Author Topic: Asoka - Interview 12/09  (Read 70 times)


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Asoka - Interview 12/09
« on: December 14, 2009, 03:01:29 PM »
ASOKA - Exclusive Interview About His New Album: "GOOD TIMES"

TupacNation.Net: Whats up Asoka:, how you been man ?
I've been good man, staying busy. Hectic for the last two years (laughs) I moved to India for a short period of time and that was a mess. I've also been going back and forth from LA to Detroit over the last year, all while recording this album, and it's been a trip man.

TupacNation.Net: You moved back to India?
Yeah man, I had a really good offer and I just couldn't refuse. One of the biggest movie makers in India hand selected a few kids to take under his wing and I was one of them. Acting is great, but I couldn't stay away from the musicAsoka:€¦I had to come back.

TupacNation.Net: Oh wow! So what is this new album called?
Good Times Coming Soon.

TupacNation.Net: How does this new album differ from your last release The Underground Artist?
When I made The Underground Artist I had one thing in mind. And that was to show the world that it's alright to be an unsigned rapper. A lot of people don't take the underground seriously. They think, Asoka:€śOh if he was good, he'd be signed.ť They forget that almost every rapper that's on TV today, no matter who their favorite rapper is, was at one point an underground rapper. It's all a part of the journey.
And if you listen to that album, that's exactly what I did. You got me, an underground rapper, working with Stat Quo who at the time was signed to Shady/Aftermath/Interscope records.
And even though he's not on the label anymore he's in LA right now helping Dr. Dre work on Detox. It doesn't get bigger than that!

TupacNation.Net: Tell about the album.
ASOKA: Good Times Coming Soon is something that every underground rapper, or anyone chasing their dreams for that matter, can relate to. It's about working your way up towards your dreams. And they're close but not quite in reach just yet. And I'm just fed up of waiting. I want the Good Times to be here now. It's almost like when you're a kid and you're waiting for a movie to release. But it keeps on getting pushed back and they don't even have a release date. It just says: Coming Soon.

TupacNation.Net: That's deep. Recently you've had a lot of exposure outside of the traditional hip-hop community. In what ways do you think this has broadened your artistic outlook?
It's a beautiful feeling man. Batman-on-Film, the biggest Batman site in the world, posted my song (editors note: Kingdom of Heaven) up as a tribute to Heath Ledger. I got so many letters from people telling me how much they loved the song and some of these people were people who don't even listen to hip hop.
And I've been working with my boy, Sonjay Dutt, he was on Spike TV's TNA Wrestling and currently wrestles on HDNet for ROH Wrestling. I did his new entrance theme and I never leaked it. Sonjay and I are the only ones in the world who have this track. And I've been getting emails from fans about it, like how do I get it? Where do I find it? (laughs) I threw it on my album as a bonus track so they can cop it now.

TupacNation.Net: Following that up, in what ways has this new audience changed your approach to things?
As far as the music, nothing's changed. Because it just goes to show you that all kinds of people like my music. On the business side of thingsAsoka:€¦its taught me a whole lot. I'm not afraid to venture out anymore, thinking outside of the box to get the music out to the people. The mixtape scene is over saturated and I've been there, done that. Not to say that I'm leaving the mixtape scene or anything but I'm focusing my energy on new ways to get heard.

TupacNation.Net: Obviously 2pac has been a huge influence on your musical career. It must have been a dream come true getting to work with The Outlawz on multiple occasions.
Definitely man! I remember the first time Noble called me, I was sitting there playing Xbox with my friends and I'm like oh shit! It's Young Noble (laughs)! It's a blessing man, I've called up Noble on numerous times just for advice and occasionally just to talk about Pac and his approach on things.
I actually got a track with Fatal on this new album, Good Times Coming Soon, called: Remember. And we're just talking about good times from the past that keep us motivated to see better days in the future. He touches on rapping with Pac on thereAsoka:¦its amazing man.

TupacNation.Net: What do you think of this new breed of Hip-Pop music that is in heavy rotation on radio now?
ASOKA:Sometimes I get annoyed. but at the end of the day these guys are doing their thing. They have their own market and they're making money

TupacNation.Net: Who do you think is the hottest artist out right now?
As far as hip-hop I would have to say The Game.

TupacNation.Net: Who inspires you?
Makaveli (laughs)! 2Pac man, after all these years. That boyAsoka:€¦ man he had his lyrics down to an art form. I can listen to his albums forever! And you know I'm 24 nowAsoka:€¦as a kid I always looked at Pac as a grown ass man. But in all honesty 25 is just a kid. God rest his soul.

TupacNation.Net: Name an artist on the radio who you would want most to collaborate with and why?
ASOKA: Lady Gaga man (laughs)! Music is hot and the amount of exposure would be insane!

TupacNation.Net: Do u want to beat the piss outta Soulja Boy Tell Em like he deserves?
(laughs) who doesn't!

TupacNation.Net: What are 3 things you MUST have in a recording session?
I keep it simple man, just the essentialsAsoka: a pen, pad, and a water bottle.

TupacNation.Net: What's a usual day for you like in the studio?
Depends on how I do the track. I've started recording songs without writing them down like Wayne. I do that from time to time just to switch things up. It's like a breath of fresh air. If I already have the track written down, I go over it a couple times and then knock it out!

TupacNation.Net: And finally, tell us about some of the artists you've worked with on Good Times Coming Soon.
I got a song with Eminem's boy Hush on here. I got a song with Mac Lethal, from RhymeSayers (one of the most successful independent hip hop labels in the world. You know I had to get The Outlawz on here, both Young Noble and EDI blessed me with a verse. I got another track with Hussein Fatal on here. On that same track I got this guy named John Solo from Boston. He's an underground legend man, that boy's doing things big. And I got the best producer in the world man, Battle-Me produced most of the album. I also worked with The Klasix on this album, known for their work with Joe Budden.

TupacNation.Net: Nice! Sounds like the album's going to be another classic!
You know it!

TupacNation.Net: Thanks for your time Asoka:. Anything you want to say to the fans?
Not a problem homie. Yeah!
Cop the album, support it! At the end of the day fans control the music industry and we really can make this happen. Buy it if you can, hell buy two copies if you can. If you can't buy it then download it for free at 's music page. And if you like the music, don't keep it to yourself. Burn a copy for all your friends who like hip-hop. Spread this album like ass cheeks (laughs)!

Good Times Coming Soon is available on for $8.99
Make sure you purchase a copy before they're all gone!
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