Author Topic: Teacher caught beating student  (Read 645 times)


Re: Teacher caught beating student
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2010, 07:57:41 PM »
Yall are fuckin trippin. Maybe u look at shit differently when u actually have a kid. When u have a kid...believe me, youre not gonna want any strangers puttin their hands on em. Im all for whoopin your kids ass if theyre out of line...or need it. But you will know to what extent your OK with your kid getting whooped. You will have a line that you are ok with and wont cross...and others wont know that line. This bitch was treatin that boy like he was a grown ass man. I mean she was squarin up on lil dude. You tell me what real mom is gonna see that video of her son gettin treated like...and not wanna go whoop that bitch teachers ass. Not to mention, the girls filmin the shit even said he didnt do anything (at least from the report I watched). That he was just dancing with them and the teacher flipped on him. Its obvious she got some damn issues...probably either been beatin before by a man...or witnessed it throughout here life or some shit. And took it out on that boy.

Shit, back in the day the neighbors would whoop other people's kids when they see'em get out of line then tell their parents why they did it and when u got home your moms would whoop yo ass again.

lol girl u aint that old. You grew up in the CPS era  :P

Like I said....wait till u have a kid. I will keep my daughter in line...and yeah discipline is a must. But aint no stranger gonna put they hands on her...decide when to whoop much or hard to whoop her...etc.  When it comes to whoopin a kids ass...its a real fuzzy line between what youre comfortable with. What you consider a whoopin....and consider a beating. You know what I mean? This video as an example. I bet if u had a son...even IF he hit somebody in the class...wouldnt approve of a grown ass bitch standin over your son while he lays on the ground...and she's throwin blows at him. Youd be in that class room ready to beat the bitch down.

CPS? U crazy out your mind lol. My brother tried to call the police once and that didn't work out for him at all. Like I said we were raised in the days when other adults were allowed to discipline your kids when the mother wasn't around and as an adult I see how it helped 'cause the kids weren't as bad and more respectful. I'd approve a grown woman disciplinin' my daughter as long as she really did somethin to deserve it and she wasn't abused. She need to learn that she can't act a damn fool just 'cause Im not around. Respect those who have authority over you!

That's just basically how I was raised so that's why I view it differently.

Thats not what Im sayin girl. What Im sayin is...even amongst people who are fine with whoopin their kids. They have different lines that they wont cross...and different reasons why they feel an ass whoopin is necessary. Not everybody has the same guidelines. You might think its ok to whoop your kid....with a certain amount of force....for hitting their sibling.  Another adult might think its ok to whoop a kid with more force then you would...for talking in class. Those differences are why its important to not have strangers...especially in school...whoopin kids. Unless they are on the exact same page as you. Those rules arent in place just to protect the kids....theyre in place to protect the teachers from backlash from parents who feel a teacher went TOO far. Bottom line, if you teach your kids to be respectful at home....they will more then likely be respectful in public. if you need people to be whoopin your kid at school to keep em in line....or neighbors whoopin your kid to keep em in line....then youre doin somethin wrong as a parent at home.

And btw...we were raised in the 80's and early 90's....dont tell me kids were more respectful back then LOL Muhafuckas was on that gangbang shit at 8 yrs old.

We were raised in different places and around different ppl 'cause even the gang bangers respected my moms, went to church, respected their elders, etc. A nigga would be saggin and an old person would tell them to pull their pants then they would do so,they even had enough respect not to slang in front of older people or use profanity 'cause they had home training raither they were raised by their moms or g-moms. Then u had the ones who were just bad but I bet they minded somebody!

lol you keep skippin over 90% of my shit...and focusing on one small thing.

You talkin about gangstas havin respect for older people by not saggin and cussin in front of em. But bangin was way more viscious back then too lol Lookin at it now as an adult. If you tell me youre respectful cus you listen to your elders....but you killin somebody just cus they a cross-town....Im tellin u youre fulla shit. Those same gangstas that respected they elders were sprayin up liquor stores n shit regardless of who was in that muthafucka.  

Actually Im not skippin over nothin because kids don't get their asses whooped so they won't gang bang...ur just not gettin the point Im makin.

What are u talkin about girl? You skipped over damn near most of the shit I said and responded only to that gangbang shit.

Bottom line...if that was YO son in the video...shit, if that was just a regular ass relative in that video gettin socked by an adult...youd be ready to whoop her ass. And you know it.
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


Re: Teacher caught beating student
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2010, 08:41:06 PM »
Yall are fuckin trippin. Maybe u look at shit differently when u actually have a kid. When u have a kid...believe me, youre not gonna want any strangers puttin their hands on em. Im all for whoopin your kids ass if theyre out of line...or need it. But you will know to what extent your OK with your kid getting whooped. You will have a line that you are ok with and wont cross...and others wont know that line. This bitch was treatin that boy like he was a grown ass man. I mean she was squarin up on lil dude. You tell me what real mom is gonna see that video of her son gettin treated like...and not wanna go whoop that bitch teachers ass. Not to mention, the girls filmin the shit even said he didnt do anything (at least from the report I watched). That he was just dancing with them and the teacher flipped on him. Its obvious she got some damn issues...probably either been beatin before by a man...or witnessed it throughout here life or some shit. And took it out on that boy.

Shit, back in the day the neighbors would whoop other people's kids when they see'em get out of line then tell their parents why they did it and when u got home your moms would whoop yo ass again.

lol girl u aint that old. You grew up in the CPS era  :P

Like I said....wait till u have a kid. I will keep my daughter in line...and yeah discipline is a must. But aint no stranger gonna put they hands on her...decide when to whoop much or hard to whoop her...etc.  When it comes to whoopin a kids ass...its a real fuzzy line between what youre comfortable with. What you consider a whoopin....and consider a beating. You know what I mean? This video as an example. I bet if u had a son...even IF he hit somebody in the class...wouldnt approve of a grown ass bitch standin over your son while he lays on the ground...and she's throwin blows at him. Youd be in that class room ready to beat the bitch down.

CPS? U crazy out your mind lol. My brother tried to call the police once and that didn't work out for him at all. Like I said we were raised in the days when other adults were allowed to discipline your kids when the mother wasn't around and as an adult I see how it helped 'cause the kids weren't as bad and more respectful. I'd approve a grown woman disciplinin' my daughter as long as she really did somethin to deserve it and she wasn't abused. She need to learn that she can't act a damn fool just 'cause Im not around. Respect those who have authority over you!

That's just basically how I was raised so that's why I view it differently.

Thats not what Im sayin girl. What Im sayin is...even amongst people who are fine with whoopin their kids. They have different lines that they wont cross...and different reasons why they feel an ass whoopin is necessary. Not everybody has the same guidelines. You might think its ok to whoop your kid....with a certain amount of force....for hitting their sibling.  Another adult might think its ok to whoop a kid with more force then you would...for talking in class. Those differences are why its important to not have strangers...especially in school...whoopin kids. Unless they are on the exact same page as you. Those rules arent in place just to protect the kids....theyre in place to protect the teachers from backlash from parents who feel a teacher went TOO far. Bottom line, if you teach your kids to be respectful at home....they will more then likely be respectful in public. if you need people to be whoopin your kid at school to keep em in line....or neighbors whoopin your kid to keep em in line....then youre doin somethin wrong as a parent at home.

And btw...we were raised in the 80's and early 90's....dont tell me kids were more respectful back then LOL Muhafuckas was on that gangbang shit at 8 yrs old.

We were raised in different places and around different ppl 'cause even the gang bangers respected my moms, went to church, respected their elders, etc. A nigga would be saggin and an old person would tell them to pull their pants then they would do so,they even had enough respect not to slang in front of older people or use profanity 'cause they had home training raither they were raised by their moms or g-moms. Then u had the ones who were just bad but I bet they minded somebody!

lol you keep skippin over 90% of my shit...and focusing on one small thing.

You talkin about gangstas havin respect for older people by not saggin and cussin in front of em. But bangin was way more viscious back then too lol Lookin at it now as an adult. If you tell me youre respectful cus you listen to your elders....but you killin somebody just cus they a cross-town....Im tellin u youre fulla shit. Those same gangstas that respected they elders were sprayin up liquor stores n shit regardless of who was in that muthafucka.  

Actually Im not skippin over nothin because kids don't get their asses whooped so they won't gang bang...ur just not gettin the point Im makin.

What are u talkin about girl? You skipped over damn near most of the shit I said and responded only to that gangbang shit.

Bottom line...if that was YO son in the video...shit, if that was just a regular ass relative in that video gettin socked by an adult...youd be ready to whoop her ass. And you know it.

Actually if u go back to my comment about the CPS era u'd see where I said as long as they're not abusive so I really didn't skip over nothin u just wanna argue as usual :laugh:.

Whatever u say tho ...Im done wit'it.
I stand before God when I say that I'm not a facade_Supreme


Re: Teacher caught beating student
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2010, 08:48:02 PM »
Yall are fuckin trippin. Maybe u look at shit differently when u actually have a kid. When u have a kid...believe me, youre not gonna want any strangers puttin their hands on em. Im all for whoopin your kids ass if theyre out of line...or need it. But you will know to what extent your OK with your kid getting whooped. You will have a line that you are ok with and wont cross...and others wont know that line. This bitch was treatin that boy like he was a grown ass man. I mean she was squarin up on lil dude. You tell me what real mom is gonna see that video of her son gettin treated like...and not wanna go whoop that bitch teachers ass. Not to mention, the girls filmin the shit even said he didnt do anything (at least from the report I watched). That he was just dancing with them and the teacher flipped on him. Its obvious she got some damn issues...probably either been beatin before by a man...or witnessed it throughout here life or some shit. And took it out on that boy.

Shit, back in the day the neighbors would whoop other people's kids when they see'em get out of line then tell their parents why they did it and when u got home your moms would whoop yo ass again.

lol girl u aint that old. You grew up in the CPS era  :P

Like I said....wait till u have a kid. I will keep my daughter in line...and yeah discipline is a must. But aint no stranger gonna put they hands on her...decide when to whoop much or hard to whoop her...etc.  When it comes to whoopin a kids ass...its a real fuzzy line between what youre comfortable with. What you consider a whoopin....and consider a beating. You know what I mean? This video as an example. I bet if u had a son...even IF he hit somebody in the class...wouldnt approve of a grown ass bitch standin over your son while he lays on the ground...and she's throwin blows at him. Youd be in that class room ready to beat the bitch down.

CPS? U crazy out your mind lol. My brother tried to call the police once and that didn't work out for him at all. Like I said we were raised in the days when other adults were allowed to discipline your kids when the mother wasn't around and as an adult I see how it helped 'cause the kids weren't as bad and more respectful. I'd approve a grown woman disciplinin' my daughter as long as she really did somethin to deserve it and she wasn't abused. She need to learn that she can't act a damn fool just 'cause Im not around. Respect those who have authority over you!

That's just basically how I was raised so that's why I view it differently.

Thats not what Im sayin girl. What Im sayin is...even amongst people who are fine with whoopin their kids. They have different lines that they wont cross...and different reasons why they feel an ass whoopin is necessary. Not everybody has the same guidelines. You might think its ok to whoop your kid....with a certain amount of force....for hitting their sibling.  Another adult might think its ok to whoop a kid with more force then you would...for talking in class. Those differences are why its important to not have strangers...especially in school...whoopin kids. Unless they are on the exact same page as you. Those rules arent in place just to protect the kids....theyre in place to protect the teachers from backlash from parents who feel a teacher went TOO far. Bottom line, if you teach your kids to be respectful at home....they will more then likely be respectful in public. if you need people to be whoopin your kid at school to keep em in line....or neighbors whoopin your kid to keep em in line....then youre doin somethin wrong as a parent at home.

And btw...we were raised in the 80's and early 90's....dont tell me kids were more respectful back then LOL Muhafuckas was on that gangbang shit at 8 yrs old.

We were raised in different places and around different ppl 'cause even the gang bangers respected my moms, went to church, respected their elders, etc. A nigga would be saggin and an old person would tell them to pull their pants then they would do so,they even had enough respect not to slang in front of older people or use profanity 'cause they had home training raither they were raised by their moms or g-moms. Then u had the ones who were just bad but I bet they minded somebody!

lol you keep skippin over 90% of my shit...and focusing on one small thing.

You talkin about gangstas havin respect for older people by not saggin and cussin in front of em. But bangin was way more viscious back then too lol Lookin at it now as an adult. If you tell me youre respectful cus you listen to your elders....but you killin somebody just cus they a cross-town....Im tellin u youre fulla shit. Those same gangstas that respected they elders were sprayin up liquor stores n shit regardless of who was in that muthafucka.  

Actually Im not skippin over nothin because kids don't get their asses whooped so they won't gang bang...ur just not gettin the point Im makin.

What are u talkin about girl? You skipped over damn near most of the shit I said and responded only to that gangbang shit.

Bottom line...if that was YO son in the video...shit, if that was just a regular ass relative in that video gettin socked by an adult...youd be ready to whoop her ass. And you know it.

Actually if u go back to my comment about the CPS era u'd see where I said as long as they're not abusive so I really didn't skip over nothin u just wanna argue as usual :laugh:.

Whatever u say tho ...Im done wit'it.

Love u too   :-*
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"