Author Topic: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati  (Read 610 times)

M Dogg™

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Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« on: October 07, 2009, 10:23:53 PM »
Look, I know that there are a good number who hate the government, you go to your tea parties before they were cool and think that most all the government is too big. So for you to distrust Obama is natural. I also know that you mostly associate big government as a plot to further the goal of a New World Order. I'm here to tell you this is not true. Well his not exactly standing up to the people that are truly holding power, he is not exactly bending to their will. If you notice, once the true left gets more involved in the subject, he goes more and more into what his base wants. Now most his base is the left that had a huge mistrust in the government and hoped for change. Obama is delivering change, it's not coming fast enough, but it's getting there. The problem is his not handling thing fast enough, and this is getting people frustrated.

Now lets get to some evidence. Reasons Obama is NOT NWO.

people go out and publicly talk about assassinating Obama. Officials like Michele Bachmann to commentators like Glenn Beck have talked about even possibly over throwing the government and taking up arms to fight against Obama. News papers ran by people who are known NWO are giving Obama warnings...

And millions are being spent by the people who are so use to running things, that Obama threatens them. They are now filling town halls, and tea parties and rallies all in the name of opposition to Obama and his socialist movement. We need to wake up. When people protest, they protest the president, you don't have thousands of people wanting his death. You don't have such crazy signs and heated charge unless the NWO actually triggered it themselves. He wants to talk to kids and people are afraid of what he'll say. The level of hate against him is stronger than Bush had, or any president not named Nixon since Hoover left office. Once Obama goes against anything the establishment fills is important to them, you have a strong opposition that's filled with hate and death threats.



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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 10:24:31 AM »
You haven't explained how he is not bending to their will? as for that group of white supremacists it is so keen to highlight, intent is one thing, a plan, a real executable plan is another. Either you intended to make this a constructive thread, or your only defence is that he has received lots of threats?

Perhaps you might care to elaborate on what he is doing policy wise which is proof that he isn't just a lap dog...if you can't provide that proof, or illustrate real constructive examples, then your only retort is the threats. if the latter is your response and your response only, then the cartoon depicted as assasinated president could simply be a psy op designed to tell you that despite looking as if he is going along, he is really fighting against them. no?

Furthermore I disagree, that this is socialism, progressive leftists, question this title since so much of what has been done is synonymous with corporatism. The socialist aspect of that, to many peoples eyes is just a veil and a veil created to spark factional fighting between the right and the left.

When known NWO figures are bringing up real issues to attack Obama with, it has a 2 pronged effect it keeps them relevant, but it also diminishes in the eyes of democrat supporters the validity of those words, of those real issues because it's Fox saying them and Fox are the enemy to them.

OR it underlines that the NWO whilst united in their goals is split on who will rule, so there are a couple of competing factions, one of which has Obama as it's centre piece. However I have nothing against Obama really, since he is just being appointed as the one to throw darts at, when really, he is not the brains of the operation. He might be an intelligent person, but he isn't the key mover and shaker. The banks can make or break a country, now that is real power

On his first days of presidency, he gave the go ahead to bomb Pakistan, he has publicly said there is no commitment to reducing troop numbers in Afghanistan, indeed he has promised the U.S Army will have some 70,000 new troops soon.

Therefore he is continuing the NWO War on Terror,
Him and congress have basically handed over executive powers to a private entity in the Federal Reserve
He has gone further than even George Bush by proposing to lock people up before they have commited a crime
He has given trillions of tax payer to the banks, effectively hundreds of years of GDP gone in one fell swoop
He has not repealed the military commissions act
He has not repealed the patriot act
He is proposing to completely blur the line between the media and government, by giving the media giants bailouts on condition that they become "educational centres".
He is allowing the derivatives to continue
It turns out that he hasn't really stopped extraordinary rendition flights

I will respond some more after a response
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 10:53:43 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 10:35:44 AM »
Explain to me how he's not serving the banks again M-Dogg?


Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 11:39:31 AM »
obama is not a puppet? that's a relief to know, cause i coulda swore he was just a liberal, smarter version of george bush.

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 12:26:28 PM »
If there is a secret society controlling the country and Obama is a part of that society, then his health care proposal should be getting passed with no problems. Whats the holdup?

Cali Climate

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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2009, 12:32:34 PM »
Obama is Harvey Dent. Ahmadinejad is the joker.


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2009, 01:59:05 PM »
Obama is Harvey Dent. Ahmadinejad is the joker.

Sorry but that makes very little sense, since the latter is hardly a puppet master and as for Harvey Dent, well he only went bad at the end but prior to that was fighting the bad guys, so I hope you are saying this tongue in cheek lol

Cali Climate

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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2009, 02:05:48 PM »
Obama is Harvey Dent. Ahmadinejad is the joker.

Sorry but that makes very little sense, since the latter is hardly a puppet master and as for Harvey Dent, well he only went bad at the end but prior to that was fighting the bad guys, so I hope you are saying this tongue in cheek lol

Yeah I was just responding to the flyer republicans put out. I don''t think there's any batman correlation at all.


Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2009, 12:34:01 AM »
the banks >>>>>> governments

when will people get this through there thick skulls? why dont people understand this? the banks hold the POWER, absoloute FACT. the politicians are owend by the banks period. i dont know what it will take for people to understand this, it dosent matter who the president is, black, white green it dont make a blind bit of difference. different faces same plans and movements. maybe its easier to push through certain agendas with a more accessible and liberal president? has anybody thought about that?

prime example here in england like everywhere else in the world the banking system has just about collapsed and is on its knees due to over spending and ridiculous ammounts of debt, yet we have the WORLD governemnts tewlling us that the best way to kick start the economy again is to BORROW MORE MONEY!!!! yep thats right the best answers the people we have elected have come up with to stop this rot is for everyone to borrow more, to take us right back where we came from and the problem in the first place. Does nobody see the game and the motive in that? shit pathetic, some people really are brain dead.


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2009, 06:08:18 PM »
obama is not a puppet? that's a relief to know, cause i coulda swore he was just a liberal, smarter version of george bush.

M Dogg™

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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2009, 06:01:55 AM »
See... what I don't get is that there is actual threats to Obama. His a president who started out in trouble, and not even because his black. He wasn't in office a couple of weeks and then everyone was calling him communist, there's a birthers movement, people basically are making Obama to be evil, when in fact it's the people above pulling he strings. His going against the grain, and the only way you'll believe that is if his taken out. That's kind of sad, you guys aren't looking for a leader, you guys are looking for a martyr.


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2009, 07:08:34 AM »

The people above him are pulling his strings yes, but he is appointed as the figurehead. You can't have it both ways, in praising him but then saying you shouldn't blame him for the ill doings within the wider world. That is the purpose of appointed a figurehead and as for the label of communist, it's quite apparent if you look at the way the world is moving, that it's going to be a fusion between communism and corporate takeover. As much as I hate what is happening, I don't even really wish ill on the ones at the top. Now as for whether his life is indeed under threat or not, it seems you simply just want to ignore my response above. Since you have not wished to address what he has actually done? since you don't, let me give you another possibility why his life is under threat. Perhaps it's because if they do take him out, then the response will be so savage that a civil war will interrupt and using that pretext they can then fully install a military dictatorship which the people will be begging for. However if the latter is true and Obama's life is really under threat, then since this is so from him doing nothing to reverse the status quo, then he might as well become a renegade and actually try and take back America. I am just trying to look at it from all possible angles and weigh up the possibilities. However when they inflate the story of a group of racists wishing to kill the president as a major shock, then that is clearly hyping things up. They did not have the man power to do it, certainly not the brains to do it, certainly not the logistical plan to do. Usually when these threats arrive whether it's some black people in chicago claiming to be down with al queda lol, or these white idiots, the people involved are usually borderline retarded. So they can run their mouth off and claim they are going to do this, they are going to do that, but in reality they are just some delusional simpletons.


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2009, 07:24:37 AM »
See... what I don't get is that there is actual threats to Obama. His a president who started out in trouble, and not even because his black. He wasn't in office a couple of weeks and then everyone was calling him communist, there's a birthers movement, people basically are making Obama to be evil, when in fact it's the people above pulling he strings. His going against the grain, and the only way you'll believe that is if his taken out. That's kind of sad, you guys aren't looking for a leader, you guys are looking for a martyr.

There has always been threats, only different now Crazy Mother Fuckers want him taken out cause he supposedly stands for some sorta "racial progress". Its all Media bred bullshit and you're buying into it. Going Against The Grain? On what??? Because of Gitmo??? Place is still open.  You just don't want to believe that he's the same as all the others. We aren't even looking for a Martyr, we are looking for someone who isn't bullshit. Hell I'd just tear down all goverment if I could, but since I can't, Mother Fuckers need 2 be watched. JFK actually dismantled the CIA and was planning on Uncovering a multitude of secrets from the CIA and other organizations. Obama's So called "Openness" is a YouTube Account, some website, and a Weekly Address, which is basically a better version of Twitter.

Only reason No one is calling bullshit on him is because his PR is done very well (Way better then bush) and the Media refused to criticize him. Fox only does it cause he is a Democrat,  and there tactics are so shitty its basically not a place to get viable shit from. Then again the Media Never was, but Average Mother Fuckers don't do research, they don't look at every move they do. They just sit there fatass and watch the Media kiss his ass. So they assume oh everything is alright.

You can debate weather or not he is apart of the illumanti, the fact is he is a 38 Mason, was part of Skull and Bones, and pretty much is showing various signs that his control will be harsher then bush.

Don't use Death Threats as a reason not, cause every president has had them, because there is always some crazy fucker out there. Reagen was shot because of Jodie Foster, what makes you think some crazy ass Skinhead doesn't hate the idea of a Half-White-Half-Black president being ahead of of Amerikkka..

Food 4 thought.


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2009, 02:14:51 PM »
Democrats and Republicans serve the same master. All the idiots spewing MSM talking points on either side are blind.


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Re: Why Obama is not part of the Illuminati
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2009, 03:39:31 PM »
I've been wanting to comment on this. Getting new tires so I'm posting from my phone...

Anyway I've went over this b4. I used to believe obama was under the control of the power it illuminati, nwo...whatever.

However, there r signs that point to the fact that he may not be under their control.

First, the neocons hate him vehemently. Mostly because he's got a tan. If he was under neocon control fox news would love him.

The queen of england wanted hillary, when she didn't get the nom, u think she backed obama? Nope backed mccain even though he's a part of their rival faction, the nwo / neocons. That's pretty telling.

Then consider guys like castro, gorbachev speaking favorably of him.

There's also a really crazy story about a 911 widow and another widowed major political activist that had been pushing for a new 911 investigation, had met with obama at the white house about it and supposedly he was considering some things...and then like a week later those ladies were killed in that plane crash in buffalo last year which was the first fatal US commercial jet crash in quite sometime.

Might sound crazy but shit like this happens all the time.