Author Topic: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.  (Read 813 times)

Cali Climate

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Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« on: May 12, 2009, 02:01:44 PM »
[Tue May 12 2009 12:29:22 PM] swamplord323: Good afternoon

[Tue May 12 2009 12:29:40 PM] AdamTheDude04:
whats good

[Tue May 12 2009 12:30:16 PM] swamplord323: I'm going to conduct a concise interview as time is of the essence and we need to get to the bottom of this crip gang business.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:30:25 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:30:31 PM] swamplord323: First. What is your name?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:30:44 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Adam aka A. Geesta'z

[Tue May 12 2009 12:30:52 PM] swamplord323: Where are you from? Where are you reppin?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:08 PM] AdamTheDude04:
South Corpus Christi Texas

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:11 PM] AdamTheDude04:
city by the bay

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:19 PM] swamplord323: magnificent.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:27 PM] swamplord323: I’ll start off easy. Basketball vs. Football. Which is better?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:44 PM] AdamTheDude04:
honestly Basketball cus Football pisses me off alot more

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:47 PM] AdamTheDude04:
with the gay rules

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:54 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like "having control of the ball"

[Tue May 12 2009 12:31:54 PM] swamplord323: Fair enough.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:32:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
as long as the fuck has it in his hands what does it matter

[Tue May 12 2009 12:32:11 PM] swamplord323: I agree.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:32:17 PM] swamplord323: Have you ever seen a dead body?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:32:37 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:32:59 PM] AdamTheDude04:
too many

[Tue May 12 2009 12:32:59 PM] swamplord323: Was it cool?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:33:07 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i mean thats why i got so much respect for loon3y

[Tue May 12 2009 12:33:14 PM] AdamTheDude04:
cus i never played pokemon cards either

[Tue May 12 2009 12:33:22 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i was at funerals smokin chronic too

[Tue May 12 2009 12:33:29 PM] swamplord323: Fascinating.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:33:43 PM] swamplord323: Gang life. It pervades every city in America. It draws in the weak minded and those scared for their safety. Not a question. Just a statement.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:34:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
keep the opinions to yourself my friend

[Tue May 12 2009 12:34:06 PM] AdamTheDude04:
questions only

[Tue May 12 2009 12:34:08 PM] swamplord323: When elior refers to “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…. do you think he’s talking about his Los Angeles suburb in general, or is he trying to convince us he is just living the average California lifestyle?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:34:39 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i really dont know i mean Eliot is the character at dubcc that you love to hate

[Tue May 12 2009 12:34:43 PM] AdamTheDude04:
he been that niggas since day one

[Tue May 12 2009 12:34:49 PM] AdamTheDude04:
since i first started posting

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:14 PM] swamplord323: Selena (the singer). Beautiful voice. A tragedy... Do you remember the day she died?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:22 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:27 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i really didnt care

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:36 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im related to the lady who killed her

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:39 PM] AdamTheDude04:
thats how crazy we are

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:44 PM] AdamTheDude04:
we kill singers n shit

[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:52 PM] swamplord323: Captivating.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:35:57 PM] swamplord323: Roon3y…Is he actually a member of a powerful Asian gang, or is he trying to adopt black street culture?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:36:29 PM] AdamTheDude04:
well me and him are in a procces of making a Asian mexican gang connection

[Tue May 12 2009 12:36:31 PM] AdamTheDude04:
its called

[Tue May 12 2009 12:36:33 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:36:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Insane Internet Crip Gangxsta

[Tue May 12 2009 12:36:48 PM] swamplord323: I assume that stands for something?
[Tue May 12 2009 12:36:53 PM] swamplord323: Ahh, marvelous
[Tue May 12 2009 12:37:16 PM] swamplord323: Care to elaborate?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:37:47 PM] AdamTheDude04:
its just really real niggas clicking up you know having eachothers back against the bloods on the net

[Tue May 12 2009 12:37:55 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like Dagoystyles or whatever

[Tue May 12 2009 12:38:12 PM] swamplord323: How do you feel about Asians trying to act tough over the internet, given their reputation for being frail and cowardly? Will that factor in to your alliance?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:38:37 PM] AdamTheDude04:
good question

[Tue May 12 2009 12:39:01 PM] AdamTheDude04:
see loon3y told me he is a yellow belt

[Tue May 12 2009 12:39:05 PM] AdamTheDude04:
so im sure he gots hands

[Tue May 12 2009 12:39:18 PM] AdamTheDude04:
hes been studying tae kwon doe for a while

[Tue May 12 2009 12:39:43 PM] AdamTheDude04:
so thats why everyone is scared to meet with dude

[Tue May 12 2009 12:39:51 PM] AdamTheDude04:
yellow belts can fuck sum shit up

[Tue May 12 2009 12:40:00 PM] AdamTheDude04:
he can break bricks with his head n shit

[Tue May 12 2009 12:40:19 PM] swamplord323: indubitably.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:40:31 PM] swamplord323: If there was one member you’d like to see banned forever from dubcc, who would it be?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:40:49 PM] AdamTheDude04:
let me think....

[Tue May 12 2009 12:41:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
prolly Job because he is a nigger

[Tue May 12 2009 12:41:19 PM] swamplord323: Magnificent.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:41:57 PM] swamplord323: What sound, do you most enjoy?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:42:24 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Snoops voice over a hardcore beat

[Tue May 12 2009 12:42:31 PM] AdamTheDude04:
or after a night of drinking cheap ass beer

[Tue May 12 2009 12:42:40 PM] AdamTheDude04:
having the squirts

[Tue May 12 2009 12:42:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
always feels good to my ears and stomach

[Tue May 12 2009 12:43:02 PM] swamplord323: The hairs on my arm are standing up with delight.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:43:17 PM] swamplord323: What animals do you hunt?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:43:35 PM] AdamTheDude04:
well its not hunting season yet

[Tue May 12 2009 12:43:38 PM] AdamTheDude04:
until around fall winter

[Tue May 12 2009 12:44:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but when the time comes ill be hitting up the deers, rabbits, and hoggs to eat

[Tue May 12 2009 12:44:16 PM] swamplord323: What is your preferred deer rifle?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:44:24 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i kill possums and quails and dove and javalinas and coyotes for the fuck of it

[Tue May 12 2009 12:44:37 PM] AdamTheDude04:
and leave them there

[Tue May 12 2009 12:44:53 PM] AdamTheDude04:
so there friends know not to fuck around there or thats what will happin to them

[Tue May 12 2009 12:45:14 PM] swamplord323: You and I share qualities there. I too enjoy the thrill of a random animal kill.
b][Tue May 12 2009 12:45:32 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:45:37 PM] swamplord323: Anyways, deer rife?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:45:39 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like even running over a squirrels is fun

[Tue May 12 2009 12:46:04 PM] swamplord323: Rifle*

[Tue May 12 2009 12:46:05 PM] AdamTheDude04:
remington 700

[Tue May 12 2009 12:46:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
you gotta blow there fuckin brains out

[Tue May 12 2009 12:46:25 PM] swamplord323: Those are quite popular.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:46:40 PM] swamplord323: Do you think that people who refuse to kill an animal are in any way weaker than those willing to take it’s life?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:46:57 PM] AdamTheDude04:
sure do

[Tue May 12 2009 12:47:00 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:47:13 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like when i got a PM from floyd

[Tue May 12 2009 12:47:34 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i said floyd i kill for food, and to make her not feel bad i said i didnt kill for the fuck of it

[Tue May 12 2009 12:47:37 PM] AdamTheDude04:
which i do thoughh

[Tue May 12 2009 12:47:57 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i told her im trying to protect my manly, hard image at dubcc

[Tue May 12 2009 12:48:07 PM] AdamTheDude04:
so i cant admit i dont kill animals for fun

[Tue May 12 2009 12:48:10 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but i actually do

[Tue May 12 2009 12:48:30 PM] swamplord323: A fascinating glimpse in to your psyche.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:48:47 PM] swamplord323: Guess who pm'ed my right now?
[Tue May 12 2009 12:48:51 PM] swamplord323: me*

[Tue May 12 2009 12:48:55 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:49:07 PM] swamplord323: Big B

[Tue May 12 2009 12:49:16 PM] AdamTheDude04:
what does he want

[Tue May 12 2009 12:49:34 PM] swamplord323: I'm not aware of his intentions yet. anyways, back on track.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:49:37 PM] swamplord323: Have you ever been to California?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:49:46 PM] AdamTheDude04:
no but i wish to go there one day

[Tue May 12 2009 12:49:49 PM] AdamTheDude04:
to LA

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
vacation not to live there though

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:08 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i wanna go the NY too

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:16 PM] AdamTheDude04:
and find a wife in Puerto Rico

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:32 PM] AdamTheDude04:
every succesfull mexican marries a Puerto Rican

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:44 PM] swamplord323: Enlightening. I never knew that.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
just like every successful nigger marries a white woman

[Tue May 12 2009 12:50:59 PM] swamplord323: Ahh, the connection makes sense now.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:51:08 PM] swamplord323: Xanax vs. Promethazine. Two southern traditions. Which is better?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:51:22 PM] AdamTheDude04:
oh god thats a toughy

[Tue May 12 2009 12:51:29 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i need time to expain

[Tue May 12 2009 12:51:54 PM] swamplord323: Well you don't have to if you don't want to. We can save that for a series of drug interviews I will conduct.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:52:25 PM] AdamTheDude04:
xanax is good when you are depressed and stressed the fuck out. its good to pop when you wanna smoke a blunt but it makes some people fucking crazy

[Tue May 12 2009 12:52:36 PM] AdamTheDude04:
ive seen some really crazy shit happing from people on it

[Tue May 12 2009 12:52:51 PM] swamplord323: How crazy?
[Tue May 12 2009 12:52:52 PM] AdamTheDude04:
lean= promethazine codiene

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:00 PM] swamplord323: yes indeed.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:01 PM] AdamTheDude04:
when on lean your just chill as fuck

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:08 PM] AdamTheDude04:
get drowzy and get high

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:10 PM] AdamTheDude04:
its the best

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:17 PM] AdamTheDude04:
id say lean over xanny's

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:45 PM] swamplord323: Interesting. I am yet to try xanax but lean = good times had by all.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:48 PM] swamplord323: The DOPE Movement. A force to be reckoned with? Or more of a social club within dubcc?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:49 PM] AdamTheDude04:
crazy where they have crashed cars, stabbed, robbed, broke into cars houses

[Tue May 12 2009 12:53:56 PM] swamplord323: Jesus
[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:09 PM] AdamTheDude04:
well thats when mixed with alcohol

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:14 PM] AdamTheDude04:
dont mix it man

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:26 PM] AdamTheDude04:
if you do only have a 24 ounce of budlight and thats it

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:26 PM] swamplord323: Duely noted

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:29 PM] AdamTheDude04:
real talk

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:32 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:44 PM] AdamTheDude04:
man we are unstoppable at this point

[Tue May 12 2009 12:54:58 PM] AdamTheDude04:
with the crazy ass minds of all of us

[Tue May 12 2009 12:55:06 PM] AdamTheDude04:
we takin over dj khalil style

[Tue May 12 2009 12:55:41 PM] swamplord323: Stupendous. I will now drop that video in to every thread I post in.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:56:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
what video

[Tue May 12 2009 12:56:08 PM] swamplord323: We Takin Over
[Tue May 12 2009 12:56:17 PM] swamplord323: Just to remind the masses.

[Tue May 12 2009 12:56:33 PM] AdamTheDude04:
next question

[Tue May 12 2009 12:56:43 PM] swamplord323: Floydness, what, besides snacks, did she bring to the table before leaving?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:56:55 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 12:57:01 PM] AdamTheDude04:
open mindedness

[Tue May 12 2009 12:57:07 PM] AdamTheDude04:
and a vagina

[Tue May 12 2009 12:57:18 PM] AdamTheDude04:
something no one else brings lol

[Tue May 12 2009 12:57:34 PM] swamplord323: Interesting.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:57:43 PM] swamplord323: OchoCinco, an avid Lakers fan from rural Canada. Does he love dick?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:58:14 PM] AdamTheDude04:
prolly the most out of anyone in dubcc history

[Tue May 12 2009 12:58:22 PM] AdamTheDude04:
besides that guy Trey aka Em28

[Tue May 12 2009 12:58:27 PM] AdamTheDude04:
they are neck and neck

[Tue May 12 2009 12:58:32 PM] swamplord323: I see.
[Tue May 12 2009 12:58:47 PM] swamplord323: Which brand of ethnic comedy is poorer? The animal sounds and loud jingling of Mexican radio/TV, or the “I’m poor and white and do odd things” of redneck standup?

[Tue May 12 2009 12:59:46 PM] AdamTheDude04:
both suck if you ask me

[Tue May 12 2009 01:00:02 PM] swamplord323: Good answer
[Tue May 12 2009 01:00:19 PM] swamplord323: Do Asians have a sense of humor?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:01:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
some do

[Tue May 12 2009 01:01:07 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like Bobby Lee

[Tue May 12 2009 01:01:25 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but they have to be funny or rich in order to have woman

[Tue May 12 2009 01:01:42 PM] AdamTheDude04:
cus if you ever watcfh mad tv no one wants to have sex with him no matter how hard he tries

[Tue May 12 2009 01:01:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
and i think thats how loon3y is

[Tue May 12 2009 01:02:00 PM] swamplord323: Very possible.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:02:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
poor dude is still a virgin cus he is so gangsta

[Tue May 12 2009 01:02:02 PM] swamplord323: What do you think about nerdy white guys always bedding down and marrying Asian women?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:02:46 PM] AdamTheDude04:
there dicks are small also so they need an asian womans smalls pussy can anyone can satisify an asian

[Tue May 12 2009 01:02:57 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i would fuck an asian but never marry a gook

[Tue May 12 2009 01:03:04 PM] swamplord323: I concurr.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:03:07 PM] swamplord323: Do Asians have a soul?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:03:21 PM] AdamTheDude04:
dont know

[Tue May 12 2009 01:03:27 PM] AdamTheDude04:
jews dont

[Tue May 12 2009 01:03:45 PM] swamplord323: So I've been told.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:03:53 PM] swamplord323: How many sexual encounters have you accrued? To date.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:04:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
well im straight so ive only had relations with woman

[Tue May 12 2009 01:04:25 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but i would say around 15-20 different woman

[Tue May 12 2009 01:04:28 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im only 19 remember

[Tue May 12 2009 01:04:29 PM] swamplord323: Good answer.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:04:41 PM] AdamTheDude04:
so alot more to come

[Tue May 12 2009 01:04:41 PM] swamplord323: That is a very good number.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:05:14 PM] AdamTheDude04:
thank you

[Tue May 12 2009 01:05:18 PM] swamplord323: Lakers, will they fail tonight at home?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:05:23 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i hope

[Tue May 12 2009 01:05:47 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i mean

[Tue May 12 2009 01:05:51 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im not a laker hater

[Tue May 12 2009 01:06:09 PM] AdamTheDude04:
even though Nik makes me hate them sometimes the way he acts

[Tue May 12 2009 01:06:18 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but i just ignore all his posts now'

[Tue May 12 2009 01:06:37 PM] swamplord323: That's a lot to ignore.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:06:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im sure alot of people dont hate kobe but they do just to piss off Eliot

[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:01 PM] swamplord323: But being from South Texas, are you a Rockets fan?
[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:07 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im a spurs fan honestly

[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:20 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im only a rockets fan now cus Ron Artest plays for them

[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:42 PM] AdamTheDude04:
he has been my favorite player since he went on stage and beat up everyone and since he cussed out the heats coach

[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:50 PM] AdamTheDude04:
and cus he admitted to smoking and drinking before games

[Tue May 12 2009 01:07:58 PM] AdamTheDude04:
he is the mike tyson of NBA

[Tue May 12 2009 01:08:01 PM] swamplord323: Fair enough. He is a monster and Gorilla.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:08:11 PM] swamplord323: next question.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:08:12 PM] swamplord323: If you could have any porno name, what would it be?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:08:36 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Adam "Dirty Sanchez" Garcia

[Tue May 12 2009 01:08:47 PM] swamplord323: Sounds dirty.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:00 PM] swamplord323: Dennis Haysbert. Why is he living vicariously through Dennis Haysbert?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
idk honestly

[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:17 PM] AdamTheDude04:
just another nigger on the board if you ask me

[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:26 PM] AdamTheDude04:
and im not racist against black people

[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:35 PM] AdamTheDude04:
there is a difference between black guys and niggers

[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:54 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Sikotic, Obama, Tiger Woods, Bryant Gumbel are all black men

[Tue May 12 2009 01:09:59 PM] swamplord323: Of course.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:10:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
niggers are Rev Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Will Smith ect

[Tue May 12 2009 01:10:37 PM] swamplord323: Will Smith hasn't transcended titles yet?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:10:51 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:10:56 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Carlton was a black guy

[Tue May 12 2009 01:11:01 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Will Smith was the nigger

[Tue May 12 2009 01:11:04 PM] AdamTheDude04:
fuck a fresh prince

[Tue May 12 2009 01:11:19 PM] AdamTheDude04:
only fresh prince i know is the homie Young Prince

[Tue May 12 2009 01:12:22 PM] swamplord323: *Chuckles, mutters "nigger" under his breath*
[Tue May 12 2009 01:12:24 PM] swamplord323: Sikotic for G-Spot mod. Why won’t it happen?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:12:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
cus overseer is a prick

[Tue May 12 2009 01:12:52 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i mean seer is my dogg

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:02 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but shit aint cool

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:07 PM] swamplord323: Agreed.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:09 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i think if he push it it will happin

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:15 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but if Sik dont want it then whats the point

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:28 PM] swamplord323: Absolutely.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:31 PM] swamplord323: Your house is suddenly going up in flames. You have time to save all your animate loved ones (children, pets, housemates, etc.) a handful of vital possessions, and ONE DVD from your beloved collection. Which dvd will you choose?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:53 PM] AdamTheDude04:
with pac and omar epps

[Tue May 12 2009 01:13:59 PM] AdamTheDude04:
easy question

[Tue May 12 2009 01:14:08 PM] swamplord323: I know. Next.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:14:12 PM] swamplord323: Roccy. Is he smarter than he appears on dubcc, with his poorly formed insults and clamoring to his master?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:14:35 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Roccy... never been intellegent guy honestly

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:04 PM] AdamTheDude04:
known dude for a very long time

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:11 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but he striaght with me

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:19 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i get a good laugh from him every once in a while

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:29 PM] swamplord323: Well, there you go.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:35 PM] swamplord323: Ed Hardy clothing line. For douchebags?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:40 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:52 PM] AdamTheDude04:
ed hardy only looks good on hot bitches

[Tue May 12 2009 01:15:55 PM] AdamTheDude04:
or cougars

[Tue May 12 2009 01:16:02 PM] AdamTheDude04:
the rich old ladies that fuck young guys

[Tue May 12 2009 01:16:42 PM] swamplord323: Oh yeah.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:16:45 PM] swamplord323: Are you affiliated with any crip/blood gang members?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:16:59 PM] AdamTheDude04:
yeah i got some friends from the old hood that bang n shit

[Tue May 12 2009 01:17:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i dont claim shit anymore sht is stupid im too smart for that

[Tue May 12 2009 01:17:27 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but yeah i got alot of family in gangs so it aint nothin

[Tue May 12 2009 01:17:38 PM] swamplord323: It won't factor in to your DOPE allegiance?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:18:37 PM] AdamTheDude04:
not at all

[Tue May 12 2009 01:18:47 PM] swamplord323: Do you speak with a southern drawl or any sort of accent?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:02 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:12 PM] AdamTheDude04:
its like we say "yall" and have our own slang

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:12 PM] swamplord323: Majestic.

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:16 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like niggas do it Cali

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:24 PM] swamplord323: What do you do for a job?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:29 PM] AdamTheDude04:
like we say "throwed" "fed" "awwready"

[Tue May 12 2009 01:21:44 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i have sex with woman

[Tue May 12 2009 01:22:09 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:22:12 PM] swamplord323: Capitol.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:22:33 PM] swamplord323: Krasnoe Dinamo or Radiotube…Which one (if not both) do you think actually suffers from a learning disorder?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:22:56 PM] AdamTheDude04:
both are euro fags it doesnt matter

[Tue May 12 2009 01:23:32 PM] swamplord323: I'm pretty sure Radiotube is from Temple Hills, MD. Though I will write him off as a eurofag for simplicity sake
[Tue May 12 2009 01:23:48 PM] swamplord323: Your buddy, Smash1, how long have you known him? Is he indeed a pimp in Texas?

[Tue May 12 2009 01:24:37 PM] AdamTheDude04:
since we was kids

[Tue May 12 2009 01:24:42 PM] AdamTheDude04:
we from the same hood in the west side

[Tue May 12 2009 01:24:48 PM] AdamTheDude04:
actually im best friends with his brother

[Tue May 12 2009 01:24:52 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:24:59 PM] AdamTheDude04:
he is in the air force now married n shit

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:04 PM] AdamTheDude04:
lives in boston

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:15 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but remember how i said niggas got crazy with the xanax

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:19 PM] AdamTheDude04:
thats those niggas right there

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:23 PM] AdamTheDude04:
man im chill as fuck on them

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:30 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but if you get J or Smash on one

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:41 PM] AdamTheDude04:
them niggas will be ready to fuckin take a whole army down

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:46 PM] AdamTheDude04:
or rape some bitches

[Tue May 12 2009 01:25:50 PM] AdamTheDude04:
they my niggas till death

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:03 PM] AdamTheDude04:
we like family honestly

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:08 PM] AdamTheDude04:
been though alot of shit

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:13 PM] AdamTheDude04:
Smash even got stabbed

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:12 PM] swamplord323: Sounds like good people to have on your side.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:18 PM] AdamTheDude04:
hell yeah

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:30 PM] AdamTheDude04:
cus everyone knows not to fuck with us

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:32 PM] AdamTheDude04:
gang or not

[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:52 PM] swamplord323: dubcc Hopar? Where has he been?
[Tue May 12 2009 01:26:59 PM] AdamTheDude04:
prolly suckin dick

[Tue May 12 2009 01:27:10 PM] AdamTheDude04:
im just keepi it cool with dude but i never really like his armanian ass

[Tue May 12 2009 01:27:13 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but he seems cool now

[Tue May 12 2009 01:27:17 PM] AdamTheDude04:
so he straight

[Tue May 12 2009 01:27:30 PM] swamplord323: Straight but sucking dick.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:27:54 PM] AdamTheDude04:
well he cool man me and him use to have beefs back in the day

[Tue May 12 2009 01:28:00 PM] AdamTheDude04:
but its squashed now

[Tue May 12 2009 01:28:11 PM] swamplord323: Ahh, diplomacy.
[Tue May 12 2009 01:28:17 PM] swamplord323: Is there anyone you’d like to shoutout?
[Tue May 12 2009 01:28:23 PM] AdamTheDude04:
i use to have beef with everyone i was a headache but Sikotic gave me some non hating kool-aid to drank

[Tue May 12 2009 01:28:43 PM] AdamTheDude04:
yeah id shout outs the the DOPE niggas

[Tue May 12 2009 01:29:06 PM] AdamTheDude04:
you, jay, sik, my nigga tom, muhfukka

[Tue May 12 2009 01:29:49 PM] AdamTheDude04:
then homies like ghost, plant, Chamilatry click, Roon3y, pops twist, jome

[Tue May 12 2009 01:30:05 PM] AdamTheDude04:

[Tue May 12 2009 01:30:05 PM] swamplord323: OK
[Tue May 12 2009 01:30:11 PM] AdamTheDude04:
many more but i cant think of any

[Tue May 12 2009 01:30:20 PM] AdamTheDude04:
aight man well thanks for the interview

[Tue May 12 2009 01:30:23 PM] swamplord323: No problem I think that concludes this interview
[Tue May 12 2009 01:30:34 PM] AdamTheDude04:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


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Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 02:04:31 PM »
A.G.'s latest boyfriend

Kool Beenz

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Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 02:07:40 PM »

wow a guy in a Zorro outfit thats the best you can do?

your not even funny dude


  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 02:09:19 PM »

wow a guy in a Zorro outfit thats the best you can do?

your not even funny dude

your not even a male


  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 02:31:14 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Cali Climate

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Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2009, 02:43:00 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Well elior you were on the list of fuckboys that nobody liked, so you along with others were bound to come up. but since I got you here why don't I get it straight from the horses mouth.

When you say “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…are you talking about teenagers in scenic woodland hillsl, or are you insinuating that most people in California live like you do?

the ghost

  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2009, 02:44:58 PM »
Classic shit.  I was rollin.  J had the questions that just set the homie AG up for home run answers. 

"I'm pretty sure Radiotube is from Temple Hills, MD. Though I will write him off as a eurofag for simplicity sake"  That shit had me crying.  Nice interview.

Good looking out on the shout young AG.


  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2009, 02:48:48 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Well elior you were on the list of fuckboys that nobody liked, so you along with others were bound to come up. but since I got you here why don't I get it straight from the horses mouth.

When you say “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…are you talking about teenagers in scenic woodland hillsl, or are you insinuating that most people in California live like you do?

out here means the SFV and all of LA county, elvis. im not you, unstable ass muufucka..i dont stay in one spot all day and night until i move onto the next city. ive lived out here my whole life and explore the greater lengths of the city on a daily basis. u really gotta quit putting restrictions and labels on every fuckin thing you see...your close-mindedness is on another level. but really, whats it to you? why is my life so important to a geek like yourself?

btw...does it actually make you feel better about yourself to say that no one likes me? LOL :grumpy:
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 02:50:53 PM by Now_I_Know »

Cali Climate

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Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2009, 02:50:06 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Well elior you were on the list of fuckboys that nobody liked, so you along with others were bound to come up. but since I got you here why don't I get it straight from the horses mouth.

When you say “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…are you talking about teenagers in scenic woodland hillsl, or are you insinuating that most people in California live like you do?

out here means the SFV and all of LA county, elvis. im not you, unstable ass muufucka..i dont stay in one spot all day and night until i move onto the next city. ive lived out here my whole life and explore the greater lengths of the city on a daily basis. whats it to you? why is my life so important to a geek like yourself?

btw...does it actually make you feel better about yourself to say that no one likes me? LOL :grumpy:

so mmuch name calling, so much emotion and anger...PeACe  8)

Cali Climate

  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2009, 03:00:52 PM »
Classic shit.  I was rollin.  J had the questions that just set the homie AG up for home run answers. 

"I'm pretty sure Radiotube is from Temple Hills, MD. Though I will write him off as a eurofag for simplicity sake"  That shit had me crying.  Nice interview.

Good looking out on the shout young AG.

thanks man. i was going for the james lipton approach.


  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2009, 03:09:24 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Well elior you were on the list of fuckboys that nobody liked, so you along with others were bound to come up. but since I got you here why don't I get it straight from the horses mouth.

When you say “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…are you talking about teenagers in scenic woodland hillsl, or are you insinuating that most people in California live like you do?

out here means the SFV and all of LA county, elvis. im not you, unstable ass muufucka..i dont stay in one spot all day and night until i move onto the next city. ive lived out here my whole life and explore the greater lengths of the city on a daily basis. whats it to you? why is my life so important to a geek like yourself?

btw...does it actually make you feel better about yourself to say that no one likes me? LOL :grumpy:

so mmuch name calling, so much emotion and anger...PeACe  8)

you look like a young, retarded elvis and you live an unstable life style. i dont call people names for the fuck of it, geek...PeACe


  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2009, 03:10:30 PM »
and if you're not too bitch to answer this question,

whats it to you? why is my life so important to a geek like yourself?

Cali Climate

  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2009, 03:12:09 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Well elior you were on the list of fuckboys that nobody liked, so you along with others were bound to come up. but since I got you here why don't I get it straight from the horses mouth.

When you say “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…are you talking about teenagers in scenic woodland hillsl, or are you insinuating that most people in California live like you do?

out here means the SFV and all of LA county, elvis. im not you, unstable ass muufucka..i dont stay in one spot all day and night until i move onto the next city. ive lived out here my whole life and explore the greater lengths of the city on a daily basis. whats it to you? why is my life so important to a geek like yourself?

btw...does it actually make you feel better about yourself to say that no one likes me? LOL :grumpy:

so mmuch name calling, so much emotion and anger...PeACe  8)

you look like a young, retarded elvis and you live an unstable life style. i dont call people names for the fuck of it, geek...PeACe

ok. your kinda throwing ricks in a glass house elior  :D


Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2009, 03:25:47 PM »
lol@ judging my intelligence over a message board.

in that case, 90% of the posters here are unintelligent because of the posts they make.
how it really goes down..


  • Guest
Re: Exclusive dubcc Interview with A.G.
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2009, 03:29:01 PM »
LOL...I knew it was only a matter of a few questions before I came up in this interview. Good shit.

Well elior you were on the list of fuckboys that nobody liked, so you along with others were bound to come up. but since I got you here why don't I get it straight from the horses mouth.

When you say “out here” in reference to activities such as drug dealing, having maids…are you talking about teenagers in scenic woodland hillsl, or are you insinuating that most people in California live like you do?

out here means the SFV and all of LA county, elvis. im not you, unstable ass muufucka..i dont stay in one spot all day and night until i move onto the next city. ive lived out here my whole life and explore the greater lengths of the city on a daily basis. whats it to you? why is my life so important to a geek like yourself?

btw...does it actually make you feel better about yourself to say that no one likes me? LOL :grumpy:

so mmuch name calling, so much emotion and anger...PeACe  8)

you look like a young, retarded elvis and you live an unstable life style. i dont call people names for the fuck of it, geek...PeACe

ok. your kinda throwing ricks in a glass house elior  :D

^oh, you must be win.

lets be real here...everything i say is based on the truth. im not like you, i dont make things up to get at people, i base my comments towards people off of look like a retarded elvis=fact. you live an unstable lifestyle and you've relocated more than a couple times=fact. you try your hardest to sound intelligent and above everyone else=fact. i see you, elvis. this one is not a fact, but im also willing to bet that you dont get much love from ya folks based on all the negativity you project onto other members of this board who you dont see eye-to-eye with...sorry.