Author Topic: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy  (Read 928 times)

Kool Beenz

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Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« on: September 18, 2009, 02:20:28 PM »
started off as an interview but turned out to more of a conversation lol

AdamTheDude04 (3:44:42 PM): whats up bundy
BIG NASTY WCC (3:44:46 PM): what's good ag
BIG NASTY WCC (3:45:01 PM): i'm fuckin starving
BIG NASTY WCC (3:45:03 PM): no homo
AdamTheDude04 (3:45:04 PM): chillin enjoying the day
AdamTheDude04 (3:45:17 PM): lets kick this interview off with your real name
BIG NASTY WCC (3:45:27 PM): my names michael
AdamTheDude04 (3:45:40 PM): ok where do you reside at
BIG NASTY WCC (3:45:46 PM): huntington beach, cali
AdamTheDude04 (3:45:56 PM): is that close to LA
BIG NASTY WCC (3:46:04 PM): somewhat like a 30 min drive
BIG NASTY WCC (3:46:07 PM): i'm closer to long beach
AdamTheDude04 (3:46:23 PM): when are you going raving?
BIG NASTY WCC (3:46:35 PM): LOL i've never been to one.
BIG NASTY WCC (3:46:45 PM): the idea of dropping that amount of money is retarded
AdamTheDude04 (3:46:54 PM): would you honestly pay 70 for a ticket?
BIG NASTY WCC (3:47:01 PM): hell no
BIG NASTY WCC (3:47:07 PM): i'd get some beezy to pay for it out of pocket
AdamTheDude04 (3:47:53 PM): were you really playing pokemon while Loon3y was blitzed off chronic  at his grandparents funerals
BIG NASTY WCC (3:48:34 PM): fuck man i had like three mewtwos back in the day
BIG NASTY WCC (3:48:45 PM): i used to be a nerd in middle school haha
AdamTheDude04 (3:48:56 PM): word
AdamTheDude04 (3:49:08 PM): who is your favorite poster at the dub and why?
BIG NASTY WCC (3:49:37 PM): depends.. we got the homies who drop knowledge on the regular like d-nice
BIG NASTY WCC (3:49:50 PM): we got people who make me laugh my ass off like sikotic, jaydc, agizzle
BIG NASTY WCC (3:50:29 PM): but like my favorite poster is hack wilson. he's so fucking crazy
AdamTheDude04 (3:50:59 PM): would you dick down floydness?
AdamTheDude04 (3:51:07 PM): just to give her some new type of dick and better self esteem
BIG NASTY WCC (3:51:27 PM): no offense she gets shitted on dubcc but she's a nice girl she just needs to learn that the internet doesn't like her. but nah she's not my type
AdamTheDude04 (3:52:14 PM): whats your type
AdamTheDude04 (3:52:32 PM): id fuck her but id think she would talk to much afterwards
AdamTheDude04 (3:52:38 PM): and i would have to tell her to shut the fuck up
BIG NASTY WCC (3:52:43 PM): i'm more into those girly girls
AdamTheDude04 (3:52:44 PM): then her feelings would get hurt
BIG NASTY WCC (3:52:55 PM): like dresses and heels and shit
BIG NASTY WCC (3:52:59 PM): top notch hoes
AdamTheDude04 (3:53:06 PM): yeah they get the most not the lesser
AdamTheDude04 (3:53:09 PM): but in anyways
AdamTheDude04 (3:53:28 PM): Grundy pussied out on a fight with NIK whats your whole take on that
BIG NASTY WCC (3:53:39 PM): grundy is a grade a bitch
AdamTheDude04 (3:53:39 PM): i mean its going down in dubcc history forever
BIG NASTY WCC (3:53:56 PM): how the fuck can you talk so much shit and then drive 8 hours to LA just to puss out?
BIG NASTY WCC (3:54:05 PM): i can understand i heard he's some short chubby fruitcake
BIG NASTY WCC (3:54:09 PM): but he talks mad shit on dubcc
BIG NASTY WCC (3:54:17 PM): so he deserves getting clowned on
BIG NASTY WCC (3:54:50 PM): i mean they wanted to knuckle up and then they played basketball?
BIG NASTY WCC (3:55:07 PM): idk we'll never get the real full story
AdamTheDude04 (3:55:42 PM): yeah
BIG NASTY WCC (3:55:50 PM): fuck grundy
AdamTheDude04 (3:56:00 PM): do you think Lights and Roccy are retarded
BIG NASTY WCC (3:56:09 PM): you know roccy finally called me back
BIG NASTY WCC (3:56:18 PM): and he wouldn't tell me his name for like 5 minutes into the conversation
AdamTheDude04 (3:56:23 PM): lmao
BIG NASTY WCC (3:56:31 PM): he was like come out to LA and smoke a bleez
BIG NASTY WCC (3:56:37 PM): i'm like okay cop who the fuck are you?
BIG NASTY WCC (3:56:44 PM): lol
BIG NASTY WCC (3:57:08 PM): idk if they're truely retarded.. lights has made some off the wall threads
BIG NASTY WCC (3:57:11 PM): and roccy is like niks bodyguard
AdamTheDude04 (3:57:48 PM): why has your karma gone down so much?
AdamTheDude04 (3:57:55 PM): your a cool laid back guy
BIG NASTY WCC (3:57:57 PM): elaine & hack wilson i presume
BIG NASTY WCC (3:58:06 PM): i have a habit on calling people out on their bullshit
AdamTheDude04 (3:58:22 PM): probably
BIG NASTY WCC (3:58:50 PM): you know what i'm talking about. elaine can barely make a coherent sentence
BIG NASTY WCC (3:58:57 PM): and hack wilson is hanging off of crooked i's ballsack
AdamTheDude04 (3:59:01 PM): true
AdamTheDude04 (3:59:09 PM): lets get on the subject of college
BIG NASTY WCC (3:59:13 PM): word
AdamTheDude04 (3:59:15 PM): the hoes man the hoes
AdamTheDude04 (3:59:18 PM): you can never have enough
BIG NASTY WCC (3:59:23 PM): the hoes are good
BIG NASTY WCC (3:59:28 PM): i got a fresh batch this semester
BIG NASTY WCC (3:59:30 PM): i'm lovin it
AdamTheDude04 (3:59:41 PM): hell yeah never a shortage
BIG NASTY WCC (3:59:43 PM): i'm taking a break with my girlfriend so i got some hoes lined up
AdamTheDude04 (3:59:54 PM): only if Roccy could get his head out of his ass and try it for once maybe he would go somewhere
BIG NASTY WCC (4:00:14 PM): roccy looks fucking ghostly weird in his rave pics
BIG NASTY WCC (4:00:24 PM): with his big googly eyes and pacifier
AdamTheDude04 (4:00:27 PM): yeah like hardcore retarded
AdamTheDude04 (4:00:37 PM): with his mouth open all cracked out
BIG NASTY WCC (4:00:50 PM): i don't understand why people haven't called them out on those pics where there is like middle school kids raving with them
BIG NASTY WCC (4:01:05 PM): like for real you're grown and you're hangin with prepubscent bitches
AdamTheDude04 (4:01:10 PM): lmao
BIG NASTY WCC (4:01:23 PM): not even cute ones that pass for high school
BIG NASTY WCC (4:01:27 PM): ugly little ginger kids
AdamTheDude04 (4:01:41 PM): and not to forget how floyd praises extacy like its the greatest invention ever
BIG NASTY WCC (4:01:48 PM): man fuck thizz for real
BIG NASTY WCC (4:01:53 PM): unless you're making it, fuck it
BIG NASTY WCC (4:02:08 PM): i never had a thizz dealer i could trust until recently so i can get mollies
AdamTheDude04 (4:02:24 PM): floyd one time told me everytime she sees Princes bald head it reminds her to clean her dildo
BIG NASTY WCC (4:02:27 PM): but i hated not knowing what was in my pill i.e. meth, pcp, whatever
BIG NASTY WCC (4:02:41 PM): prince took the L when he announced he couldn't handle the internet
BIG NASTY WCC (4:02:55 PM): a mission accomplished banner went up after he posted that thread
AdamTheDude04 (4:03:08 PM): how do you feel on bananas punking out to Loon3y?
AdamTheDude04 (4:03:17 PM): and would you fight Loon3y and his rat pack of goons?
BIG NASTY WCC (4:03:19 PM): he got punked by looney?
BIG NASTY WCC (4:03:20 PM): damn
AdamTheDude04 (4:03:37 PM): well not in real life but he bitched out of a fight
BIG NASTY WCC (4:03:42 PM): i don't have beef with him but he needs to stop fronting
BIG NASTY WCC (4:03:53 PM): looney is like fuck you meet me in the 818 we got kuuuuuush
BIG NASTY WCC (4:04:09 PM): and he's stuck in some quasi 96 westside connection lifestyle
AdamTheDude04 (4:04:22 PM): i think he acts that way because his insecurities of his small ass centimeter dick
BIG NASTY WCC (4:04:41 PM): in my psych 165 class we learned about those small dicks. their scientific name is micropenis
BIG NASTY WCC (4:04:46 PM): no homo
BIG NASTY WCC (4:05:02 PM): remember that next time he calls you out
AdamTheDude04 (4:05:10 PM): Sikotic... the greatest internet poster ever?
BIG NASTY WCC (4:05:20 PM): one of the best posters on dubcc hands down
BIG NASTY WCC (4:05:26 PM): he held me down no homo when seer banned me
BIG NASTY WCC (4:05:32 PM): we had a free al bundy movement
AdamTheDude04 (4:05:44 PM): i remember that but i wasnt too active around then
AdamTheDude04 (4:05:51 PM): that was when dubcc was at its lowest
BIG NASTY WCC (4:05:52 PM): i told overseer to eat a dick
BIG NASTY WCC (4:06:08 PM): i got my account deleted and ip ban
BIG NASTY WCC (4:06:08 PM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (4:06:32 PM): but luckily with help of jay, muhfukka, the return of roccy and the leaked pics of floyd and sikotic coming to the dark side resurrected the fun of the dubcc
BIG NASTY WCC (4:06:53 PM): dubcc is hilarious
BIG NASTY WCC (4:07:02 PM): just the nik clowning is enough
AdamTheDude04 (4:07:05 PM): yeah overseer was always a dick i just keep it in good terms with him because he will ban my ass
AdamTheDude04 (4:07:09 PM): i know
AdamTheDude04 (4:07:24 PM): only in dubcc will you find someone to drive 7 hours to fight someone
BIG NASTY WCC (4:07:28 PM): NIK is so ignorant to the fact that like 90% of the posters on the dub think he's retarded
BIG NASTY WCC (4:07:43 PM): but that he has "nutriders"
BIG NASTY WCC (4:07:49 PM): how long has he had that phrase?
AdamTheDude04 (4:08:04 PM): since like 2001
AdamTheDude04 (4:08:05 PM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (4:08:17 PM): but see NIK goes way back he wants people to hate him
AdamTheDude04 (4:08:31 PM): he knows the shit he says pisses people off thats why he does it
AdamTheDude04 (4:08:41 PM): he has been the most hated since 2001
BIG NASTY WCC (4:08:47 PM): i find it funny that he truely believes that muhfukka is racist
BIG NASTY WCC (4:08:52 PM): it's so fucking obvious
BIG NASTY WCC (4:09:04 PM): dude pisses off nik just by his presence
AdamTheDude04 (4:09:27 PM): floyd told me that NIK is a real cool guy to chill with
AdamTheDude04 (4:09:32 PM): in real life
AdamTheDude04 (4:09:38 PM): but he is a typical jew
AdamTheDude04 (4:09:45 PM): like he thinks he is always right and stuff like that
BIG NASTY WCC (4:09:57 PM): not to diss nik but get a new wardrobe
BIG NASTY WCC (4:10:10 PM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (4:10:11 PM): lmao
AdamTheDude04 (4:10:18 PM): oh shit thats the funniest shit tho
BIG NASTY WCC (4:10:36 PM): the only people i know who really dress up in laker shit are straight beaners
AdamTheDude04 (4:10:38 PM): like i mean i really dont know anyone who such a fanatic of a team that thats all they wear
AdamTheDude04 (4:10:50 PM): yeah same here
BIG NASTY WCC (4:10:56 PM): ive seen like two pictures where he wore something different
AdamTheDude04 (4:10:57 PM): but they are cowboys/spurs fans
BIG NASTY WCC (4:11:08 PM): but TWO? out of like the thousands of fucked up rave pictures
AdamTheDude04 (4:11:13 PM): lmao
BIG NASTY WCC (4:11:36 PM): that weird spiderman picture and the picture of him hugging a then skinny floyd
AdamTheDude04 (4:11:54 PM): oh you mean his crazy crab picture
BIG NASTY WCC (4:12:04 PM): LOL yeah
AdamTheDude04 (4:12:08 PM): i think bananas leaked that pic
AdamTheDude04 (4:12:12 PM): hes a good poster also
BIG NASTY WCC (4:12:21 PM): i think he's under rated
BIG NASTY WCC (4:12:30 PM): he needs to stop deleting his accounts so much
AdamTheDude04 (4:12:40 PM): he is i  didnt want him kicked out of dope but hey its business at the end of the day
AdamTheDude04 (4:12:49 PM): and dude shouldnt have bitched out with looney but its all good
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:02 PM): if anyone meets up on dubcc there needs to be proof
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:06 PM): i've met up with rik and tanj
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:08 PM): two cool ass dudes
AdamTheDude04 (4:13:24 PM): yeah imma go to LA one day when i do me and sik gonna get fucked up
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:34 PM): fa sho
AdamTheDude04 (4:13:36 PM): and i may smoke a bleez with nik
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:39 PM): hahaha
AdamTheDude04 (4:13:49 PM): and smoke a bleez with lights to see how really retareded he is
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:51 PM): he might want to play a round of basketball
BIG NASTY WCC (4:13:56 PM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (4:14:00 PM): dude will call me out of no where and just start rambling on about life experience
BIG NASTY WCC (4:14:14 PM): he got so mad when i made that thread
AdamTheDude04 (4:14:15 PM): or text me like "hey what are you doing tonight dogg"
AdamTheDude04 (4:14:26 PM): im like wtf dude texts me like we are gonna hang out
BIG NASTY WCC (4:14:27 PM): you live like a thousand miles away
AdamTheDude04 (4:14:37 PM): i know
AdamTheDude04 (4:15:13 PM): what do you think happened between floyd and nik?
AdamTheDude04 (4:15:20 PM): i sense tention that i never sensed before
BIG NASTY WCC (4:15:23 PM): he couldn't please her anymore
BIG NASTY WCC (4:15:29 PM): the same laker dick every night?
BIG NASTY WCC (4:15:33 PM): i'd bounce too
AdamTheDude04 (4:15:44 PM): but shes never even fucked anyone else besides him
BIG NASTY WCC (4:15:52 PM): damn
BIG NASTY WCC (4:15:55 PM): she needs some life experience
AdamTheDude04 (4:16:00 PM): thats what im saying
BIG NASTY WCC (4:16:05 PM): and i dont mean fucking lights
BIG NASTY WCC (4:16:07 PM): that doesn't count
AdamTheDude04 (4:16:11 PM): she is so sexual fustrated that it fustrates me
BIG NASTY WCC (4:16:18 PM): lmao
AdamTheDude04 (4:16:23 PM): and i get pussy ATEALST twice a week
BIG NASTY WCC (4:16:35 PM): she's not really ugly she could get some dick
AdamTheDude04 (4:16:53 PM): lol
AdamTheDude04 (4:16:59 PM): well do you wanna give any shout outs?
BIG NASTY WCC (4:17:58 PM): shoutouts to D.O.P.E. the whole crew, d-nice, lunatic, eazye, vader, quiettruth, gimmeyourshoes, long beach iz active, elaine, grundys fat ass, and floyd i'll bust your chops if you need some dick
BIG NASTY WCC (4:18:06 PM): oh and town bidness and ebk my cuddies
AdamTheDude04 (4:18:42 PM): aight well imma post this up and its prolly gonna turn out to be 3-4 pages of the LAMB niggas and floyd defending themselves
BIG NASTY WCC (4:18:50 PM): word
AdamTheDude04 (4:18:52 PM): and mayber an extra 2 pages if looney shows up lmao
AdamTheDude04 (4:18:55 PM): ill holla
BIG NASTY WCC (4:19:02 PM): aite my nignog
BIG NASTY WCC (4:19:04 PM): get at me
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 02:23:21 PM by A. Geesta'z »

Al Bundy

Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 02:25:34 PM »


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Chad Vader

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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2009, 02:30:33 PM »

Cali Climate

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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2009, 02:41:05 PM »


Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2009, 03:22:35 PM »
youre never coming to LA ag, stfu.

and al bundy, let me know when your down for that bleez

how it really goes down..


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2009, 03:34:26 PM »
AG + Bundy= Classic   8)
Props on the shout out cuddy no homo
are you people that dumb and
Tuff one...but quik is up there...put it on me is classic imo and on some detox lethal>>dj quik....rza>>premo.....dre>>>quik....rza=dre....dre, rza, quik, dj lethal>>>>>timberland, rockwielder, EIMINEM, mannie fresh

Al Bundy

Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2009, 03:51:12 PM »
youre never coming to LA ag, stfu.

and al bundy, let me know when your down for that bleez

fa sho

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2009, 08:34:56 PM »
lol, good interview
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2009, 01:54:00 AM »
Good shit.Even though we have different tastes in hip hop Bundy is like me,he can have a conversation about an artist without being one sided and riding nuts as nik would say.Plus hes funny.

Kool Beenz

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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2009, 01:57:20 AM »
yeah bundy is cool

i think i may have had beef with him for like 2 days the shortage beef i ever had


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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2009, 01:58:40 AM »
Thanks for the shout-out. :cheers:
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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2009, 02:00:20 AM »
Appreciate the shoutout Bundy.


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Re: Exclusive Dubcc Interview with Al Bundy
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2009, 02:12:47 AM »
but fuck gucci mane