Author Topic: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?  (Read 2367 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #75 on: July 25, 2009, 06:11:18 PM »
People follow it for all the wrong reasons. Mainly fear.  Kids believe in Santa Claus because they are afraid they wont get the presents the want at Christmas...until some adult explains to them that Santa is not real. He is make believe.  Imagine if there were no rational adults to explain that to young children. They'd become adults that believed in such a ridiculous idea of a fat man from the North Pole watching over everyone to see who's naughty and nice, and swoops down in one night to bring presents to EVERYone lol. Seems so silly for adults to believe such an obviously made up character huh?  Not like God and that Jesus character. Their existence makes so much more sense... :-\

So if an adult never told you Santa wasn't real you'd still believe in Santa?

I guess you're as stupid as your post is then. Most kids I grew up with just figured out Santa wasn't real. We didn't need a sit down explanation. Kids simply outgrow certain things. Scoffing at the idea of God when many of the world's most reasonable and intelligent people belive in God is simply ignorant on your part. Santa was made up as a story and admitted as such. By all historical accounts the early Christians believed in Jesus and died for real to promote them. It was never implied anywhere in history that Jesus was allegory to them and they didn't really believe. No one died defending Kris Kringle.

No, I wouldnt still believe in Santa. Which is why I am able to understand that religion is completely bullshit as well.  Adults fear death just as children do. They dont fear getting coal in their stockings the same way children do.  People become completely stupid and tend to believe in anything that will comfort them when they are in fear.  More intelligent people understand this, which is why the more intelligent people invented this scam in the first place.  Does it matter if people who you consider "intelligent" believe in God? No. Does it make God any more real? lol Definetely not. There are intelligent people who think a rabbits foot brings them good luck. Does that mean its logical to believe rabbits feet are lucky? The "idea" of God has not, and never will be proven because it is fake.  If you need to cling to a higher being like a baby does a security blanket to make you feel better about the fact that when you will be OVER. Then go ahead. Thats your choice. Just don't get upset when logical people look at you and laugh.

You said Santa and God are the same and you said adults tell children Santa is fake and that's why they stop believing. Now you're changing your stance.

Keep scoffing at the idea of religion and those "logical" people you hang out with and laugh with can laugh at Isaac Newton before they laugh at me. A man a lot smarter than maybe every athiest combined believed in the "idea" of God. He actually attributed his genius to God and called it a gift. It was the only way he could explain how he could see things in math and science that 99.9% of the rest of the world's smartest people couldn't even fathom.

I guess he wasn't that smart after all. Who needs physics and calculus anyway?

I don't laugh at or scoff at atheists. If you don't believe in anything after, fine by me. I don't think less of you or think you'll be punished. I simply chose to have faith in more from this world than what we have as humans from anywhere between 1 and 100 years. It doesn't change anything about the way I live my life. There is nothing I enjoy doing that I refrain from doing because I think God says it's wrong. If I fel it's right I'll do it. If I don't I won't

I didnt say Santa and God are the same. I said they are believed in for the same reason. Fear.  Children believe in Santa because they believe if they are good, and ask Santa for presents...they will get them. They believe if they are bad, they will get a stocking full of coal.  Likewise, people who believe in God (Im using religions such as Christianity as an example) believe for the same reasons. Heaven being Presents, Stocking full of coal being Hell.  Its obviously a device invented to keep people in line.  Its a political tool. Man is always afraid of what he can not understand. In order to ease those fears, you create an answer out of nothing.  Its far to difficult to simply say, "I dont know".  So instead you have this group who claims to know what NO one can in order to comfort their own insecurities.  Smart politicians play on those fears. As stupid as George Bush was, the people around him were smart enough to know that even in the 21st century you can control people with fear.  Imagine 1,000's of years ago.  NOBODY knows what happens after death and everyone fears it (admit it or not) so what easier tool to use to control people then to pretend to know the answer to THAT.

As far as you bringing up Isaac Newton lol Are you serious?  You can be a relatively smart human being, even a genius and still believe in something completely illogical.  You think there are no geniuses that believe in a lucky rabbits foot, etc? lol

I am a firm believer in, do what you want as long as you dont hurt anyone. If you believe somehow that your religion makes you better, by all means...believe away. But dont pretend that because you live by a blind faith, you know the answer. You dont know the answer, just like me. The only difference is most religious nuts pretend to because some other man told them so. lol  I am completely secure in the fact that some things we are just incapable of understanding now.  1,000 years from now....if we havent become completely extinct, maybe man will have a much better understanding of things. At one point it made complete sense to believe the Earth was flat and that the Sun revolved around us.

And you say you dont believe a non believer will be punished. What religion are you?

You're denying what you said to avoid having to take it back. You said, not me, you, that people stop believing in Santa because adults tell them he's fake. We both agreed that is not the case and now you're changing what you said and trying to avoid saying you were wrong. When I'm wrong I admit it. (Ask NIK in the sports forum).

And now you're trying avoid that you distinguished between logical and intelligent. You said intelligent people understand God is fake and then you put the word under quotations to mock me and people I consider intelligent. Then I bring up Newton who is 100X more intelligent than anyone you can name so you change the stance to logical people and try and avoid the fact you said intelligent people.

Of course it is no more logical to be athiest than to be Christian. Atheists blindly believe in nothing and assert that God cannot be and Christian do the opposite. If you were agnostic you'd be logical. But logic is based on reason and when there is no solid proof for something there is no reasoning your way onto to either side.

Now you're trying to equate a stupid superstition that takes up no time and is more reflective of a person's quirkiness and try and compare it to deep faith in something very important. Newton didn't just believe in God to go along with shit and it wasn't a simple quirk to his personality. He spent much of his life studying and trying to decipher God and Jesus and what the Bible meant. There are very many very smart men and women that do the same. That's why God has nothing to do with Santa. It's not fear driving them. It's faith. You have faith, or you don't. You can't teach it or explain it. It doesn't prove that there is a God, but it shows that scoffing at people that believe in God is immature.

As to what I am, since you asked. I'm Christian. I believe in Jesus. I believe in what he said and how he lived. I believe he was the physical embodiment of God in the flesh. I was raised in and still attend the Greek-Orthodox Church. I think the Old Testament cannot be taken as anything more than morality tales and fiction and I feel the same about any and every writings of Paul in the new testament. I feel that since Jesus corrected Moses he would have corrected Paul. And as far as Jesus goes there is plenty of evidence to show that good people that don't believe in him are fine. I don't have a problem thinking the Gospels were tampered with because the Church, every church, contradicts what Jesus said time and again. If they were going to make it up, why not just make it up as they do things so they don't look like hypocrites? Unless that's just part of the plan to trick people. The bottom line is when I think of Jesus or read the scriptures I have and feel faith and I can't explain that.

thats just way too long. Ill read and respond later when Im REALLY bored.

Whatever you like. Although it's no longer than my last post.


Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #76 on: July 25, 2009, 06:51:18 PM »
People follow it for all the wrong reasons. Mainly fear.  Kids believe in Santa Claus because they are afraid they wont get the presents the want at Christmas...until some adult explains to them that Santa is not real. He is make believe.  Imagine if there were no rational adults to explain that to young children. They'd become adults that believed in such a ridiculous idea of a fat man from the North Pole watching over everyone to see who's naughty and nice, and swoops down in one night to bring presents to EVERYone lol. Seems so silly for adults to believe such an obviously made up character huh?  Not like God and that Jesus character. Their existence makes so much more sense... :-\

So if an adult never told you Santa wasn't real you'd still believe in Santa?

I guess you're as stupid as your post is then. Most kids I grew up with just figured out Santa wasn't real. We didn't need a sit down explanation. Kids simply outgrow certain things. Scoffing at the idea of God when many of the world's most reasonable and intelligent people belive in God is simply ignorant on your part. Santa was made up as a story and admitted as such. By all historical accounts the early Christians believed in Jesus and died for real to promote them. It was never implied anywhere in history that Jesus was allegory to them and they didn't really believe. No one died defending Kris Kringle.

No, I wouldnt still believe in Santa. Which is why I am able to understand that religion is completely bullshit as well.  Adults fear death just as children do. They dont fear getting coal in their stockings the same way children do.  People become completely stupid and tend to believe in anything that will comfort them when they are in fear.  More intelligent people understand this, which is why the more intelligent people invented this scam in the first place.  Does it matter if people who you consider "intelligent" believe in God? No. Does it make God any more real? lol Definetely not. There are intelligent people who think a rabbits foot brings them good luck. Does that mean its logical to believe rabbits feet are lucky? The "idea" of God has not, and never will be proven because it is fake.  If you need to cling to a higher being like a baby does a security blanket to make you feel better about the fact that when you will be OVER. Then go ahead. Thats your choice. Just don't get upset when logical people look at you and laugh.

You said Santa and God are the same and you said adults tell children Santa is fake and that's why they stop believing. Now you're changing your stance.

Keep scoffing at the idea of religion and those "logical" people you hang out with and laugh with can laugh at Isaac Newton before they laugh at me. A man a lot smarter than maybe every athiest combined believed in the "idea" of God. He actually attributed his genius to God and called it a gift. It was the only way he could explain how he could see things in math and science that 99.9% of the rest of the world's smartest people couldn't even fathom.

I guess he wasn't that smart after all. Who needs physics and calculus anyway?

I don't laugh at or scoff at atheists. If you don't believe in anything after, fine by me. I don't think less of you or think you'll be punished. I simply chose to have faith in more from this world than what we have as humans from anywhere between 1 and 100 years. It doesn't change anything about the way I live my life. There is nothing I enjoy doing that I refrain from doing because I think God says it's wrong. If I fel it's right I'll do it. If I don't I won't

I didnt say Santa and God are the same. I said they are believed in for the same reason. Fear.  Children believe in Santa because they believe if they are good, and ask Santa for presents...they will get them. They believe if they are bad, they will get a stocking full of coal.  Likewise, people who believe in God (Im using religions such as Christianity as an example) believe for the same reasons. Heaven being Presents, Stocking full of coal being Hell.  Its obviously a device invented to keep people in line.  Its a political tool. Man is always afraid of what he can not understand. In order to ease those fears, you create an answer out of nothing.  Its far to difficult to simply say, "I dont know".  So instead you have this group who claims to know what NO one can in order to comfort their own insecurities.  Smart politicians play on those fears. As stupid as George Bush was, the people around him were smart enough to know that even in the 21st century you can control people with fear.  Imagine 1,000's of years ago.  NOBODY knows what happens after death and everyone fears it (admit it or not) so what easier tool to use to control people then to pretend to know the answer to THAT.

As far as you bringing up Isaac Newton lol Are you serious?  You can be a relatively smart human being, even a genius and still believe in something completely illogical.  You think there are no geniuses that believe in a lucky rabbits foot, etc? lol

I am a firm believer in, do what you want as long as you dont hurt anyone. If you believe somehow that your religion makes you better, by all means...believe away. But dont pretend that because you live by a blind faith, you know the answer. You dont know the answer, just like me. The only difference is most religious nuts pretend to because some other man told them so. lol  I am completely secure in the fact that some things we are just incapable of understanding now.  1,000 years from now....if we havent become completely extinct, maybe man will have a much better understanding of things. At one point it made complete sense to believe the Earth was flat and that the Sun revolved around us.

And you say you dont believe a non believer will be punished. What religion are you?

You're denying what you said to avoid having to take it back. You said, not me, you, that people stop believing in Santa because adults tell them he's fake. We both agreed that is not the case and now you're changing what you said and trying to avoid saying you were wrong. When I'm wrong I admit it. (Ask NIK in the sports forum).

And now you're trying avoid that you distinguished between logical and intelligent. You said intelligent people understand God is fake and then you put the word under quotations to mock me and people I consider intelligent. Then I bring up Newton who is 100X more intelligent than anyone you can name so you change the stance to logical people and try and avoid the fact you said intelligent people.

Of course it is no more logical to be athiest than to be Christian. Atheists blindly believe in nothing and assert that God cannot be and Christian do the opposite. If you were agnostic you'd be logical. But logic is based on reason and when there is no solid proof for something there is no reasoning your way onto to either side.

Now you're trying to equate a stupid superstition that takes up no time and is more reflective of a person's quirkiness and try and compare it to deep faith in something very important. Newton didn't just believe in God to go along with shit and it wasn't a simple quirk to his personality. He spent much of his life studying and trying to decipher God and Jesus and what the Bible meant. There are very many very smart men and women that do the same. That's why God has nothing to do with Santa. It's not fear driving them. It's faith. You have faith, or you don't. You can't teach it or explain it. It doesn't prove that there is a God, but it shows that scoffing at people that believe in God is immature.

As to what I am, since you asked. I'm Christian. I believe in Jesus. I believe in what he said and how he lived. I believe he was the physical embodiment of God in the flesh. I was raised in and still attend the Greek-Orthodox Church. I think the Old Testament cannot be taken as anything more than morality tales and fiction and I feel the same about any and every writings of Paul in the new testament. I feel that since Jesus corrected Moses he would have corrected Paul. And as far as Jesus goes there is plenty of evidence to show that good people that don't believe in him are fine. I don't have a problem thinking the Gospels were tampered with because the Church, every church, contradicts what Jesus said time and again. If they were going to make it up, why not just make it up as they do things so they don't look like hypocrites? Unless that's just part of the plan to trick people. The bottom line is when I think of Jesus or read the scriptures I have and feel faith and I can't explain that.

thats just way too long. Ill read and respond later when Im REALLY bored.

Whatever you like. Although it's no longer than my last post.

yes but Im at work, and they put a time limit on our internet. I will throw this fuckin computer if I read that, type out some long response...and get cut off in the middle of it.
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"

you gon always be my latin queen bitch

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #77 on: July 25, 2009, 06:52:22 PM »
daygo you a fool lol
its jus the bible
damn u still havent logged off...ur hurting everyone with all this wack shit u drop, it hurts more then getting the swine flu
Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:15 AM By: Ice Cube
Me and Mack 10 together again? I never say never, but he has the kiss the ring first.
gbee:@ Petey: you sound like a broken record, time to grow up.


Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #78 on: July 25, 2009, 06:59:09 PM »
daygo you a fool lol
its jus the bible

i know right. Thats how i feel about it. Its like basing your beliefs off of the latest edition of the Enquirer. But hey, to each his own  ;D
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #79 on: July 25, 2009, 10:57:50 PM »

thats just way too long. Ill read and respond later when Im REALLY bored.

Whatever you like. Although it's no longer than my last post.

yes but Im at work, and they put a time limit on our internet. I will throw this fuckin computer if I read that, type out some long response...and get cut off in the middle of it.

The way you said it made me think you were implying it was beneath you to take time to respond to it.


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #80 on: July 26, 2009, 01:44:36 AM »
People follow it for all the wrong reasons. Mainly fear.  Kids believe in Santa Claus because they are afraid they wont get the presents the want at Christmas...until some adult explains to them that Santa is not real. He is make believe.  Imagine if there were no rational adults to explain that to young children. They'd become adults that believed in such a ridiculous idea of a fat man from the North Pole watching over everyone to see who's naughty and nice, and swoops down in one night to bring presents to EVERYone lol. Seems so silly for adults to believe such an obviously made up character huh?  Not like God and that Jesus character. Their existence makes so much more sense... :-\

So if an adult never told you Santa wasn't real you'd still believe in Santa?

I guess you're as stupid as your post is then. Most kids I grew up with just figured out Santa wasn't real. We didn't need a sit down explanation. Kids simply outgrow certain things. Scoffing at the idea of God when many of the world's most reasonable and intelligent people belive in God is simply ignorant on your part. Santa was made up as a story and admitted as such. By all historical accounts the early Christians believed in Jesus and died for real to promote them. It was never implied anywhere in history that Jesus was allegory to them and they didn't really believe. No one died defending Kris Kringle.

No, I wouldnt still believe in Santa. Which is why I am able to understand that religion is completely bullshit as well.  Adults fear death just as children do. They dont fear getting coal in their stockings the same way children do.  People become completely stupid and tend to believe in anything that will comfort them when they are in fear.  More intelligent people understand this, which is why the more intelligent people invented this scam in the first place.  Does it matter if people who you consider "intelligent" believe in God? No. Does it make God any more real? lol Definetely not. There are intelligent people who think a rabbits foot brings them good luck. Does that mean its logical to believe rabbits feet are lucky? The "idea" of God has not, and never will be proven because it is fake.  If you need to cling to a higher being like a baby does a security blanket to make you feel better about the fact that when you will be OVER. Then go ahead. Thats your choice. Just don't get upset when logical people look at you and laugh.

You said Santa and God are the same and you said adults tell children Santa is fake and that's why they stop believing. Now you're changing your stance.

Keep scoffing at the idea of religion and those "logical" people you hang out with and laugh with can laugh at Isaac Newton before they laugh at me. A man a lot smarter than maybe every athiest combined believed in the "idea" of God. He actually attributed his genius to God and called it a gift. It was the only way he could explain how he could see things in math and science that 99.9% of the rest of the world's smartest people couldn't even fathom.

I guess he wasn't that smart after all. Who needs physics and calculus anyway?

I don't laugh at or scoff at atheists. If you don't believe in anything after, fine by me. I don't think less of you or think you'll be punished. I simply chose to have faith in more from this world than what we have as humans from anywhere between 1 and 100 years. It doesn't change anything about the way I live my life. There is nothing I enjoy doing that I refrain from doing because I think God says it's wrong. If I fel it's right I'll do it. If I don't I won't

I didnt say Santa and God are the same. I said they are believed in for the same reason. Fear.  Children believe in Santa because they believe if they are good, and ask Santa for presents...they will get them. They believe if they are bad, they will get a stocking full of coal.  Likewise, people who believe in God (Im using religions such as Christianity as an example) believe for the same reasons. Heaven being Presents, Stocking full of coal being Hell.  Its obviously a device invented to keep people in line.  Its a political tool. Man is always afraid of what he can not understand. In order to ease those fears, you create an answer out of nothing.  Its far to difficult to simply say, "I dont know".  So instead you have this group who claims to know what NO one can in order to comfort their own insecurities.  Smart politicians play on those fears. As stupid as George Bush was, the people around him were smart enough to know that even in the 21st century you can control people with fear.  Imagine 1,000's of years ago.  NOBODY knows what happens after death and everyone fears it (admit it or not) so what easier tool to use to control people then to pretend to know the answer to THAT.

As far as you bringing up Isaac Newton lol Are you serious?  You can be a relatively smart human being, even a genius and still believe in something completely illogical.  You think there are no geniuses that believe in a lucky rabbits foot, etc? lol

I am a firm believer in, do what you want as long as you dont hurt anyone. If you believe somehow that your religion makes you better, by all means...believe away. But dont pretend that because you live by a blind faith, you know the answer. You dont know the answer, just like me. The only difference is most religious nuts pretend to because some other man told them so. lol  I am completely secure in the fact that some things we are just incapable of understanding now.  1,000 years from now....if we havent become completely extinct, maybe man will have a much better understanding of things. At one point it made complete sense to believe the Earth was flat and that the Sun revolved around us.

And you say you dont believe a non believer will be punished. What religion are you?

You're denying what you said to avoid having to take it back. You said, not me, you, that people stop believing in Santa because adults tell them he's fake. We both agreed that is not the case and now you're changing what you said and trying to avoid saying you were wrong. When I'm wrong I admit it. (Ask NIK in the sports forum).

And now you're trying avoid that you distinguished between logical and intelligent. You said intelligent people understand God is fake and then you put the word under quotations to mock me and people I consider intelligent. Then I bring up Newton who is 100X more intelligent than anyone you can name so you change the stance to logical people and try and avoid the fact you said intelligent people.

Of course it is no more logical to be athiest than to be Christian. Atheists blindly believe in nothing and assert that God cannot be and Christian do the opposite. If you were agnostic you'd be logical. But logic is based on reason and when there is no solid proof for something there is no reasoning your way onto to either side.

Now you're trying to equate a stupid superstition that takes up no time and is more reflective of a person's quirkiness and try and compare it to deep faith in something very important. Newton didn't just believe in God to go along with shit and it wasn't a simple quirk to his personality. He spent much of his life studying and trying to decipher God and Jesus and what the Bible meant. There are very many very smart men and women that do the same. That's why God has nothing to do with Santa. It's not fear driving them. It's faith. You have faith, or you don't. You can't teach it or explain it. It doesn't prove that there is a God, but it shows that scoffing at people that believe in God is immature.

As to what I am, since you asked. I'm Christian. I believe in Jesus. I believe in what he said and how he lived. I believe he was the physical embodiment of God in the flesh. I was raised in and still attend the Greek-Orthodox Church. I think the Old Testament cannot be taken as anything more than morality tales and fiction and I feel the same about any and every writings of Paul in the new testament. I feel that since Jesus corrected Moses he would have corrected Paul. And as far as Jesus goes there is plenty of evidence to show that good people that don't believe in him are fine. I don't have a problem thinking the Gospels were tampered with because the Church, every church, contradicts what Jesus said time and again. If they were going to make it up, why not just make it up as they do things so they don't look like hypocrites? Unless that's just part of the plan to trick people. The bottom line is when I think of Jesus or read the scriptures I have and feel faith and I can't explain that.

thats just way too long. Ill read and respond later when Im REALLY bored.
make sure you got the attention span for it...


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #81 on: July 26, 2009, 10:45:16 AM »
damn yall I beieve in the bible mainly because I died and saw Jesus himself and got a chance to walk and talk with him...........

I mean I know yall don't believe in Him but take this fro example,ever had a problem and it got solved in your head quickly as it came in?That is God that gave you the naswer............

I just got an idea,test God and see if He is real,all you gotta do si go toa church and tithe,then tell God you want to see Him bless you and watch andwait.........and you will get something back

now remember tithe is ten percent of your income............


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2009, 10:49:35 AM »
damn yall I beieve in the bible mainly because I died and saw Jesus himself and got a chance to walk and talk with him...........

I mean I know yall don't believe in Him but take this fro example,ever had a problem and it got solved in your head quickly as it came in?That is God that gave you the naswer............

I just got an idea,test God and see if He is real,all you gotta do si go toa church and tithe,then tell God you want to see Him bless you and watch andwait.........and you will get something back

now remember tithe is ten percent of your income............
Fuck dat I'm not going to give God credit for shit I do.

The thing about the bible I have most trouble understanding is hell:
If god is so easy to forgive you, why should I suffer for something I did in THIS life.


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2009, 10:55:53 AM »
because it is like this

iff you don't forgive someone then He won't forgive you

okay hold on,do you got kids?


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2009, 10:57:37 AM »
because it is like this

iff you don't forgive someone then He won't forgive you

okay hold on,do you got kids?
I'm 16 :P according to most people I still am one


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2009, 11:08:10 AM »
well if you had kids you'd die for them right?

well that works the same with Jesus He died for us cuz were his kids..........


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2009, 11:09:40 AM »
well if you had kids you'd die for them right?

well that works the same with Jesus He died for us cuz were his kids..........
Any honest answer I would give would lead to a flamewar


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #87 on: July 26, 2009, 11:13:54 AM »
no ikke it wouldn't you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine..........
so lets hear it because I am in the mood for a good discussion...........


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #88 on: July 26, 2009, 11:24:55 AM »
According to the book of death of buddist when you die you have 3 options:
-If you lived your life badly you will become an animal
-If you lived an average/good life you will become a human once more.
-If you lived a great life you will become a god.

I think Jesus became a god after his death.

To me jesus was a hero who made people live there lives right.
Back then people only would only do something against the law if a 'god' said it.
Jesus did study thora, and thought people would listen to him if he took on the role as the messiah.

The bible was edited allot because if christianity wanted to survive it needed 1 bible instead of many different cults with there own believes. In the gospels they chose to put in jesus was made to look more divine then he was.
To put it harshly: the disciples were jesus' posse and mary magdelin was his Girlfriend, Just like any of us.


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Re: Why do people follow the bible and take it seriously?
« Reply #89 on: July 26, 2009, 11:29:41 AM »
well it does seem like that doesn't it?

I mean if he had a kid(a girl)then He had to have a girlfreind...............