Author Topic: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?  (Read 557 times)

David Mack

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Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« on: February 03, 2010, 09:20:31 PM »
In my opinion, an attack during the Olympics while it is being highly guarded would be the perfect way to bring in more police state measures and to more fully integrate the US and Canada into a functioning North American Union; I will provide some evidence of this taking place already but there may be another motive at work here to expand the “war on terror” into more nations while blaming an attack on their scapegoat for everything, Al-Qaeda; however, the question remains, is that what will happen? The Prime Minister of Iran seems to have something up his sleeve and it’s scheduled for February 11th, this leaves the door wide open for an attack to blame on Iran and has a typical date attached to it, the notorious 11th day of the month.

I hope you will look at the information and make up your own mind as to what pattern you see unfolding, this could really go any number of ways. Any information provided is for analytical and educational purposes only and is meant to raise public awareness of current events and the potential dangers they could present. Linked sources will be provided at the bottom of the article for reference and additional information.


1.) Kinder Morgan, Dyno Nobel, Goldman Sachs, CIA and the missing Ammonium Nitrate in Vancouver

Two tons of Ammonium Nitrate, (a fertilizer used in making powerful explosives) went missing from a shipment to a storage facility after leaving the packaging plant at Dyno Nobel. The company that owns the Ammonium Nitrate is one that was recently purchased for a whopping $22 billion by some of the world’s largest financial companies. The buyout is being led by co-founder and chairman Richard D. Kinder, a ex-Enron executive. The companies involved in the purchase are Goldman Sachs, AIG, The Carlye Group and Riverstone Holdings. If that doesn’t get you interested, I don’t know what will.

The company that was purchased is called Kinder Morgan, it uses a lightning bolt (a common symbol used by occult religions to represent a serpent) on its logo. Kinder Morgan didn’t report the two tons missing to the police for over a month, when they did report it they came back a week later only to say they had simply made a “clerical error”, so the police could stop looking for it. Soon after the announcement, the RCMP started their investigation anyways and came back saying they cannot confirm that it was really accounted for.

Kinder Morgan has also tried to disperse the blame by pointing out to everyone that they are only one company in the chain that had contact with the shipments, I’m glad they did, because things are about to get more interesting following that lead.

250 truckloads were reportedly sent to Dyno Nobel, (formerly known as Hercules Powder, Dyno Nobel is an explosives company with ties to the OK City bombing and CIA) for packaging, because apparently, only an explosives company can correctly package some fertilizer. There were also trucking companies hired to ship the product that the RCMP is supposedly attempting to track down and interview.

To put this into perspective, it is claimed by the government that only one ton of this material was used during the Oklahoma City bombing, and now two tons are missing. That amount would be more than enough material to cause substantial damage to numerous locations.

On the topic of Dyno Nobel, I would also like to point out the people involved with Dyno Nobel. The owner’s name is Marshall Riconosciuto, and his son is a known CIA asset named Michael J. Riconosciuto who was highly skilled in many sciences. Former FBI investigator Ted Gunderson says that the Ammonium Nitrate bomb in the Oklahoma City truck bombing was only a cover for the more powerful bombs in the building, some of which didn’t detonate and were even found! Michael J. Riconosciuto apparently designed those bombs at Dyno Nobel, they are called “Barometric Bombs” or “Pineapple Bombs”. Michael J. Riconosciuto had some connections too, while incarcerated, he had his lawyer send a letter to Colin Powell on February 19th, 2001 warning of an impending attack (9/11)he had information on that would take place soon.

With all of this said, it could be nothing, but plenty of questions come to mind.


2.) Afghanistan and the Ammonium Nitrate problem

The media is suddenly going wild about how Al-Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan are now using Ammonium Nitrate for explosives and the Afghani government has banned the use of the material. Afghanistan has also banned the use of Ammonium Nitrate for fertilizer due to this problem. According to the intelligence service in Afghanistan, more than 80% of bombs there use Ammonium Nitrate. According to the Department of Defense, two tons of Ammonium Nitrate is enough material for 100 bombs. Farmers use the Ammonium Nitrate for fertilizer, but they can get double the amount they paid for it to sell it to someone else. This hides the purchaser from scrutiny; now put that together with the Kinder Morgan situation.


3.) Canexus and the chlorine conundrum (Thanks to CW Gayle and Tyler for their contributions)

For some reason, unlike the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City when it wasn’t allowed, companies are being allowed to use railways to ship hazardous chemicals like Chlorines and Ammoniums during the Olympics and even through residential areas, and not just during the Olympics, but at night of all times. So they are going to allow companies to ship some of the most hazardous materials possible when they are most vulnerable.

One such company is Canexus Limited also known as Canexus Chemical. Canexus has a long record of good safety but do they think they prevent a train from being sabotaged? The RCMP claims that they have planned for chemical attacks and the situation is under control. The company will be shutting down its plant during the games and for an expansion project where they have to tear up the rail yard. They just recently came up with the bright idea to ship their hazardous chemicals through the Olympics, even though they had more than enough time to coordinate this sooner.

The same railway transports anhydrous ammonia which sits on the tracks for months. There is one detail I will add personally, and that is one that the mainstream media has not mentioned.

According to Wikipedia,

“Ignition occurs when chlorine is passed into ammonia, forming nitrogen and hydrogen chloride; if ammonia is present in excess, then the highly explosive nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) is also formed.”

The company plans to store their chlorine behind a $250,000 security fence in Whitman County.  Residents are worried and US transportation security consultant Fred Millar says it is a huge hazard. Depending on the source at the Canexus, they are moving the train to protect from terrorism, or they aren’t. The question I have is why is the government allowing this kind of behavior when they know the risks involved? Those involved are intentionally and openly risking the lives of millions with just one train. Why?


4.) The “War on Terror” just isn’t big enough, so let’s attack something and blame it on Iran

In a recent development, Iranian Prime Minister Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who attends United Nations meetings yet does not seem to agree with them) said there would be a new government to hit the global scene, that it will have ten times the power and authority of the last one, and will bring down the “global arrogance”, probably referring to Western Nations. He says this will happen on the day before the Olympics on February 11th. He is said to be giving updates he calls good news in regards to Iran’s nuclear program and a surprise that he will deliver to the world on that day which marks the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution. He even claims the news will be so sweet that every Iranian will be cheerful.

There was also a secret meeting held between CIA Director Leon Panetta and Israeli Mossad officials to discuss Iran’s nuclear program, they say, but it is assumed they have something else in the works since they were also reported to have infiltrated Muslim organizations. Interestingly enough, Bilderberg previously met in 2006 in Ottawa, Canada and discussed what they wanted to do about their perceived personal problem with an uncooperative Ahmadinejad. Now the head of the Joint Chiefs of staff is saying that force is the option to use with Iran.

Ahmadinejad does not appear to like what Israel is about and has previously accused Israel of being guilty of genocide, barbarism and racism. The US is currently moving weapons to the Gulf on Navy ships and readying patriot missiles on the group in numerous countries including Kuwait in order to counter what it says is a growing missile threat from Iran, while Ahmadinejad recently gave Obama the ultimatum that he must choose between Iran and Israel as well. He said that solidarity with Iran is also solidarity with Islam.

And of course, the lie is still spreading that Ahmadinejad threatened to “wipe Israel off the map”, but that is not what he said, so the lie is still being used to portray the Iranian leader as someone who is careless and dangerous, helping to justify an attack on the nation of Iran. Could a false flag be in the works in order to blame the event on Iran or those who claim to be Al-Qaeda from Iran? One day we have a threat from Usama Bin Laden, a few days later, it seems that Iran is threatening us! What’s going on here? Some people are saying Ahmadinejad has the same plan as Hitler and he’s a tyrant that is a threat to the entire world. I sure looks to me like someone is being set up for a hit.

Officer Perez

??? I don't know this guy so fuck you!

David Mack

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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2010, 09:21:55 PM »
5.) Bin Laden and his impeccable timing

Right on cue, as if it were a screenplay, and four days before the State of the Union address, the guy you have all heard of since 9/11, haven’t seen in a long time and who is probably dead, Mr. Usama Bin Laden ladies and gentlemen, give him a round of applause! He just came out in what is probably going to turn out to be yet another faked tape and predictably praised the underwear bomber that burned his genitals in a failed bombing attempt on Christmas Day of 2009 and said the attacks will continue and we can expect another 9/11 if we stop supporting Israel. Days later he came out with another tape supporting the dead concept of man-made Global Warming.

When did Usama Bin Laden become the new Edward Bernays? He’s become a Public Relations mouthpiece, and nobody is falling for this one, sorry guys, people might not be easy to fool, but nobody is that stupid. You’re taken it too far this time, you guys are killing yourselves. But for those of you who do believe Usama and Al-Qaeda are out to get you, here’s something for you.

Look just how effective these guys are, they can get our freedoms taken away by our own governments, simply by penetrating our security and hurting only themselves in the process, clever aren’t they? Actually, they seem to have more freedom than we do! They can board airplanes with no passports, or while they are on terrorist watch lists. I don’t think I’d get away with that if I tried!


6.) Stephen Harper and the suspension of Parliament

In a recent development Canadian parliament has been prorogued (A term where they are suspended typically in order to make new legislation. According to some, during prorogation, all governmental power resides within the office of the Prime Minister.) until March 3rd (3/3/2010) after the games, the original date was on the 25th, but Harper got authorization to extend it until after the games. The Prime Minister has also been given the sole responsibility for making the judgment call to shoot down any high jacked aircraft; normally this is not his responsibility.

This is strangely the same as before 9/11 where Dick Cheney was given control of the military air defenses for a short time due to war games being conducted, and he denied the request to shoot down the plane approaching the Pentagon. This was testified about by Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta in front of the 9/11 Commission, and though no mention of this (Like so many other things.) was given in the final report you can still watch the video of his testimony online.

The people of Canada have already held large protests about Harper getting rid of the parliament so he could run things if anything were to coincidentally happen during that time period. The media claims he is doing it to dodge questions about torture, that doesn’t make much sense to me though, won’t they just ask him again later? It’s also been said that he was avoiding dealing with some legislature that is on the books, but won’t that just come back later as well? From what I see, according to his own words, he’s up to something.

It’s okay, Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister gave some reassuring words, he says that without MP’s in the Commons, the government can now take care of more “important work”. Oh, well, great! I guess we shouldn’t be concerned at all then. No of course not, you can trust a Bilderberg attendee.


7.) The Canada/Israel Public Security joke, I mean agreement

Apparently, Canada and Israel joined forces on such things as what follows:

“The terms of reference of the Canada-Israel Declaration are extremely broad. They include issues of immigration and ethnic profiling, the management of borders, intelligence and the exchange of information, emergency preparedness, correctional services, prisons, law enforcement and counter-terrorism. The Declaration of Intent involves the setting up of a close bilateral cooperation arrangement at the ministerial level. A management committee has been set up under the helm of the Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness of Canada, and the Director General of Public Security of the State of Israel. “

Make of that what you will, the link is at the bottom.


8.) North American Integration: The Military

On February 14th, 2008, Canada and the US signed an agreement which allows for the deployment of US troops inside Canada. Sounds like a good idea to me, if you want to integrate the two nations into a North American Union, but who would want to do that sort of thing? Anybody but the Bilderberg Group, look the other way folks, nothin’ to see here.

And if the military wasn’t enough, soon enough police officers will be allowed to come join in.

Headline: New maritime security law will deputize U.S. officers “in every part of Canada” during integrated operations. (North American Union anyone?)

“On November 27, Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson tabled legislation that would transform designated U.S. police and security agents into peace officers equal to the RCMP “in every part of Canada” during joint maritime border operations.”

The Olympics in of 2010 will be a “joint maritime border operation”, but the legislation won’t be passed in time for the Olympics, an attack would certainly ensure it got passed though, wouldn’t it?


9.) No accountability, no privacy, new leadership

Now this might not seem like much, but details like this can always tie in with something else. British Columbia’s privacy office has been frozen, leaving the government unaccountable, says a leaked letter.

“Operations at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner have ceased, leaving British Columbians with no independent office to hold the government accountable, says a leaked letter marked “Extremely Urgent” to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. The letter, sent Friday, is from the executive director of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Mary Carlson, and is addressed to Bill Barisoff. She said staff have shut down the whole operation to avoid any legal issues that could arise from reviewing cabinet files or law-enforcement information. Their duties also include opening appeal files and privacy complaints, securing and reviewing records on the subject of an appeal, authorizing time extensions to respond to access requests and policing the timeliness of government responses to access requests.”

Since this letter was leaked, the privacy office has taken on new temporary leadership under Paul Fraser who is currently British Columbia’s Conflict of Interests Commissioner. The Freedom of Information office was closed as of January 19th after commissioner David Loukidelis resigned to take the position of Deputy Attorney General and failed to be replaced in time. The Information and Privacy Commission is an independent organization and is not a governmental organization, it is there to protect citizens from Big Brother and to assure the government operates with transparency. So the question remains, what happened during those six days of limbo? We know the government doesn’t keep an eye on itself, that’s why these groups are so important. So when the leader of an independent government accountability office gets recruited into the government and allows his important office to shut down without notice to even those close to him, what does that mean?!

Officer Perez

??? I don't know this guy so fuck you!

David Mack

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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 09:22:56 PM »
10.) 2,400 scheduled surgeries cancelled

Hospitals in the area surrounding the Olympics have cancelled 2,400 elective surgeries to make room for apparently much expected patients needing surgeries during the Olympics. Of course, public relations is blaming them for doing it for other reasons like saving money. They say that even if that makes no sense, the government had no problem spending well over a billion dollars on the Olympics, they are clearly not concerned with spending a little bit of money on surgeries. Again, make of this story what you will, either way, whether or not this is a warning sign, it’s not very nice of them to cancel peoples’ surgeries in favor of hypothetical surgeries. I’m sure they could accommodate the few people that could possibly get hurt, but, over two thousand? Sounds more to me like they’re getting ready to pick up some pieces and clean up their mess.


11.) World leaders sitting this one out

It seems that people may be getting tipped off or have prior knowledge already! What are they afraid of if the largest joint security operation ever taken on by Canada and the US is there to protect them?

“Obama is not alone; presidents and prime minister of other countries around the globe are sending representatives as well.”


12.) Verint and full-spectrum penetration

The same Israeli company Verint, whose camera systems were on buses and in the London underground and inconveniently (for us) malfunctioned on 7/7/05 during the London Bombings, was the same company to install cameras in Vancouver Airport, the subways in Montreal, and other key locations around Canada. Also, worthy of noting is that in the past, during a large terrorist attack where their systems are installed, as the DOW goes down, stocks at Verint have always shown to have gone up. They are said to be connected to the Madrid bombings on 3/11, as well as 9/11. In more interesting news about Verint’s systems,

“It appears that there is a backdoor in Verint’s system that can be accessed any time from any where. Still the U.S. continues turning the other cheek and allowing it to happen.”

“Since the late 1990s, federal agents have reported systemic communications security breaches at the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, the State Department, and the White House. Several of the alleged breaches, these agents say, can be traced to two hi-tech communications companies, Verint Inc. (formerly Comverse Infosys), and Amdocs Ltd., that respectively provide major wiretap and phone billing/record-keeping software contracts for the US government. Together, Verint and Amdocs form part of the backbone of the government’s domestic intelligence surveillance technology. Both companies are based in Israel – having arisen to prominence from that country’s cornering of the information technology market – and are heavily funded by the Israeli government, with connections to the Israeli military and Israeli intelligence (both companies have a long history of board memberships dominated by current and former Israeli military and intelligence officers). Verint is considered the world leader in “electronic interception” and hence an ideal private sector candidate for wiretap outsourcing. Amdocs is the world’s largest billing service for telecommunications, with some $2.8 billion in revenues in 2007, offices worldwide, and clients that include the top 25 phone companies in the United States that together handle 90 percent of all call traffic among US residents. The companies’ operations, sources suggest, have been infiltrated by freelance spies exploiting encrypted trapdoors in Verint/Amdocs technology and gathering data on Americans for transfer to Israeli intelligence and other willing customers (particularly organized crime). “The fact of the vulnerability of our telecom backbone is indisputable,” says a high level US intelligence officer who has monitored the fears among federal agents. “How it came to pass, why nothing has been done, who has done what – these are the incendiary questions.” If the allegations are true, the electronic communications gathered up by the NSA and other US intelligence agencies might be falling into the hands of a foreign government. Reviewing the available evidence, Robert David Steele, a former CIA case officer and today one of the foremost international proponents for “public intelligence in the public interest,” tells me that “Israeli penetration of the entire US telecommunications system means that NSA’s warrantless wiretapping actually means Israeli warrantless wiretapping.”

“The fact of Israeli penetration into the country is not a subject oft-discussed in the media or in the circles of governance, due to the extreme sensitivity of the U.S.-Israel relationship coupled with the burden of the Israel lobby, which punishes legislators who dare to criticize the Jewish state. The void where the facts should sit is filled instead with the hallucinations of conspiracy theory — the kind in which, for example, agents of the Mossad, Israel’s top intelligence agency, engineer the 9/11 attacks, while 4,000 Israelis in the Twin Towers somehow all get word to escape before the planes hit. The effect, as disturbing as it is ironic, is that the less the truth is addressed, the more noxious the falsity that spreads.

Israel’s spying on the U.S., however, is a matter of public record, and neither conspiracy nor theory is needed to present the evidence. When the FBI produces its annual report to Congress concerning “Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage,” Israel and its intelligence services often feature prominently as a threat second only to China. In 2005 the FBI noted, for example, that Israel maintains “an active program to gather proprietary information within the United States.” A key Israeli method, said the FBI report, is computer intrusion. In 1996, the Defense Intelligence Service, a branch of the Pentagon, issued a warning that “the collection of scientific intelligence in the United States [is] the third highest priority of Israeli Intelligence after information on its Arab neighbors and information on secret U.S. policies or decisions relating to Israel.”


13.) The Security Theater

Security measures have been increased to an historic all-time high with spending around $1 billion, even amid financial turmoil. Security includes the foreign United States military using NORAD to secure the air, purchases of over 1000 CCTV security cameras, new fences, two remote submarines to check for underwater threats and even bomb sniffing dogs. Canadian military with warships, black helicopters and fighter jets have been seen floating and flying around the Vancouver area already in January causing fear to many Canadians. There will also be tens of thousands of police and private security forces who are reported to be renting schools and trailers to use as bases for their operations.

Strangely enough, regardless of the build-up of security they have undertaken and the threat of attacks, they seem to double-think and claim to not be worried about it that much and are even allowing weaknesses in security to be exploited through the media. The contracted security companies have even been hiring people with zero background in security to help run security at the games, people who will not even have enough time to train properly to do their job. Security consultant Fred Millar says the show of security is a “security theater”, explaining that it’s all for show and there are still many, many holes in the security that has been set up.

Officer Perez

??? I don't know this guy so fuck you!


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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 09:57:12 AM »
Ya I read the thing about suspending parliament, and security a couple weeks ago. There is enough stuff for a perfect storm to brew. I hope nothing happens and the best way to ensure that nothing does happen is by talking to people about it. So many people are catching on to this crap that if they actually try and pull this off people are going to call them out.


Suga Foot

Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2010, 08:43:19 AM »
The scary thing about the missing fertilizer is that I first heard about it watching the Seattle news.  Vancouver didn't report on it until a few days later.


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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2010, 08:13:17 PM »
I've been thinking about the possibility of a false flag attack happening here.  There hasnt been a terrorist attack on Canadian soil in decades.. it seems like a good time to try and get Canada all-the-way on board with the war on terror.  Theres tons of security weaknesses even I can see.  Godamnit, I was against having the olympics from the start..  but the torch went thru my town today and I was finally getting into the spirit of the whole damn thing, I've even got a place to stay in Whistler for this weekend

Please dont destroy my city, its way too awesome.
been rockin' longer than niggas twice my age
back in the days before Bob Marley was rockin' a fade
before Honest Abe signed the paper that freed slaves
before Neanderthals was drawing on walls in caves
I existed, in the garden of Eden gettin' lifted
stickin' dick to Eve before she was Adam's mistress
before Christ created Christmas, I been in lyrical fitness
the Canibus is spittin' til' he's spitless - Canibus


Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2010, 08:43:35 PM »
The scary thing about the missing fertilizer is that I first heard about it watching the Seattle news.  Vancouver didn't report on it until a few days later.

missing fertilizer you say? that was me all along, took it to help grow parsnips in the backyard.

sorry, not funny :-[


Suga Foot

Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2010, 09:14:57 AM »
I've even got a place to stay in Whistler for this weekend

How did you manage that?  I'm not even gonna attempt to go to Whistler.  You gonna drive or bus?


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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 10:21:04 AM »

I hope not, but who the fuck knows, London has millions of cameras and yet none of the cameras on the trains or the bus were working all of which were bombed. God knows what kind of a payout you would get from the bookie on all of those events occurring together.



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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2010, 06:31:41 PM »
I've even got a place to stay in Whistler for this weekend

How did you manage that?  I'm not even gonna attempt to go to Whistler.  You gonna drive or bus?

My uncle has a place up there, he's a firefighter and was able to get me a pass so I can drive up on the highway during peak hours. I dont have tickets to anything, but the village is going to be unreal
been rockin' longer than niggas twice my age
back in the days before Bob Marley was rockin' a fade
before Honest Abe signed the paper that freed slaves
before Neanderthals was drawing on walls in caves
I existed, in the garden of Eden gettin' lifted
stickin' dick to Eve before she was Adam's mistress
before Christ created Christmas, I been in lyrical fitness
the Canibus is spittin' til' he's spitless - Canibus


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Re: Next False Flag attack to hit Vancouver Olympics?
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2010, 08:42:04 PM »
+1 if you turn out to be right, -1 if nothing happens.

However, a lot of these warning signs don't necessarily point to anything "false flag", rather credible issues and concerns. I wouldn't be surprised if the event really was a target for terrorist groups.