Author Topic: Dems vs. Repubs  (Read 761 times)


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Dems vs. Repubs
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:28:36 AM »
Before I get into it, I want to make one thing clear.  They are both almost completely corrupt at the high levels.  They do not care about us the citizens or the United States.  At all.  They have allegiances to other things that supercede any allegiance they have to this country.

If you support the Dems, they are controlled by the Old World - ie England and Europe.  They believe in controlling the world through government.  The American Revolution was legit in that several thousand fed up motherfuckers beat the shit out of the Old World and freed themselves temporarily.  Old World elite realized that these people were bout it and didn't give a fuck, and therefore they did not want to continue going to war with them.  So they launched a quiet war and began secretly infiltrating the US and regained control.

The Rockefellers came here initially under the Old World guidance but became so powerful once they were here that they shed Old World control and started the New World Order within the Republican / Neo-Con ranks.  They also believe in controlling the world, but they want to do so through corporations. 

So you've got Dems who want to rule the world thru govt and repubs who want to rule through corporations.  At the end of the day, they have the exact same agenda, neither of which is good for YOU.  They are always battling each other to one up and gain control and that is what you see today.

Both sides own about 80-90% of all mainstream media.  They own the banks / Fed Reserve.  They dictate what is and what is not taught in school.  They run many mainstream religions. 

Because at the end of the day they have the same common goal, you are only fed a small portion of truth almost everywhere you turn, at least here in America.  Both sides reinforce that any line of thinking outside of what they dictate to you makes you INSANE. 

If some of you could step away and take a breath, you would see how both sides play the exact same games and have the same agenda.

So quit playing their game and understand the history of the people in power, who their ancestors are etc.

With any real digging you will begin to see what I mean. 

Oh and throw away your television now. 



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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 01:09:23 PM »
These parties will continue to exist because the majority of people haven't been able to get pass these simple categories that people put themselves in, which ironically you do the same by saying Democrats want control through government and Republicans want control through Corporations.  Isn't it obvious there are different types of Republicans and Democrats, or better conservative and liberal?  The minority Democrats and Republicans who are beyond the post-modern view are a very small minority because our society has a very small minority of post-modern thinkers itself, imagine the group that's beyond that.  And anyway, what is the alternative?  Will a better world really exist because of a regime change?  Doubt it because the people that want change will do the same crap over again. 


Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 06:13:38 AM »
good post.

but so everyone knows where all mushrooms in this game every one of us......kept in the dark and fed shit!


Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2010, 07:13:11 AM »
word up dawgs. props to everyone in here. it's interesting that american leaders have no actual clear plan for the future except for maintaining the financial status quo as long as possible, regardless of the consequences. i've been looking into some issues and ways of thinking recently and things are becoming a lot more clear to me on a number of levels.

ultimately the physical reality and our utilisation of it will dictate where we as a species and individual nations are heading in the near term. as it stands, our broader concept of money and accounting system is completely messed up. so figure in all the corruption that comes part and parcel with this flawed monetary system and well, its a recipe for disaster. hopefully not irreversible though...
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 02:09:12 PM by Matty »


Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2010, 01:28:41 PM »
I can't remember the name of the study, but there was some study done with children where they were given a team name and an objective and at the end of the study the children were literally willing to ensure they defeated their opponents at all costs, even through physical harm.

Same thing applies with some adults and their political parties. They feel an association with that party to the point where they ignore all faults of that particular party and invest all their time focusing on hoping for the downfall of the other party.

Any rational person will be more moderate concerning the viewpoints of Republicans and Democrats. Unfortunately, the majority of this country is not rational.
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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2010, 06:56:50 PM »
I can't remember the name of the study, but there was some study done with children where they were given a team name and an objective and at the end of the study the children were literally willing to ensure they defeated their opponents at all costs, even through physical harm.

Same thing applies with some adults and their political parties. They feel an association with that party to the point where they ignore all faults of that particular party and invest all their time focusing on hoping for the downfall of the other party.

Any rational person will be more moderate concerning the viewpoints of Republicans and Democrats. Unfortunately, the majority of this country is not rational.

actually, a person is pretty rational, but when controlled by the media people as a whole are not.


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2010, 01:12:33 PM »

Word, although I'll be honest, I still watch tv and as for the democrats, those who have tried to stand up have met an unpleasant demise....

Robert Kennedy
JFK junior was said to be contemplating a move into politics and then he ends up in a nasty plane accident

It's all bullshit and I don't even buy the lesser of two evils crap anymore, instead I think it's simply different brands pushing the same goal.


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2010, 02:02:03 PM »
What about Robert Kennedy Jr?  Is he some evil environmentalist who is just following the same progressive ideas that his family has been about his entire life?


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2010, 05:49:27 PM »

I don't know about the junior you mentioned, all I know is about the ones mentioned


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2010, 05:52:12 PM »
Yeah but I've seen you criticize current progressive liberals that share the ideas of the three that died.  In fact, Robert Kennedy Jr. is even more progressive than his father was since his father was a big flip flopper. 


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2010, 06:03:59 PM »

Seriously man why do you think they all got popped/offed? all of them became a threat. Besides, I don't abide by labels as they mean absolutely nothing and haven't meant anything for a long time.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 06:05:31 PM by virtuoso »


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2010, 12:51:00 AM »
democrats = tax n spend

republicans = borrow and spend

only affiliation I have is with this Crippin... I align myself with that bullshit.
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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2010, 09:45:04 PM »
The differences between both parties are not great, they are actually both corporatist.

If you look at CORPORATE theory, government and corporatism go hand in hand.

Corporatist theory evolved out of classical political pluralism. Classical political pluralism is the idea that society is made up of groups that work through parliament to get their needs met. Corporatism is also the same, although the difference is that corporations work through government and parliament to get their needs met but also help government run and keep society/the economy functioning -so it is a give and take that political pluralism does not have as groups in political pluralism already give through taxes, etc and so compete as groups to get their needs and wants met through government, the difference with corporate theory is that corporations also require government help and co-operation , but in return they help run the economy, run the country, etc. You can't have corporatism without government.

Republicans tend to oppose any type of invasive government regulation of corporations. The Democrat rebuttal to that is corporations have to be regulated by government to provide a partial relief for the social and economic deficiencies of unfettered corporatism. After all, corporations are lets remember, a legal person whose personality is there to be engineered, so if we want a compassionate corporation we have to create one. Who is the immediate primary creator for the job? The State. The Leviathan. The Republicans would argue it is up to the consumer to change the market, let the market change with demand, don't regulate corporations and stifle liberty and the market with your communist ideology you commie sons of bitches!!!! ;D

IMO, this has to happen from both the top (through government) and through the consumer/the market and the corporations themselves, there is no single answer from one single angle.

Both parties are corporatist, both are for big government, its just a difference of opinion regarding government regulation of corporations, that is really the main issue. Not that one wants to 'control the world through corporations and the other wants to do it through government'. Corporatism and government go hand in hand.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 11:36:37 PM by ILLUMINATI CLIQUE »


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2010, 07:43:10 AM »

Good point, it's just about the administration of the system, not the system itself which is being fought on


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Re: Dems vs. Repubs
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 12:36:11 PM »
 8) 8) 8) 8)
