Author Topic: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!  (Read 26762 times)


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #120 on: April 28, 2009, 04:30:53 PM »
awesome man, fucking awesome about time they were brought to justice.

Do you have any other stuff, a few days ago you were taking quotes out of the private forum - do you have any more or any other stuff?
thanks for the pdf


Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #121 on: April 28, 2009, 04:37:31 PM »
11:24:34 PM forthepeopleent: hey
11:24:41 PM Dante: sup
11:24:44 PM forthepeopleent: you busy?
11:24:49 PM Dante: nope
11:24:59 PM forthepeopleent: someone just Imed me and said RM4 is all the footage from Inside DR 3?
11:25:24 PM Dante: we re-sourced the blackwatch footage that was in rm1
11:25:39 PM Dante: so basically the same shit but it's not exactly what you sold to me
11:25:44 PM forthepeopleent: oh ok
11:25:52 PM forthepeopleent: i dont really care was just curious
11:26:07 PM Dante: mine was just as useless as yours lol
11:26:21 PM Dante: you're moving ahead with the crook huh
11:26:25 PM forthepeopleent: same person showed me to text shit from the ohio concert w/ welcome to dr song etc
11:26:31 PM forthepeopleent: yea figured now or never with it
11:26:38 PM Dante: that should prob sell since the other guy backed out
11:26:55 PM forthepeopleent: yea its got some songs he didnt have on it too so hopefully itll do decent
11:26:56 PM Dante: then again the people are leechers
11:27:19 PM forthepeopleent: lol yea
11:27:20 PM Dante: do you have more? maybe if you say you have a followup people will take it more serious
11:27:44 PM Dante: on dubcnn they're hating because of the diff tracklist but fail to see that there is no real definitive list
11:27:47 PM forthepeopleent: yea I do but I dont wanna tell them and have them have a excuse to wait
11:28:06 PM forthepeopleent: yea I dont even read that board anymore theyre all leechers
11:28:19 PM forthepeopleent: need a note from god to spend more than $10.00
11:28:29 PM Dante: i stay on top of it because they're so lax with rules
11:28:45 PM forthepeopleent: yea that they are
11:28:55 PM Dante: so you plan on doing the pac stuff after crooked?
11:29:30 PM forthepeopleent: yea Im kinda 50/50 I wanna do it but on the other hand I wouldnt mind just keeping it and avoiding all the drama/shit talking that will come with it
11:30:01 PM Dante: was wondering about that since shortyo got hit pretty fast
11:30:23 PM Dante: sure he did amazon, but these people have all these little kilos who want to report to them to feel like they are important
11:30:34 PM forthepeopleent: yea
11:30:50 PM Dante: if you still plan on doing the leveling idea that will help but you need to trim the herd
11:31:00 PM Dante: like we have about 15 serious people now
11:31:39 PM Dante: a few more who we can sell less sensitive things to but there aren't many trustworthy people out there
11:31:56 PM forthepeopleent: yea especially with 2pac shit
11:32:49 PM Dante: don't get me wrong, the material is exciting and something i'd like to hear eventually, but you have to be careful
11:33:18 PM forthepeopleent: yea his shit will get you sued if its too high profile
11:33:24 PM forthepeopleent: ill wait and see how it goes
11:33:42 PM Dante: have you hollered at w.e. about doing web work for them?
11:34:05 PM forthepeopleent: nah
11:34:21 PM forthepeopleent: if they contact me ill talk to them but its not something Im gonna pursue
11:34:52 PM Dante: is there a reason? seems like something i'd have expected.
11:35:20 PM forthepeopleent: no no reason just dont wanna be "one of those guys" that approaches someone to work for them
11:35:23 PM Dante: on second thought i suppose that would be handing them your info
11:35:32 PM forthepeopleent: it would be a little too grouyish
11:35:42 PM forthepeopleent: groupyish
11:35:45 PM forthepeopleent: that too lol
11:35:46 PM Dante: it would be groupish if you did it free lolk
11:35:54 PM forthepeopleent: that too lol
11:36:01 PM forthepeopleent: according to glitt i did that for 7 years
11:36:27 PM Dante: i still remember the brown flash one you made
11:36:35 PM Dante: thought that was the best one hands down
11:36:35 PM forthepeopleent: the fire one?
11:36:37 PM Dante: yeah
11:36:40 PM forthepeopleent: yea
11:37:07 PM forthepeopleent: when u guys find someone with material
11:37:11 PM forthepeopleent: how much do u pay?
11:37:18 PM forthepeopleent: just generalized
11:37:29 PM forthepeopleent: cause i could just sell u songs here and there if u want
11:37:54 PM Dante: it depends on the person really
11:38:04 PM Dante: sometimes people are totally crazy
11:38:08 PM forthepeopleent: yea
11:38:10 PM Dante: like one guy wanted 2k per song
11:38:14 PM forthepeopleent: lol
11:38:18 PM Dante: that's just not realistic lol
11:38:23 PM forthepeopleent: did he have actually good shit?
11:38:38 PM Dante: yeah but 2k each is tough to swallow
11:38:46 PM forthepeopleent: yea agreed
11:38:55 PM Dante: unless you sell publicly it's impossible to do something like that
11:39:13 PM Dante: then you run a huge risk to at best turn a minor profit
11:39:21 PM forthepeopleent: is 500.00 a song too much?
11:39:52 PM Dante: yeah that's usually what i offer - depends on quantity the guy has you know
11:40:02 PM Dante: like if they have lots i talk about a disc vs a song
11:40:18 PM forthepeopleent: oh ok
11:40:23 PM Dante: if you ever wanted to do something together we could theoretically collaborate
11:40:38 PM Dante: i know it's not easy because of the history
11:40:40 PM forthepeopleent: u know why I couldnt do that
11:40:54 PM forthepeopleent: big litt got me for the first disc we tried to do
11:40:55 PM Dante: but it could be more like hey i came up with this shit thru a myspace source
11:41:07 PM Dante: the oftb?
11:41:13 PM forthepeopleent: nah tongue kissin etc
11:41:14 PM Dante: oh
11:41:15 PM forthepeopleent: that disc
11:41:16 PM Dante: right
11:41:30 PM Dante: i'd like to think things are diff but i can't say to be honest
11:41:35 PM Dante: i can't speak for her
11:41:50 PM forthepeopleent: i cant believe she messaged me as I was sending u the songs and basically ratted u out lol i remember that day
11:41:58 PM forthepeopleent: I dont think they are on her end but whatever
11:42:41 PM Dante: all i'm saying is that if you and i found a way to work it out it could be a sale to me from a nameless source or you as a silent partner to share profits. the benefit is that nothing from my group leaks now.
11:42:56 PM Dante: but believe me, i appreciate the larger situation.
11:43:29 PM forthepeopleent: aer there any particualr songs you loking for as in originals or known created songs
11:43:33 PM Dante: haven't told g anything you tell me for years. if i told her about your new come up you'd know already assuming times haven't changed lol.
11:44:04 PM Dante: basically we have enough diff versions/rips of all the commonly leaked shit, so a project has to be new stuff.
11:44:09 PM Dante: new og/new song
11:44:37 PM forthepeopleent: thats what I mean, Ive been out of the 2pac shit for so long I dont know what ogs are and arent out there besides the common net shit
11:45:19 PM Dante: thankfully we're up to 9 project levels, most with 2-3 projects and nothing leaked since pen n paper
11:45:27 PM forthepeopleent: nice
11:45:28 PM Dante: so we've gotten a fair amount
11:45:41 PM Dante: but the overall price per person has risen a lot
11:45:58 PM Dante: so i kinda think now we're talking like 5 projects a year
11:46:26 PM forthepeopleent: yea the bad thing is once its in your hands I have no eyes, its all hidden
11:46:39 PM forthepeopleent: no that i dont trust YOU, but the others you work with
11:47:07 PM Dante: yeah i understand
11:47:26 PM Dante: i can try to moderate that but you and i know that anything can tip the scales
11:47:33 PM forthepeopleent: like i literally have no idea what all you guys have put out after pin and paper and thats only cause u let me buy that one
11:47:48 PM Dante: i will say that i've made it clear that we can't and won't boot/sell/post your projects
11:48:04 PM forthepeopleent: she wants to im sure
11:48:17 PM Dante: she wanted to when the inside dr dvd leaked
11:48:30 PM Dante: but i said i wasn't on board with that and she understood
11:48:36 PM forthepeopleent: i have one more of those then my dvds are done
11:48:41 PM forthepeopleent: i hate doing those
11:48:53 PM forthepeopleent: well 2 actually
11:48:59 PM forthepeopleent: thanks to you 2 instead of 3 lol
11:49:03 PM Dante: basically i think that shortyo made a real bad name for that kind of shit
11:49:09 PM forthepeopleent: yea
11:49:18 PM forthepeopleent: ill tag all video from now on
11:49:24 PM forthepeopleent: no matter if people complain I have to
11:49:26 PM Dante: your ohio may be diff
11:49:40 PM forthepeopleent: I got mine from the guy that shot it/owns it
11:49:47 PM forthepeopleent: so its literally dvd quality
11:49:53 PM forthepeopleent: i have no idea what u have
11:49:56 PM Dante: ours is a camcorder
11:49:57 PM forthepeopleent: same with new orleans
11:50:01 PM forthepeopleent: oh ok
11:51:31 PM forthepeopleent: i need to some how get your release, if I show it to him he'll want to get rid of it quicker than he wants to now. to our knowledge noone had it/seen it
11:53:06 PM Dante: what about like a set list
11:53:13 PM Dante: or stills
11:53:21 PM forthepeopleent: ill just tell him first
11:53:26 PM forthepeopleent: and hopefully thats enough
11:53:31 PM Dante: ask him if it's the one with the skull
11:53:34 PM forthepeopleent: Ill hit him up tomm
11:53:39 PM Dante: they had an up in smoke type skull on the stage
11:54:12 PM forthepeopleent: does it show pac, dogg pound etc at the hotel and doing a press confrence
11:54:18 PM forthepeopleent: when pac keep interupting
11:54:29 PM Dante: no this is just a camcorder of the show
11:54:34 PM forthepeopleent: oh ok
11:55:30 PM Dante: so i have a tricky question i suppose
11:55:35 PM Dante: sec let me make a drink first lol
11:55:42 PM forthepeopleent: k
11:58:43 PM Dante: ok so i'm still sourcing shit as always and quite frankly it's a little brutal on the pockets. not saying we have to set anything in stone now, but do you think that it's possible that we collaborate slash you put your stuff out somehow? if i am spending lots of cash for shit that we could do or you will put out for $25 it would save me potentially thousands to have an idea what the future holds. you know?
12:00:55 AM forthepeopleent: yea I can guarentee you I wont put out anything you have or are bidding after, IF i do put anything out myself I 1. wont sell it for $20.00 and 2. will check with you first to ensure Im not gonna use anything you have etc. But as a sign of good faith is there any way like you get my releases in the past I can get yours. I wouldnt mind comparing content etc.
12:03:07 AM Dante: understand what you mean - the problem is that instead of selling a product we basically took on the approach of pulling money
12:03:15 AM Dante: so we all paid the same to get the end product
12:03:31 AM Dante: that said, if i send something out then i'm the leaker. you see what i mean?
12:03:31 AM forthepeopleent: ohh ok I understand
12:03:39 AM forthepeopleent: yea gotcha
12:03:42 AM forthepeopleent: totally understand
12:03:46 AM Dante: sorry it's like that but yeah
12:03:58 AM forthepeopleent: thats how it is, cant do anything about it
12:04:30 AM forthepeopleent: ok so for example.. Ballad Of A Dead Soulja (OG), need it or no?
12:04:35 AM Dante: na
12:04:41 AM forthepeopleent: Killuminati?
12:04:43 AM Dante: yep
12:04:52 AM forthepeopleent: Az The World Turnz?
12:04:57 AM Dante: yep
12:05:12 AM forthepeopleent: ok so allot of the still i rise that isnt floating
12:05:27 AM Dante: yeah i have a promo version of good die young that is unleaked
12:05:30 AM Dante: i presume is like the og
12:05:36 AM Dante: but otherwise nothing new
12:05:41 AM forthepeopleent: what about Against All Odds OG noone has that right?
12:05:42 AM Dante: from sir i mean
12:05:58 AM Dante: nope. it just full without transitions?
12:06:16 AM forthepeopleent: yea and has a cool 1 to 1:30 of extra talking on the outro
12:06:19 AM forthepeopleent: dissing people
12:06:23 AM forthepeopleent: like all out og
12:06:29 AM Dante: ah nice
12:07:05 AM Dante: kinda good and bad about wide awake.... we knew the first batch that was in the auction but now it's 40 songs and we don't know the titles.
12:07:29 AM forthepeopleent: yea
12:07:33 AM forthepeopleent: Butch had all that shit
12:07:50 AM Dante: yeah he was the resident mixer
12:08:07 AM forthepeopleent: yea he had the archive which was everything
12:18:01 AM Dante: i have a cd of material snoop did - sorta mixtapey if you think that would sell
12:18:15 AM Dante: i never pursued it because it's not pac, but it's all unleaked shit
12:18:22 AM Dante: but yeah, new snoop not old snoop
12:18:29 AM forthepeopleent: ok talking to him
12:18:37 AM forthepeopleent: the ohio concert
12:18:41 AM forthepeopleent: 2pac does a full set
12:18:41 AM Dante: oh the ohio guy. ok i'll leave you be.
12:18:44 AM Dante: yeah
12:18:47 AM forthepeopleent: 40 mins
12:18:52 AM Dante: i can name the songs if needed
12:18:55 AM forthepeopleent: all of me against the world
12:19:04 AM forthepeopleent: 5 songs from all eyez on me
12:19:10 AM forthepeopleent: the stage has a gun
12:19:15 AM forthepeopleent: with the imprint of 2pac
12:19:19 AM Dante: hmm maybe this is diff
12:19:24 AM forthepeopleent: and the dogg pound set is a play ground
12:19:32 AM Dante: does quik do the opening?
12:19:33 AM forthepeopleent: due to "lets pklay house"
12:19:44 AM forthepeopleent: let me ask
12:20:01 AM Dante: in mine it's quik, pac, then dpg
12:22:05 AM forthepeopleent: is the stage the same as what Im talking about?
12:22:14 AM Dante: not mine
12:22:20 AM Dante: it's just a black wall and the skull
12:22:43 AM forthepeopleent: k
12:22:51 AM forthepeopleent: this dude maybe talking about N.O.
12:23:04 AM Dante: maybe there are two ohio shows too
12:23:06 AM Dante: who knows
12:23:13 AM Dante: either way it's diff
12:24:04 AM forthepeopleent: ill get to the bottom of it
12:24:11 AM forthepeopleent: typical stoner cant remember shit
12:24:12 AM forthepeopleent: lol
12:24:26 AM forthepeopleent: hes saying 2pac definitley did 40- to a hour long set
12:26:58 AM Dante: he did matw and all eyez stuff on mine
12:27:03 AM Dante: but i think it was more like 20
12:27:09 AM forthepeopleent: k
12:27:10 AM Dante: maube 30
12:27:25 AM Dante: if you can buy it or whatever i'd pull the trigger
12:29:59 AM forthepeopleent: i can have it thats not a problem
12:30:08 AM forthepeopleent: hes on something else, more interesting
12:30:20 AM Dante: oh?
12:31:22 AM forthepeopleent: talking about daz
12:31:24 AM forthepeopleent: lol
12:31:29 AM forthepeopleent: hes got the tranfer list
12:31:40 AM forthepeopleent: of every transfer to the mom
12:31:44 AM forthepeopleent: everything
12:31:58 AM forthepeopleent: welcome 2 death row wasnt
12:32:02 AM forthepeopleent: since its a DB song
12:32:07 AM Dante: transferred to afeni?
12:32:11 AM forthepeopleent: so your clear on that one
12:32:12 AM forthepeopleent: yea
12:32:53 AM Dante: so guest apps may be out of their reach
12:33:00 AM forthepeopleent: exactly
12:33:02 AM forthepeopleent: it was
12:33:13 AM forthepeopleent: they had to go in and say what was PAC song and was a appearence
12:33:27 AM Dante: which they';d have no idea about until too late
12:33:43 AM forthepeopleent: yea

DTG Entertainment

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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #122 on: April 28, 2009, 04:39:53 PM »
awesome man, fucking awesome about time they were brought to justice.

Do you have any other stuff, a few days ago you were taking quotes out of the private forum - do you have any more or any other stuff?
thanks for the pdf

Everything, and yeah Woof - I sent that chat back to FTP to show him how Forkenbrock likes to send his chats to Litt. LOL.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #123 on: April 28, 2009, 04:41:45 PM »
can you post it up please?

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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #124 on: April 28, 2009, 04:42:46 PM »
can you post it up please?

The chat is above and check your PM's.


Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #125 on: April 28, 2009, 04:44:48 PM »
[quote author=Mike Toreno link=topic=216099.msg2184543#msg2184543 date=1240961993
Everything, and yeah Woof - I sent that chat back to FTP to show him how Forkenbrock likes to send his chats to Litt. LOL.

you got anymore chats like this??


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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #126 on: April 28, 2009, 04:44:52 PM »
The Prime Suspects:

thx now i can put faces on these faggots biatchs !!!

Yea They Ain't Talkin Shyt Like They Used To Ha....... ;)


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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #127 on: April 28, 2009, 04:47:26 PM »
lol @ the pics. damn thats dante? thanks for the tracks Mob.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 06:32:11 PM by kellyboy »

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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #128 on: April 28, 2009, 04:49:09 PM »
[quote author=Mike Toreno link=topic=216099.msg2184543#msg2184543 date=1240961993
Everything, and yeah Woof - I sent that chat back to FTP to show him how Forkenbrock likes to send his chats to Litt. LOL.

you got anymore chats like this??

Plenty. Dante is whipped by G Litt due to the finances. Pete's probably watching us all and saying that Mike Toreno is two faced. He shouldn't have bad mouthed me. Lol.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #129 on: April 28, 2009, 04:49:39 PM »
dante works for the university of IOWA

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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #130 on: April 28, 2009, 04:50:59 PM »
dante works for the university of IOWA

Anyone interested in having G Litt's cell # and finding out who her lover is?


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #131 on: April 28, 2009, 04:55:22 PM »
I want her projects and I want her in jail and made to pay back all money she has robbed since 97  8)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #132 on: April 28, 2009, 04:55:58 PM »
dante works for the university of IOWA

Anyone interested in having G Litt's cell # and finding out who her lover is?

pm me all u have please....

DTG Entertainment

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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #133 on: April 28, 2009, 04:56:44 PM »
I want her projects and I want her in jail and made to pay back all money she has robbed since 97  8)

I want to take this opportunity to thank Mob Figgaz and Spliff for all the work they put in. The tyrants deserved this.

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Re: New 2Pac leak produced by Sam Sneed!!!
« Reply #134 on: April 28, 2009, 04:57:16 PM »
dante works for the university of IOWA

Anyone interested in having G Litt's cell # and finding out who her lover is?

pm me all u have please....

I'll make it public if anyone else wants it. It's funny, because her lover looks like Clint Dogg.