Author Topic: Is it just me or does def jam suck now?  (Read 889 times)


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Re: I'm not a snob, y'all just o.d.
« Reply #60 on: May 04, 2009, 01:29:27 PM »

If you think Jeezy and Ross have swagger, you don't get it yet..  Cons and Term have a grown up, humble, intelligence to their music..  If you ask me, that is the kind of swagger I relate to, not the swagger of drug-dealing, jewelry braggging, big car having, etc...  Wait a few more years, when hopefully for you that shit doesn't matter..  And you start seeing the real reason we are here on Earth..

As for production, that is the producers, the artist gets credit for having a good ear I guess.  That's opinion though...  Depends on what kinda beat you vibe to...

alot of this seems like critism about critism and meaningless distinctions about the art that really wasn't there in the first place.  if u love hip hop/rap, then y all of tha hate?  sooner or later u have to realize this shit is just as good or better than tha shit that came out 20 years ago.  u/y'all really shud just let it go

Cause it drags the quality down

Said who??  Ice T & Nas aren't doin nothin but cornering a certain corner of the Hip Hop market.  If anything, y'all should be happy that there's more than 1 type of Hip Hop being exposed and it's more positive (even Trap Hop is cleaner than the Original Gangsta Rap days).  The age of the "floppy disk fans" has to come to an end.  Nobody listens to the radio or watches TV (for music) anymore except the little kids and I'd rather have my kids listen to Bow Wow than Nipsey Hu$$le.  If you consider yourself a mature person then you have to realize the responsibilty that comes with the messages being put out there.  Hell yeah I wanna see niggaz like Nip and Murs on the big screen and the small screen and when I turn on the radio I wanna hear some Mos Def and some Pete Rock but it ain't about all that... let the kids do tha history, THEY ALL eventually go looking for something better, and plus y'all act like they dont feel the way y'all do and the Soulja Boys is ALL they listen too.

That makes no sense..  Why do you think the kids are so fucked up in drugs and we got more ppl becoming gangsta punks than ever before?  Cuz of music like Young Jeezys..  I gaurantee i we had Cons and Term on the radio and that music being pushed in the mainstream, the kids would be more responsible, I PUT MONEY ON IT.. 

THAT is why I hate on artists like Rick Ross, Young Jeezy.  They don't make music that has substance, it's not pushing a positive message, it's a bunch of  bullshit..  The record labels know it too..

It's the labels fault for choosing the artists they want to push, it's the artists fault for giving in and making the bullshit that the labels want..  It's a trap, and sadly it will always be there, but we can always fight against it.

Like u actually give a fuck about the Lil Ronnys from the Uptowns or the Malika's from the Southside.  Do u actually listen to the albums/mixtapes (by the artist you love 2 hate) or do u just hear a couple tracks and call it a day and reject any and everything they put out without giving it a thoro listen *did u feel this way too when u first heard NWA or did u just hop on dick bcuz everybody was on tha bandwagon already*.  I get blown everytime y'all throw words in my mouth saying that i said so and so is better than so and so when I've clearly NEVER compared or said such (besides the FACTS and NOT opinions like wat i did about Cham & Jeezy or 3-6/Preme).  Just like my man Action said... ALL HIP HOP Has it's place.  I coulda sworn i said some shit like that like 2 or 3 weeks ago (everything Action said).  But if the world is going one way and you're going another-  maybe y'all r just the minorities?  Have any of you actually listened to the lyrics/messages in Deeper Than Rap and The Recession (since u swear that's the only albums I listen to).  You would KNOW that there is enough substance in those albums to call it more than just a party album.

If I want substance I'll play some Kanye or some Kid Cudi or The Roots or Eryka Badu.  And since you're speaking about Termanology so much, doesn't he rap about tha same thing like any other rapper does, sex-money-drugs-violence rap (wasn't that a name of one of his tracks on his last album).  - Saigon anybody?  Styles P? i could go on all day...  What's your argument gonna be for that... "99% of rappers do that"; well no shit shirlock that's what the fuck I've been saying.  i thinks it's hilarious how much attention you give me.

Y'all value my opinion and dubcc is boring when i'm not on here keepin it 100.  y'all just dickride, hate, and agree with each other on everything (literally) and say some corny ass jokes when I'm not around.

And i never knew white folks actually cared so much about wat goes on in the hood and wat young impressionable black/spanish kids are listening to everyday lol, especially the ones who dont even live in America lmao.  I like to party and dumbout to my hip hop/music (just like most normal people do).  and when i need to listen to something to get my mind right i'll pop on some B.O.B, Outkast, Scarface, Nas, etc.  or I'll watch Obama on CNN or get an unwanted lecture from my father or do like any intelligent person does and think about the shit .  I along with every other person in this world don't really solely on music to hear wat i need to hear to retain intelligence. 

And for the record I listen to all types of music like Neo-Soul, Classic Jazz, Rock, and some more shit.  Which i happened to grow up on and even play a little bit of

And i'm mad y'all try 2 always call me out on something that I mentioned that I already do/did in my previous post and say i dont do it lol.  I liked how u tried to call me youngin bcuz I like southern hip hop more than you do and u claim I can't muster up the maturity to play something else... like Spoken Word (which I mentioned in another post).  It's like u read one of my post then say I dont do that when I'm the 1 who called it out in the 1st place.  Y'all r boring and bored without me and clearly aren't as articulant as I am and how i respond to your bitchassness in the same manner.  Aren't we ALL around the same age here anyways... I'm 20 and if you're not around that age, then you have no business being on Hip Hop blogs (even if it's your own forum) unless your downloading or selling music

*i have nothing else left to say to tha haters like jay and ennie-pooh and the rest of em, they'll try to say any and everything to get my attention, bcuz they real daddys dont give em enough


Of course I care about the kids,  I'm at an age where I realize how much effect we have on them, and how much they shape the future of the Earth..  Too bad you don't share the same compassion...  Yes, I listen to lots of major label albums in their entirety..  I have written Rick Ross off on 3  seperates occasions so far..  If you catch my drift...  I didn't call it a party album.  It lacks substance and meaning...  That can be projected in varying ways other than just "party records"..   

Yes I am white, so what??   When I speak about the problems of today, and the struggles of youth, I'm not talking about just blacks, mexicans, "the hood", America...  I'm talking about anyone, living anywhere who is going through it...  Why do I have to be American???

For the record, I am 22, so that is what it is....

dont be tryna play that "intelligent" hip hop/bullshit with me bcuz y'all were the bamaz that got bitched in skool... man up  maybe u needed a few more listens of songs like these growing up, then maybe u just mighta got it and had some stronger nuts when it came time 2 flexx.

The song you chose and the reason you chose it is exactly what I'm trying to say is wrong..  LOL..  You obviously don't get it..

Fuck bein' positive, Life's a bitch and im tryna fuck her raw and keep it negative... sike but little kids NEVER wanna hear something positive/the right way even if u sit em down and keep em locked in a room, it'll still go in 1 ear and out the other.  music isn't gonna help that, not at all- it's hopeless.  you can only give em wat they wanna hear.  so wats wrong wit em listenin 2 "tha stanky legg"?  if they love it they love it, fuck it- would u rather have em listen 2 "deep cover" or have em throw tempertantrums bcuz they can't stand to listen to a Q-Tip or John Coltrane record... fuck it, the state of hip hop is PERFECT for the youth, let it be.  y'all r on 1 side of the game while others are on different parts of the game.  the hip hop game is so perfect right now.  Everybody claims that there's no balance but the second you log on to tha internet or read a magazine or watch an artist interview there's muthafuckaz bitchin' and complain at everything on every site/p/etc about the bubblegum rap and tha weak n' b music... the balance is here (on the internet, which most people have access to).  people been got past the Tv/Radio stages, everybody has an mp3 player nowadays or limewire (young and old) so you can get all the balance and EDUCATION you need at the click of a finger (and most/all people do; young and old).  It kills me when people say that it isn't there but the second you come to sites like these or allhiphop or sohh or wherever you got muthafuckaz bitchin about "real hip hop" this and that, so the message is out there and it's ALWAYS been out there (since the beginning of hip hop literally- the message of fake hip hop) you cant stop it or hide it.  People shood fall back and realize that it's out there, it sticks out like a sore thumb.  and when you're young and riding around in tha car with your folks and you happen to be listening to tha radio (no cds or ipods) of course the party/positive music is gonna be on, that's just P.R. for the business.  or you cood just change the station to something else  ::) Or you cood do wat ur doing now and just listen to the "classics" and call it day and get over it, there will never be another 93'-94' era for hip hop, just like there will never be another era for hair metal bands.  but even then back in tha day 95% of hip hop was just samples and the other 5% was just a concoxion of samples put together to make it sound original (*sir jinx*) or replayed samples (which back then it seem'd like every artist sampled the SAME song or James Brown).  so bottom line it's there, and it's not hard to find or know about... artist and people have been ranting and raving about it since the beginning... what more can you say or do when it's already out there?