Author Topic: Sebastian Interview (Timbaland's Brother)  (Read 152 times)


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Sebastian Interview (Timbaland's Brother)
« on: December 07, 2009, 11:01:32 PM »

I2G chilled with Sebastian for a exclusive interview. Showing he is more than just Timbaland's lil brother, he discusses his favorite sessions from Tim's studio with Jay, 50, Eminem and others, his work ethic and process in making songs and Tim's input if any, his work on Tim's album, Shock Value II, in stores December 8th, his solo album and much more so check it out.

Illuminati 2G is here with Sebastian how's it going?

Good man, good. Watching the games that are going on. But I am good, working hard.

Tell me a little bit about how you got your start in music and who are some of your musical influences out there.

I got my start in music a long time ago. Actually a long time ago..., let me go ahead a get this out, my brother is Timbaland. So right after high school he took me on the road with him. That is how I got my start, I was on the road with Ginuwine's first album, I went on tour with that. I was also in on alot of sessions as well, like the Jay-Z sessions, one Eminem session, 50's session, and I kind of just learned from there. That is how I got started in wanting to get into music. Outside of that, those are my influences, the people that I was around, Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Ginuwine, Playa, Aaliyah, that whole camp.

How would you best describe your style of music if you could sum it up in one word or more than one word.

Diverse. I would say it is so diverse. I do whatever I am feeling at the time. If I feel like doing a club song, that is what it will be a club song. Just so happens that this album, Cruel Intentions that I have, revolves around a relationship. Because that is what I was going through when I was making the album was a breakup. I basically go off of feeling and I would describe my music as diverse in that aspect.

How would you best describe working with your brother Timbaland? He seems like a very spur of the moment type of producer and artist. Is he very hands on with you and tell you what direction you should go with your music and give you advice? Or is he hands off and let you do your own thing and let you organically come up with your music?

Tim loves for you to do it by yourself and then he will come in and put the finishing touches on it. As far as working with him, it can be hard at times because Tim is a walking musical genius so he may hear something that you just don't hear. Sometimes that can be a little hard for certain people because I know he works on the spur of the moment. If you are not on the same page as him, sometimes you can get lost and you won't be able to make certain records and certain songs with him. He is not a person who plans for anything when it comes to music. It can definitely be tough for certain people, to be honest with you.

But I actually go in and do my thing, and bring it back to him, and he will normally say oh maybe you should do it like this. That is how we form alot of our songs. It is also vice versa sometimes, like he will come to me with a song and I will say yo you should do it like this or it will be dope if you did that. Then he will be like damn ok I will try that.

This is kind of a 2 part question. What is the best word of advice as far as the music industry that Timbaland has given to you and of all the studio sessions that you have either been a part of as far as the writing process or just been able to sit in with, what is your favorite studio session or one that sticks out more then the others?

Let me answer the last question first because that one is the easiest. The sessions that stand out more then all of them is the Jay-Z sessions. Those are the most incredible sessions because Tim and Jay like to challenge each other. It could be like a time challenge, like Tim could say yo I am gonna make a beat in 10 minutes. I am gonna give it to you and you have 10 minutes to come up with the rap and if you don't, I win. They always do that so it is always interesting when they go into the studio.

To answer your first question, the best word of advice Tim as given to me..., it never was like words of advice, it was more like show and prove. Let me make the mistake, you watch me, and then you learn from it. It never was like ok you need to do this or that, it was more of watching him and more or less seeing things not work out for him for me to correct it in my career.

Alright let's get into your new project, Cruel Intentions. Tell me a little bit about the singles you have, Wobbley and Retro that are out.

The singles, Wobbley was more of a leak record but it is a single now. Just to let people know that I do have a album coming out. The album like I said earlier is about a relationship, and it starts off with me talking to a psychiatrist and kind of giving her the scoop on why I am what I am now. Right now I don't believe in relationships and I had this whole thing on not settling down and not commiting right now. I am telling her why and I go back and I tell this story of this relationship I had to the psychiatrist, so I am actually telling the story backwards on the album. So the album starts off with a bunch of club songs because back in the day, me and my boys used to always go to the club and always try to get girls and get laid and all that good stuff.

The album starts off in that aspect, and Wobbley is the club scene of the album. It is that song that you are in the club and you are trying to get that girl tipsy to make it a little bit easier for your night with her (laughs). That was the whole thing with that song because back in the day me and my boys would always try to get the girls drinks and try to get them to do a lil sumthin sumthin. We got sick of going to the same club, so we decided to go to a alternative club to see if we could try and find a girl in there and that is how Retro came about.

It is more like a techno/house..., well there is really not a genre to put on that track. It's one of those clubs where you go in and you are like wow what is going on here. That is how those 2 songs came about on the album.

But each song is telling a story like you said before. It starts off in the club and from track to track it pieces itself together?

Yeah it starts off with us going to the club trying to get the girl and me and the girl start eyeing each other. We get to know each other and exchange numbers, we fall in love, we break up, then we get back together, then it is the final breakup. That is the last song, which is called Bottom Of The Bottom. On that song I am singing drunk on that, so it is a make up to break up type of album.

Do you have a release date or anything set for the album? Any videos or anything that you have set up for it that are coming out soon?

Yeah we are putting together the video for Wobbley right now. Hopefully that will be out soon. The release date is going to be sometime next year, I don't have a month yet. I would love to drop it around Valentine's Day just for the whole aspect of the relationship and everything, it would make sense. But I don't think I will be able to do that and it will be a little bit later.

Tell me a little bit about the collaboration that you did with Timbaland and also with Nickelback.

Tim had come to me and he had wanted one of my songs to be on his album. He wanted Retro and at the time I was unwilling to give that one up for the simple fact that the song is going to be my second single. Another song he was really feeling was the Bottom Of The Bottom song that I had mentioned earlier. He wanted that song, but he wanted to put his own twist on the song. That was how that song came about, and now we created Tomorrow In A Bottle. That is with Chad from Nickelback, and that song is basically still about a woman and a relationship and it has the same theme, but not quite the same as Bottom Of The Bottom.

That is a collaboration with me, Nickelback and Tim. That is on Shock Value II, which is out December 8th. I am also on another song, Can You Feel It also on that album. That is me and Esthero and Tim on that song.

How would you best say, and it kind of goes back to the question of best words of advice, watching things from behind the scenes in the music industry and growing up in the music industry, how do you feel that has helped you? Now that you are doing your own thing as a solo artist how that has helped you with your own solo project?

The best thing that I probably did was sit in when I was signed to Beat Club, when he had Bubba Sparxxx and Ms. Jade, to sit in the office with all the meetings and see what really goes on and the atmosphere of the label. So if I had to give advice to anybody, I would say really make sure that this is something that you really want to do because you are going to spend alot of time and finances to make it work the way you want it to work. You gotta make sure this is something you really want to do and not just watch it from a back end. Don't watch it because you see everything on TV and you want to get into it because it is popping on TV.

Everybody doing it makes it look so easy, but it is not as easy as everyone thinks. I would say just really evaluate if this is what you want to do and make sure you definitely have the right connections and finances to do it.

Do you have any upcoming shows or tour dates coming up for you that you want to let the people know about?

Yeah I am actually working on opening up for Tim when he goes on promo tour. There is no date on that yet, they are actually working that out right now but if I had to put a date on it, it would be the top of the year. In January is probably when we are going to start doing the tour for that, and I will perform Retro and Wobbley for that, maybe some other joint off of my album, and performing the songs I did with Tim. People can keep it touch with me on Twitter once the actual dates are confirmed because I don't have them yet.

What is your website information for people looking to check out your music? My youtube page, this is where alot of videos are posted and I had a listening party in April for my album and I am actually cutting it up right now and releasing it to the public in parts. There are 3 parts to it,

Alright well that is all the questions I have for you. Appreciate you getting down for the interview. Is there any last words or shoutouts you want to get out there to the people?

Just look out for that Cruel Intentions, it is coming. Appreciate you calling and doing the interview and you will be seeing more of me in the future.

Appreciate the interview.

Thank you man.


Re: Sebastian Interview (Timbaland's Brother)
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 11:03:49 PM »
Didn't know he Was Timbaland's brother. Knew they worked closely but didn't know was related. Cool shit on the Jay-Z story. Thanks for posting!
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Re: Sebastian Interview (Timbaland's Brother)
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 06:04:50 PM »
he a trip..

indian flute verse he killed it..


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Re: Sebastian Interview (Timbaland's Brother)
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 02:04:41 AM »
When's this dude getting a mixtape (at least)?
Dude is dope, the little I've heard. Don't get why the wack DOE is getting more exposure from Timbo.
