Author Topic: Best Out  (Read 97 times)


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Best Out
« on: April 28, 2009, 07:16:22 AM »
Drug informant's lies lead to questions about the criminal justice system

Documents on Lee Lucas, drug agent in Mansfield case, sealed by judge

Shanton & Bray never worked together but both put innocent people in prison, ruin careers, and in Brays case, tarnish the record of an outgoing U.S. attorney with an impeccable reputation.

The State or Justice Dept. should make all government informants take a polygraph test,[lie detector test.]The agency's manual says lie-detector tests are imperative with informants who appear untrustworthy.

Two snitches that seem to have a lot in common.

Jerrell Bray & Shanton Cassel are from Ohio they both are informants they both was enjoy spreading rumors and lies to frame people and set-up people in court.

Bray, before he was caught for framing people was helping agent Lucas build drug cases, Bray was helping Lucas look good for his overseers in the DEA and the U.S. attorney's office. Bray, perhaps without Lucas' knowledge, is using Lucas to frame rivals.Like Bray, Shanton is also using agents to set-up people he don't like.

In the year 2000 Keith Bomber, aka "Darail" aka Chilly B, and his cousin Shanton Cassell, aka "Shan," both black males ages in 2009 would be 36 or 37. Keith & Shan was speeding, not allegedly speeding, but speeding, down a highway with over 300 pounds of "Marijuana," "stupid," between Cleveland, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio.

Shan suffers from psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia the persistent jealousy of the paranoid personality. This government informant stalk folks trying to make a name of folks without them knowing. The people he use folks can see they face all day, but Shan like to stay out of sight. Shan demonstrate an almost pure culture of persecution,with delusional disorders of the paranoid type, paranoid personalities, and paranoid schizophrenia & Bipolar.

Bray, 35, would later admit that he had his own motives for working as an informant. He had dealt crack cocaine since getting out of prison in 2004 and wanted to eliminate his competition.

Bray planned to increase his share of the drug market by bringing down rivals. The way to do that? Pass along information to the DEA that would be used to arrest the rivals.

And if that didn't work, Bray could always lie about who was selling him the drugs. He set up people he hated, those who made fun of the chubby street dealer.

Because Lucas and Ansari relied on Bray to identify the people selling them drugs, Bray was able to use "stand-ins." He gave his friends cocaine and then told them to meet him with Lucas or Ansari. Bray's friends handed the drugs over to the undercover officers, who then paid them.

In the year 2000 Keith Bomber, aka "Darail" aka Chilly B, and his cousin Shanton Cassell, aka "Shan," both black males ages in 2009 would be 36 or 37. Keith & Shan was speeding, not allegedly speeding, but speeding, down a highway with over 300 pounds of "Marijuana," "stupid," between Cleveland, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio.

Shan suffers from psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia the persistent jealousy of the paranoid personality. This government informant stalk folks trying to make a name of folks without them knowing. The people he use folks can see they face all day, but Shan like to stay out of sight. Shan demonstrate an almost pure culture of persecution,with delusional disorders of the paranoid type, paranoid personalities, and paranoid schizophrenia & Bipolar.

Shan, like Bray use "stand-ins." He will gave his friends cocaine and then tell them to meet him with undercover officers, who then will pay them.

Like Bray who set-up Webb, who federal officials shipped across the country to a mental health facilities to determine whether he suffered a psychological problem because he so vehemently denied the charges. They did this to get him out of the way and to make him look noncredible.

Anthony Smith was set-up [Proof of malice and the intent to oppress] There is more to this story. Court number A-06-259M [D.D.C. CR-98-399 Public defender who handled the case William H. Ibbotson [512]916-5025. In Texas, the U.S. Marshals fingerprinted and photographed Anthony Smith as someone named Antoine Smith a convicted felon, that warrant moved from Dallas, Texas to Washington DC, Anthony Smith social security card and Birth certificate came up missing from the county jail. They lied in Anthony face and to the nurse.

There is nothing you can do when your in the a corrupt US Marshals custody.

Than they took Anthony Smith to a county jail to be finger printed and photographed, again, as Antoine Smith after Anthony Smith had an identity hearing the judge at the hearing said, "this was the strangest thing that ever happened in his court room," they tried the same thing in Boston MA. This time Anthony Smith was held longer Anthony Smith was placed in a mental hospital, to get out of the State mental hospital, Anthony Smith had to write to his Public Defender William H. Ibbotson, to prove he was Anthony Smith and they wanted Anthony to say, "he no longer feel the government was after him," they mentioned that first to Anthony, Anthony never mentioned anything about the government being after him. And can take a polygraph test,[lie detector test] to back this up. Anthony was never a threat to himself or others Anthony was set-up by a U.S. Marshals in 2006 and 2007. "Next time, don't tell Anthony he's being set-up, and don't tell him your a Grand Imperial Wizard along with other things you told him. The reason it was done so sloppy is because they know Anthony Smith couldn't at the time afford the correct legal advise.

[There in alot more to this story]
Hidden in Anthony Smith laptop or backpack is a gps tracking unit this was done when Anthony Smith was held for a 30 min. for no reason & when he was in the county jail for no reason.

Bray, like Shanton is a serial liar. Even though Shanton is a serial liar the agents tactics and investigation should be questioned because Shanton could not set-up people without them helping. And like Bray's story, Shanton should be forced to take two, FBI-administered lie-detector tests. And like Bray, Shanton will flunk each of them. I will put a half-million dollars on it.
Like most prosecutions, most drug investigation ended not with dramatic courtroom showdowns, but with plea bargains after quiet negotiations.

Eighteen people charged in the Lucas-Bray investigation pleaded guilty.One of the few public signs that something was amiss came in July 2006 when Dwayne Nabors, the supposed ringleader and kingpin in Mansfield, was acquitted on drug charges.

Webb, though, gets credit for unveiling the case as a fraud. He did it by refusing to take a plea, despite sitting in jail awaiting trial for 20 months, unable to make bail.

During that time, federal officials shipped him across the country to mental health facilities to determine whether he suffered a psychological problem because he so vehemently denied the charges.

After a series of appointed attorneys, Webb was assigned a public defender, Carlos Warner. In May 2007, Warner and an investigator walked into the Cleveland City Jail and met Bray, who was there on charges of shooting a man during a drug deal unrelated to the Mansfield case.

It began so simply: Warner wanted to get to the bottom of Webb's case.

In a sixth-floor interview room, Mr. Talk-a-lot couldn't stop crying.

He said he wanted to tell the truth, finally, about his role as a snitch in Mansfield. And he worried the truth would get him killed.

Bray told Warner that he orchestrated fake cases that sent more than two dozen people to jail, many of them innocent. He and Lucas worked together on several of the deals, Bray told Warner.

"Oh my God," the public defender said to himself, shaking after hearing Bray's confession. He was shocked and angered. Warner immediately called prosecutors about the statements.

Those who knew Lucas well immediately began smearing Warner, saying the young public defender tricked Bray or told the snitch that he was an FBI agent. Warner refused to back down, and Bray kept telling his story.

Lucas and federal prosecutors were stunned, demanding lie-detector tests to find the truth. Why now? Why would Bray say this 14 months after putting people away?

White, the federal prosecutor, initially stood solidly behind Lucas and refused to question the investigation. Bray was charged with attempted murder in state court and illegally possessing a gun in federal court.

A federal magistrate judge quickly appointed John McCaffrey, a former FBI agent and one of Cleveland's best white-collar defense lawyers, to represent Bray. McCaffrey soon discovered Bray's lies weren't limited to Mansfield.

He listened as Bray spouted tale after tale.

Most of them were fiction, law enforcement officials said. For instance, Bray said someone shot up his family's home in Cleveland. When police pulled the shell casing from the house, it appeared to match a bullet from one of Bray's guns.

McCaffrey realized Bray was a serial liar. But he also quickly questioned Lucas' tactics and investigation. To verify Bray's story, the attorney had Bray take two, FBI-administered lie-detector tests. He flunked each of them.

But his stories, McCaffrey discovered, were rooted in kernels of truth. McCaffrey was able to independently verify Bray's stories about using "stand-ins." McCaffrey and Warner found the stand-ins and got them to admit what they had done.

By now, White feared that a rogue snitch bungled his case. He also realized that months of discussions and questions about Lucas' truthfulness had re-emerged to haunt him.

White urged a judge to release France and Webb based on the evidence of Bray's lies.

In December, Bray pleaded guilty to perjury and violating people's civil rights in federal court. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Within weeks of the plea, special federal prosecutor Bruce Teitelbaum began presenting evidence to a grand jury. Grand jury witnesses said Lucas is the focus of the ongoing probe.

In January, acting on White's recommendation, a federal judge threw out the cases of 15 people in prison; all but one of them had pleaded guilty. He cited Bray's lies as tainting the evidence.

Shanton is still working under cover, and maybe involved in a auto theft ring.

These are some spots using college kids and lodges in tthese cities.

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, Ohio State University, UCLA , USC, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas, Florida State, Howard, Spelman, Clark, Morehouse, Penn, Harvard, Temple University, LSU, University Tenn, UNC, University of Cincinnati, Penn State, UCSB, and alot of Black Historic colleges & Universities.

Brays Story

Shanton story

Keith Bomber aka Chilly "B" is from Cleveland, Hts. a suburb in Cleveland, Ohio
Keith is a wannabe rapper, a high school drop out back in the 90's.
from Cleveland Heights High School. Keith lived right around the corner from his high school on Kildare Rd. Keith hang with T-Ray, Ed, Cotrail, Mikey & Kipper the twin brothers. They had a grouo Kappa Phi Nasty that use to get beat-up by a group in that suburb called the Homeboys & the Brothers they also got beat-up by East Cleveland Shaw High school students.

Keith paid someone to take his GED. Keith like to hang in Texas.

Keith got paid from a bike accident.

Keith will use the name Darail after moving to Columbus, Ohio in the 90's.

Bray, 35, would later admit that he had his own motives for working as an informant. He had dealt crack cocaine since getting out of prison in 2004 and wanted to eliminate his competition.

Bray planned to increase his share of the drug market by bringing down rivals. The way to do that? Pass along information to the DEA that would be used to arrest the rivals.

And if that didn't work, Bray could always lie about who was selling him the drugs. He set up people he hated, those who made fun of the chubby street dealer.

Because Lucas and Ansari relied on Bray to identify the people selling them drugs, Bray was able to use "stand-ins." He gave his friends cocaine and then told them to meet him with Lucas or Ansari. Bray's friends handed the drugs over to the undercover officers, who then paid them.

Because no arrests were made at the time of the deals, the stand-ins could walk away, and Bray could later identify others as the dealers. Read the article in the

The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Keeps 'em guessing, prevents 'em from asking the most important question, Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who? One may smile and smile and be a villain."

« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 07:52:55 AM by light1 »


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Re: Best Out
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 07:17:48 AM »
A day after the White House & the New York Times was contacted about a corrupt U.S. Marshal and a lying government informant the website message board was disabled.
It's hard for me to believe this administration is supporting corruption.

'Let there be light!' it ordains that eyes shall open; it creates intelligences. When God said: 'Let there be light!' Intelligence was made, and the light appeared. For the essence of intelligence is judgement, and the essence of judgement is liberty.

This is what kind of defense your left with mailing in a letter to the The Office of Professional Responsibility, and their limited to reviewing allegations of misconduct. OPR's jurisdiction is limited to reviewing allegations of misconduct made against Department of Justice employees which involves the core functions of prosecution, litigation, and investigation. Complaints against DOJ employees must be forwarded to OPR in writing. No particular forms are required. The complaint should include the names and titles of the individuals suspected of misconduct, the details of the allegations including case names, and any other relevant information. Complainants should include copies of any documentation they have pertaining to the matter. The information should be mailed to:

Mary Patrice Brown, Counsel
Office of Professional Responsibility
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 3266
Washington, D.C. 20530

Contact the Justice Dept. & the Attorney General at 202-353-1555

Write your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives

And nothing will be done.

Some court cases, you don't need the Government informant tesimony to build a conspiracy for a trafficking case most of the defendants in this web address,
pleaded guilty, knowing they was set-up, and inncocent.

I feel the The Justice Dept. should make all government informants take a polygraph test,[lie detector test.] So that the judge and jury want send a overwhelmingly number of poor blacks, to prison.

Confidential Informant guidelines.

I wish I had photos to show of everybody I mentioned.

The DEA and U.S. Marshal go through training for 16 weeks. They are educated in report writing, law, drug recognition, leadership and ethics. New DEA Agents are also trained in marksmanship, weapons safety, tactical shooting and deadly force decision making. A DEA Agent Salary for a new DEA Agents pay level is GS-7 [$35,369 to $44,729] or GS-9 [$39,448 to $50,905] level depending on experience and education. Within three years it's very possible to reach the GS-12 pay level. Now, do you think ex-military narcotics officers, drug task force, CIA, FBI, DEA special agents spend years studying in college, to successfully finish all phases of a rigorous, in-depth hiring process, all so that a high school drop outs, drug user, government informants, could make hundreds of thousands dollars, some cases even millions of dollars, on the street, without them getting their cut?

Do they know the Criminal Investigation operates under a centralized financial plan. Read

They have abused the system their supposed to be so proud of and have managed to use the system to protect themselves while making millions of dollars invested and washed. These men are not patriots their working with government informants who hide behind the constitution and the Justice Dept.. This has been out of control.

Over 57% of African Americans are arrested because of drugs,
Over 57% of DEA & the drug task force are white males.

Cops hate other cops and government agents that snitch on their fraternal brotherhood.

The Justice Dept. should make all government informants take a polygraph test,[lie detector test.]

In the year 2000 Keith Bomber, aka "Darail" aka Chilly B, and his cousin Shanton Cassell, aka "Shan," both black males ages in 2009 would be 36 or 37. Keith & Shan was speeding, not allegedly speeding, but speeding, down a highway with over 300 pounds of "Marijuana," "stupid," between Cleveland, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio. I think Shan had a gun, he always talking about who he going to shoot, Shan shoot in the air to scare folks but nobody ever run.

People could careless that they was to start serving a 5 years prison term starting in 2002.

Shan may have served 2 years. Shan is really working as [Government informants] in the witness protection plan, working with other low and high level informants men & women that will vouch them.

The Justice Dept. should make all government informants take a polygraph test,[lie detector test.]

If you think snitches, government informants, CI's or some broke crack heads
read this story. Andrew Chambers undercover informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA]. Over a 16-year period, the drug agency paid him more than $2.2 million putting him in either first or second place as the DEA's all-time highest paid informant.

Acting like their cleaning up the community, [the black community] I could see if they worked with law inforcement before they got arrested. Shan may have been working as a low level informant before he moved to Columbus, Ohio from out his Grandmother house in East Cleveland in the middle 90's.

Shanton Cassell aka "Shan," could use the last name Smith, Shan father name is Shanton "Toby" Smith. Shan a black male age 36 or 37 lived in East Cleveland & Cleveland Hts. Shan dropped out of Cleveland Heights High School in 1990.Shan smoke prems [crack & weed] & wet & chain smoke blunts, it's not good pot." .

Shan & Keith will use women to make introductions.

Shan suffers from psychotic disorder, delusional, paranoid schizophrenia & Bipolar. Shan is manipulative and Conning. Since Shan is working as an informant he see people as targets and opportunity, instead of friends, he has accomplices. Shan will not accept blame for himself, but will blame others, even for acts "SHAN" obviously committed. Shan will appear to be charming, funny & he will try and become hostile over lil' things, which is all verbal, when he don't get his way Shan will go into this domineering act because he's spoiled. Shan see people as merely an instrument to be used so he can make a name for himself. Even if that person sees Shan as a stranger and have no contact with him, Shan will still try and use them without them knowing, and will try to humiliate them without them knowing. Shan is a pathological lier. Shan has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for him to be truthful seeing that his image is based on a lie. So Shan will lie on a consistent basis to make money. Shan can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about his own powers and abilities, this is even more the case since Shan is working as an informant. Shan has no powers without the government helping him. Shan will try and change his life story readily.
The State or Justice Department supports Shanton psychopathic personality.

A federal agent placed a GPS tracking unit on someone for this government informant this was done for over 6 years over & over again this was done when that person was held for a 30 min., for no reason, & when he was in the county jail for no reason. They took photos from his laptop and they may have copied some folders, they took memory chips from his cell phone. Some devices on the market are so technologically sophisticated that a warrant is not required this is unreasonable intrusion. If a government informant is tracking someone is that necessary for a criminal investigation?

Ya"ll undergrads let that stupid "SOB" run game.
This the game you be running on them undergrads the quotes from New Jack City
And other gangster movies.

Trying to provoke people into a Obstruction of Justice Charge.
Shan is a Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine because his father and that's the only reason. Shan wasn't raised in the Church but his father would tell you they was. Trying to set-up lower level degree freemasons, Vice Lords, Crips, Bloods & Black Gangster Disciples. Acting like a privet detectives.

Shan like using the weak, drug users, young adults that like to chain smoke weed, young foolish undergrads, undergrads are easy, young college adults have more to lose and are arrested a lot for drugs like the 75 students arrested at San Diego State University, click below to read CNN report. Shan, & others helping Shan, want folks to notice Anthony Smith in some form or fashion, the person that got ya"ll look'en is Shan, nobody after or look'en for Anthony. I think they been running game on undergrads since 2002 up until the present date. Maybe before that.

In the 80's Shan gay cousin died of cancer living him a small amount of money from insurance back in the late 80's. Shan use to stay with that gay cousin after his father kicked him out the house. Than Shan moved with his Grandmother on Savanna in East Cleveland, she never made that spoiled punk work and because Shan never worked hard for his money, Shan is always trying to spy on someone to see how their making money. Shan will buy a couple of pounds of good weed [the kill] to sell and smoke, than grow cheap weed and have people thinking that it's the good he was smoking on. Shan maybe using the bisexual community. The Eastern Stars chose Luna a Goddesses her real name is Hecate the "Queen of Witches," and she thought witchcraft. These names was chosen by Rob Morris founder of Eastern Stars names like Diana the patron saint of the feminists and lesbians, lesbians same sex relations & sacred promiscuity this is why secretly bisexual & gay men can hide behind the Order of the Eastern star. For more on Freemasons read my my thread "Sleep or See" Shan may be trying to get married after this post.

Check Shan tax record since he was 16 back in the 80's, no job!. In the 80's Shan was stealing people shit! in Cleveland Heights, just a spoiled punk.

Shan got his tail whipped by Mike Nice from Fade entertainment. Shan stole Mikes father jacket out his car than tried to wear it to school the next day Ha! Ha! Ha! Mike Nice whipped his tail on the school bus. Shan had to be rushed to the hospital. Over 15 people saw it, & Shan tried to act like he never lost a fight, Shan never won a real fight. Mike went to jail, after Mike got out Shan moved to Columbus, Ohio because Mike came out of jail rep. a knew record label Fade Entertainment.

Shan try to make other people responsible everytime for his crimes.

Keith and Shan both moved to Columbus, Ohio back in the 90's.
World Wide Currency Crew is a made up group. "Try something new."

Keith Bomber aka Chilly "B" is from Cleveland, Hts. a suburb in Cleveland, Ohio. Keith Bombers suffer from the same psychotic disorder as Shanton schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia & Bipolar. Keith just like Shanton is also manipulative and conning. keith is another one that will become hostile, which is all verbal. Keith also see people as merely an instrument to be used so he can make a name for himself, even if that person see Keith as a stranger and have no contact with him Keith will try and humiliate them without them knowing. Keith is also a pathological lier. It is almost impossible for him to be truthful. His image is based on a lie. Keith, just like Shanton, has no powers without the government helping him. Keith also see people as targets and opportunity, instead of friends, he has accomplices. Keith also will try and change his life story & his name readily. The State or Justice Department also supports Keith psychopathic personality.

Keith is a wannabe rapper, a high school drop out back in the 90's.
from Cleveland Heights High School. Keith lived right around the corner from his high school on Kildare Rd. Keith hang with T-Ray, Ed, Cotrail, Mikey & Kipper the twin brothers. They had a grouo Kappa Phi Nasty that use to get beat-up by a group in that suburb called the Homeboys & the Brothers they also got beat-up by East Cleveland Shaw High school students.

Keith paid someone to take his GED. Keith like to hang in Texas.

Keith got paid from a bike accident.

Keith will use the name Darail after moving to Columbus, Ohio in the 90's.

Read "Sleep or See" to explain about the Eastern Star & Freemasons

Note: Shriners and Freemasons have lodges across the country & world that have hospitals scattered across the country that offer free services for children their the largest charity org. on the planet. They have military lodges, many work for law inforcement, the school system, churches, local transportation, steel plants, malls, the government, banks, freemasons could work every where some or even in the homeless shelter some are janitors lodges, their or over a 100 lodges in every city and lodges across the world, To accuse them of conspiracies would be a sacrilege.

The Feds will have the local police or university & college security arrest people, their government informants don't like. No matter How innocent that person may be the Feds will have the local police pick them up on false warrants.


[Proof of malice and the intent to oppress] There is more to this story.
Court number A-06-259M [D.D.C. CR-98-399 Public defender who handled the case William H. Ibbotson [512]916-5025. In Texas, the U.S. Marshals fingerprinted and photographed Anthony Smith as someone named Antoine Smith a convicted felon, that warrant moved from Dallas Texas to Washington DC, Anthony Smith social security card and Birth certificate came up missing from the county jail.
They lied in Anthony face and to the nurse.

There is nothing you can do when your in the a corrupt US Marshals custody.
Than they took Anthony Smith to a county jail to be finger printed and photographed, again, as Antoine Smith after Anthony Smith had an identity hearing the judge at the hearing said, "this was the strangest thing that ever happened in his court room," they tried the same thing in Boston MA.

This time Anthony Smith was held longer Anthony Smith & was placed in a mental hospital, to get out of the State mental hospital, Anthony Smith had to write to his Public Defender William H. Ibbotson, to prove he was Anthony Smith and they wanted Anthony to say, "he no longer feel the government was after him," they mentioned that first to Anthony, Anthony never mentioned anything about the government being after him. And can take a polygraph test,[lie detector test] to back this up. Anthony was never a threat to himself or others Anthony was set-up by a U.S. Marshals in 2006 and 2007. "Next time, don't tell Anthony he's being set-up, and don't tell him your a Grand Imperial Wizard along with other things you told him. The reason it was done so sloppy is because they know Anthony Smith couldn't at the time afford the correct legal advise.

[There in alot more to this story]
Hidden in Anthony Smith laptop or backpack is a gps tracking unit this was done when Anthony Smith was held for a 30 min. for no reason & when he was in the county jail for no reason.They took photos from his laptop and they may have copied some folders, they took memory chips from his cell phone.

Some devices coming into the market are so technologically sophisticated that a warrant is not required this is unreasonable intrusion. If a government informant is tracking someone is that necessary for a criminal investigation?

Anthony tried to contact the Justice Dept. & the Attorney Gen. at 202-353-1555

Write your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Kevin Levitas wrote the legislation to protect Georgians, and offers exceptions for parents tracking children, cops tracking criminals, and employers watching their vehicles, but not private investigators.

All this because their informant stalked Anthony [without him knowing] while Anthony Smith was researching to see where Anthony Smith money is coming from.. Without Anthony Smith knowing until they would drive pass Anthony showing their face. They always have the car in a position to pull off. They did this in 2005 at UCLA but UCLA security or dectives didn't fall for it. They was suppose to make up something like tresspass and ship him to the county and than the U.S. Marshals or DEA would handle it from there.

This is their spots using college kids. Trying to look like stars. Spelman, Clark, Morehouse, UCLA & USC back in 04 & 05, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas back in 06. Ohio State, Florida State, Howard, Penn, Harvard, Temple University, LSU, University Tenn, UNC, University of Cincinnati, Penn State, UCSB, and alot of Black Historic colleges & Universities.

The federal Government will give them government seized cars, that's why they change up on cars alot, put out of town plates on them, or they use limos.

Informants know college football players know everybody, they will try and meet the right girl to introduce them, they have spades parties with free weed, drink and food.

Note: Shriners and Freemasons have hospitals scattered across the country that offer free services for children their the largest charity org. on the planet. They have military lodges, many work for law inforcement, the school system, churches, local transportation, steel plants, malls, the government, banks, freemasons could work every where some or even in the homeless shelter some are janitors lodges, their or over a 100 lodges in every city and lodges across the world, To accuse them of conspiracies would be a sacrilege.

These Government Informants are following Anthony Smith "Tone" without him knowing it.

There is nothing you can do when your in the a corrupt US marshals custody.

Anthony can take a polygraph test with any attorney or Hip-Hop mag.
[Poof of malice and the intent to oppress] There is more to this story. Anthony was subject to Outrageous Government Conduct.

Court number A-06-259M [D.D.C. CR-98-399 Public defender who handled the case William H. Ibbotson [512]916-5025. In Texas, the U.S. Marshals fingerprinted and photographed Anthony Smith as someone named Antoine Smith a convicted felon, that warrant moved from Dallas Texas to Washington DC, Anthony Smith social security card and Birth certificate came up missing from the county jail. They lied in Anthony face and to the nurse.

Than they took Anthony Smith to a county jail to be finger printed and photographed, again, as Antonione Smith after Anthony Smith had an identity hearing the judge at the hearing said, "this was the strangest thing that ever happened in his court room," they tried the same thing in Boston MA.

This time Anthony Smith was held longer Anthony Smith & was placed in a mental hospital, to get out of the State mental hospital, Anthony Smith had to write to his Public Defender William H. Ibbotson, to prove he was Anthony Smith and they wanted Anthony to say, "he no longer feel the government was after him," they mentioned that first to Anthony, Anthony never mentioned anything about the government being after him. And can take a polygraph test,[lie detector test] to back this up. Anthony was never a threat to himself or others Anthony was set-up by a U.S. Marshals in 2006 and 2007. "Next time, don't tell Anthony he's being set-up, and don't tell him your a Grand Imperial Wizard along with other things you told him. The reason it was done so sloppy is because they know Anthony Smith couldn't at the time afford the correct legal advise.

Anthony was a UAW worker for many years, never worked for the government, or with any [government informant], snitch or has never been placed in the witness protection plan.

Anthony Smith never sold guns or drugs to Keith, Shan, or Juan, and they never sold guns or weed to Anthony Smith. Anthony Smith have not seen or spoke with Juan since 04' Keith 02' more like "wuz-up nothing much" for a second, that's all they ever did Keith only knew Anthony Smith because they went to the same Jr. High school. He would see Shan & Keith once evry 4 or 5 years in the 90's. Like evrybody else Anthony could careless what they was doing. Anthony last spoke with Shan in 03' but later in 05' Shan & his fat bi-sexual wannabe soldier, capo, gen. or what ever his fat bitch is they past Anthony all slow up at UCLA right after Anthony was let go from security. And he did the same thing at the University of Texas in 06'. Anthony don't speak to nobody they know. And saying Anthony was punched or in a fight shows your scared to try something your self so you make up stuff or try to get others mad enough to try it but they want.

In Anthony Smith case, they knew they couldn't induce by law enforcement officers or their informant a valid entrapment case their government informants couldn't use persuasion or coercion, Anthony is not a weak minded person. Their still monitoring him to this day. As a United States citizen Anthony should be allowed to pick his own employement.

They want people to notice Anthony Smith face, white folks love that part, Anthony is a African American. They messed up Anthony credit, employment record. Do you think, the honest government will walk up and give Anthony a check? "sorry for missing up your life for 7 years."

Anthony is a highly intelligent researcher who like to travel,

Anthony got madd flow. [He can rap]

Anthony has never been nobody soldier, capo, gen. or bitch
None of them government informants or any gang or group put any scars under Anthony eye, [it's a lil' mark you can barely see] it's from something else. Anthony has not been in fight in over 10 years. Before that another 10 years

Anthony is a grown man and shouldn't have to explain himself to anybody about his research. Anthony never raped any woman, he's not on a university or college campus to rape any women. How are you going to post someone face up in a white lodge and cut somebody off from speaking to folks? Anthony is not concerned about speaking to folks, most undergrades in college today was in Jr. high school when this happened in 1999 to the present date. I didn't know education was against law, that sounds like something a Grand Imperial Wizard would say, or uneducated blacks from the inner city that get their education from watching T.V., uneducated blacks feel, blacks don't belong on a college or university campus, "he's learning, yea right!, learning what? how much money can he make doing that?" isn't it a public library,? than, it's the suburb black folk that don't want to see that poor relative make more money than them, or make it into a better school. think blacks that live below the middle class bracket or blacks that reach a certain age shouldn't waste their time with studying, at least not around a white majority community, if they look like they can't afford to be there, zero in on them. I couldn't tell you if a white or Asian person looked smart enough o attend school, but I bet you a black student could, blacks could tell you what black student go their and who don't. Now, I can understand the Grand Imperial Wizard or young undergrad white adult from middle class or upper class America feeling that way, their losing their founding fathers legacy to have the majority control this country, colleges and universities, educated blacks can make more money move to their communities, study abroad, change laws, express their self, less likely to end up in prison and more likely to become president. I didn't know you could go to prison for trying to better yourself. When they can't set-up Anthony they try and make stupid jokes around colleges, like somebody acting like their in college, I didn't know you needed permission to be on a university and college campus. Here's stupid joke they try and pull, "somebody use your meal plan & swipe him their dinning hall,"undergrades swipe in folks all the time, but when Anthony does it it's a big deal. Anthony really pays for his own food, it's just the fact they try and play him, making stupid jokes, knowing the real reason is because what's going down in this thread. I reallly don't have to explain how African American undergrades look at black folk that come on campus they don't know. Even hood bruhs know what I'm talking about. It's no big secret about young black undergrades mind frame. All somebody have to do is show dough and young black undergrades are ready to be used.

Anthony was never on the run from nobody, and nobody is looking for Anthony, Anthony don't owe anybody.

Anthony never used any drugs, but pot, use to smoke pot, that's it, no other drug, Anthony don't introduce folks to sell anything illegal .

Anthony is not gay or a bisexual, never have been.

Anthony does not have STD or HIV.

Anthony has no kids. Anthony is somebody people could trust & loved outside his family, the same folks backstabbing him trusted him, in alot of communities in Cleveland, Ohio.

Anthony is not, and never will be a backstabber, it's not in his character

Thanks, for "Black Balling" Anthony missing up his credit and putting all them warrants in his name, informants knew Anthony could not afford an attorney.

Shan is getting help from his father, Shanton "Toby" Smith a funeral driver.

It's not a real job Tobey need to be at every day, Tobey calls himself somebody that go out and find people used stuff they was going to throw out. Tobey will get this stuff and sell it in East Cleveland across from E. Cleveland police stations. Who stands outside Murray's Discount Auto Store 14325 Euclid, OH for over 5hrs for over 6 years soliting folks to buy used tires? Shanton "Toby" Smith that's who.

Tobey has two more kids, Skooter and Shavon Smith from Cleveland hts.
And Shan has a cousin Dione "Goldie" Smith from Warrinsville Hts in Cleveland, Ohio Dione have a uncle that's a cop, but she dated nothing but hustlers growing-up Goldie may have moved to Georgia.

Tobey is married to Kathey Smith a aunt to Keith Bomber.
Kathey was the one with good credit and a good job.

Tobey also has a sista Tawana Smith, Tawana has two daughters Shanon and Shanda Smith from Warrensville Hts. in Cleveland. Tawana haven't worked in over 30 years lived in section A housing paying less than $60.00 for rent, while living off the government. They been hustling like this for decades. Shan has anpther cousin Dione "Goldie" Smith from Warrinsville Hts in Cleveland, Ohio Dione has a uncle that's a cop, Goldie dated nothing but hustlers growing-up. Goldie may have moved to Georgia, were her sista Delicia Smalls or Smith and a lil brother Larry Smith moved. Shan has a cousin name LeBron Smith.

They also have relatives that live in Chattanooga Tenn. they like to go to Myrtle Beach.

Shan also has another half sister Precila Cassell.

Now, they have to explain being corrupt and spreading rumors using organizations. Using good honest white and black folk.

Ya"ll should go back and get that guy [Darnay], John Carroll University grad, that started a fight with Anthony back in the 8th grade, "check this out," Darnay got beat-up tried to sue and lost. Even his own sister helped Anthony Smith case.

Anyway, Darnay could help your cause, have not though about that kid since the 80's, Anthony couldn't tell you what that kid looked like. Darnay should be another person that relate to them young college adults.

Ya''ll should go back and get everybody Anthony beat-up in the 80's to help. We know Andrea, aka Orlette Smith, Andrea her government informant cousin, and her cousin Ronnett, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Roni Burks, both are in the Order of the Eastern Star. You can read on that backward organization a couple of threads down. Anthony found out Andrea his sister was on drugs in the 90's and kicked her tail. That's the domestic violence 1994 case that was dropped, Andrea is off drugs, but she still is shady, Orlette knows how to kiss ass. she could help or get Andrea mother, I will go there with this women, but because of Anthony I want. But they need to stop trying to find out about somebody money.

What's next Roni? are you going to get your brother Ro Burks? not Ro Dogg! the one that worked at every fast food in Cleveland, OH acting like a "Baller" while living off insurance, yea, we knoow your uncle owned a fast food chain & Ro was fired from there too. Are you going to get them MIAKA men to help? MIAKA are gay men Interested in Alpha Kappa Alpha. What about Andrea mother she jsut got off drugs to a couple of years back she's broke and uneducated, I'm sure she would help for a couple of dollars, we know Heather Wall was involved, Anthony ex- drama girl the intimacy & resentful stalker, Heather got a degree she could be a "BIG HELP" she received a B.A. from Ursuline University in psychology and a Master degree from Case Western University in Social Work. Back in 1998 she was ordered by a judge to the Cleveland Date Rape Center to get psychological evaluation.

Ronnette, Alpha kappa Alpha, Roni Burks worked at the Cleveland, Ohio Date Rape Center. Ronnette Alpha Kappa Alpha Roni Burks, "WHY WOULD RONNETT BURKS START HANGING WITH A PATENT?" Heather Wall lied and tried to use the court for revenge, she lost a court case against another men. Anthony know this because he found a open letter in Heather bed room, months into the relationship back in 1999, stating that she strongly needed to come back and finish her psychological evaluation.

After their relationship was over Heather and Ronnette, Alpha Kappa Alpha, [Roni] Burks wanted a public court with women as the jury, so I know they would help. Destroy the women beater, even though he never smacked, punched, or hit her with a object. If you date someone for 9 months and you grab them, for a second, twice out of 9 months, that's putting your hands on them, it's not a smack or a punch, to me a grab is not domestic violence. They say he used her for her money, even though she didn't work.

Anthony had a very good [UAW] job, and was promoted after someone retired.

After Heather was exposed in 2005 for stalking Anthony with the snitch at UCLA Heather supposedly died from having sickle cell anemia.
Limos or known to have been used. Their playing mind games with themselfs.


Ronnette Alpha Kappa Alpha Roni Burks moved to Columbus, Ohio in 1999 to work for the State. Roni Burks is one of Governor Bob Taft recognized 34 State of Ohio employees for their outstanding performance in assisting their department in serving the needs of Ohioans she was selected because she demonstrated initiative, commitment, skill and creativity in her achievements. Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Office of Victim Services.

Victims, like her two younger female cousins, on her mother side, one headed to prison, the other was in the county jail, she really couldn't stand them because they grew up poor. Both of them dropped out of high school before the age of 16 and both had babies before the age of 15. They both was victimes of their community, their was no strong role model in their life.

If Ronnette was about the community, community start at home. If Ronnette was a Alpha Kappa Alpha she would have been a role model to them.

I wonder if that ex-Gov. Taft knew, sqeeky clean record Ronnette and her brother Ro Burk, have relatives heavy in the game or Ronnette vacation spots. Ronette Burkes, Columbus Ohio. Ronnett Burkes, who is a Alpha Kappa Alpha pledged at Akron University. That's funny Ronnette joined a Black womens soro, because when Ronnete was living outside of Cleveland, Ohio, in high school, she let white women change her name to Roni, they couldn't say Ronnette correctly, than she started wearing blue contacts, Ronnette is dark skin, Ronnette dated nothing but white men.

Note: Shriners and Freemasons have hospitals scattered across the country that offer free services for children their the largest charity org. on the planet. They have military lodges, many work for law inforcement, the school system, churches, local transportation, steel plants, malls, the government, banks, freemasons could work every where some or even in the homeless shelter some are janitors lodges, their or over a 100 lodges in every city and lodges across the world, To accuse them of conspiracies would be a sacrilege.

This story doesn't have a news heading to prove it's true because they haven't been caught.

I'm not saying that every white Scottish Rite or York Rite mason that work for law enforcement is corrupt or belong to some kind of white nationalist group or that every white Scottish Rite mason that work for law inforcement have black males selling drugs for them posing as government informants, but some do, and just because some members of a white nationalist group been to Africa and know a lot of conservative African Americans don't mean their not racist.

Over 57% of African Americans are arrested because of drugs,
Over 57% of DEA & the drug task force are white males.
What's next are ya"ll going to send some of that 57% after Anthony Smith?
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 07:53:15 AM by light1 »