Author Topic: Sikotic,Brandon My Love  (Read 243 times)


Re: Sikotic,Brandon My Love
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2009, 03:28:37 PM »
sometimes my master would turn on mute and watch pokemon without sound then play nwa as loud as possible.  he got the prepubescent thrill from the pokemon while maintaining his precious street cred.  what a smart human.

back when i was alive i was never disturbed by the telephone because my master had but one friend and he was a large human boy.  i could hear his footsteps at 6000 paces so i knew that at long last food was likely coming. 

as for now?  well i'm dead.  fuck.
Playing NWA while Pokemon was on mute.... :rubeyes:  Don't really know what to say.
sometimes it is hard for human children to let go of the past and especially when they have social phobias like my master.  you see he idolized rap music so much because if he pretended that he was a cool brown colored human then he could look people in the eye and sell them illegal skittles and mike n ikes.  if he was just plain white tanner he was useless.  

while the nwa hurt my ears at least for a short time my master stopped crying about how the world hated him.  fuck.
LOL I'm gonna miss this alias.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal