Author Topic: Rumsfeld says flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11 was shot down...  (Read 637 times)


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DISCLAIMER:  I'm only presenting some info, take it as you will!!!!!

If you guys remember, the official story for this plane was that some heroes aboard the plane attempted to stop the hijackers and caused the plane to crash.

Well in this vid, Rummy says it was shot down...freudian slip maybe?  It would explain why there was no smoke and only minute amounts of debris...

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

More on this here:

Here's testimony from Major Rick Gibney, the F-16 pilot who allegedly fired the missile that took it down:

Testimony from "Elizabeth Nelson" who claims she was in the room when the orders were given to blow it up:

Further discussion of the Rick Gibney story:

Cali Climate

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freudian slip maybe?

I wonder what his dreams at night are like?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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2 ways of looking at it, he either accidentally let this out, or it was made to simply like he accidentally let it out, when really that was the intention, so the debate can rage about did it or didn't get shot down which of course then gives rise to alternative theories and how might it have been shot down, would it have been with conventional weaponry or something more high tech etc. There are so many things that happened that day and of the things which built up to that day, that it's cool to raise something like this as just one of many things but some people tend to focus on one issue, an issue where it's still undecided and therefore represents a smokescreen whether intentionally or not.


  • Lil Geezy
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there was/were some coroner(s) who was also quoted saying he stopped being coroner after 20 minutes because there was no blood/dead bodies on site. & that it looked like someone dug a big whole & dumped a whole bunch of trash in it.
thats what i read somewhere.
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Yep but then the coroner turned around while asked about what he said by the BBC and he denied he had ever said this and that his words had been taken completely out of context. This is why it becomes one of those issues which is not really going to be resolved because did he say it in the first place? or was he shook after pressure was brought to bear on him.


  • Lil Geezy
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i also read Flight 93 never did crash... ::)
just some shit i read
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He is saying this because there is public doubt as to if there was actually any plane wreckage at the Pensylvania site or the Pentagon. From the look of the 'crash' site and the initial testimony of the coroner and others who were there, there is nothing actually there, just debris not identifiable as a plane. Same with the Pentagon 'crash'.

What Rumsfield is trying to imply is that they obliteratedflight 93 in the air so thats why there is hardly any wreckage. But still, how do they account for the Pentagon 'plane crash'? Looks like they just set off a few bombs in the unused above ground sections of the Pentagon, no plane wreckage either, and the CCTV 'footage' of the plane crashing into the Pentagon is laughable, totally bogus.

In my opinion the two planes that crashed into the WTC towers were taken over with remote control and flown into the towers. OR some other remote control planes were substituted.

The planes destined in the official story for the white house and the pentagon were deemed to risky to pilot into their targets via remote control, so they got rid of them and manufactured both crash sites.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 07:52:40 PM by Overfiend ILLuminati Click brrrrrrap! »


Donald is an old cunt.
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June 28, 2004

Col. Don de Grand-pre first broke the story of the Happy Hooligans and the shootdown of Flight 93 during his interview on The Alex Jones Show back in February.

Alex spoke with Col. De Grand-Pre today, who confirms the information in this article.

Lets Roll 911 | June 28 2004

LetsRoll has discovered the name of the pilot as well as all other pertinent information regarding this incident;

"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;

He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."

Major Rick Gibney did as he was ordered and did nothing criminal. He was merely following orders, of which he had no choice. Please do not harrass this man or bother him for doing what his CO & ultimately George Bush, ordered him to do. Major Rick Gibney has no reason to feel guilty nor regret following orders. The fault lies with his superiors, and a one, certain President George Bush who planned and engineered 911. Please do not heap any kind of abuse onto this man, a crack fighter pilot, one of the best in our nation, for doing what he was trained and ordered to do. He is a good man, honest and full of Integrity as well as unlimited discipline. He is a patriot, and was lied to and deceived.

He had no way to know that this plane wasn't a 'hostile.' Nor could he have. The fault lies with his superiors, and President George 'Dubya' Bush.

Flight 93 has now been forever solved by truth, and honest reporting and investigating, from!

Major Rick Gibney, please do not read this as anything but the truth that the world deserves to know as true history. You played a part, but it was your superiors who deceived both you and everyone else regarding Flight 93. I didn't relish printing your name, as your innocent of any evil doing. yet it's history, and truth, and the world deserves to know.

And your safer now that this truth is out there, than if it was not.

But the world would appreciatte an honest reply and statement from you on this issue, but only when your able and ready.

The source of this information Mr. Gibney was very careful to point out your high quality of charachter and lack of malice or malfeasance in these issues. Your integrity is no way harmed by these revelations, as you were ignorant of the total picture of what was happening that day, and following orders as you were trained to do in an emergency.

I apologize for having to print your name, but felt it neccessary for both the truth to come forward, and your own safety.

Major Rick Gibney..."Lets Roll"



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freudian slip maybe?

I wonder what his dreams at night are like?

They probably involve sexual experiences w/ his mother.


he's a nut

the ghost

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I remember watching the news on 9/11 and they interviewed a farmer that said he saw the plane blow up mid air.  then they never mentioned that again.  Makes sense they would shoot it down over a unpopulated area.  That "lets roll" stuff was crap.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Since they are using a specific name, it's likely it is true and would make sense. In a way I am glad the plane was downed because the intended target presumably would have been camp david?


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Since they are using a specific name, it's likely it is true and would make sense. In a way I am glad the plane was downed because the intended target presumably would have been camp david?

Possibly...however, if they were gonna knock down 3 towers + the pentagon, and 4 planes crashed that day, you'd think their plan was to have all 4 planes hit all 4 buildings.  There must have been a major SNAFU for them to blow it up without it reaching it's destination.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 02:16:00 PM by Underground King »


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lol, I just tried to go to the link provided in the initial video,  It says that account has been suspended and gives no reason.