Author Topic: Carlito Rossi Interview (D12/Cashis/Freeway/Paul Wall/Jim Jones/Roccett)  (Read 61 times)


Raptalk reached out to up and coming artist Carlito Rossi for an exclusive interview. With a lot on his plate right now, Carlito provided for a great interview!

We discuss his upcoming collaboration project with Cashis titled, "The Usual Suspects." Being hosted by DJ Vlad, the project is nearly wrapped up and sure to turn some heads from both of these respected artists' fan base!

The Shady Records connection doesn't end there as Carlito is enjoying the success of his "Hater in the Club" single which featured D12! With all of these Shady connections, can Shady Records be a possible home for Carlito?

Keeping busy, Carlito is also working on his debut album, "Carlito's Way." Working with produces such as Omega (who is currently working with Rihanna), Carlito is set to make a serious splash in the Hip-Hop game with his first full-length album!



Justin: I’m here with Carlito Rossi. Start us off by letting the world know how you’re doing at this time?

Carlito Rossi: I’m doing real well. I can’t complain. Life is treating me good.

Justin: Absolutely. What was it like growing up in New Jersey and how often are you still in Jersey?

Carlito Rossi: Growing up in [New] Jersey was good for me I guess. It’s real diversified so I grew up around all kinds of people. That helped me out later on in life as far as accepting everybody equally. Also at the same time, it was kind of rough because of where I come from which is Paterson, New Jersey is real poor. My mom and dad moved to Jersey before I was born. I’m pretty much first generation and we started from the ground up, financial wise. It’s not like we had financial backing from generations living in this country. It was rough growing up financial wise because I was real poor and stuff like that. School was going on with a lot of fighting.

Thank God I managed to get out of all that. I wouldn’t change it for the world because I learned a lot of things in life and how to get out of situations and stuff like that. Overall, growing up in Jersey was a great experience even though I witnessed a lot of people not make it to my age unfortunately. I’m just blessed that I’m still here and moving forward.

Justin: No doubt. You’ve been enjoying the success of your two singles, “Hater in the Club” with D12, and “Ain’t No Tellin’” with Cashis. That’s quite the connection to Shady Records you have. Tell us about those relationships.

Carlito Rossi: Definitely. First of all with D12, I’m tight with their manager. It’s funny that I didn’t meet D12 through Cashis or Cashis through D12. I actually met them on different occasions. I have the connection to Shady, but it’s not through the same people. I know D12 and Cashis through different people, in other words. Basically, that’s the whole thing with that. I’m definitely blessed to have relationships with them.

Justin: For sure. Being an independent artist, are you looking for that major distribution? Is Shady Records a possible home for Carlito Rossi?

Carlito Rossi: I’m definitely looking for that major distribution. I’m ready to go. I have crazy songs, I have everything. I have money and stuff to put my stuff out, but of course it wouldn’t be at the same level of a major label. My mission is to let my music be heard, I want everybody to hear my music. Independently, you can reach a lot of people but of course not on a national level as you would with major distribution.

Whether it’s Shady or anybody else, the paper has to be right. I’ve been offered a few deals but the paper wasn’t right. That’s the bottom line. That’s what’s most important to me. I don’t wanna’ be one of those artists who get signed to a label or get a distribution deal, and then nothing happens. I’m more about making things happen. I don’t wanna’ be one of those artists where three years after getting signed, they don’t come out. I wanna’ be one of those artists who gets signed and the music comes out. I say that because I’m ready to go.

Justin: That’s understandable. The song with Cashis went so well, so that the two of you are now currently working on a duo mixtape titled, “The Usual Suspects Vol.1” What’s the latest on that?

Carlito Rossi: We’re definitely still working on it. It’s crazy you asked me that because I was just talking to Cashis yesterday about the next single which is actually featuring Chamillionaire. I don’t wanna’ talk too much about it but that’s the definitely the next single. It’s a crazy track; Rikanatti produced it that does most of Cashis’ stuff. It should definitely be out within’ the next two weeks. It’ll be hitting the streets and the internet real hard. After that, we did other joints that we did produced by Omega. We’re definitely moving forward with the project.

Justin: That’s all real good to hear. DJ Vlad is going to be hosting the project. How did you hook up with DJ Vlad and what was his reaction to being asked to host it?

Carlito Rossi: My relationship with Vlad goes way back. I’ve actually known Vlad for a long time. I knew him before I knew Cashis and the “Usual Suspects” project. I and Vlad have been knowing each other for a long time. Me and Cashis were thinking about who would be dope to host this project. I already had that tie to DJ Vlad so when I asked him, it was a no brainer. He told us once it’s done, will collaborate, talk about everything and have him host it. It was definitely not a big deal.

Justin: Ok. We mentioned your work with D12 and Cashis earlier, but you’ve also worked with some other cats such as Paul Wall and Roccett. As an independent artist, do you find it more difficult to land collaborations with big named artists?

Carlito Rossi: Honestly, at first it was very hard. Everyone would say no to my face because I’m just another dude saying “listen to this track.” This was about 2-3 years back. It was even tough with the DJ’s to get put on mixtapes. At first, there was no chance. Coming from Paterson, New Jersey, I had to downgrade Paterson but there were really no label here, or any Hip-Hop artists that made it to a national level who could get connected.

Therefore, I had to travel a lot and build my connections up and relationships with people. Ultimately through my music allowed me to build these relationships with artists like that. A lot of that came from being co-signed from dudes that knew them. Now, I have a few major artists I work with so it’s just getting easier and easier as time goes by. With that said, it was hard at first and still is hard, but it’s definitely getting a lot easier.

Justin: You’re seeing that progression. What’s the latest on your upcoming album, “Carlito’s Way?”

Carlito Rossi: Definitely. The album is still in the works. I wanna’ release it but then I don’t because I would like to have it majorly distributed. That’s why I’m kind of holding back. I think it’s such a classic that if it hits the radios on a national level, it will make a lot of noise and a lot of money. I’m trying to fish for the right deal before I put out. I could get money no doubt by putting it out now, but I feel it’s such a classic that I’m gonna’ wait. I don’t know how long I’m gonna’ wait because I can’t wait too long because everybody’s waiting on

it. It goes back to the major distribution and all that. I’m looking for the right people who will really back it up and bring it to the next level. Look who we have, look at these collaborations. I have Paul Wall, Jim Jones, Freeway, D12, and Cashis. There are a lot of major artists on the album already anyway. The record is ready.

Justin: That’s a hot lineup.

Carlito Rossi: And then we have DJ Khaled, DJ Vlad, Nu Jersey Devil and DJ Enuff; they all hosted it. This is a major project. If I put it out, because I can put it out no doubt, but I’m trying to wait a little more and see if any deals come up, and hopefully something I can actually work with comes up so we can take it to the next level.

Justin: Ok. It’s rare to see DJ’s host an album. Is this coming out for sale or free download?

Carlito Rossi: At first I was thinking I should sell it, but we’re having this whole recession period. At the end of the day, my main focus as an independent artist is to have my music everywhere. I just want everybody to hear my music. Being an independent artist, I don’t have time to take money out of people’s pockets. I really don’t care. I just want people to hear my music. I’m not signed to a major label. Keep in mind; people aren’t even buying albums from a major artist as they once did before. How could I charge them for me when I’m still an independent artist on my grind? As for now, if I do release it, it may actually be for free download or it’ll be real cheap. I’m still going through that and seeing what I’m gonna’ do. It will most likely be a free download because at the end of the day, I just want people to hear my music. That’s my whole mission right now.

Justin: You mentioned some of the big guest appearances. What kind of production did you work with?

Carlito Rossi: Most of the production was done by my dude Omega. I’ve known him for years. He is definitely the future. 80% of the production done on the album was done by him. He’s actually working with Rihanna right now. He’s about to blow in the next couple of months. He’s working with a lot of major artists. He has a lot of major artists on his list that he’s about to produce for. With that said, it’s a blessing for me to have known him from before he’s about to blow. And I’ve worked close with him and have a close relationship with him because…I mean, he produced the song with Paul Wall, the song with Jim Jones, the song with D12. The other producers I worked with on the album, one is So Amazing. He’s worked with DMX. All the producers I worked with on the album have worked with major artists. These are dudes that are already in the game. This album is ready to go. I’m just waiting for the right deal.

Justin: I just have to ask, does the title hold some inspiration from the legendary film, “Carlito’s Way?”

Carlito Rossi: I love the film; it’s one of my favorites. It doesn’t hold any meaning because of that movie. The only reason I named it that was because, in the past, I was always in rap groups or always had managers. I felt like it was always never going anywhere. Plus in groups, everyone was not really Seeing Eye to eye or some are more focused than other people.

I finally decided to go solo and do things my way. I wanted my first album to represent what I wanted to do instead of always having a manger or in a group. This whole album, I actually put together myself. I did this album my way. I’m basically managing myself in other words. I started from the bottom and am working my way to the top. I’m doing things my way. I did this on my own, so why not call it “Carlito’s Way?” That’s perfect. I’m doing things my way and nobody is telling me what to do like it was before.

When I had the manager and the groups, I had no progression at all with the music. I had to start doing things on my own. At the end of the day, nobody is gonna’ want this more than you are. That’s how I felt. It’s been a good turn out ever since.

Justin: I like that. Just so we can leave the fans on a concrete note, what is being released first? “The Usual Suspects” with Cahsis or your solo, “Carlito’s Way?”

Carlito Rossi: “The Usual Suspects.” Most of that is already done. We just have to chop up a couple of final tracks and that’s it. That’s definitely coming out first.

Justin: There you have it. I’m right here with Carlito Rossi on this exclusive interview. Thanks a lot for your time. Before I let you go, do you have any last words or additional statements?

Carlito Rossi: Yeah! I definitely want to give you a shout out. Shouts out to Cashis, D12 and the whole city of Paterson. Thanks to everybody who keeps supporting my movement. 2009, Carlito Rossi! I’m gonna’ make it happen hopefully. Look out for the album. Look out for “Carlito’s Way” and the “Usual Suspects” as well. Basically, shouts out to those who have supported me from day one. Definitely keep in tune. Check out and also you can visit as well.
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