Author Topic: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd  (Read 682 times)


Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2010, 08:51:43 PM »
how about snoop signs crooked i or bishop lamont and stop fucking with these washed up ass niggaz from the early 90's
none of these rappers from early 90's are washed up ass niggaz like you say at all. instead niggaz from the early 90's are way better then anybody from today . so save you new school dickryding bullshit for some else . stop being hater of music better then todays music.i rather see niggaz from the early 90's then todays wack ass rappers.


Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2010, 08:55:21 PM »
lol what r u? priority spkesman? no1 is buyin music in 2010, specially nothin old, dat's been re-isued 6 or 7 times already.. re-issuin in new formats (included dvd, new artwork etc) usually works, but the 7th times is the last time.. trust me
you are so wrong . people are still buying music like crazy these days . it just trash like you who don't buy it . old stuff sells better then anything from today or last decade aka 2000. all music from the early 80's till 1997 are better then anything that was made 2000 & after . they have never re-issused EPMDs albums ever & remastered them .so stop beeing a hater because sade proved the old school still sells bigger then new school & that music still sells.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 04:51:34 AM by midwestryder »


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Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2010, 09:44:08 PM »
you are so wrong . people are still buying music like crazy these days .

i guess u woke up this mornin feelin like it was 1995?  
all good tho, buy ur compact-discs..
u still think VHS is still relevant too, huh?

ppl were buyin LP's until the beginning of the early 80's, and sounded just like u. "the lp is still gonna stay, yaddi-yadda".. and what happended? lol

the sade-thing proves nothin lol
sade's been relevant musicaly since 1984 - and made a big comeback after 10 yrs wit this record.
she's got a large following datin back before u was born, wit her fanbase bein ppl in their 40's and 50's, who doesn't understand the elements of audio-files, as much as ur usual teenager. OF COURSE IT SOLD
but just because she touched the great mark on the scans, doesn't mean that the record-industry generally speakin is alive n kickin like nothin ever happnd during these last 5 years in the record-insdursty..
are u gonna try to prove dat records sells, by bringin up Prince or Michael Jackson's names next up? the fuck outta here
if a recordlabel releases an Elvis Presley-greatesthits collection, it will sell more than both Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Akon etc - because of it's FOLLOWING.
if an artist records sells, because of the fact dat he has a following dat followed u since before the birth of the compactdisc - doesn't justify the recordbusiness as bein alive.. it means dat SOME records MAY still sell.. it's NOT the same thing
sade is in dat category. if sade was a new name, doin those numbers (like artists could do, back in the late 90's and early 00's), then "yes" - the recordindustry might still be alive..

the compact-disc is dead as dead can be, and will cotinue to die within the next 2 or 3 years. mark my words..  ;)
it wil live on a few more years, in parts of the world tho. like Japan, and parts of Europe...

if u wanna contnuie to buy cd's like "crazy" these days, go ahead.. ur a minority..
and im not hatin, u sensitive moron. just speakin facts..

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 10:11:23 PM by fabtoxicp »

Jimmy H.

Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2010, 10:47:22 PM »
lol what r u? priority spkesman? no1 is buyin music in 2010, specially nothin old, dat's been re-isued 6 or 7 times already.. re-issuin in new formats (included dvd, new artwork etc) usually works, but the 7th times is the last time.. trust me
  Didn't realize I had to be. People aren't buying anything old, huh? Wasn't last year the year where Michael Jackson albums were the #1 sellers in the country. I realize it had to do with his death and all but old music is still old music.

Priority has been reissuing these kind of albums for years and years. Same way Death Row did. Rap-A-Lot did. They put out a soundtrack to that Biggie with like about three quarters of the hits they already re-packaged for the "Greatest Hits" project they did a few years before that. These are actually the best way to appeal to casual customers because generally, it suggests that its the best-known music from said artist's catalog. Hence why these labels keep re-releasing the fucking catalog every couple years.

the compact-disc is dead as dead can be, and will cotinue to die within the next 2 or 3 years. mark my words..  ;)
it wil live on a few more years, in parts of the world tho. like Japan, and parts of Europe...
How does something continue to die when it's as dead as dead can be?  It's either dead or isn't.  The compact disc may be dying but it ain't dead yet.


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Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2010, 11:00:08 PM »
i dont think u know what the hell ur talkin about - a "re-issue" is just what it is - "a "re-issue". not a "re-re-re-issue".. the formula works the first few times, but after 6 or 7 times - no way José.
those records ("re-re-reissues") are makin it to the 3$-baskets immediately (if u want evidence, go check ur nearest record-store). to imply, dat "re-issues" are a good solution for a recordlabel dat already released the same record 5 times (during a short period of time) before is insane..    :D

the deathrow-reissues weren't released by DeathRow itself.
playitagainsam, and other distrubtion-companies got the rights to a big percentage of the already-available deathrow-catalogue, and re-issued 'em in UK, Europe, and other parts of the world. there's plenty of exclusive "deathrow-records" available in UK, asia, europe etc..
Simon himself, didn't have anythin to do wit 'em. the only real re-issued records Simon executiveproduced, was like "the chronicel" or 15 years" and a few other. DeathRow didn't re-issue dat many records a million times, llike u imply..

and yup - every store sold out their MichaelJackson"thrillers" weeks after Michael died. read again, died.. his death boosted the sales, einstein..  ;)  u seriously dont think, dat the ppl all of a sudden started to buy dat record more than usualy, because it was "old" and/or "classic", do u? if so, they would've done so a few yrs before that, right?

They put out a soundtrack to that Biggie with like about three quarters of the hits they already re-packaged for the "Greatest Hits" project they did a few years before that.
i really dont understand what ur tryin to prove wit dat one. it was a soundtrack to a movie - a soundtrack features the music from a movie.. which this soundtrack did.. it isn't a labeldecision, it's a soundtrack n a soundtrack usualy features movie-music - for christ sake..
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 11:25:46 PM by fabtoxicp »

Jimmy H.

Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2010, 02:22:57 PM »
Yes, great, it's "movie music" but the fact remains it's still the same fucking songs they put out and people still bought them. Rap-A-Lot continues to repackage the same Scarface songs for compilations and Priority continues to repackage all their songs. Now riddle me this, if these labels were losing money when they re-issued them the fourth time, why would they bother to try the fifith time?

And "re-re-re-issue" might be a fun word for you to use but whether it's the second or eleventh time, if they are still issuing a new version, it's still technically called just a "reissue". The same way if they remix a song more than once, they don't call it a "Re-Re Mix". There's no need to add an extra "Re" everytime you do something again. Though if it brightens your day a little, more power to you.

if u want evidence, go check ur nearest record-store

Evidence of what? I'm sure I can find lots of albums in the used bins at a record store that labels are still actively pressing up. Even older albums that aren't being re-issued are still being pressed up and shipped out to record stores.


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Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2010, 03:17:23 PM »
come on now, jimmy-boy  ;)
i get the impression dat ur just tryin to find minor spelling errors in my previous writings, as compensation for lack of evidence in what u invalidate. who gives a shit about a "re-issue" or a "re-re-issue"? the bottomline is - u understand what im talkin about, when i bring up the word "re-re-issue", dont u? fine, great..  :)

when i write "ho", instead of the encyclopedia-published word "prostitute" - u would ultimatley STILL understand what the fuck im sayin, correct? we are not wrting personal handletters to each other, youngster - no need for perfect grammar on a westcoast-hiphop forum.. (bonus-trivia: bytheway, the word "re-remix" does exist, and can be used)  :P

Yes, great, it's "movie music" but the fact remains it's still the same fucking songs they put out and people still bought them.

ur not makin any sense.
bad boy put a few of the songs of the GH-collection wit Big, on the ost for the biography-movie. should they NOT put those songs on the ost, just because they were on a compilation dat came out 4 or 5 years prior to that? or what? do u feel like they are repeating themselves too much, if they do so?  :D
and the movie wasn't made by Badboy - badboy did the ost - TWO different things. badboy are just supplying the ost to a movie not created by badboy, simple as dat - it's usually not up to the recordlabel to re-arrange the tracklisting of the ost, if the movie it's based on is not theirs to begin wit..  ;)

Evidence of what? I'm sure I can find lots of albums in the used bins at a record store that labels are still actively pressing up. Even older albums that aren't being re-issued are still being pressed up and shipped out to record stores
the evidence is, if u are lookin inside the 2for1 or 3$-bins at ur nearest recordstore - a bigger percentage of those records u see, are "re-re-re-re-re-issues", that made their way to that basket only weeks after bein pressed up -- hence, the evidence is: re-releasin records for the millionnth-gazillionth time is NOT and will NEVER be  the best moneymaker for a recordlabel, like u (for some reason) implied earlier
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 03:27:34 PM by fabtoxicp »

Jimmy H.

Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2010, 03:36:35 PM »
come on now, jimmy-boy  ;)
i get the impression dat ur just tryin to find minor spelling errors in my previous writings, as compensation for lack of evidence in what u invalidate. who gives a shit about a "re-issue" or a "re-re-issue"? the bottomline is - u understand what im talkin about, when i bring up the word "re-re-issue", dont u? fine, great..  :)

when i write "ho", instead of the encyclopedia-published word "prostitute" - u would ultimatley STILL understand what the fuck im sayin, correct? we are not wrting personal handletters to each other, youngster - no need for perfect grammar on a westcoast-hiphop forum.. (bonus-trivia: bytheway, the word "re-remix" does exist, and can be used)  :P

Yes, great, it's "movie music" but the fact remains it's still the same fucking songs they put out and people still bought them.

ur not makin any sense.
bad boy put a few of the songs of the GH-collection wit Big, on the ost for the biography-movie. should they NOT put those songs on the ost, just because they were on a compilation dat came out 4 or 5 years prior to that? or what? do u feel like they are repeating themselves too much, if they do so?  :D
and the movie wasn't made by Badboy - badboy did the ost - TWO different things. badboy are just supplying the ost to a movie not created by badboy, simple as dat - it's usually not up to the recordlabel to re-arrange the tracklisting of the ost, if the movie it's based on is not theirs to begin wit..  ;)

Evidence of what? I'm sure I can find lots of albums in the used bins at a record store that labels are still actively pressing up. Even older albums that aren't being re-issued are still being pressed up and shipped out to record stores
the evidence is, if u are lookin inside the 2for1 or 3$-bins at ur nearest recordstore - a bigger percentage of those records u see, are re-re-re-re-re-issues -- hence, the evidence is: pressin up records for the millionnth-gazillionth time is NOT and will NEVER be  the best moneymaker for a recordlabel, like u (for some reason) implied earlier
  I didn't see it as a "spelling error". I was basing off what you wrote.

As for the Bad Boy soundtrack issue, they DO have final say. They are the label distributing and investing money into the project on a music level, which Puffy would have had to have a lot of say in since he owns the bulk of Biggie's catalog anyway. Many soundtracks to movies are actually NOT released commercially or in limited print if the label doesn't think there is a big selling point to them. There are also plenty of movie soundtracks that feature older music in the film itself but not on the retail soundtrack. The movie and the soundtrack are usually two different entities. The label generally has a lot of say in how the finished product comes out. I mean, if you look at 8-Mile, nearly the entire soundtrack for the album has new songs that weren't even featured in the movie. A seperate "Other Music" disc was released later with the older catalog songs actually released on it. The soundtrack for "Tupac: Resurrection" had three new songs mixed in with older catalog songs but NONE of them were featured on 2Pac's previous "Greatest Hits". However, Amaru still released two seperate volume compilations of random Pac songs put together.

The point I'm making is while new music doesn't sell very well, these days, catalog music will always have value and that's why these labels continually re-release compilations featuring 2Pac, Eazy, Biggie, Ice Cube, Scarface, whoever. These songs have already made the labels money and the studio time/promotion has already been earned back several times over. Thing is you're more likely to hear an older Ice Cube song like "You Can Do It" on the radio or in the club or had some friend's party or cook-out then you are to hear the new single he most recently made. If you're a casual fan, you probably don't own "War & Peace (Peace Disc)" and you'd rather buy an album with a few other established songs from his discography mixed in. The reasoning being that if you're entirely familiar with his whole body of work, you're more likely to get songs you're familar with, that way. These labels know this. There's a reason they keep throwing out compilations instead of new artists or projects full of unreleased songs from established artists.



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Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2010, 04:58:04 PM »
thnx for an interestin debate  ;)

there's 2 modules for a "sountrack"
"original soundtrack":
a recordlabel dat are using itself as a distrubtion-platform for a moviecompany's OST aren't involved in the creative process of the music, cus the music itself is already in the movie - hence, the music from the movie ultimately is goin on the ost. there's not a c.e.o.-say - they are merely just "sellin it".
"Music From and inspired by the motion picture":
dat is somethin else, and serves as both an OST and a record with added/unrelevant-music, wit the tracklist bein created by added input from a dude at the distributing label itself.
the soundtrack we discussed, "notorious" follows the latter category (just looked into it  ;) --- and serves as a soundtrack wit some new unrelevant-music and some old-music dat was featured in the movie itself - 3 or 4 cuts dat were also on the GreatestHits-comp released almost SIX years earlier.
to feature those "old" tracks on the soundtrack for the movie, makes perfect sense, cus they were all in the movie. dat isn't "re-issuing" - it was only 3 or 4 tracks, the rest of the material on the soundtarck was new theme-music from Danny Elfman, old/unreleased biggie-music and Jay-z-music.
if the soundtrack would've been completely compiled wit old-biggie-music from the film, then - "yeah", i would've agreed wit u..

yessir, a catalogue dat has generated a company/label money, will always have value - (depending, on the times of course. u cant sell Buster Keaton-movies dat easy in the year of 2010, if Keatons main fanbase are dead..)  ;D

thing is tho, u implied dat it is the biggest cashcow for a recordlabel to re-issue material - within short periods of time. and dat is false..
if Priority records re-issued cube's first album back in 03 or 05, there is no point in doing so again only a few years after. and obviosuly dat is why that specific record wasn't on snoopy's new schedule wit re-releases (for example).
bottomline is, re-issuing serves it's purpose every few years, but to re-use the machine over and over again is pointless, and i dont feel like i have to dive into it dat much to prove anythin to u -
if Ice Cube was re-issued just a few years ago, there's no need to re-produce any new versions of that record in 2010 - because the date isn't expired and the label isn't pulin anythin back off the shelves and/or the available records from dat shipment hasn't thoroughly been sold. if copys were produced back in 95 however, there's a big chance dat the record might be good enuff for the re-creation makeover..

There's a reason they keep throwing out compilations instead of new artists or projects full of unreleased songs from established artists.

old music sells, but only so - every now n then, and it doesn't generate the biggest money -
the main objective for every recordlabel has always been to capitalize off somethin "in the times" and/or "new" (even if the times are bad for breakthrough-ground for new-music), and as far as "re-issues"..
u can think of 'em, as an added percentage in winnings - "the greatest hits"/"re-issue"-module will never be a blueprint in $-generating for ur standard and typical  recordlabel
and if ur ideal re-issuing recordlabel-world would exist, then new acts wouldn't get signed at all (which they obviously still do)

If you're a casual fan, you probably don't own "War & Peace (Peace Disc)"
im pretty sure, dat most of cube's fans own dat specific record - after all, it did generate one of cube's biggest hits of all time - "you can do it", a song dat you urself mentioned..  ;)

« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 05:27:08 PM by fabtoxicp »

Jimmy H.

Re: New priority records compilations coming feb 23rd
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2010, 12:46:32 AM »
thing is tho, u implied dat it is the biggest cashcow for a recordlabel to re-issue material - within short periods of time. and dat is false..
if Priority records re-issued cube's first album back in 03 or 05, there is no point in doing so again only a few years after. and obviosuly dat is why that specific record wasn't on snoopy's new schedule wit re-releases (for example).
bottomline is, re-issuing serves it's purpose every few years, but to re-use the machine over and over again is pointless, and i dont feel like i have to dive into it dat much to prove anythin to u -
if Ice Cube was re-issued just a few years ago, there's no need to re-produce any new versions of that record in 2010 - because the date isn't expired and the label isn't pulin anythin back off the shelves and/or the available records from dat shipment hasn't thoroughly been sold. if copys were produced back in 95 however, there's a big chance dat the record might be good enuff for the re-creation makeover..

There's a reason they keep throwing out compilations instead of new artists or projects full of unreleased songs from established artists.

old music sells, but only so - every now n then, and it doesn't generate the biggest money -
the main objective for every recordlabel has always been to capitalize off somethin "in the times" and/or "new" (even if the times are bad for breakthrough-ground for new-music), and as far as "re-issues"..
u can think of 'em, as an added percentage in winnings - "the greatest hits"/"re-issue"-module will never be a blueprint in $-generating for ur standard and typical  recordlabel
and if ur ideal re-issuing recordlabel-world would exist, then new acts wouldn't get signed at all (which they obviously still do)
Wasn't meaning to imply that old music was their biggest "cash cow". If that were the case, none of these labels would put anything new out and they'd just live fat off the old stuff. What I was trying to say is that older catalog music is easier to sell because it doesn't require the amount of promotion it takes to break new artists in order to sell. New music generates more revenue because it's fresh but it takes a lot of effort and money on the part of both the label and the artist to break a hit single. Catalog music already has an established audience and it will more or less grow by them exposing it to their friends and others where new music requires the label to do the footwork for the most part.