Author Topic: Exclusive: The Holliwoodz  (Read 68 times)


Exclusive: The Holliwoodz
« on: July 31, 2009, 10:19:51 AM »

Rapalk.Net sat down with The Holliwoodz for an exclusive interview. Get familiar with this musically talented and unique trio. Blending Dance, Rock and Roll and R&B, The Holliwoodz balance their skills and bring them all to life over their music.

Read full interview below...

Exclusive: The Holliwoodz

Justin: We have The Holliwoodz here! Egy, Izaiah and G-Live. How are you?

The Holliwoodz: We’re all good down in the MIA. It’s a beautiful day, we had a BBQ, been chilling out and vibing by the pool. It’s family fun; it’s how we do, fun days with even more fun nights here in Miami (laughs).

Justin: (Laughs) I feel you. Let’s start this off by introducing your music style to us. How do you branch together such different genres through your music?

The Holliwoodz: Our music is a cross between dance, Rock & Roll and R&B. We all have our individual skills we specialize in, like Izaiah DeMarco - - he’s our smooth singer, who also produces music with his partner, Fran Cathcart who also has won two Grammy’s for rock and has worked with legends like Luther Vandross, Santana, Eric Clapton. Combined that with the energetic rock influenced vocals of G-Live and the southern slang and northern metaphors of Egy. It just becomes a completely new sound to the ear.  In the studio, we each critique each other to bring the best out of all of us on the one record. That’s how we bring together our talents into the Holliwoodz style, our one genre - - which we call Dance Rock ‘n’ B.


Justin: Dance Rock ‘n’ B sounds like a very unique style. Would you compare that to anyone out right now?


The Holliwoodz: Definitely not. I think that many people do music that no longer motivates in positive ways. Many “Artists” stopped putting SOUL in their music, which we feel, is the key ingredient in creating music that moves people. Even when you come and watch our live performance, it’s evident that our personalities, our struggles and joy are open for the crowd to feel. It unites the crowd as one big family and it no longer matters if you’re Black, White, Asian, African or Latin, it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female or what religion you are or how much money you got or what you’re wearing. All that matters is that you let down your guard, you get ‘Naked with yourself and just celebrate who you are. I feel that our performance, our music and our beliefs allow anybody the chance to feel free with themselves to celebrate who they are and that’s what’s important to us.


Justin: Which artists influenced you to make music?


The Holliwoodz: There are many artists from way back when to today who influence us to make music. I feel like music is such a beautiful gift in life. With music, we can create such diverse sounds and melodies that translate to diverse memories and moods. For example, some of our influences include artists Michael Jackson, Prince, Boys II Men, Brian McKnight then switching the mood to Naughty by Nature, DMX, ONYX, Queen Latifah as well as breakthrough (right word?) artists like Run DMC, Sugar Hill Gang, Kiss, Jimmy Hendrix and James Brown.

DMX may get you crunk and hyper, Michael Jackson can make you want to dance, Mariah Carey can make you want to cry. The emotions in music affect people personally, it makes them recall memories and feelings from their past and I feel that in itself is an amazing thing. I want to be apart of something amazing - - and we are.  (EGY.)  Being from Newark where Naughty by Nature, house music and DMX had constant spins on the radio then moving south to the country when artist like 3 6 Mafia, T.I. and Outkast ruled the radio I learned at an early age the power of music and how music influences style and culture in the way people who listened talked act and dress. You can almost guess what type of music people play by what they wear and how they talk.

Justin: When did your love for music come to the forefront of your lives?


The Holliwoodz: This is Egy and it was the first time I danced to house music at parties as a child. The music was playing, I was dancing with my cousins and the whole family was there - - which is a very large family I might add… We were all just celebrating!!! Those where the type of memories I would remind myself of when I was locked up the happy feeling the melody of the songs would give me that good feeling again and many times u need that happy feeling stuck in your head like a good song.

I definitely feel that our dreams became a reality when we signed to Foreignity Entertainment. We all needed it [the record deal] and I’m so happy with our label situation. Life is about dancing - - and music gives people that ability to have those emotions. I love the position we are in.


Justin: You definitely have a love for dancing. Who is the best dancer out right now in terms of performing?      

                                                                                                                                                       The Holliwoodz: (EGY.) I feel the best dancer in the game that puts on a great show every time I see her on stage or in video is Beyonce. Its her style the way she throw that hair and move them hips in 6 inch heels doing it her choreography is always on point I think her charisma is what captivates after you watch her she leave you like WOW! Did she just do that in heels? (Laugh).

(Izaiah DeMarco) I would say the best dancer in the game right now is Usher. He’s been doing it for a longtime and he’s perfected his craft. I’ve been dancing since a kid learning from music videos and watching icons like Michael Jackson, of course.  This is G-Live and performance is something that [has] affected all parts of my life since the age of five. I’m from Harlem [New York] and performance was my first gift, especially when I started dancing in the street of Harlem. Once I started dancing, something different came out of me and people on the street would begin clapping and throwing money at me. It’s a good feeling and that’s when I knew I had something special to offer. Since then, I listen to a lot of old’ school artists’ because you have to show homage before doing what you do. Major influences I learned from were from the Berry Brothers, Cab Calloway, Fred Astaire, Nicholas Brothers, Sammy Davis Jr, Charlie Chaplin,

Elvis, James Brown, and all Motown artists’s including the Jackson 5. I even learned how to rock the stage like Run DMC and rock star’s like Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, Mick Jagger, Kiss among other great entertainers. As far as my style, I’m more of a rocker, with a bit of a different edge. It brings a different sound to The Holliwoodz and that is what we’re about.


Justin: We’re gonna’ touch on some of those artists. Do you think your music can reach the same fan base, as say a Jessica Simpson - -or other pop-culture celebrity audiences?


The Holliwoodz: It’s Egy. I feel like young and old, no matter what your nationality is, you’ll appeal to The Holliwoodz music if you open yourself and let your guard down. We feel everyone plays their individual character in life, we are all actors and actresses in life, our music has SOUL and will naturally reach you. We feel everyone is The Holliwoodz in there own way. The power of music is in The FANS who show love and support and without that, I feel the greatest artist wouldn’t exist. (Izaiah Demarco) Our instincts respond to energy. All of us have certain energy and charisma that becomes a magnet that both the young and old will grow to love.


Justin: You’re talking about energy so do you pride yourselves on bringing that energy to the stage while performing?


The Holliwoodz: (Egy) Definitely. You’d have to come to one of our shows to see that (laughs). We definitely do something that people are drawn to - - because I think, we do all things really well. What I like to say about The Holliwoodz and Foreignity is that we do entertainment - - we actually entertain.  It’s the style, feeling and energy. We pull people in, but with personal experiences that you will never forget - - with real feeling and emotion. You influence people on how they dress and talk, with the words you say in your songs. I feel people have lost that. They look for the business, instead of really touching people of all ages and nationalities.


Justin: Tell us about the new single “Naked”.


The Holliwoodz: (Egy) “Naked” is a song about being free and being comfortable in your skin. It’s beyond the style of how you dress, or the clothes you feel you have to wear because you want to fit in or be cool. “Naked” is all about being free in your own skin. Many people are so self-conscious or over-conscious these days, and I feel like it getting too much. As a people, we all have to realize reality and strip ourselves back to basics and learn to accept ourselves as who we are inside and out. I truly feel “Naked” is the perfect record to let go and be free with.

(G-Live) I know this sounds simple but it’s just a great, positive record. We took a risk on it by combining different genres and I know when I play “Naked” it puts a smile on my face and makes me happy every time so I know our fans are going to love it. It’s a feel-good, party, let lose single that will make everybody want to feel free to be who they are and just enjoy themselves in the moment.  (Izaiah) “Naked” musically stands apart from anything out there right now. The mix between electric guitar, the dance beat, the rap flows and the R&B harmonizing is a song that I feel will be epic. It feels refreshing and new every time I hear it. To me, it’s a very sexy record.

(G-LIVE)  “Naked” is about being you and comfortable in your own skin along with your race and sexuality and that’s important cuz every song has a message (sex sells) yes, but beauty is not skin-deep, there’s more to it. Back in Woodstock it was more then just a sex revolution, protesting their love, peace and happiness it was encouragement of feeling comfortable with who you are, and “Naked” brings that essence back into 2009 and on the flipside we are letting the ladies know we appreciate them, “Cuz the way you carry yourself is so damn fly.” The greatest and sexiest gift a woman can give a man and turning us on is by teasing us mentally and getting naked is only the beginning of a reward of attraction that we have bonded with each other physically after we begin to understand who they are inside!


Justin: If you could get “Naked” with Rihanna, Jessica Simpson or Megan Fox, whom would you pick?


The Holliwoodz: (Izaiah DeMarco) I would definitely 100% say Megan Fox. There is not a woman on the planet that is sexier. I would do something simple mainly because she seems down to earth. Besides, the real turn on is conversation so the less were doing the better if you know what mean.  I would take Megan Fox on a date to my studio where I can play the piano for her, maybe sing her something. I’m sure she would inspire some beautiful material.


(G-Live) I would like to have all three of them. They all have different styles and we don’t want one character. I would love all three-cuz I’m a rockstar baby (laughs). However, if I did have to pick only one, it would be Rihanna. I’d try to make her forget about Chris Brown by showing her how talented and beautiful she is. I’d show her Miami by taking her to a Miami Heat game, a romantic dinner at Barton G then chill at the Delano on Collins and a late night surprise comedy improv. Cuz im a mammas boy and 1 thing my mother told is laughing is the healing process to the heart which I’m real good at then I will walk her to the door of her home give her a hug and kiss on the cheek and let her know she’s special and part ways until next time.


This is Egy and I would pick Jessica Simpson. I’m nothing like her past boyfriend, Tony Romo or ex husband, Nick Lachay so I think in our case opposites would attract.  I’d take her on an all day fun date to the aquarium, swim wit the dolphins and eat a homemade lunch under the shark tank. I think she has a perfect smile and I also love the way she  laughs so for some nighttime fun we’d go see a funny movie. I wouldn’t mention anything about her past relationships; instead, I would try to be part of her future. She gives off a youthful energy and has a very innocent look I think she might like a bad boy like me. (Laughs)


Justin: What’s the title and release date for the album?


The Holliwoodz: We’re going to keep that as a surprise. We’re doing a lot of photo’s, videos and publicity, so people can get to know us and our music - - and also us as individual people. Music is a natural feeling and we want people to understand where our music is coming from. We want to feel that universal love and be able to entertain, perform and party in front of 60,000 people in stadiums all over the world.


Justin: We respect you want to keep that under wraps, but tell us about the label, which is distributing the album.


The Holliwoodz: (Egy) Foreignity is the label and honestly, it’s everything for The Holliwoodz. It’s more than music. They have completely changed the way we view life. Before Foreignity, I used to smoke everyday, since the age of 14 and didn’t really have a reason to quit. I’ve stopped smoking, been exercising a lot and eating right, just completely focused on God and our career. We base our relationship on faith and loyalty. We have complete trust in each other with this project that we’re doing, so we’re going to take it to the top.


Justin: Tell us a little more about Foreignity.


The Holliwoodz: Foreignity, I would have to say has been a blessing for us. When we were introduced to Foreignity, we didn’t have many assets as a group. Foreignity has opened many doors for The Holliwoodz as far as music, touring, merchandizing, etc. We just went to the Urban Music Awards and walked the Red Carpet… They have done many things for us, really in a very short period of time.


Justin: We’re going to speak on the UMA [Urban Music Awards] experience because I’m well aware you guys were there. First off, what kind of affect did the passing of Michael Jackson have on you?


The Holliwoodz: (G-Live) The impact of his death was big for us. Not just for us personally, but obviously, the whole world was hurt… Everyone grew up on Michael Jackson and we all watched him grow - - and we all saw what he generously did for everybody. It impacted me a lot… (Izaiah Demarco) I was deeply saddened when I heard about Michael Jackson’s his passing. Even musically, the way I make music, I’m deeply influenced by him and by how he composes his music. I do it with my voice and the way I put vocals and harmonies together without even noticing. He was truly the greatest entertainer of all time.

We were actually recording in the studio the day it happened. It was weird because we were recording one of our songs called “Turn It Up” and all of our phones started blowing up. We we’re getting all kinds of missed calls, because we don’t answer our phones when we are in the studio, as we are focused on work… We figured it has to be important because so many calls were coming through. I finally answered my phone and they told me Michael Jackson passed away. My heart just stopped. I looked at the boys and didn’t know how to say it. One of our idols just died. We just stood there silent and couldn’t continue. We couldn’t do music that day. It was very devastating for us.                        

(EGY.) Over the years, the world has crowned Michael as the King of Pop. I feel him no longer being here with us has made him something greater. He has touched so many hearts changed so many lives not only through his music but his generosity and his love for all living kind. He put his life heart and soul into every performance and even at his worst times in his career, he showed love to all and never gave up.


Justin: You mentioned the single and your music period has many different styles and genres in it. One that you mentioned was Hip-Hop flows. One question I want to ask about Hip-Hop is, what do you think of Jay-Z claiming the “Death of Auto Tune” with his new single?


The Holliwoodz: (Egy) I feel Jay-Z is one of the greatest to do music and he is a living legend in Hip-Hop. I feel his song, “Death of Auto Tune” came about because of the “artists” who depend on the Auto Tune sound to create music they hope people will accept.

Izaiah: Well, think the general public is misinformed about the effect.  The first thing that comes to mind is T-Pain, which is ok because he made the effect famous in our generation. I mean his name is even on the box of the program. Obviously, before him was Rodger and Zapp and so many others.  However, what people don’t know is that even artists such as Ne-Yo, Beyonce, Usher who are great vocalists still use it, just not the same way T-Pain uses it.  If it’s not Auto Tune then its Waves Tune or Melodyne but there’s always some form of pitch correction that’s taking place. Due to the progression of music or digression depending on your perspective, our ears have been trained to get use to this effect in the pitch correction form. So when someone doesn’t use it our ears notice something sounds off. Have you ever heard some playing the piano who didn’t know what they were doing mashing keys together? Even though you don’t play an instrument, your senses will tell you something’s is off. I’m sure in classical music there’s is no need for this effect. But as long as since mainstream music stays synthetic there will always be Auto Tune on the radio.


(G-Live) If melodically, auto tune sounds good on a record then it sounds good but I also feel that artists have been abusing it, Records were selling well before Auto Tune and now that the market is saturated with rappers using auto tune to be singers, singers using auto tune to be rappers and concealing their real talents. When it comes to artists like Mariah Carey, they don’t need auto tune effects. Mariah has a natural god’s gift and I’d rather hear her voice than an effect. When Auto-Tune as a heavy effect dies out and eventually it will like it did before, in the words of jay z of course, then what will one hit wonders and artist's going 2 do? Obviously, go back to the roots and the basics of rocking the mic and entertaining the crowd naturally that’s called an MC which means ‘master of ceremony’ or to ‘move the crowd’ will do! You hollidig me?


Justin: It was recently announced that Paula Abdul is unlikely to return to American Idol. Would, or did you three ever consider trying to gain exposure through a contest such as American Idol?


The Holliwoodz: (Egy.) When your up and coming and grinding hard at what ever you do dancing, singing, rapping - its all about exposure and shows like American Idol give u the chance for displaying your talent in front of the world.

(Izaiah DeMarco) Absolutely. It’s kind of funny but I feel American Idol is more of a casting audition. The first year it came out, I was living in Atlanta and they were talking about American Idol being the next big thing. I had opportunities to try out and people thought I’d do well on it. put it this way I had some inside sources ask me if I wanted to be on the show without auditioning- I will leave it as that (laughs).

To be honest with you, I always wanted to be more than just a singer. I wanted to create music and produce. American Idol, for some people is great as far as exposure and being in front of a crowd to perform. But for someone who wants to do more than sing, I don’t believe it’s a good move.


Justin: I respect that. You attended the UMA’s a few weeks back as you mentioned. How did that go?


 The Holliwoodz: (Egy.) I run threw that day every morning it motivates me to continue to grow every day. The day before the show was like a dream come true. I wore an outfit with a gold belted detail on the right arm with Africa on the back (designed by my lil’ brother Willium) you know I had to represent Egypt. We arrived in a luxury SUV and stepped out like stars, all heads turned on us as we made our way to the carpet my heart started pounding as I shook hands wit well known artists like KRS 1, Swizz Beatz and Bobby V. I felt accepted; it didn’t feel uncomfortable or nervous at all walking the carpet doing interviews. It felt like the beginning of many to come.

I agree, It was beautiful, the attention and the people, the aura that we had when we walked into the building and they got to see The Holliwoodz for the first time.  It was a real hot experience with the reaction from the people and the way they accepted us… I will never forget that.

We saw KRS-One, Swizz Beatz, Grandmaster Flash, and Bobby Valentino who is a talented performer. A lot of people did their thing and paid homage to many artists.


Justin: Do you have any good Red Carpet or VIP stories?


Holliwoodz: You trying to get us in trouble? (Laughs). Nah, I ain’t kissing and telling on ma’ girls. I do have to give props to Swizz Beatz. The way he was simply dressed, not much jewelry at all just simple from the Armani shades, dress shirt vest and tie all matching the burgundy Supras on his feet. Not just his clothing it was more the way he act so normal like anyone could have jus say ‘Yo, what up Swizz!” and shake his Million dollar hand. Later, he accepted the Best Producer of the Year award.


The first celebrity I saw was Big Puns’ wife we wanted to pay homage to but didn’t get to meet her. Out of nowhere came the legendary KRS 1. He was so down to earth, he greeted us wish a handshake and an embrace of welcome.


Justin: Which star looked the most impressive in person?


The Holliwoodz: This is G-Live and I’d say the most impressive person was Swizz Beats. Just the way his style was, he was so humble - - and he made a statement that nobody is really supporting the industry like they should at UMA's he mentioned that he will love to collaborate with the directors and next year make I was very surprised to see Swizz Beatz speaking up about bringing more of a unity to the industry!  (Izaiah Demarco) My favorite performance by far that night was KRS-One. His delivery, stage presence - - and the way he rapped with such knowledge blew me away. He is definitely a hip-hop legend…


Justin: What’s up next for The Holliwoodz?


The Holliwoodz: Expect the biggest things from The Holliwoodz. Where bringing a lot of energy. We’re tryna take the positive steps straight to the top like a rocket. We have a lot of tricks and surprises up our sleeves. We want you to keep in touch - -  follow us on and come add us on Facebook under Holliwoodz. Remember that The Holliwoodz is what you have come to see. We are going to give the WORLD a warm welcome to HOLLIWOODZ Stay tuned.  I have a message for all the ladies out there- If you feel like you can be a Holliwoodz Diva/video vixen for our smash, hot single, ‘Naked’ hit us up on and on music and show us your skills dancing to ‘Naked.’ Please ladies, keep it clean and keep it Holliwood!


Justin: That’s a beautiful wrap up. Do you have any additional last words?


The Holliwoodz: Firstly, we want to say thanks Justin the Lunatic, for taking the time to sit with us tonight and interview us. We appreciate it.

We just want the world to prepare for The Holliwoodz as we’re definitely doing something different. People will be shocked to hear the brand of music that we’ve created and we’re really excited to see the world’s reaction. We bring vision and creativity in the entertainment world and we’re here to fill that void with our passion, soul and rhythm. We hope the world will be amazed. Look out and follow us on and
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 10:21:45 AM by Lunatic 63 »
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Re: Exclusive: The Holliwoodz
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2009, 11:54:37 AM »


Re: Exclusive: The Holliwoodz
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2009, 12:19:50 PM »
got a real strong pop following going. There coming strong.
Co-Director of Site Content For Raptalk.Net
Staff Writer For WordOfSouth.Com
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