Author Topic: New Conflict of Blu D Interview  (Read 64 times)


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New Conflict of Blu D Interview
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:34:51 AM »

Last year we got a chance to speak with Blu Division artist Conflcit. Well he is back a with a new interview a year later to let you know what he’s been up to… We spoke a little over a year ago, you had just released the Crack Kills mixtape, and what have you been up to since then?

Conflict: Aawww man I just been grinding bro. I’ve been in the lab working hard man. Just released a mixtape called “Back To The Basics” which is moving heavy in the streets and I’m gearing up to drop my single off my up and coming album “51/50″ sometime this summer.

You recently dropped the Back to Basis Mixtape; tell us a little about that? What is next for you?

Conflict: Yeeees! It was a concept I came up with like Mid-December. Did the project in like 3 weeks and put it out. The concept was pretty much being back on my shit, back doing what I’ve done to get me to this point. Do you have any new mixtapes or albums coming out in the near future?

Conflict: Yea I have my album 51/50 coming out this year sometime I don’t have a date yet. But the album is crazy! Trust me on this one; I put a lot of hard work into it. Do you think the west coast has improved any since the last time we spoke?

Conflict: Honestly naw I don’t think so. As far as talent, that’s been here. But it’s no support over here from radio all the way down. Everybody has that ME first mentality and will do anything to bring the spotlight upon themselves. I think we all have roles. Everybody can’t be MJ or Kobe that’s just the reality of it. So instead of hating and bringing down the next man just master whatever it is you do and run with it. Play your part! Being on Blu Division is it frustrating that Glasses Malone’s album hasn’t come out yet? Is his album getting pushed back interfered with you or any other Blu Division artist from dropping your own albums?

Conflict: Honestly it is kind of frustrating. Not on my be-half but G is my friend so to see him have to deal with the politics of the industry the way he does sometimes. He has great music and a great project and the coast needs it. But as far as our projects it hasn’t really affected anything. We still moving and working but timing is everything ya know. It’s a lot of big things to come in 2010 from our camp. Are you still producing? Do you have any production on any projects coming up?

Conflict: Yea I’m still doing my stuff. Be on the lookout for my production on my album, some on my mixtape “Back To The Basics”. Stage up and coming project “The Preview” and our division project called “We On” as well as some other things I’ve been working on. Tell us about the Blu Division compilation…

Conflict: We have the “We On” project coming real soon which will have everybody on it from Green Division, Blu, Damu and Brown Division, it’s going to be all the way turnt up. I had seen on your myspace that you got a stamp of approval from Drake. He said that if you make the right moves that you could have a strong career. What do plan to do to take your career to the next level?

Conflict: Men just consistently give the people great music and being a better businessman than we are accustom to seeing. You see the ones who stand out nowadays are those who are businessmen first, music second. Good music holds no boundaries. So I feel as long as I’m true to myself and bring truth in my music that will elevate my career in itself. Is there anything else you’d like to say before we wrap up?

Conflict: Man just want to give a shout out to my division fam and especially you bro for setting up the interview and letting my voice be heard. We gone get this money in 2010. Blu- D or nothing!