Author Topic: atheism  (Read 5641 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: atheism
« Reply #120 on: August 22, 2009, 07:51:56 PM »
scientist couldnt completely prove the bible wrong, and they cant completely prove the big bang theory right.

true enough. But religion deals largely with a subject that people are too afraid of to admit that they dont know the answer.  Anything else you would look at logically and not believe it until it is proven to you.  To use the example I used earlier, a scientist couldnt PROVE to you that there are not invisible rats running around your room right now.  Is that a reason to believe they are there?
daygo... hommie... you're confusing me... can you explain that better

What Im saying is that there are alot of people who are too afraid to simply say they dont know what happens after death. Its scary to a lot of people to not know, or to think that when we die...its over completely.  That same fear can make a typically logical person think illogically.  They rationalize an argument that would not apply to any other similar set of circumstances.  They say that its ok to believe in God and Heaven and Hell, etc. because although you can not prove its also cant prove its not true.  The same could be said for my example of the invisible rats.  I could tell you they are there and they protect you and have a master plan for what will happen in all of our lives....and you cant prove to me that they arent. The fact that you cant prove to me that they ARENT there isnt a good enough reason to believe that they are....its illogical.  Same with the idea of an invisible man in the sky that watches over us. IMO.
look lots of people such as yourself... you make logical sense with stuff like that...
however i still choose to believe that God is a higher power... and it just makes my life easier...
all my family since 301 have been CHRISTIANS

Thats cool.  Im not tryin to convince you to NOT believe in God or your religion.  The way I look at things is, whatever makes you better as a it.  If you believed in a pet rock...but for some reason you were a better person for it, do that shit.  I think for some people, religion or their belief in God helps them...for some, it hurts them.  Likewise, my belief that organized religion is full of shit doesnt hurt me.  There could be a "God" or there could not be...none of us know.

See that's all good.

However..atheists be tryin' to convince or push out their beliefs in various forms too.

When they start tryin' to take OUR rights AWAY, to claim and protect their 'rights', by doing stupid shit, is when I have a lil problem. Like for example. Atheists wanted to remove the manger off The Green at Christmas time becuz they said it violated their rights. Can someone please explain that? Here's a real good one. A CA suburb removed The Bill Of Rights outta the classroom becuz it was 'spiritually misguiding'. That is HISTORY. What in the fuck. Mind baffling. What is next? Christmas carols banned from department stores. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, what's it to you? How is these simplistic actions hurting you? You know what I'm sayin'? If they preachin' and pushin' religion to try to convert you, than thats another a man with a Bible standing in front of K-Mart on Christmas Eve...or somethang along those lines...ya know shit like that....but honestly I don't understand how any of those other thangs above are violating rights.

It's as if they gotta be defiant and pick apart the 'unintelligent who believe in some mystery in the sky'....that's when I catch feelings. :-\

Yeah some shit can be a little over the top.  But some shit I understand. Im all for the seperation between church and state. I dont understand why the pledge of allegiance is still said in classrooms when it says "under God".  I dont think thats right, when not all children believe in a God.  The Allegiance is ok, because the classes are in America...but the "under God" part isnt right. Or even the fact that our money says "In God We Trust".  I dont see how thats right either.  Neither of those two hurt me personally, but if our Pledge of Allegiance said "without God" you can best believe every religious person out there would be in an uproar over it and would think it wasnt right for their children to have to say it every morning. Down here thers been an ongoing battle over whether or not to keep a cross up that is public property.  Its been there forever, but I can see why some people get bothered. Not just Athiest, but anyone who doesnt use a cross as a symbol for their religion.  Best believe if it were a Star of David, there woulda been swastikas spray painted all over it by now...

Becuz at the same time, the world was built on religion. And America was built on Christianity. Organized law or modern laws that we follow today, however you wanna word it, we follow, based on thou shalt not murder...the way Sunday feels....we all know bout the Sabbath and from across the country, don't the majority of us eat earlier and rest and department stores were closed and some that still...or close early....somethang as simple as that formed outta a Bible and yet....from even a simpler sneeze....Easter...Christmas.....I just find it crazy how our everyday lives is based around somethang and...mannnnn I don't know.

Shit's hard...becuz I like the fact of saying 'under God'...but I get where you coming from...but see that's cuz of my belief....but I DO wanna respect everybody's crazy....I got the influence of my Grandmother talkin' about how she thinks prayer should be back in I'm like confused to how people don't like the 'one nation under God' reference.

I understand the rights of everybody, but I ain't feeling these modern times. Some shit is ridiculous.

Under the separation of church and state law, we 'ain't' allowed to TALK about The Bible but yet in science class we LEARN about evolution. Of course, when I was in High School, niggas always brought up and the girls always brought up The Bible in History class and shit becuz of a lil of the majority was a certain But I see the suburban folks gettin' all touchy and they start filing this lawsuit and removing this from the class, and start protesting this's all wack. Cuz than after that it starts hittin' our areas and now we affected...and that ain't right, imo.

In our elementary schools, we used to have religion classes after school was let out. And of course some boarding suburb got rid of it in they schools, had a lawsuit and now they gon try to take it to the city. Get the fuck outta here, ya'll ain't even from here. You know? That's the type of shit that's pisses me off. Ain't no Jewish parent or Muslim parent had a problem with it, becuz it was Christian, they just DIDN'T send they kids there...but the Atheists got a problem..what the fuck?


Re: atheism
« Reply #121 on: August 23, 2009, 10:42:39 AM »
scientist couldnt completely prove the bible wrong, and they cant completely prove the big bang theory right.

true enough. But religion deals largely with a subject that people are too afraid of to admit that they dont know the answer.  Anything else you would look at logically and not believe it until it is proven to you.  To use the example I used earlier, a scientist couldnt PROVE to you that there are not invisible rats running around your room right now.  Is that a reason to believe they are there?
daygo... hommie... you're confusing me... can you explain that better

What Im saying is that there are alot of people who are too afraid to simply say they dont know what happens after death. Its scary to a lot of people to not know, or to think that when we die...its over completely.  That same fear can make a typically logical person think illogically.  They rationalize an argument that would not apply to any other similar set of circumstances.  They say that its ok to believe in God and Heaven and Hell, etc. because although you can not prove its also cant prove its not true.  The same could be said for my example of the invisible rats.  I could tell you they are there and they protect you and have a master plan for what will happen in all of our lives....and you cant prove to me that they arent. The fact that you cant prove to me that they ARENT there isnt a good enough reason to believe that they are....its illogical.  Same with the idea of an invisible man in the sky that watches over us. IMO.
look lots of people such as yourself... you make logical sense with stuff like that...
however i still choose to believe that God is a higher power... and it just makes my life easier...
all my family since 301 have been CHRISTIANS

Thats cool.  Im not tryin to convince you to NOT believe in God or your religion.  The way I look at things is, whatever makes you better as a it.  If you believed in a pet rock...but for some reason you were a better person for it, do that shit.  I think for some people, religion or their belief in God helps them...for some, it hurts them.  Likewise, my belief that organized religion is full of shit doesnt hurt me.  There could be a "God" or there could not be...none of us know.

See that's all good.

However..atheists be tryin' to convince or push out their beliefs in various forms too.

When they start tryin' to take OUR rights AWAY, to claim and protect their 'rights', by doing stupid shit, is when I have a lil problem. Like for example. Atheists wanted to remove the manger off The Green at Christmas time becuz they said it violated their rights. Can someone please explain that? Here's a real good one. A CA suburb removed The Bill Of Rights outta the classroom becuz it was 'spiritually misguiding'. That is HISTORY. What in the fuck. Mind baffling. What is next? Christmas carols banned from department stores. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, what's it to you? How is these simplistic actions hurting you? You know what I'm sayin'? If they preachin' and pushin' religion to try to convert you, than thats another a man with a Bible standing in front of K-Mart on Christmas Eve...or somethang along those lines...ya know shit like that....but honestly I don't understand how any of those other thangs above are violating rights.

It's as if they gotta be defiant and pick apart the 'unintelligent who believe in some mystery in the sky'....that's when I catch feelings. :-\

Yeah some shit can be a little over the top.  But some shit I understand. Im all for the seperation between church and state. I dont understand why the pledge of allegiance is still said in classrooms when it says "under God".  I dont think thats right, when not all children believe in a God.  The Allegiance is ok, because the classes are in America...but the "under God" part isnt right. Or even the fact that our money says "In God We Trust".  I dont see how thats right either.  Neither of those two hurt me personally, but if our Pledge of Allegiance said "without God" you can best believe every religious person out there would be in an uproar over it and would think it wasnt right for their children to have to say it every morning. Down here thers been an ongoing battle over whether or not to keep a cross up that is public property.  Its been there forever, but I can see why some people get bothered. Not just Athiest, but anyone who doesnt use a cross as a symbol for their religion.  Best believe if it were a Star of David, there woulda been swastikas spray painted all over it by now...

Becuz at the same time, the world was built on religion. And America was built on Christianity. Organized law or modern laws that we follow today, however you wanna word it, we follow, based on thou shalt not murder...the way Sunday feels....we all know bout the Sabbath and from across the country, don't the majority of us eat earlier and rest and department stores were closed and some that still...or close early....somethang as simple as that formed outta a Bible and yet....from even a simpler sneeze....Easter...Christmas.....I just find it crazy how our everyday lives is based around somethang and...mannnnn I don't know.

Shit's hard...becuz I like the fact of saying 'under God'...but I get where you coming from...but see that's cuz of my belief....but I DO wanna respect everybody's crazy....I got the influence of my Grandmother talkin' about how she thinks prayer should be back in I'm like confused to how people don't like the 'one nation under God' reference.

I understand the rights of everybody, but I ain't feeling these modern times. Some shit is ridiculous.

Under the separation of church and state law, we 'ain't' allowed to TALK about The Bible but yet in science class we LEARN about evolution. Of course, when I was in High School, niggas always brought up and the girls always brought up The Bible in History class and shit becuz of a lil of the majority was a certain But I see the suburban folks gettin' all touchy and they start filing this lawsuit and removing this from the class, and start protesting this's all wack. Cuz than after that it starts hittin' our areas and now we affected...and that ain't right, imo.

In our elementary schools, we used to have religion classes after school was let out. And of course some boarding suburb got rid of it in they schools, had a lawsuit and now they gon try to take it to the city. Get the fuck outta here, ya'll ain't even from here. You know? That's the type of shit that's pisses me off. Ain't no Jewish parent or Muslim parent had a problem with it, becuz it was Christian, they just DIDN'T send they kids there...but the Atheists got a problem..what the fuck?

Thing is, there are a lot of things throughout history that will change as time goes on.  You can say this country was built on Christianity...but what does that mean?  It was also built on murder and slavery.  I dont necessarily think that our morals in regards to murder, etc are because of the Bible.  A completely uncontacted tribe in the middle of the rain forest more then likely has rules against killing eachother. As far as evolution in school, you can prove that things on this earth evolve, its pretty clear.  If you could not prove it, it wouldnt be taught.  Teaching evolution is not the same as supporting Athiesm.  I think there are some religious people who have looked at the scientific facts and rather then going head on against them....embrace them and still use their religion or belief in God as a way to better themselves.  Taking phrases such as "under God" or "In God We Trust" out of the Pledge or our money doesnt give any more power to Athiest (again, that would only be if it were changed to "without God", etc).  It just keeps things nuetral for people who might believe in ANYthing. I know what u mean about not wantin people from outside your area to be able to have an effect on your school, etc. But in reality, that shit will ALWAYS happen.  I live in Southern Cali, and a court case on the other side of the country could have an effect on our laws, or whatever...u know? 
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: atheism
« Reply #122 on: August 23, 2009, 07:14:35 PM »
scientist couldnt completely prove the bible wrong, and they cant completely prove the big bang theory right.

true enough. But religion deals largely with a subject that people are too afraid of to admit that they dont know the answer.  Anything else you would look at logically and not believe it until it is proven to you.  To use the example I used earlier, a scientist couldnt PROVE to you that there are not invisible rats running around your room right now.  Is that a reason to believe they are there?
daygo... hommie... you're confusing me... can you explain that better

What Im saying is that there are alot of people who are too afraid to simply say they dont know what happens after death. Its scary to a lot of people to not know, or to think that when we die...its over completely.  That same fear can make a typically logical person think illogically.  They rationalize an argument that would not apply to any other similar set of circumstances.  They say that its ok to believe in God and Heaven and Hell, etc. because although you can not prove its also cant prove its not true.  The same could be said for my example of the invisible rats.  I could tell you they are there and they protect you and have a master plan for what will happen in all of our lives....and you cant prove to me that they arent. The fact that you cant prove to me that they ARENT there isnt a good enough reason to believe that they are....its illogical.  Same with the idea of an invisible man in the sky that watches over us. IMO.
look lots of people such as yourself... you make logical sense with stuff like that...
however i still choose to believe that God is a higher power... and it just makes my life easier...
all my family since 301 have been CHRISTIANS

Thats cool.  Im not tryin to convince you to NOT believe in God or your religion.  The way I look at things is, whatever makes you better as a it.  If you believed in a pet rock...but for some reason you were a better person for it, do that shit.  I think for some people, religion or their belief in God helps them...for some, it hurts them.  Likewise, my belief that organized religion is full of shit doesnt hurt me.  There could be a "God" or there could not be...none of us know.

that pet rocc thing is a good's simple placebo effect. niggas think and niggas believe they will feel better and if they truly believe it then chances are it's working out for them. but that dont make 'em a better person and it certainly dont make it right. because when it comes down to it all they doing is lying to themselves. wanna be delusional or not?. you may think that pet rocc done cured your headaches but in reality it never did shit for you. it just took your mind of the real problem. like them stupid muthafuccas who believe in the power of prayer and refuse to go to the doctor. where they at?. you know where they at. they're competing with lights' mother in the 2009 olympics of rotting flesh.


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Re: atheism
« Reply #123 on: August 23, 2009, 09:12:53 PM »
Crazy world.


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Re: atheism
« Reply #124 on: August 25, 2009, 07:38:22 AM »

The Phoenix

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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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The Phoenix

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Re: atheism
« Reply #131 on: September 01, 2009, 10:59:09 AM »
lol yall are silly ;) :)

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: atheism
« Reply #132 on: September 08, 2009, 11:45:03 PM »
atheism, so nothing exploded into nothing for no reason and something turned into something from nothing to create the dinosaurs, makes total sense

So just because our knowledge hasn't increased to the level where we can know for sure how the universe was created, means that it must've been created by an all-powerful being who is watching over us, yet not showing itself. And this all powerful being cares about each and every one of us and watches over us, but it won't lift a finger when our lives are going to shit. That's what my parents told me, PLUS there's a book written about it. That must be the answer.

At least the people who lived thousands of years ago had an excuse....they were idiots who didn't know anything and would believe anything you told them.

The problem with man is that we are so desperate for answers that we will make them up, just to give ourselves peace of mind.


The Phoenix

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Re: atheism
« Reply #133 on: September 09, 2009, 04:58:16 AM »
atheism, so nothing exploded into nothing for no reason and something turned into something from nothing to create the dinosaurs, makes total sense

So just because our knowledge hasn't increased to the level where we can know for sure how the universe was created, means that it must've been created by an all-powerful being who is watching over us, yet not showing itself. And this all powerful being cares about each and every one of us and watches over us, but it won't lift a finger when our lives are going to shit. That's what my parents told me, PLUS there's a book written about it. That must be the answer.

At least the people who lived thousands of years ago had an excuse....they were idiots who didn't know anything and would believe anything you told them.

The problem with man is that we are so desperate for answers that we will make them up, just to give ourselves peace of mind.

Real Talk!
Time for a change...bring it!