Author Topic: Crooked I > Jesus, God, Vischnu, Buddah, Moses, Muhammad and Scientology  (Read 418 times)


  • Guest
all you other crooked I groupies should be very worried of Hack Wilson.  Some day he is going to kill crooked I and wear his skin.

Al Bundy

all you other crooked I groupies should be very worried of Hack Wilson.  Some day he is going to kill crooked I and wear his skin.



  • Guest
all you other crooked I groupies should be very worried of Hack Wilson.  Some day he is going to kill crooked I and wear his skin.
That's nothing to what he'll do to Ill Bill


Who is this Crooked I you speak of.

2euce 7even

  • Guest

JD Bastin

  • Guest
all you other crooked I groupies should be very worried of Hack Wilson.  Some day he is going to kill crooked I and wear his skin.


LOL scary stufff


LongBeachIzActive has a bad case of profile neurosis. Maybe if we agree with him he switches to saying Crooked was the greatest just to keep up the argument.
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.