Author Topic: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with Sikotic... Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD!!!  (Read 755 times)

Kool Beenz

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AdamTheDude04 (2:36:03 AM): say
blackarmo signed on at 2:51:45 AM.
blackarmo (2:51:52 AM): wat it is
AdamTheDude04 (2:51:59 AM): shit
AdamTheDude04 (2:52:01 AM): crippin
AdamTheDude04 (2:52:04 AM): as usual
AdamTheDude04 (2:52:09 AM): you ready for your interview?
blackarmo (2:52:14 AM): hell yeah
blackarmo (2:52:18 AM): negro i was born ready
AdamTheDude04 (2:52:22 AM): aight then
AdamTheDude04 (2:52:32 AM): lets start off with your name and where you stay at
blackarmo (2:52:43 AM): my slave name?
AdamTheDude04 (2:52:51 AM): yeah
blackarmo (2:53:00 AM): Brandon
AdamTheDude04 (2:53:03 AM): the kunta kintay
blackarmo (2:53:11 AM): gyeah
AdamTheDude04 (2:53:15 AM): as where you stay at
blackarmo (2:53:21 AM): and I rep the dirty dirty south of killa cali
blackarmo (2:53:27 AM): 818 bitches
AdamTheDude04 (2:53:32 AM): so you have had a threesome i assume?
blackarmo (2:53:52 AM): nah never. one of the few disappointments in my life
blackarmo (2:53:56 AM): but i have had the opportunity
AdamTheDude04 (2:54:07 AM): was one fat and the other too skinny?
blackarmo (2:54:23 AM): lol nah
AdamTheDude04 (2:54:30 AM): ok
blackarmo (2:54:30 AM): i wasnt sure if one of them was related to me
AdamTheDude04 (2:54:41 AM): it happins
AdamTheDude04 (2:54:47 AM): same last names fuck you up huh?
blackarmo (2:54:48 AM): she may have been my 2nd or 3rd cousin
AdamTheDude04 (2:55:04 AM): just dont fuck your sister... let me do that
blackarmo (2:55:04 AM): im all about family, but not like that brah
blackarmo (2:55:25 AM): sorry man, i already gave one of my homies the right to first
blackarmo (2:55:37 AM): but shes only 12 so he's gotta wait until she's at least 15
AdamTheDude04 (2:55:37 AM): so your considered to many as a  dubcc legend... how do you feel about that?
blackarmo (2:56:01 AM): i think they're smoking crack
blackarmo (2:56:07 AM): NIK is the true legend
AdamTheDude04 (2:56:22 AM): why because he has been banned the most?
AdamTheDude04 (2:56:29 AM): or because is down for the beef
blackarmo (2:56:52 AM): well he is legendary for that. and his plea to seer to come back was priceless
blackarmo (2:57:04 AM): but nah, because he's the one everyone loves to hate
AdamTheDude04 (2:57:22 AM): true since he had that xzibit shoorting two guns as his avatar
blackarmo (2:57:31 AM): the day he leaves dubcc (likely by death) is the day he'll be missed the most
AdamTheDude04 (2:57:31 AM): but it seems to be because he is jewish
AdamTheDude04 (2:57:46 AM): you are black no one hates you that much
blackarmo (2:57:47 AM): well all jews are hated
blackarmo (2:57:58 AM): im not full black thats why
blackarmo (2:58:01 AM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (2:58:18 AM): so you dont fuck black girls
blackarmo (2:58:22 AM): but enough of NIK, I dont want him to think this is a chatroom dedicated to him
AdamTheDude04 (2:58:23 AM): is that what your trying to say
blackarmo (2:58:38 AM): fuck no. black girls are freaks
AdamTheDude04 (2:58:41 AM): your dad didnt fuck a black woman
AdamTheDude04 (2:58:48 AM): or is yo momma black?
blackarmo (2:59:10 AM): my mom is black so we can do the math on whether my dad fucks black bitches or not
AdamTheDude04 (2:59:22 AM): i fuck black bitches
AdamTheDude04 (2:59:29 AM): is that a crime??
AdamTheDude04 (2:59:41 AM): i happin to love the dark piece off the chicken
AdamTheDude04 (2:59:48 AM): but there is no pretty black girls in texas
blackarmo (2:59:55 AM): hell no. do what you gotta do
AdamTheDude04 (3:00:03 AM): ok
blackarmo (3:00:05 AM): if everyone fucked eachother, the world would be a better place
AdamTheDude04 (3:00:15 AM): so you in college huh
AdamTheDude04 (3:00:20 AM): what are you majoring in?
blackarmo (3:00:21 AM): and yeah, texas had ugly black bitches
blackarmo (3:00:40 AM): I'm majoring in Bio and I will be graduating in less than 2 weeks
AdamTheDude04 (3:00:49 AM): congradulations
blackarmo (3:01:04 AM): thanks. i cant wait to move on. college is overrated
AdamTheDude04 (3:01:18 AM): im still in college the work sucks but the bitches are fine
AdamTheDude04 (3:01:30 AM): yeah college is overrated
blackarmo (3:01:51 AM): thats the best thing, the girls. especially now that I'm older than most of the bitches on campus.
blackarmo (3:02:00 AM): they all look to me for advice n shit. its lovely.
AdamTheDude04 (3:02:21 AM): so when will you sell out like overseer, SGV, M Dogg, and many other and get a wife?
AdamTheDude04 (3:02:39 AM): 'or will you just have a baby momma
blackarmo (3:03:08 AM): no baby momma shit. i'm not down with that. if i have kids, it will be with a woman i trust and love.
blackarmo (3:03:15 AM): unfortunately, ive never met a woman like that
blackarmo (3:03:21 AM): so it aint happening any time soon
AdamTheDude04 (3:03:42 AM): well if you happin too get a bitch knocked up you can always pay Jaydc to go down there and kick her in the stomach?
blackarmo (3:03:44 AM): the only bitch i loved was a dog i had, but she was killed
AdamTheDude04 (3:04:00 AM): i mean we dont want any Brandon Jr.s too early now do we?
blackarmo (3:04:26 AM): fuck that. if i pay someone Jayd to do that, I want bloodshed
blackarmo (3:04:29 AM): i want my money's worth
AdamTheDude04 (3:04:51 AM): now lets get to your dogg
AdamTheDude04 (3:04:55 AM): it was killed?
blackarmo (3:05:04 AM): coyotes got her
AdamTheDude04 (3:05:04 AM): how did that effect your life and your war against jews?
AdamTheDude04 (3:05:14 AM): they say coyotes are like jews
AdamTheDude04 (3:05:18 AM): they just keep on coming
blackarmo (3:05:27 AM): well i went hitler on their asses and actually took a coyote out
blackarmo (3:05:36 AM): it was easy, coyotes are bitch made
AdamTheDude04 (3:05:52 AM): did you piss on it
AdamTheDude04 (3:05:55 AM): ?
blackarmo (3:05:56 AM): i jumped on the fucker and slit his throat
blackarmo (3:06:01 AM): yeah
AdamTheDude04 (3:06:08 AM): awesome
blackarmo (3:06:09 AM): i woulda shit on it, but i was constipated
AdamTheDude04 (3:06:24 AM): now we in dubcc wanna know your status on the hip hop game
AdamTheDude04 (3:06:31 AM): who you listening too now adays?
blackarmo (3:06:45 AM): man rap is fucked
blackarmo (3:06:49 AM): i dont bump anything new
blackarmo (3:07:07 AM): right now im bumping armenia folk music
AdamTheDude04 (3:07:13 AM): awesome
AdamTheDude04 (3:07:19 AM): some love making music huh
blackarmo (3:07:21 AM): but i was listening to uncommon valor by jedi mind tricks earlier
blackarmo (3:07:35 AM): fuck yeah
AdamTheDude04 (3:07:52 AM): i know i have asked you this before... but what does the word nigger mean to you?
AdamTheDude04 (3:08:05 AM): and has it changed the way you think?
blackarmo (3:08:18 AM): I look at the word nigger like this: if it bothers you, then you are one
AdamTheDude04 (3:08:31 AM): great answer
AdamTheDude04 (3:08:41 AM): what about wigger?
blackarmo (3:08:46 AM): doesnt bother me, i got white friends that use the word in front of me. they even call me nigger from time to time
AdamTheDude04 (3:09:04 AM): yeah i know some black dudes that dont care
blackarmo (3:09:09 AM): the word wigger brings rage out in me
blackarmo (3:09:16 AM): because i hate wiggers and this is why
AdamTheDude04 (3:09:21 AM): nigger isnt offensive to some blacks
AdamTheDude04 (3:09:25 AM): ....
blackarmo (3:10:00 AM): theres no really intellegent wiggers......its usually some white dumbfuck that has an IQ of 5 and thinks he should act black because they will except his stupidity
blackarmo (3:10:26 AM): i am confronted by wiggers everyday who wanna befriend me so i can hook them up with black girls or give them exam answers n shit
blackarmo (3:10:43 AM): i tell em to suck my cock....and they probably would just to feel blacker
blackarmo (3:10:50 AM): fuck now im pissed
AdamTheDude04 (3:10:54 AM): ok ok
blackarmo (3:10:59 AM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (3:11:01 AM): lets have a beer and calm down
AdamTheDude04 (3:11:10 AM): its cinco de mayo for jesus christ...
AdamTheDude04 (3:11:12 AM): anyways
blackarmo (3:11:13 AM): im drinkin some vodka right now dogg. one step ahead
AdamTheDude04 (3:11:31 AM): *cracks open a bud light*
AdamTheDude04 (3:11:41 AM): now after sex what do you usually tell a girl?
blackarmo (3:12:36 AM): im not gonna lie. i feel bad because i suck at pleasing a woman. not because i dont have potential, but i just dont fuckin care about her enjoyment.
blackarmo (3:12:55 AM): so basically, ill roll over and tell her "baby, you were good". then i put my clothes on and leave
blackarmo (3:13:05 AM): i might grab a coke from her fridge on the way out
blackarmo (3:13:14 AM): and i usually dont get a call back
blackarmo (3:13:23 AM): if i do, i dont answer most of the time
blackarmo (3:13:36 AM): i'm going to hell, i know
AdamTheDude04 (3:14:05 AM): no
AdamTheDude04 (3:14:12 AM): its just part of being a pimp
AdamTheDude04 (3:14:27 AM): do you go in the raw?? do you love crabs on the fur burgers?
blackarmo (3:14:39 AM): never
blackarmo (3:14:45 AM): never had sex without a condom
blackarmo (3:14:57 AM): because i dont trust a bitch
blackarmo (3:15:06 AM): fuck man, if you wanna be real, i dont trust my own mother
blackarmo (3:15:43 AM): last thing i want is to have my goals and aspirations ruined by some bitch that wasnts to keep the baby
AdamTheDude04 (3:17:16 AM): my bad
AdamTheDude04 (3:17:30 AM): i just lit up a sweet
blackarmo (3:18:00 AM): its all good man. i got to refresh my glass
AdamTheDude04 (3:18:02 AM): so your mom wanted to abort you?
blackarmo (3:18:39 AM): lol who knows.
AdamTheDude04 (3:18:42 AM): why didnt she tell Jaydc to kick her in the stomach?
blackarmo (3:18:48 AM): i think i was a mistake
AdamTheDude04 (3:18:55 AM): anyways how old are you?
blackarmo (3:19:31 AM): im 23 years 7 months and 20 days old
AdamTheDude04 (3:19:48 AM): do you still go to bars and quinceras?
AdamTheDude04 (3:19:53 AM): and fuck the mexican girls?
AdamTheDude04 (3:20:13 AM): and if so
AdamTheDude04 (3:20:31 AM): whats your opinions on a mexican girls pussy?
AdamTheDude04 (3:20:39 AM): they keep it nice and tanned and shaven
blackarmo (3:20:52 AM): i went to one quincera in my life back in highschool. the girl's name was valerie and she was fuckin fine. last i heard she got married and has a kid on the way.
blackarmo (3:20:58 AM): mexican pussy is like this....
blackarmo (3:21:44 AM): it's kinda like.........kinda expensive steak
blackarmo (3:22:09 AM): nice presentation, but slightly overrated in terms of taste and enjoyment
AdamTheDude04 (3:22:14 AM): but its the best stake IMO
blackarmo (3:22:25 AM): no it aint bad by a long shot
AdamTheDude04 (3:22:29 AM): what abot jewish woman?
AdamTheDude04 (3:22:34 AM): have you ever fucked a jew girl?
AdamTheDude04 (3:22:45 AM): i havent fucked one there aint too many jews in south texas
blackarmo (3:23:04 AM): never fucked a jew broad
blackarmo (3:23:15 AM): i got a friend that did and he didnt have any complaints
AdamTheDude04 (3:23:20 AM): black girl?
blackarmo (3:24:12 AM): black girls vary
AdamTheDude04 (3:24:18 AM): and whites?
AdamTheDude04 (3:24:22 AM): white girls love me lo
blackarmo (3:24:23 AM): ive been with some real freaky black girls that want it in their ass n shit
AdamTheDude04 (3:24:23 AM): lol
blackarmo (3:24:29 AM): and some of them just want boring missionary
AdamTheDude04 (3:24:30 AM): hell yeah
blackarmo (3:24:38 AM): white girls are pretty great
AdamTheDude04 (3:24:53 AM): yes they are my favorite
AdamTheDude04 (3:25:01 AM): nothing like a thick blue eyed blonde
blackarmo (3:25:10 AM): i had this girlfriend back in highschool....i was 19 and she was 17
blackarmo (3:25:18 AM): she was half whire half salvadoranean
blackarmo (3:25:23 AM): best pussy i ever had
AdamTheDude04 (3:25:31 AM): salvadorians are the shit
AdamTheDude04 (3:25:35 AM): but they are fuckin wierd
AdamTheDude04 (3:25:47 AM): ever fuck a mojatha?
blackarmo (3:25:52 AM): yeah man we had nothing in common
AdamTheDude04 (3:25:56 AM): like a illegal immagrant
blackarmo (3:26:02 AM): nah never fucked one of those
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:05 AM): damn
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:06 AM): i have
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:09 AM): a guatamalian
blackarmo (3:26:13 AM): how was it?
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:15 AM): berly spoke english
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:20 AM): great she had great tits
blackarmo (3:26:25 AM): good. who needs to talk
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:29 AM): likeone of those fine chicks on the spanish channel
AdamTheDude04 (3:26:47 AM): true
blackarmo (3:26:51 AM): oh shit. in middle school all i did was jerk off to those novelas and shit
blackarmo (3:27:00 AM): good times
AdamTheDude04 (3:27:10 AM): so any body you wanna give shout outs too on the board or any fuck yous?
AdamTheDude04 (3:28:31 AM): and have you accepted your possition as a Boss of D.O.P.E. and a petition for Sikotic for G-Spot MOD!!!?
blackarmo (3:28:45 AM): shoutouts to the D.O.P.E. crew (Jay, you, Tom, PLANT, Muhfukka, etc), KAIN, my wife Queen Sikotic, all the people running dubcc, QT, Timelock, etc. etc.
AdamTheDude04 (3:29:09 AM): and have you accepted your possition as a Boss of D.O.P.E. and a petition for Sikotic for G-Spot MOD!!!?
blackarmo (3:29:16 AM): fuck yous to r00n3y for not sewing my nike's right, roccy for having down syndrome, and jesus christ
blackarmo (3:29:22 AM): and yes i accept
AdamTheDude04 (3:29:41 AM): Sikotic for G-Spot Mod Movement coming soon
AdamTheDude04 (3:29:43 AM): live in effect
AdamTheDude04 (3:29:47 AM): holla at me my nigga
blackarmo (3:29:50 AM): nah, i dont want it
AdamTheDude04 (3:29:51 AM): see you on the board
AdamTheDude04 (3:29:59 AM): dont be a bitch
AdamTheDude04 (3:30:04 AM): your the best candidate
blackarmo (3:30:05 AM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (3:30:18 AM): are you down?
blackarmo (3:30:24 AM): i used to be but got removed for nothing, so i dont need it
blackarmo (3:30:28 AM): fuck it, you do it man
blackarmo (3:30:34 AM): AG for mod
AdamTheDude04 (3:30:39 AM): no way
AdamTheDude04 (3:30:45 AM): i cant be mod
AdamTheDude04 (3:30:48 AM): lol
blackarmo (3:30:51 AM): why not?
AdamTheDude04 (3:30:54 AM): overseer knows that
blackarmo (3:30:59 AM): lol
blackarmo (3:31:10 AM): seer wouldn't want me as mod, he removed me in the first place
AdamTheDude04 (3:31:16 AM): why was that?
blackarmo (3:32:00 AM): long story, i made a threat as a joke and didn't even do anything. he probably just wanted me removed. its no big deal.
blackarmo (3:32:09 AM): if people really wanted it, im down
AdamTheDude04 (3:32:18 AM): well we are gonna get you back my friend
blackarmo (3:32:21 AM): fuck, NIK is mod and he was banned 25485 times
blackarmo (3:32:26 AM): ok
blackarmo (3:32:30 AM): good luck with that lol
AdamTheDude04 (3:32:31 AM): lets amigo
AdamTheDude04 (3:32:37 AM): i mean
AdamTheDude04 (3:32:40 AM): adios amigo
AdamTheDude04 (3:32:42 AM): my bad lol
blackarmo (3:32:48 AM): adios lol
AdamTheDude04 (3:32:49 AM): ill see you on the board
blackarmo (3:33:00 AM): of course. where else would i be
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 02:12:18 AM by A.G. »

Kool Beenz

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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with....
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2009, 01:35:04 AM »
best and longest interview i have ever done



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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with....
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2009, 01:46:58 AM »
Definitely the best interview yet but I'd expect nothing less from sikotic.Boss!or sorry he's from Texas.BAWSE.sikotic I expect you to drop something in keystyle now in our thread and I hope it contains the words BAWSE delicatest of fabrics and crab meats

Kool Beenz

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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with....
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2009, 01:57:23 AM »
Post INterview Questions....

AdamTheDude04 (3:35:53 AM): a post inteveiew chat
AdamTheDude04 (3:36:03 AM): how do you feel about the current state of dubcc?
AdamTheDude04 (3:36:22 AM): has it improved or gotten worse in your mind?
blackarmo (3:36:38 AM): dubcc has seen better days, but i think its doingbetter than a few years ago
blackarmo (3:36:44 AM): its in a good place right now
AdamTheDude04 (3:36:58 AM): whats some memorable moments for you on the forum since you've joined?
blackarmo (3:36:58 AM): but theres room for improvement
AdamTheDude04 (3:38:10 AM): ??
blackarmo (3:38:32 AM): back when west coast hip hop was on top back in 2001-2003, all the news and tracks that leaked kept me coming back. When 9/11 happened, looking at different country's perspectives was cool. the reaction from the '04 US elections too was cool
blackarmo (3:38:44 AM): i like to hear the opinions from people across the world
blackarmo (3:38:48 AM): and you get that from dubcc
blackarmo (3:39:00 AM): oh, and the weed, baggies and scale thread NIK made
blackarmo (3:39:02 AM): fuckin classic
AdamTheDude04 (3:39:20 AM): What's your true feelings on elior?
blackarmo (3:41:04 AM): I'll be really honest about this. On the board, he can be a omplete asshole. The time When I happened to run into NIK and Floydness at a Dogg Pound concert, both of them were really nice people. NIK was surprisingly kinda quiet, and Floyd was really friendly and seemed like a nice person.
blackarmo (3:41:12 AM): i dunno what their deal is on dubcc though
AdamTheDude04 (3:42:07 AM): What do you think of Jaydc555 and what's he brought to the forum since he joined?
blackarmo (3:43:01 AM): Jaydc555 is gold. The shit he posts is hilarious. He does nothing but enhance the dubcc experience.
AdamTheDude04 (3:43:18 AM): What's your ringtone right now?
blackarmo (3:43:19 AM): you too. the shit you say is hilarious
AdamTheDude04 (3:43:32 AM): thank you
blackarmo (3:43:52 AM): "Careless Whisper" by George Michael
blackarmo (3:44:08 AM): I'd say "no homo" but its not worth it
AdamTheDude04 (3:44:17 AM): Describe your darkest sexual fantasy?
blackarmo (3:45:21 AM): Fucking hot triplets on their 18th birthday
AdamTheDude04 (3:45:43 AM): How would you feel if queen cheated on you with another internet bf?
blackarmo (3:46:26 AM): I'd take one of those rape showers where I lie down in the shower and sob like a baby.
AdamTheDude04 (3:47:31 AM): If you could bring back one forum member who would be it be?
AdamTheDude04 (3:47:39 AM): i say Pops Twista
AdamTheDude04 (3:47:47 AM): who was one of the funniest guys ever on dubcc
AdamTheDude04 (3:48:06 AM): he was like JayDc but just alot funnier
AdamTheDude04 (3:48:16 AM): i have came in contact with him recently
blackarmo (3:48:23 AM): Oh shit, forgot all about him. He was a cool guy. I was gonna say Trey, but that dude is a bitch, I agree with Pops Twista.
AdamTheDude04 (3:48:27 AM): im trying to come up with a surprise comeback
AdamTheDude04 (3:48:37 AM): Trey was gay
AdamTheDude04 (3:48:41 AM): EM28 or whatever
blackarmo (3:48:45 AM): i know
blackarmo (3:48:52 AM): he was a straight bitch
blackarmo (3:48:58 AM): but entertaining
blackarmo (3:49:04 AM): he was kinda like NIK on steroids
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:05 AM): straight white bitch gayer then Owen
blackarmo (3:49:17 AM): word bond, son
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:19 AM): doo bad Sub Z the nazi left
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:24 AM): i remmeber i talked to him befoer he left
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:40 AM): he fell in love with a venazualian girl
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:45 AM): and wasnt a nazi anymore
blackarmo (3:49:50 AM): yeah we used to talk about niggers all the time. i think he got a girlfriend and left
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:58 AM): yeah she was latina
blackarmo (3:50:00 AM): nobody can deny the latinas
AdamTheDude04 (3:50:07 AM): aretentina not venazualian my bad
blackarmo (3:50:07 AM): even the racists
AdamTheDude04 (3:50:36 AM): if rape was legal do you think it would lose its appeal? like when you rape woman in there wheelchairs
blackarmo (3:51:27 AM): Rape would never get old
AdamTheDude04 (3:51:33 AM): if you could rape any forum member who would it be and why?
blackarmo (3:52:11 AM): I woulda raped Floydness the day I met her in person.......i dunno what the fuck happened to her since then
blackarmo (3:52:22 AM): but other than her, I'd rape Oklin
AdamTheDude04 (3:52:22 AM): lmao
blackarmo (3:52:44 AM): if you were there that night, you woulda been down for fucking her too
blackarmo (3:53:03 AM): she;s had a rough 3 years, maybe her thyroid got fucked up or somethin i dunno
blackarmo (3:53:11 AM): but she was decent back in 2007
AdamTheDude04 (3:53:24 AM): what your take on floys obeisity because everyone seems to think she is obese??
AdamTheDude04 (3:53:46 AM): i pesonally dont care cus she is still cool weather whatever she weighs
blackarmo (3:54:25 AM): well she is now. no matter what NIK or roccy say. but when I met her, she was kinda hot. I still have a hard time believing the girl I talked to is the same girl I saw in those pics
AdamTheDude04 (3:54:43 AM): ok thank you for your time
AdamTheDude04 (3:54:49 AM): keep it real hood
blackarmo (3:54:49 AM): If she hollas at Oprah, she might have a chance again
AdamTheDude04 (3:54:54 AM): lmao
AdamTheDude04 (3:55:00 AM): props my nigga
blackarmo (3:55:01 AM): lol thanks for the interview
AdamTheDude04 (3:55:07 AM): holla
blackarmo (3:55:08 AM): props to you too man
blackarmo (3:55:17 AM): you're like the barbara walters of dubcc
blackarmo (3:55:24 AM): but with a penis
AdamTheDude04 (3:55:25 AM): no
AdamTheDude04 (3:55:30 AM): im the Geraldo Rivera
blackarmo (3:55:39 AM): oh shit, yeah your right
AdamTheDude04 (3:55:44 AM): but with a penis and a better mustache
blackarmo (3:55:48 AM): just dont grow tyhe monopoly man mustache
AdamTheDude04 (3:56:06 AM): k
AdamTheDude04 (3:56:08 AM): laters
blackarmo (3:56:12 AM): later
blackarmo went away at 3:56:27 AM.


Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with....
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2009, 02:07:45 AM »
Definitely the best interview yet but I'd expect nothing less from sikotic.Boss!or sorry he's from Texas.BAWSE.sikotic I expect you to drop something in keystyle now in our thread and I hope it contains the words BAWSE delicatest of fabrics and crab meats
I will drop a keystyle in the future. I just got a lot of exams n shit I gotta do first. When those are out the way, look out niggas.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with....
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2009, 02:10:17 AM »
Ha ha ha too funny!both parts had me laughing.

Kool Beenz

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 Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD Movement COMING SOON!!!


Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with....
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2009, 02:22:56 AM »
Definitely the best interview yet but I'd expect nothing less from sikotic.Boss!or sorry he's from Texas.BAWSE.sikotic I expect you to drop something in keystyle now in our thread and I hope it contains the words BAWSE delicatest of fabrics and crab meats
I'm not from Texas. I've been in Southern California since 3 months old.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Ah.I don't know where I got Texas from.well ignore the crab meats word recommendation.

Kool Beenz

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sik is from southern cali

im from south texas...

so that means Hispanics are 70% of the population lol where we live

Cali Climate

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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with Sikotic... Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2009, 03:16:26 AM »
of course make him a g spot mod, who the fuck is it now, doggystylin? guy has no moral constitution.

the ghost

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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with Sikotic... Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD!!!
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2009, 09:13:40 AM »
Very nice.  Keep em coming AG you are getting better and better!  Sik is that savage!

Can't wait for the Looney interview, an elano interview might be gold too.  Also that polesmoke Radio tube might be classic.


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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with Sikotic... Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD!!!
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2009, 09:33:09 AM »
blackarmo (3:08:46 AM): i got white friends that use the word in front of me. they even call me nigger from time to time part of the interview.


Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with Sikotic... Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD!!!
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2009, 09:56:00 AM »
No fine Black girls in Texas? I beg to differ lol
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Dubcc Exslusive Interview with Sikotic... Sikotic FOR G-SPOT MOD!!!
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2009, 10:34:46 AM »
LOL! Good shit AG and SIK. Keep them coming no homo. And LOL @ SIK for switching the faces on his avatar lmfao
are you people that dumb and
Tuff one...but quik is up there...put it on me is classic imo and on some detox lethal>>dj quik....rza>>premo.....dre>>>quik....rza=dre....dre, rza, quik, dj lethal>>>>>timberland, rockwielder, EIMINEM, mannie fresh