Author Topic: Ann Coulter does it again  (Read 1140 times)

The Overfiend

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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2010, 03:09:01 AM »

Ann Coulter is like a Bill Maher.....she says outrageous things and tries to be offensive. She is basically a comedian. The only difference is liberals get mad at Coulter because she goes after subjects that it is not politically correct to talk about: Muslims, gays, Barack Obama, etc

Why is it OK to mock conservatives, white people, Christians, Republicans, etc but not other groups?

You have a point. I guess as long as she is comedic about it and maintains an air of humor she can get away with her generalizations. If she was a politician however, such generalizations would inevitably end up isolating potential supporters, that is the biggest reason politicians maintain a level of 'political correctness'.


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2010, 03:01:07 PM »
Even IF the the opinions she gives had any substance (which they have not), I can't even imagine how someone can agree with her kindergardenlike way of arguing. Are we really at a point where WHATEVER someone says, no matter how pathetic, gets cheers, if it only is aimed at the political opponent? It's plain sad that such a person even gets a platform for her attention-whoring! ELANO!

Ann Coulter is like a Bill Maher.....she says outrageous things and tries to be offensive. She is basically a comedian. The only difference is liberals get mad at Coulter because she goes after subjects that it is not politically correct to talk about: Muslims, gays, Barack Obama, etc

Why is it OK to mock conservatives, white people, Christians, Republicans, etc but not other groups?

Is it makes you feel better, I'm not a big fan of Bill Maher lol


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2010, 03:30:28 PM »
Ann Coulter is another Karl Rove.  They know who they're talking to, kudos for their political insight.  They're appealing to the people that still see issues in black and white.  I'm sorry, but even in that Coren interview (just saw the first 15 min) she was just giving the typical arguments you have in fucking High School Government class which clearly hit a chord for the base of the Republican Party. 


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2010, 04:08:15 PM »
Ann Coulter is another Karl Rove.  They know who they're talking to, kudos for their political insight.  They're appealing to the people that still see issues in black and white.  I'm sorry, but even in that Coren interview (just saw the first 15 min) she was just giving the typical arguments you have in fucking High School Government class which clearly hit a chord for the base of the Republican Party. 

Was the first 15 minutes the 9/11 widows stuff? What was wrong with it?

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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2010, 05:31:49 PM »
People need to lighten up and quit being so fucking sensitive. How do you get through life being offended by every little thing? Grow a sack.

I am Catholic and people make tons of Catholic jokes. Who really gives a fuck?

Turf Hitta

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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2010, 06:02:08 PM »
Even IF the the opinions she gives had any substance (which they have not), I can't even imagine how someone can agree with her kindergardenlike way of arguing. Are we really at a point where WHATEVER someone says, no matter how pathetic, gets cheers, if it only is aimed at the political opponent? It's plain sad that such a person even gets a platform for her attention-whoring! ELANO!

Ann Coulter is like a Bill Maher.....she says outrageous things and tries to be offensive. She is basically a comedian. The only difference is liberals get mad at Coulter because she goes after subjects that it is not politically correct to talk about: Muslims, gays, Barack Obama, etc

Why is it OK to mock conservatives, white people, Christians, Republicans, etc but not other groups?

Bill Maher is nothing like this cunt. He actually uses this crazy thing called logic and has solid points to back up his arguments. This bitch is just a shit starter with no substance to anything she says. I mean shit, joking is fine, but when you try to act all high and mighty like you have all the answers you should also have a little reasoning behind the shit you say.


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2010, 07:27:02 PM »
Ann Coulter is another Karl Rove.  They know who they're talking to, kudos for their political insight.  They're appealing to the people that still see issues in black and white.  I'm sorry, but even in that Coren interview (just saw the first 15 min) she was just giving the typical arguments you have in fucking High School Government class which clearly hit a chord for the base of the Republican Party. 

Was the first 15 minutes the 9/11 widows stuff? What was wrong with it?

Nope, didn't get to that.  She was comparing the logic of defending pro choice to defending people that kill doctors.  Shit 8th graders say. 


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2010, 09:56:19 PM »
Ann Coulter is another Karl Rove.  They know who they're talking to, kudos for their political insight.  They're appealing to the people that still see issues in black and white.  I'm sorry, but even in that Coren interview (just saw the first 15 min) she was just giving the typical arguments you have in fucking High School Government class which clearly hit a chord for the base of the Republican Party. 

Was the first 15 minutes the 9/11 widows stuff? What was wrong with it?

Nope, didn't get to that.  She was comparing the logic of defending pro choice to defending people that kill doctors.  Shit 8th graders say. 

Well to be fair she was making a joke using that logic. She shows very little compassion on screen but I don't think she actually enjoys that those doctors were killed. The main concern with the abortion issue was the public funding and that I completely agree with. I understand the idea that we cannot force a woman to stay pregnant when we cannot provide an alternative but to make everyday people contribute to something like abortion with their tax dollars is going too far.


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2010, 11:03:52 PM »
Not saying she enjoys it, but she wasn't joking.  She's dissing the logic of pro choice by saying that it's the same thing as not worrying about people that have killed doctors. 


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2010, 08:28:51 AM »
Not saying she enjoys it, but she wasn't joking.  She's dissing the logic of pro choice by saying that it's the same thing as not worrying about people that have killed doctors. 

"I don't really like to think of it as murder, it was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester"

That was the joke. But what she said to back it up is not wrong. Maybe you learned it in an 8th grade class but that doesn't make it less right. If you believe that a fetus is human then you believe that abortion is murder, and just because the law and the general consensus does not feel the same way doesn't change any of that. In China plenty used to throw female babies off the cliff because of the 1 child law. A new born was not seen as a full human being by much of the Chinese, but anyone that looks at it from the outside would call it utter murder.

In Canada you are allowed to come to the Canadian Government at 8 months pregnant and say I want an abortion and you don't need a reason. No Canadian doctors will perform one so the Canadian tax dollars will pay for your trip to the US and George Tiller before he was shot would perform it and the Canadian Government would pay him too. That's the rule up here.

Now, you tell me the difference between having Tiller abort the fetus at 8 months and throwing a 2 days old girl off a cliff as it pertains to murder. What's the difference between finding out at 6 months your baby has down syndrome and pressing abort and killing the baby after it's born because you can't take care of a down syndrome baby?

I don't care that the general rule is most abortions are early stage fetuses. In Tiller's case he performed late term abortions that most doctors wouldn't do. George Tiller killed babies that could have at that moment been delivered and lived on their own. And for that I have no problem at a joke about his murder.

And I guarantee one thing; society in a few hundred years will look back on our stance on abortion like we look at the barbarians of the middle ages. Especially once ecto-genesis technologies are in place where the mother doesn't even have to take it to term.


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2010, 09:06:34 AM »
Well let's keep it going with that logic, then Ann Coulter should be against the Death Penalty. Like I said, this is just a middle school argument. 


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2010, 11:19:15 AM »
Well let's keep it going with that logic, then Ann Coulter should be against the Death Penalty. Like I said, this is just a middle school argument. 

You don't get her humour though. Her entire rant is about one thing; "pro life" democrats voting for publicly funded abortions. He paraphrases them saying "I want full moral credit for personally opposing abortion, I just don't want to impose my moral values on others. Well if that is a legitimate standard for killing babies then it is a legitimate standard for killing abortionists. And if it isn't then you better reconsider your position."  The whole thing was a response to the pro-life democrat, not to the pro-choice movement. She even breaks character a bit by mistake when she says "tax payers who think this is murder" then she stops her self and goes right back into character. She does attack the pro-choice crowd outright to and attacks the logic of "if you don't like abortion then don't have one" and that is where the quote of the 203rd trimester applies. The idea that trivializing a pro-lifers stance by making the idea only about personal choice is being attacked. If one believes that it is a full life being killed then it is as important as murder.

Right here in Canada you could stick a knife in a 9 month pregnant woman's womb, kill the fetus, and get no possibility of a murder charge. I don't know what it's like where you live but I really am disgusted by the laws up here, that if you asked the people would be voted against by 90%. Democracy you say? I don't think so.

I gained a new respect for her after this interview. I always thought she was a bit much and still do but I better understand what she's doing. It's not as simple as the way you make it seem. I think you just disagree with her stance and choose to see what you want.


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2010, 11:59:17 AM »
A rant based on a lie too.  The bill that was signed by law wasn't going to publicly fund abortions, and just to even make sure Obama has to sign another law to make sure.  It's another straight up lie to get people fired up.  And that's the problem right there.  She's firing up the wrong conservatives, the ones that make conservatives look bad.  The ones that throw dollar bills at people with Parkinson's.  The ones that think this health care bill is going to cause armageddon. The ones that don't need to be convinced of being a Republican/Conservative/etc.   


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2010, 12:14:25 PM »
A rant based on a lie too.  The bill that was signed by law wasn't going to publicly fund abortions, and just to even make sure Obama has to sign another law to make sure.  It's another straight up lie to get people fired up.  And that's the problem right there.  She's firing up the wrong conservatives, the ones that make conservatives look bad.  The ones that throw dollar bills at people with Parkinson's.  The ones that think this health care bill is going to cause armageddon. The ones that don't need to be convinced of being a Republican/Conservative/etc.   

Who is she firing up on a Canadian TV show? We have those policies here. It's a fact that women who wanted late term abortions and had Canadian doctors refuse all across the country were sent through tax payer money to the US to have an abortionist perform it. Our abortion laws make your laws look like Pat Robertson wrote them.

Even if it's a lie, the logic is still the same, and it's not 8th grade stuff. Take that debate into an 8th grade class and see what the kids think of it. You're trivializing it because it goes against your stance.

My stance isn't one or the other. I never said a woman should be forced to take the pregnancy to term. I'd never vote Republican or Democrat if I could in the US.

I get it. You think Obama is going to save America by making the government take care of everyone. Do me a favour though. Write a letter to your great grand children who will grow up in an America that serves as a service state for the Chinese Empire. Because that's where we're all headed the day the Chinese say "pay up". The Health Care reform is just another added piece to the whole thing. It's not ruining anything by itself. It's just another step in the wrong direction. It's simple math that you learn a lot earlier than grade 8 and it stays true a long time after grade 8; when you don't have the money to pay for what you already have don't borrow more money to buy more things you can't pay for.


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Re: Ann Coulter does it again
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2010, 12:28:17 PM »
A rant based on a lie too.  The bill that was signed by law wasn't going to publicly fund abortions, and just to even make sure Obama has to sign another law to make sure.  It's another straight up lie to get people fired up.  And that's the problem right there.  She's firing up the wrong conservatives, the ones that make conservatives look bad.  The ones that throw dollar bills at people with Parkinson's.  The ones that think this health care bill is going to cause armageddon. The ones that don't need to be convinced of being a Republican/Conservative/etc.   

Who is she firing up on a Canadian TV show? We have those policies here. It's a fact that women who wanted late term abortions and had Canadian doctors refuse all across the country were sent through tax payer money to the US to have an abortionist perform it. Our abortion laws make your laws look like Pat Robertson wrote them.

Even if it's a lie, the logic is still the same, and it's not 8th grade stuff. Take that debate into an 8th grade class and see what the kids think of it. You're trivializing it because it goes against your stance.

My stance isn't one or the other. I never said a woman should be forced to take the pregnancy to term. I'd never vote Republican or Democrat if I could in the US.

I get it. You think Obama is going to save America by making the government take care of everyone. Do me a favour though. Write a letter to your great grand children who will grow up in an America that serves as a service state for the Chinese Empire. Because that's where we're all headed the day the Chinese say "pay up". The Health Care reform is just another added piece to the whole thing. It's not ruining anything by itself. It's just another step in the wrong direction. It's simple math that you learn a lot earlier than grade 8 and it stays true a long time after grade 8; when you don't have the money to pay for what you already have don't borrow more money to buy more things you can't pay for.

You don't even know my stance on abortion, I haven't even mentioned it here.  And it doesn't matter where she's at, that's her shtick to rile up conservatives that are already convinced by completely dissing the other side.  Same reason why I find Maher annoying, Bill Maher being completely against religion and he just calls religious people idiots basically. For one thing, the new law isn't forcing the people to be taken care by the Government. If you truly feel Obama is that far left, then soon we'll expect the military budget to start receiving huge budget cuts so tax payer's money will start being spread to better causes. But I doubt conservatives want that to happen.  And honestly, the way the government is being managed when my grand children are running around will be the least of my worries because there are far worse things happening by that time.