Author Topic: Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!  (Read 69451 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #540 on: May 06, 2009, 05:02:24 PM »
^^ lol maybe i do

just cant understand the something for nothing mentality that most of the online scene seem to have


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #541 on: May 06, 2009, 05:05:31 PM »
That whole drug deal analogy is facile, and from someone who's clearly never bought any drugs from anyone.

Is that what you think people do when they get dicked over on a deal or for a bag? You think they sit there and go "oh well, this is my fault silly me"... or you think the drug dealer can just say "well, you know, you don't really know me and you took a gamble and rules are rules soo I get to dick you over, but no disrespect man." Ha, yeah.. right.

You dick me over I'm coming back for my money or your ass and at the same time you're running because you know you just fucked me over and now you need to lay-the-fuck-low before I find you.

the guy selling oregano sells one bag then closes shop. That's no winning proposition my friend.

well, maybe you're right.  i'm not sure who you're imagining here, but you must either have a gun or you're just plain stupid to go back to more than a few blacks standing on the corner and saying 'hay man, i want my money back'!

if it were some white boys from suburbia, sure... i'd go back with a bat!  but in the inner city i just don't see it happening.

bad analogy or not, i just hope i got my point across.

DTG Entertainment

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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #542 on: May 06, 2009, 05:08:23 PM »
^^ lol maybe i do

just cant understand the something for nothing mentality that most of the online scene seem to have

Hahaha, get dicked around long enough - you hate everyone. Also, yeah diamenz - I have both and have been around both.


Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #543 on: May 06, 2009, 05:29:21 PM »
its comical how some people think they have a valid argument about what certain people in the online 2pac community do with his music,
u sit there and bitch about the fact it costs lots of money, i agree $300+ is a lot of money, but hey get of you ass n get a job, either do that or ask mommy for a raise on your allowence

end of the day d + g dont get this shit for free, if you had the chance to buy from the sources for x amount, be that $300 a song or $10,000 a disk would you then be giving it away for jack shit? no you wouldnt,
and if you try and use the argument you would your full of shit

you should be thankful people like this are doing what they are doing, if not you wouldnt have heard half of pac shit you have or had the chance to buy the shit 99% of you havent heard,
thats right almost everybody had the chance to buy the shit, funny thing is if more had the prices wouldnt be half of what it is, sure they would make a profit but hey they fuckin deserve it,
just most of you either couldnt afford it, felt you shouldnt have to pay for it ect ect

wait! without people like the nasty bootleggers doin this shit we would maybe hear this in a release from afeni, what in its original form or even close to it?
not a fuckin chance stop livin in the dreamworld that amaru will come right cos they wont, and if your one of the fucktard types i saw on MB the other day bitchin bout how the og's are shit anyway
wel then you dont even deserve to comment you new age lil wayne wanksta wiggers, facts is every posthumus album got ever so worse and worse til you end up with shit like PL and LTTG, but hey if thats how you like pacs music then shut the fuck up and buy the dribble and shit that amaru puts out

I’m not so sure people are bent out of shape over the price or the concept of something for something; I think it’s more the exclusivity and hording by a select few that people have a problem with. In addition, selling the music—which is legally owned by others and rightfully owed to all—for a profit, adds serious insult to injury. Then, the few songs you do distribute are intentionally debased and or degraded and you wonder why people are calling for your heads??

Dude, first off …fuck you.

You people dangle something you stole, in front of others who desire it with no intention of sharing, that’s cruel. You create fake albums and lead others to believe new music is available; music we’ve been deprived of and all rightfully deserve to hear… as a fucking joke.

Again, fuck you.

You want to trade music by a guy who would probably have you thrown off a balcony if he knew what you were doing, fine. But shut the fuck up about it and be humble, quiet and respectful. Keep your shit to yourselves. But you couldn’t because what fun would it be to have it if you couldn’t show it off right?

Once more, fuck you.

I hope you never get a “rarez” or whatever you fags call it again. Also, I hope all the music you spent hard earned money on leaks to the general pop so you loose and feel like a ass hat you penis.   


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #544 on: May 06, 2009, 05:47:34 PM »
lol no rarez = sour grapes



Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #545 on: May 06, 2009, 05:53:03 PM »
lol no rarez = sour grapes

rarez?? Seriously?

Kid, you think I loose sleep over the unheard unreleased demo outtake of some shitty 2pac song from almost 15 years ago?  Please...

I make more than enough money to buy all those projects 5 times over and still have money to burn. I could care less. I care about getting laid and making more money. lol, you kids crack me up though. Always good for a laugh thanks  :)

Quadruple OG

Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #546 on: May 06, 2009, 05:58:06 PM »
its comical how some people think they have a valid argument about what certain people in the online 2pac community do with his music,
u sit there and bitch about the fact it costs lots of money, i agree $300+ is a lot of money, but hey get of you ass n get a job, either do that or ask mommy for a raise on your allowence

Correction, not paying $300 for a cd is called COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Here's a list of things I could do with $300 instead of buying six songs:

- VIP lap dance with a stripper
- head to Atlantic City for a night
- get great tickets to a sporting event
- donate it to a charity
- take my girl out to a ridiculously nice restaurant

feel free to ad on. Point being that anyone paying over $100 for a cd is a fucking moron.


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #547 on: May 06, 2009, 05:59:52 PM »

You want to trade music by a guy who would probably have you thrown off a balcony if he knew what you were doing, fine.

Once more, fuck you.

fuck you

i think you need to lay of the green and come to the realisation that if pac was still around most of his shit would have been released in its original or near original form, fact is he is not and so we get the delight lol of hearing pac as amaru want it to be heard you talk of degrading the music quality ( i understand in the bit rate sense what you mean and if thats true then yeah that is fucked up)

but what about the degrading amaru do in terms of butchering his music? listen to ghetto gospel retail vs. ghetto gospel original , fuck me its a diffrent fuckin song,  now from amarus point of veiw if thats what you gotta do to cater for the fucktard audience that has become, thru the bastardization of the genre of music we claim to enjoy hip hop / rap then do it and destroy the mans legacy + rep, fine its his mother who is making that choice and thats her right to do so but in the process she is giving the real fans the big fuck you

if amaru did the sensible thing and released as well as the new generation puppy 2pac shit, and i do mean shit as they have done with arguably at least the last two albums and say a cd full of original unalterd music then there would be no market for the bootleggers

you know what with it being the way it is with his music on the retail level i dont think he would give a shit, in fact probably thankful that certain people are lettin the fans hear it the way it was intended so dont come with the 2pac would throw the bootleggers of a balcony shit you fucktard, what you see in that video in ny is completly diffrent to what bootleggin of his music happens today

cumstain you is


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #548 on: May 06, 2009, 06:10:24 PM »
its comical how some people think they have a valid argument about what certain people in the online 2pac community do with his music,
u sit there and bitch about the fact it costs lots of money, i agree $300+ is a lot of money, but hey get of you ass n get a job, either do that or ask mommy for a raise on your allowence

Correction, not paying $300 for a cd is called COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Here's a list of things I could do with $300 instead of buying six songs:

- VIP lap dance with a stripper
- head to Atlantic City for a night
- get great tickets to a sporting event
- donate it to a charity
- take my girl out to a ridiculously nice restaurant

feel free to ad on. Point being that anyone paying over $100 for a cd is a fucking moron.

hey i agree with you on some level, but then if thats your attitude then why do people expect it for free?

it isnt free to obtain, and if it was sold at say $30 a project instead of $300 a project then people wouldnt think twice about upping it for everyone else to dl for free,
no more sales once its out there for free so the people who source the music are left with a big bill to pay and no way of obtaining the money to cover it

you think they are gona do that over and over again?

no, and then when there isnt any more unreleased 2pac avalible out there once again its the fans who suffer


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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #549 on: May 06, 2009, 06:12:16 PM »
the fans suffer because they have all the songs? and by the way fuck toothpick

Quadruple OG

Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #550 on: May 06, 2009, 06:18:48 PM »
its comical how some people think they have a valid argument about what certain people in the online 2pac community do with his music,
u sit there and bitch about the fact it costs lots of money, i agree $300+ is a lot of money, but hey get of you ass n get a job, either do that or ask mommy for a raise on your allowence

Correction, not paying $300 for a cd is called COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Here's a list of things I could do with $300 instead of buying six songs:

- VIP lap dance with a stripper
- head to Atlantic City for a night
- get great tickets to a sporting event
- donate it to a charity
- take my girl out to a ridiculously nice restaurant

feel free to ad on. Point being that anyone paying over $100 for a cd is a fucking moron.

hey i agree with you on some level, but then if thats your attitude then why do people expect it for free?

it isnt free to obtain, and if it was sold at say $30 a project instead of $300 a project then people wouldnt think twice about upping it for everyone else to dl for free,
no more sales once its out there for free so the people who source the music are left with a big bill to pay and no way of obtaining the money to cover it

you think they are gona do that over and over again?

no, and then when there isnt any more unreleased 2pac avalible out there once again its the fans who suffer

people expect it for free because every retail album leaks and has killed the record biz, so they're expecting the same thing with these tracks. Everything is leaking nowadays...even Dre reference tracks are hitting the net. It's just how the consumer is thinking. Why pay $20 for a cd when its free.

Eventually there won't be anymore 2pac material left. I hope these people realize that not everything 2pac recorded was meant to be released. Among the hundreds of songs, there are tracks that were scrapped or after a second or third listen, decided to forget about. You really thing "Fade Me" or "What's Next" would have made a Death Row album circa '96?


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #551 on: May 06, 2009, 06:28:23 PM »
the fans suffer because they have all the songs? and by the way fuck toothpick

who has all the songs?

if the bootleggers have all the songs at least some people get to listen to them and all the people who want to hear the unreleased shit but dont wana pay for it or cant afford it can stay at the bottom being thankful for when sum new shit leaks for free, these are the people who dont have a right to comment on the situation


the bootlegers dont do what they do and amaru have all the songs and nobody from the person prepared to pay for the projects right dow to the leeching bottom feeders gets to hear the unreleased shit in its original form


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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #552 on: May 06, 2009, 06:35:48 PM »
or you could just stop listening to toothpick


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #553 on: May 06, 2009, 06:47:41 PM »

people expect it for free because every retail album leaks and has killed the record biz, so they're expecting the same thing with these tracks.

i agree but the diffrence is when you up a retail album the only people you are fucking over is the artist and greedy corprate whore of a record company say for ex sony who then sell you spools of 100 + blank cd's but tell you its wrong to copy music lol  greedy fucks want a slice of every market even if one is feeding off the other (dont get me wrong if i dl an album and id listen to it again il go out and buy it at the store)

but the real 2pac bootleggers , and i dont mean stains like fattyo, are putting their own $$$ in to it so if it leaks after selling only a few projects for say $300 and the material cost was $10.000 then they just lost $9000, like i said before are they gona bother doin it again and again? no, so if you really want to hear the new 2pac shit then you gotta pay for it, if you dont then thats cool for you when stuff gets leaked for free , yeah sure your gona dl it why not, the problem comes when the people who want to listen to the new shit but just cant afford it start bitching

and thats why to the masses everything seems to be so secretive, it protets investments


Re: 2Pacforum hidden projects info!
« Reply #554 on: May 06, 2009, 06:52:39 PM »
I was just thinking how funny it would be if all these bootleggers that claim to be 2 Pac connoisseurs would be bitch slapped and pissed on by Pac if he ever had the chance to meet them in person.

It's actually a shame what happened to Pac's legacy and it's really not the major labels that are ruining it, it's the bickering and bitchassness going on in the so-called "2 Pac Scene".

Look, I know some of you guys really are huge fans and that's great. However, I don't know if some people understand what a joke this makes his music look like from an outsiders point of view.