can look out for that. I will be hitting the road real soon though.

Alright well that is all the questions that I have for you, appreciate you getting down for the interview. Once again congrats on the new deal. I see you out there on your grind, constantly putting out music.

Definitely man I want everybody to tune into my new single, Rain check, Mu Dills featuring Lil Kim. Birth Of A Star August 18th.

Do you have any last words or shout outs you want to get out there to the people?

I just want to tell everybody to let go of your fears and doubts, you can accomplish anything you want out here man. Let's do it together.

Alright man appreciate the interview.

Appreciate you having me.
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