Author Topic: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread  (Read 617 times)


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Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2009, 09:02:00 AM »
So then what does this mean?

How old are you? IM not asking as a diss but

You asked me how old I was then you seemed to clarify that you are not dissing. How am I supposed to see that as anything other than an insult and clarification?

He was just wondering if you were old enough to remember a certain time, etc.

Anyway, you really think that the Canes woulda made the final?  Be real man.   The CAPITALS woulda beat the Canes easy- did you watch the Caps-Pens series?  A classic, and the most hard fought series of the playoffs (along with Wings and Ducks).  To say the young guns didn't do shit is plain stupid, so I have to call you out on that.   Crosby had more goals in ONE series then Holmstrom, Hossa, and Datsyuk in the entire playoffs!  IT was EPIC...

Talbot, Malkin, Crosby, Fleury, Stall= equal "young guns"

If they aren't the reason the Pens won the Cup, then you officially don't know shit. ;)  Ask the Wings what they thought of Talbot and STall in the finals.  They played better then nearly every Wings forward not named Zetterberg.  Malkin had 8 points, and Crosby played a good two way game but was mostly kept off the score sheet due to a great game plan from the Wings.

You almost sound like NIK with all of this"media" bullshit!  Oh well, its all good, your team lost.  Besides, you are a hockey fan so that is all good in my book. 

Shallow, do you have a personal vendetta against every hockey player who has made a dirty play in their career?  Crosby, overall, is far from dirty so to single him out is kinda laughable really.  "Almost killed a guy" is the best part.  Quit reaching.  Does it have something to do with the fact that his team beat your team?! 

Your team is the WINGS man.  Best organization in hockey.  Gonna have mad chances to win the Cup so don't worry so much Crosby. 

Sorry, I meant Caps. Not Canes. Pit doesn't beat Washington with Hossa and no Satan, Gill, Guerin etc. That's what I meant.  I also meant to say it was the vets, not the young guns that won the Finals series. Obviously Malkin was a dynamo in the playoffs. That being said. I think the world of Jordan Staal and think he's really going far in this league.

Obviously the chances of death aren't likely with that cheap shot, but how you dismiss as just another dirty play is beyond me. It's potentially way worse than what Brasheer did and Syd's just lucky the guy didn't get a hospital room bound concussion on that because I'd like to see Cherry and those dick suckers try and justify that.

It's got nothing to do with the Wings losing here. Like I said, the Wings wouldn't have beaten any Eastern team playing the way they did in the finals. It's simply fact that Crosby wasn't up front to shake hands like all Captains should be, and he's too protected for his own good and takes too many cheap shots. Laugh it off now, but new hero arising or not, it's only a matter of time before the next Scott Stevens lays that kid out again and again, and Syd would have already asked for it.

I'm not NIK with his media bashing Kobe theories. What's happening to Crosby happens every few years in Hockey. It's nothing new. And if Crosby was doing the exact same shit 15 years ago when Mario and Wayne were still playing and beign marketed he'd never get the attention of protection from Canada.

As for me. I'm 27 in November. Grew up in the 80s as an Oilers fan like every other kid I knew. Never cared much for the Leafs so when Mess went to NY I followed. The next year I saw a young Steve Yzerman in Detroit and with the inclusion of Russian Hockey which I also really loved I was sold on that team. They had a level of talent and skill that was unmatched. And Yzerman added a level of class and respect you had to admire. The best Captain of his era bar none in my eyes. A real warrior on the ice, but not a violent goon. A man you'd die for in battle, not one you're told to die for. He earned his stripes like Mess did. Nothing was handed to him like Wayne, Mario, or Syd. Truth I always prefered the Stalls to the Crosbys, Francis to Lemiuex, Messier to Gretzky. When you are sold as a star from 12 years old you become a princess and a bitch. Crosby might grow out of it like the other too did, or he might get knocked the fuck out ike Lindros did. People seem to forget how big a star pre-NHL Eric Lindros was. He just whined too much too early. If he had stayed with Quebec, moved to Colorado with them, and possibly ended up with a cup in his second year or whatever he'd have been crowned right then and there. Instead he bitched his way to Philly, slept with a teammates wife, and found out what Scott Stevens thinks of him.

If the Wings never win again I've already been spoiled. I won't lose any sleep over it. But mark my words, if the Wings are the 70s Islanders, the league better find a new Oilers, because this bunch ain't it. None of these kids are staying past the '12/'13 season, if they even go that long with out being traded. And you won't see 3, 4 or 5 Cups attached to them. If I'm wrong I'll admit it.



Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2009, 02:05:58 PM »
So then what does this mean?

How old are you? IM not asking as a diss but

You asked me how old I was then you seemed to clarify that you are not dissing. How am I supposed to see that as anything other than an insult and clarification?

He was just wondering if you were old enough to remember a certain time, etc.

Anyway, you really think that the Canes woulda made the final?  Be real man.   The CAPITALS woulda beat the Canes easy- did you watch the Caps-Pens series?  A classic, and the most hard fought series of the playoffs (along with Wings and Ducks).  To say the young guns didn't do shit is plain stupid, so I have to call you out on that.   Crosby had more goals in ONE series then Holmstrom, Hossa, and Datsyuk in the entire playoffs!  IT was EPIC...

Talbot, Malkin, Crosby, Fleury, Stall= equal "young guns"

If they aren't the reason the Pens won the Cup, then you officially don't know shit. ;)  Ask the Wings what they thought of Talbot and STall in the finals.  They played better then nearly every Wings forward not named Zetterberg.  Malkin had 8 points, and Crosby played a good two way game but was mostly kept off the score sheet due to a great game plan from the Wings.

You almost sound like NIK with all of this"media" bullshit!  Oh well, its all good, your team lost.  Besides, you are a hockey fan so that is all good in my book. 

Shallow, do you have a personal vendetta against every hockey player who has made a dirty play in their career?  Crosby, overall, is far from dirty so to single him out is kinda laughable really.  "Almost killed a guy" is the best part.  Quit reaching.  Does it have something to do with the fact that his team beat your team?! 

Your team is the WINGS man.  Best organization in hockey.  Gonna have mad chances to win the Cup so don't worry so much Crosby. 

Sorry, I meant Caps. Not Canes. Pit doesn't beat Washington with Hossa and no Satan, Gill, Guerin etc. That's what I meant.  I also meant to say it was the vets, not the young guns that won the Finals series. Obviously Malkin was a dynamo in the playoffs. That being said. I think the world of Jordan Staal and think he's really going far in this league.

Obviously the chances of death aren't likely with that cheap shot, but how you dismiss as just another dirty play is beyond me. It's potentially way worse than what Brasheer did and Syd's just lucky the guy didn't get a hospital room bound concussion on that because I'd like to see Cherry and those dick suckers try and justify that.

It's got nothing to do with the Wings losing here. Like I said, the Wings wouldn't have beaten any Eastern team playing the way they did in the finals. It's simply fact that Crosby wasn't up front to shake hands like all Captains should be, and he's too protected for his own good and takes too many cheap shots. Laugh it off now, but new hero arising or not, it's only a matter of time before the next Scott Stevens lays that kid out again and again, and Syd would have already asked for it.

I'm not NIK with his media bashing Kobe theories. What's happening to Crosby happens every few years in Hockey. It's nothing new. And if Crosby was doing the exact same shit 15 years ago when Mario and Wayne were still playing and beign marketed he'd never get the attention of protection from Canada.

As for me. I'm 27 in November. Grew up in the 80s as an Oilers fan like every other kid I knew. Never cared much for the Leafs so when Mess went to NY I followed. The next year I saw a young Steve Yzerman in Detroit and with the inclusion of Russian Hockey which I also really loved I was sold on that team. They had a level of talent and skill that was unmatched. And Yzerman added a level of class and respect you had to admire. The best Captain of his era bar none in my eyes. A real warrior on the ice, but not a violent goon. A man you'd die for in battle, not one you're told to die for. He earned his stripes like Mess did. Nothing was handed to him like Wayne, Mario, or Syd. Truth I always prefered the Stalls to the Crosbys, Francis to Lemiuex, Messier to Gretzky. When you are sold as a star from 12 years old you become a princess and a bitch. Crosby might grow out of it like the other too did, or he might get knocked the fuck out ike Lindros did. People seem to forget how big a star pre-NHL Eric Lindros was. He just whined too much too early. If he had stayed with Quebec, moved to Colorado with them, and possibly ended up with a cup in his second year or whatever he'd have been crowned right then and there. Instead he bitched his way to Philly, slept with a teammates wife, and found out what Scott Stevens thinks of him.

If the Wings never win again I've already been spoiled. I won't lose any sleep over it. But mark my words, if the Wings are the 70s Islanders, the league better find a new Oilers, because this bunch ain't it. None of these kids are staying past the '12/'13 season, if they even go that long with out being traded. And you won't see 3, 4 or 5 Cups attached to them. If I'm wrong I'll admit it.

Hawks, Pens, Caps are the best YOUNG teams in the league.  I don't think ANY team will rival the Old Isles or Old Oilers, not with the salary cap and state of the game (parity) today.   Are the Pens a dynasty in the making?  Hard to say, but being that they have MADE IT TO THE FINALS two years in a row with the CORE of the team so damn young, one could see why people think that.  I think they will win at least another one, but we all know it is pretty much impossible to win 2 in a row so i doubt they win next year. 

Lindros actually was very good his first few years incidentally, but his attitude got the best of him.  DO you really think Crosby is comparable to him?  Its not Crosby's Lemieux's, or Gretz fault that they are marketed the way they are....I would take advantage of it too if I was them or worked for the league.  Crosby isn't, and won't be on Gretz or Lemieux's level, but his career is sure off to an amazing start. 

Yes, the vets helped, but what team without vets has ever won shit???  Crosby, Malkin, Fleury were the three most important players for the Pens overall in the playoffs.  Crosby and Malkin scored more points than anyone has in a long time, and had very timely goals.  Fleury made some amazing saves.  More than any other sport, though, hockey is a team sport and the VETS definitely played a large role in the win....but again, what team has ever one without veterans playing a large role?  The guys like Guerin, Gill, etc are replaceable.   Malkin and Crosby are not.

On another note.......too bad you dumped the Oilers!  We could use a few more fans.  Of course, I don't blame you for choosing the Wings, as they are such a skilled team. 

Imagine the pressure on Crosby at such a young age, and then he delivers?  pretty amazing if you ask me.


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Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2009, 03:03:42 PM »
I think the Wings of the last 15 years have rivaled the 70s/80s Isle and 80s Oilers. Whether they won as many in a short time or not they have been at the brink of it just about every year and they completely changed their team in such a low and incredible that they didn't lose a step. I really marvel at how well that organization has been run. They are already set up to be a force for the next 4 or 5 years and they've already been a force for the last 15.

Do I think Lindros was ever as good as Crosby is now? No, but he was a step away from it in his absolute prime. He just slid fast. Do I think Crosby is as much of a baby now as Lindros always was? No to that as well. But Lindros was never crowned. Crosby has been and he needs to realize that and class up. There have been 10 or so next Gretzky's since Gretzky and the only two I can think that passed the test were Mario and Sid, in terms of making it with the pressure on. Joe Thornton initially collapsed but has recently become more solid, and Spezza is decent. But Crosby has excelled from day one to now ad I have to respect that, and I do it gladly. If he just spent a little more time watch Mess or Yzerman he'd realize what a leader is. Wayne and Mario had Gordie Howe to look and he was a master. Sidney needs to be careful with his whining and cheap shots because he's not sellingthe game like Wayne did and won't be as protected as they were. I don't want to see him get hurt, and I don't want to see him take someone else out with a cheap play.

I'm not saying the 5 young guys, that are the nucleus of that team and the reason they will go back if they go back, weren't important to those playoffs. If they weren't there they would not have won any round but it was the very hungry vets playing like vikings that made them win just as much as the young guys. So I mean these old timers were more important than many other teams with vets. My end point on this is simple. None of that would have mattered if the Red Wings just played Red Wing Hockey. That is the frustrating part I guess. Knowing that all they had to do was make easy passes and take time wit the puck when they had it and this thing wouldn't have lasted 5 games.

Seeing a guy get crowned for a series like that is a little annoying, but I can live with it. 40 years later Joe Namath still gets credit for beating the Colts. The Jets would have won that game if I was playing QB. The league simply needs stars to fake importance.

I left the Oil with Mess. He was my guy as a kid. As a teen it was Yzerman. I'm not loyal to teams. I'm loyal to styles of play. That goes for any sport. If the Wings started winning Cups by playing like Jersey did in the 90s I'd jump off that no problem. I don't care if they were winning. I like to see certain styles of play succeed. Not to say there is no room for any goon, but when you have more goons that skilled players I don't like it. Just give me a bunch of guys who can skate, pass, and shoot, and do it with class and just throw in 1 or 2 guys to protect them from cheap shots and I'll be happy. We really lacked a goon in this series. He really could have turned around game 3, 4, 6, or 7. Ah well.

Nice Hockey talk. Here's to next year!



Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2009, 03:13:34 PM »
Respect Shallow.  Hockey talk.......something I never even knew existed on DUBCC! 

I never bothered checking the hockey threads as I thought it would just be guys bashing the game.   

I am more of a bball fan nowadays, but nothing, NOTHING, beats a great hockey game. 

You think Hossa will sign with the Wings.  Those contracts they've been handing out are WAY too long.  10 years and shit.  It  works for now, but Zetterberg and Hossa at 40? 


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Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #49 on: June 16, 2009, 06:49:11 PM »
Respect Shallow.  Hockey talk.......something I never even knew existed on DUBCC! 

I never bothered checking the hockey threads as I thought it would just be guys bashing the game.   

I am more of a bball fan nowadays, but nothing, NOTHING, beats a great hockey game. 

You think Hossa will sign with the Wings.  Those contracts they've been handing out are WAY too long.  10 years and shit.  It  works for now, but Zetterberg and Hossa at 40? 

Not sure where goes after this. I think Wings have a good chance with or with out him next year, but I think if they make it back to the Finals they'll be unbeatable in that round because they'll have some fire under their ass. I honestly think they convinced themselves it was going to be a for sure win this year when they saw it was Pit and that's what fucked them up. But we'll see.

He's the type of guy that can go anywhere that hasa chance make win next year; Chicago, Washington, etc. I can't see him being accepted back in Pit even if he wanted to go back, but I don't see them going back next year regardless. After next year who knows. I do think he may have to stay because if he pulls another "I'm going here for a cup" short cut it'll probably backfire again.

I ragged on him a lot in my recent threads for screwing up chemistry and what not, but he was playing any worse than the other stars. I'd love to have him back.

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Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #50 on: June 16, 2009, 10:49:03 PM »
I think the Wings of the last 15 years have rivaled the 70s/80s Isle and 80s Oilers. Whether they won as many in a short time or not they have been at the brink of it just about every year and they completely changed their team in such a low and incredible that they didn't lose a step. I really marvel at how well that organization has been run. They are already set up to be a force for the next 4 or 5 years and they've already been a force for the last 15.

Do I think Lindros was ever as good as Crosby is now? No, but he was a step away from it in his absolute prime. He just slid fast. Do I think Crosby is as much of a baby now as Lindros always was? No to that as well. But Lindros was never crowned. Crosby has been and he needs to realize that and class up. There have been 10 or so next Gretzky's since Gretzky and the only two I can think that passed the test were Mario and Sid, in terms of making it with the pressure on. Joe Thornton initially collapsed but has recently become more solid, and Spezza is decent. But Crosby has excelled from day one to now ad I have to respect that, and I do it gladly. If he just spent a little more time watch Mess or Yzerman he'd realize what a leader is. Wayne and Mario had Gordie Howe to look and he was a master. Sidney needs to be careful with his whining and cheap shots because he's not sellingthe game like Wayne did and won't be as protected as they were. I don't want to see him get hurt, and I don't want to see him take someone else out with a cheap play.

I'm not saying the 5 young guys, that are the nucleus of that team and the reason they will go back if they go back, weren't important to those playoffs. If they weren't there they would not have won any round but it was the very hungry vets playing like vikings that made them win just as much as the young guys. So I mean these old timers were more important than many other teams with vets. My end point on this is simple. None of that would have mattered if the Red Wings just played Red Wing Hockey. That is the frustrating part I guess. Knowing that all they had to do was make easy passes and take time wit the puck when they had it and this thing wouldn't have lasted 5 games.

Seeing a guy get crowned for a series like that is a little annoying, but I can live with it. 40 years later Joe Namath still gets credit for beating the Colts. The Jets would have won that game if I was playing QB. The league simply needs stars to fake importance.

I left the Oil with Mess. He was my guy as a kid. As a teen it was Yzerman. I'm not loyal to teams. I'm loyal to styles of play. That goes for any sport. If the Wings started winning Cups by playing like Jersey did in the 90s I'd jump off that no problem. I don't care if they were winning. I like to see certain styles of play succeed. Not to say there is no room for any goon, but when you have more goons that skilled players I don't like it. Just give me a bunch of guys who can skate, pass, and shoot, and do it with class and just throw in 1 or 2 guys to protect them from cheap shots and I'll be happy. We really lacked a goon in this series. He really could have turned around game 3, 4, 6, or 7. Ah well.

Nice Hockey talk. Here's to next year!

You say watch Messier and Yzerman but if you remember correctly people said Yzerman wasent a true leader untill he won the cup in 97 and he was about 29-30 years old by then.

The-Leak (aka) kingwell (bka) JULES

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Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #51 on: June 16, 2009, 11:37:43 PM »
1) The "rookies" owned for Detroit
2) Franzen was MVP of the playoffs
3) Datsyuk really is a major component of the Wings dominance
4) Detroit got out-coached


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Re: PItsburgh Penguins 2009 Stanley cup Champions Thread
« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2009, 08:55:24 AM »

You say watch Messier and Yzerman but if you remember correctly people said Yzerman wasent a true leader untill he won the cup in 97 and he was about 29-30 years old by then.

Those people were idiots. Steve was captain at 21 and his first year as leader he lead them to the top of the division. He wan an offensive force throught out the whole 80s. Bowman got him to be a defensive force as well, and Russia gave him a team worthy of a championship. Fucking guy spent 20 years as captain and he stuck through it. He was never a princess. When he had it out with Bowman for not playing D and trade rumours started he could have played princess and said fine trade me and watch me score, but instead he worked on his D and became among the best at two way play and inspired that team to become a real force in the next few years. I don't think Crosby is the calibre of human being to ever do it like Steve Y did it but time will tell.