Author Topic: BSPN Poll: Whos better?-Kobe vs LeBron (Kobe wins every state-Ohio,Boston,Miami)  (Read 2437 times)


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 05:35:51 PM by .:DaYg0sTyLz:. »
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.

You, the LeBron nutriders, and Mdogg (who calls himself "sccit killa" lol) doesn't equal the whole board. I've discussed basketball with many heads on this board, most are much more knowledgeable than you, and all will tell you that I know my shit...even you know I know my shit. you're just upset that I'm a huge fan of the Lakers and Kobe's game, which are seemingly the two things you hate most in life. Kobe was definitely the 2nd option on the threepeat teams, but it was more like 1.a and 1.b (based on Shaq' demanding demeanor).. but you exaggerate his role to "Robin" status, as if he wasn't already considered the best perimeter player in the game and greatest all-around talent in the nba during that era. that's what makes your hate for kobe/Lakers so obvious. as for kobe being lightyears ahead of lebron, that's what it is..i've seen many knowledgeable basketball heads acknowledge the same thing, as well as the fact that the kobe-jordan debate wont be put to rest until kobe you acting like i'm ridiculous because of that only makes you seem even less legit.

LMAO@"it's arguable whether the team of the decade is the Spurs"'re joking, right? 5 championships to 3...lakers threepeated and went back-to-back, spurs didn't even repeat once...everyone knows the 2nd title is harder to God, you are such a joke, man. it's not debatable who the team of the decade is lmao.

The olympics were a good example? of what? of how it takes the greatest player in the game leading you to actually win?'re still a dumbass for saying you don't want Kobe on your team.

Chamillitary Click

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The other things Kobe has over LeBron is "clutchness", "leadership skills" & "desire"; ALL THINGS THAT CANNOT BE PROVED.

LeBron is better with the ball, a better passer, a better driver, a more unstoppable force on the break, a better shot blocker, a better rebounder; they are similar defenders; but I'll even allow you to give that to Kobe. Plus LeBron is undeniably the better build/more athletic player.

All Kobe can say is he has the unproveable intangibles & flash his Shaq-given rings & then you mock LeBron for playing with Wade lmfao.

And that's just the way it is.


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.

You, the LeBron nutriders, and Mdogg (who calls himself "sccit killa" lol) doesn't equal the whole board. I've discussed basketball with many heads on this board, most are much more knowledgeable than you, and all will tell you that I know my shit...even you know I know my shit. you're just upset that I'm a huge fan of the Lakers and Kobe's game, which are seemingly the two things you hate most in life. Kobe was definitely the 2nd option on the threepeat teams, but it was more like 1.a and 1.b (based on Shaq' demanding demeanor).. but you exaggerate his role to "Robin" status, as if he wasn't already considered the best perimeter player in the game and greatest all-around talent in the nba during that era. that's what makes your hate for kobe/Lakers so obvious. as for kobe being lightyears ahead of lebron, that's what it is..i've seen many knowledgeable basketball heads acknowledge the same thing, as well as the fact that the kobe-jordan debate wont be put to rest until kobe you acting like i'm ridiculous because of that only makes you seem even less legit.

LMAO@"it's arguable whether the team of the decade is the Spurs"'re joking, right? 5 championships to 3...lakers threepeated and went back-to-back, spurs didn't even repeat once...everyone knows the 2nd title is harder to God, you are such a joke, man. it's not debatable who the team of the decade is lmao.

The olympics were a good example? of what? of how it takes the greatest player in the game leading you to actually win?'re still a dumbass for saying you don't want Kobe on your team.

lol@ doesnt equal the whole board. Youre right man...people on this board have the utmost respect for you and your opinion lol. How do you not see that you are the biggest joke here man? Not only is it sad, its even worse because its been that way for YEARS and you still keep coming back. I cant imagine coming here over and over when nobody even wants you here.

And lol@ "much more knowledgeable than you". Your opinion of who is knowledgeable and who isnt is about as valid as financial advice from a homeless man. You assume people who agree with you, are knowledgeable lol. Again, most Laker fans here know you are a joke. Thats why they even laughed when that video of that dickrider Laker whiteboy was posted and called you. They just dont always argue with you because they dont want to argue against the Lakers. But most of the Laker fans here arent just blind cheerleaders like yourself.  Real fans criticize their team when its needed. And NOT just the role players. But the stars as well. When Kobe sucks, they say..."Kobe sucked last night". It doesnt make you less of a fan, it makes you a real one and not some faggot ass cheerleader bitch that thinks Kobe can do no wrong lol. How pathetic.

As far as this decade goes. Its actually 4 titles to 3 titles in the Lakers favor. 2010 is counted in the next decade. It goes from 2000-2009...2010-2019...2020-2029. So yes, the Lakers have one more title than the Spurs. But the Spurs made the playoffs every year this decade, had the highest win percentage in the NBA this decade (and in Sports, over .700), never won less than 53 games in a season, etc...etc. Either way, i dont say the Spurs are definitely the team of the decade. Its clearly only the Lakers or Spurs who can hold that title. And even being a Spurs fan I know it could be argued either way. When you measure the championship count alone. Or if you measure the overall success throughout the decade.
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.

You, the LeBron nutriders, and Mdogg (who calls himself "sccit killa" lol) doesn't equal the whole board. I've discussed basketball with many heads on this board, most are much more knowledgeable than you, and all will tell you that I know my shit...even you know I know my shit. you're just upset that I'm a huge fan of the Lakers and Kobe's game, which are seemingly the two things you hate most in life. Kobe was definitely the 2nd option on the threepeat teams, but it was more like 1.a and 1.b (based on Shaq' demanding demeanor).. but you exaggerate his role to "Robin" status, as if he wasn't already considered the best perimeter player in the game and greatest all-around talent in the nba during that era. that's what makes your hate for kobe/Lakers so obvious. as for kobe being lightyears ahead of lebron, that's what it is..i've seen many knowledgeable basketball heads acknowledge the same thing, as well as the fact that the kobe-jordan debate wont be put to rest until kobe you acting like i'm ridiculous because of that only makes you seem even less legit.

LMAO@"it's arguable whether the team of the decade is the Spurs"'re joking, right? 5 championships to 3...lakers threepeated and went back-to-back, spurs didn't even repeat once...everyone knows the 2nd title is harder to God, you are such a joke, man. it's not debatable who the team of the decade is lmao.

The olympics were a good example? of what? of how it takes the greatest player in the game leading you to actually win?'re still a dumbass for saying you don't want Kobe on your team.

lol@ doesnt equal the whole board. Youre right man...people on this board have the utmost respect for you and your opinion lol. How do you not see that you are the biggest joke here man? Not only is it sad, its even worse because its been that way for YEARS and you still keep coming back. I cant imagine coming here over and over when nobody even wants you here.

And lol@ "much more knowledgeable than you". Your opinion of who is knowledgeable and who isnt is about as valid as financial advice from a homeless man. You assume people who agree with you, are knowledgeable lol. Again, most Laker fans here know you are a joke. Thats why they even laughed when that video of that dickrider Laker whiteboy was posted and called you. They just dont always argue with you because they dont want to argue against the Lakers. But most of the Laker fans here arent just blind cheerleaders like yourself.  Real fans criticize their team when its needed. And NOT just the role players. But the stars as well. When Kobe sucks, they say..."Kobe sucked last night". It doesnt make you less of a fan, it makes you a real one and not some faggot ass cheerleader bitch that thinks Kobe can do no wrong lol. How pathetic.

As far as this decade goes. Its actually 4 titles to 3 titles in the Lakers favor. 2010 is counted in the next decade. It goes from 2000-2009...2010-2019...2020-2029. So yes, the Lakers have one more title than the Spurs. But the Spurs made the playoffs every year this decade, had the highest win percentage in the NBA this decade (and in Sports, over .700), never won less than 53 games in a season, etc...etc. Either way, i dont say the Spurs are definitely the team of the decade. Its clearly only the Lakers or Spurs who can hold that title. And even being a Spurs fan I know it could be argued either way. When you measure the championship count alone. Or if you measure the overall success throughout the decade. fucking delusional are you lmao? theres only about 7 or so regular posters on this site remaining...of those 7 or so, 4 of them are cool as fuck with me and even hold discussions with me outside of this forum. goddamn, your punkass has bought more into the whole "NIKCC" hype than anyone in the history of this board...calm down, and discuss sports on a mutual basis, you fuckin douche, not with me being a celebrity in the back of your mind..."everyone hates you man! don't u know!!" sound like such a pathetic lil child LOL.

now back to the topic, if we may...anyone who thinks it can be argued that Spurs are the team of the decade over the Lakers is a complete tool, such as yourself. In fact, there is no Laker fan out there that would claim it "can be argued" the fact that you even say that to begin with, instead of just claiming Spurs, goes to show what a delusional douchebag you truly are..LOL.


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.

You, the LeBron nutriders, and Mdogg (who calls himself "sccit killa" lol) doesn't equal the whole board. I've discussed basketball with many heads on this board, most are much more knowledgeable than you, and all will tell you that I know my shit...even you know I know my shit. you're just upset that I'm a huge fan of the Lakers and Kobe's game, which are seemingly the two things you hate most in life. Kobe was definitely the 2nd option on the threepeat teams, but it was more like 1.a and 1.b (based on Shaq' demanding demeanor).. but you exaggerate his role to "Robin" status, as if he wasn't already considered the best perimeter player in the game and greatest all-around talent in the nba during that era. that's what makes your hate for kobe/Lakers so obvious. as for kobe being lightyears ahead of lebron, that's what it is..i've seen many knowledgeable basketball heads acknowledge the same thing, as well as the fact that the kobe-jordan debate wont be put to rest until kobe you acting like i'm ridiculous because of that only makes you seem even less legit.

LMAO@"it's arguable whether the team of the decade is the Spurs"'re joking, right? 5 championships to 3...lakers threepeated and went back-to-back, spurs didn't even repeat once...everyone knows the 2nd title is harder to God, you are such a joke, man. it's not debatable who the team of the decade is lmao.

The olympics were a good example? of what? of how it takes the greatest player in the game leading you to actually win?'re still a dumbass for saying you don't want Kobe on your team.

lol@ doesnt equal the whole board. Youre right man...people on this board have the utmost respect for you and your opinion lol. How do you not see that you are the biggest joke here man? Not only is it sad, its even worse because its been that way for YEARS and you still keep coming back. I cant imagine coming here over and over when nobody even wants you here.

And lol@ "much more knowledgeable than you". Your opinion of who is knowledgeable and who isnt is about as valid as financial advice from a homeless man. You assume people who agree with you, are knowledgeable lol. Again, most Laker fans here know you are a joke. Thats why they even laughed when that video of that dickrider Laker whiteboy was posted and called you. They just dont always argue with you because they dont want to argue against the Lakers. But most of the Laker fans here arent just blind cheerleaders like yourself.  Real fans criticize their team when its needed. And NOT just the role players. But the stars as well. When Kobe sucks, they say..."Kobe sucked last night". It doesnt make you less of a fan, it makes you a real one and not some faggot ass cheerleader bitch that thinks Kobe can do no wrong lol. How pathetic.

As far as this decade goes. Its actually 4 titles to 3 titles in the Lakers favor. 2010 is counted in the next decade. It goes from 2000-2009...2010-2019...2020-2029. So yes, the Lakers have one more title than the Spurs. But the Spurs made the playoffs every year this decade, had the highest win percentage in the NBA this decade (and in Sports, over .700), never won less than 53 games in a season, etc...etc. Either way, i dont say the Spurs are definitely the team of the decade. Its clearly only the Lakers or Spurs who can hold that title. And even being a Spurs fan I know it could be argued either way. When you measure the championship count alone. Or if you measure the overall success throughout the decade. fucking delusional are you lmao? theres only about 7 or so regular posters on this site remaining...of those 7 or so, 4 of them are cool as fuck with me and even hold discussions with me outside of this forum. goddamn, your punkass has bought more into the whole "NIKCC" hype than anyone in the history of this board...calm down, and discuss sports on a mutual basis, you fuckin douche, not with me being a celebrity in the back of your mind..."everyone hates you man! don't u know!!" sound like such a pathetic lil child LOL.

now back to the topic, if we may...anyone who thinks it can be argued that Spurs are the team of the decade over the Lakers is a complete tool, such as yourself. In fact, there is no Laker fan out there that would claim it "can be argued" the fact that you even say that to begin with, instead of just claiming Spurs, goes to show what a delusional douchebag you truly are..LOL.

There are Laker fans would claim that. But they would be educated Laker fans. Again, remember are a cheerleader. You dont have the brainpower to view a subject objectively. You think that your opinion must be a fact and that everyone else operates the same way. I am able to see someone elses side of the argument. I can see the argument of Lakers over Spurs for team of the decade. If you cant see the argument of Spurs over Lakers, well thats your own ignorance. Its obviously only really a two team race in that category.  And like I said, one team has 4 has 3. the team with three though has the better win percentage over the decade. Period.
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.

You, the LeBron nutriders, and Mdogg (who calls himself "sccit killa" lol) doesn't equal the whole board. I've discussed basketball with many heads on this board, most are much more knowledgeable than you, and all will tell you that I know my shit...even you know I know my shit. you're just upset that I'm a huge fan of the Lakers and Kobe's game, which are seemingly the two things you hate most in life. Kobe was definitely the 2nd option on the threepeat teams, but it was more like 1.a and 1.b (based on Shaq' demanding demeanor).. but you exaggerate his role to "Robin" status, as if he wasn't already considered the best perimeter player in the game and greatest all-around talent in the nba during that era. that's what makes your hate for kobe/Lakers so obvious. as for kobe being lightyears ahead of lebron, that's what it is..i've seen many knowledgeable basketball heads acknowledge the same thing, as well as the fact that the kobe-jordan debate wont be put to rest until kobe you acting like i'm ridiculous because of that only makes you seem even less legit.

LMAO@"it's arguable whether the team of the decade is the Spurs"'re joking, right? 5 championships to 3...lakers threepeated and went back-to-back, spurs didn't even repeat once...everyone knows the 2nd title is harder to God, you are such a joke, man. it's not debatable who the team of the decade is lmao.

The olympics were a good example? of what? of how it takes the greatest player in the game leading you to actually win?'re still a dumbass for saying you don't want Kobe on your team.

lol@ doesnt equal the whole board. Youre right man...people on this board have the utmost respect for you and your opinion lol. How do you not see that you are the biggest joke here man? Not only is it sad, its even worse because its been that way for YEARS and you still keep coming back. I cant imagine coming here over and over when nobody even wants you here.

And lol@ "much more knowledgeable than you". Your opinion of who is knowledgeable and who isnt is about as valid as financial advice from a homeless man. You assume people who agree with you, are knowledgeable lol. Again, most Laker fans here know you are a joke. Thats why they even laughed when that video of that dickrider Laker whiteboy was posted and called you. They just dont always argue with you because they dont want to argue against the Lakers. But most of the Laker fans here arent just blind cheerleaders like yourself.  Real fans criticize their team when its needed. And NOT just the role players. But the stars as well. When Kobe sucks, they say..."Kobe sucked last night". It doesnt make you less of a fan, it makes you a real one and not some faggot ass cheerleader bitch that thinks Kobe can do no wrong lol. How pathetic.

As far as this decade goes. Its actually 4 titles to 3 titles in the Lakers favor. 2010 is counted in the next decade. It goes from 2000-2009...2010-2019...2020-2029. So yes, the Lakers have one more title than the Spurs. But the Spurs made the playoffs every year this decade, had the highest win percentage in the NBA this decade (and in Sports, over .700), never won less than 53 games in a season, etc...etc. Either way, i dont say the Spurs are definitely the team of the decade. Its clearly only the Lakers or Spurs who can hold that title. And even being a Spurs fan I know it could be argued either way. When you measure the championship count alone. Or if you measure the overall success throughout the decade. fucking delusional are you lmao? theres only about 7 or so regular posters on this site remaining...of those 7 or so, 4 of them are cool as fuck with me and even hold discussions with me outside of this forum. goddamn, your punkass has bought more into the whole "NIKCC" hype than anyone in the history of this board...calm down, and discuss sports on a mutual basis, you fuckin douche, not with me being a celebrity in the back of your mind..."everyone hates you man! don't u know!!" sound like such a pathetic lil child LOL.

now back to the topic, if we may...anyone who thinks it can be argued that Spurs are the team of the decade over the Lakers is a complete tool, such as yourself. In fact, there is no Laker fan out there that would claim it "can be argued" the fact that you even say that to begin with, instead of just claiming Spurs, goes to show what a delusional douchebag you truly are..LOL.

There are Laker fans would claim that. But they would be educated Laker fans. Again, remember are a cheerleader. You dont have the brainpower to view a subject objectively. You think that your opinion must be a fact and that everyone else operates the same way. I am able to see someone elses side of the argument. I can see the argument of Lakers over Spurs for team of the decade. If you cant see the argument of Spurs over Lakers, well thats your own ignorance. Its obviously only really a two team race in that category.  And like I said, one team has 4 has 3. the team with three though has the better win percentage over the decade. Period.

yea...and the team that won 4 also threepeated in the process, while the team that won 3 didn't win ANY of their titles back-to-back. again, LOL@your dumbness. not to mention, Lakers made the Finals 6 times in the decade, and Spurs made it only 3... show me ONE Laker fan that says it's even up for debate, and I'll show you a Spurs fan in disguise :-*


^Cuz the topic is LeBron, fuckin genius. come on, man...LOL. you really don't understand that a nutrider can be a hardcore stan OR an obsessed hater? really? if you're obsessed with constantly proving kobe is not as great as everyone says, as you clearly are, you can be labeled a nutrider...nutrider.

the topic is Lebron because of WHO setting up the thread?! LOL!!! You are callin me a nutrider for shit that you are doing lol. You say I hate on Kobe while you set up thread after thread trying to prove Lebron isnt that great....and hanging on to Kobe's nuts the entire time. You make yourself look so stupid in here man and dont even realize it. You are easily the most ignorant Laker fan in this section, and I probably get more respect from them then YOU do cus they know that YOU make real Laker fans look bad.

Youve never once caught me saying Kobe isnt a great player, or even an all time great. What makes you look stupid is when I say shit like, MJ is act like that makes no sense lol. And when I say LeBron is better (which a whole lot of people do, especially before all this free agency shit). You act like its a complete no brainer that Kobe is better. LOL That makes you look like an even bigger dickrider than you already are known as. You can say Kobe is better than LeBron, and I never pretend that it is a ridiculous thing to say. Its a valid opinion. But so is LeBron over Kobe. If it wasnt, their wouldnt be a debate about it. There is no debate over whether LeBron or Adam Morrison is better....because it wouldnt be valid to say Morrison is better.

you're challenging cham for dumbest poster in the sports section, man...LOL. I made this topic cuz i thought it was interesting how quick the lebron nutriders changed their opinions once they saw his true colors. i also never said that "it doesn't make sense" when you say jordan is better thankobe, it just makes you look stupid when you act as if lebron currently has a better shot at surpassing jordan's legacy than kobe does LOL. the same people who say lebron is on kobe's level are the same ones who overhyped him to extreme levels and made him out to be much, much better than he really is. if lebron played in jordan's era with the same amount of hype and kobe played in an era with no other dominant perimeter players, things woulda been a little different. now stop acting like you don't hate kobe LOL. the only time u even talk about lebron is when it's in a debate with kobe.

Like I said, other Laker fans respect what I have to say more than what you have to say lol. They just wont go against you because they dont want to go against the Lakers. But like Ive said before, my opinion is far more objective than a Laker or Lebron fans would be. Im a fan of neither. They could both fail or succeed tomorrow, and it doesnt change a thing for me.  Its just hard for you to take your head out of Kobe's ass for a second to be able to understand what it means when someone says Lebron has a better shot at MJ status than Kobe. It doesnt mean that Lebron is hands down better than Kobe. It doesnt even mean that Lebron will end up with a better career than Kobe. Or even go down in history as the better player. All of that is still anyone's guess. What it is, is that Lebron is still in the first half of his career. Kobe is closer to the end of his. Like Ive said a million times, in order for someone to surpass Jordan and be accepted by the world as the best ever...they will have to be at a level where everyone knows well before they retire, THIS is the best player ever. Thats how it was that Jordan ended up universally accepted as the GOAT. The world was in agreement well before he retired. That hasnt happened for Kobe ever, or ANY one else yet. So although Kobe could end up with a better career and legacy than Lebron, Lebron still has a better shot at surpassing Jordan because he has way more career left to go. Kobe would have had to already be considered the GOAT by everyone in order for him to have surpassed Jordan. He could win 2 more titles, and still the world would recognize MJ as the GOAT because of dominance he displayed once they started winning titles. If Lebron put together a string of titles he MIGHT be able to catch Jordan if he is dominant during that time. I personally think this move to Miami with Wade and Bosh will hurt his legacy. But we'll see.

Other Laker fans respect you over me? Like who? LOL! nice one...keep pullin shit out of your ass to make your statements sound less retarded. Your opinion is far from hate Kobe, you hate the Lakers, and you hate Laker fans. then again, Kobe is pretty much the guy responsible for the Spurs not being the team of the decade, so I dont blame you...but PLEASE, quit acting like your opinion is objective, because anyone with a fucking brain (which automatically discludes cham), can clearly see that you're far from "objective". Kobe hasn't been celebrated as the clear-cut best because he's in an era where the nab and the  media is trying to build up other superstars like LeBron by giving them a huge marketing push by overhyping them...Jordan never had to face a media-made phenomenon like LeBron in his prime, what don't you get about that? That still doesn't change the fact that Kobe, in his prime, still has every ability on a basketball court that Jordan did, and then some. In fact, Jordan at Kobe's current age only had HALF of his championships...Imagine if Kobe only has half of his championships right now. it would be ridiculous to claim Jordan>Kobe if Kobe ends his career with anything close to 10 rings..LOL

lol Most ALL of the other Laker fans on this board are far less delusional than you. There is a reason you are such a joke on this entire board lol. Other Laker fans dont always agree with what I say, and I dont always agree with what they say, but I can respect their opinion because it isnt based on complete blindness like yours are. Take M-Dogg for example. HIS every bit the Laker fan you are. But he doesnt come across like a complete idiot and set up thread after thread after thread displaying some complex about his team and favorite player by bashing Lebron all day. And how is Kobe "the guy" responsible for anything? Kobe has been the leader for 2 championships, and 1 loss in the finals. Oh, and that period of time where you guys sucked after Shaq left. The Lakers have been on a roller coaster this decade, with their high point being when Shaq was the main man. The Spurs have been the winningest team in sports for a decade now. When is the last time we won less than 50 games in a season?! Before you were even watching basketball.  And typical NIK...blaming the media for Kobe not being considered the clearcut best lol. The media just wants SOMEbody that they can call the next Jordan. ANYBODY. Just one guy who they can say..."he is the best ever!!!". Since Kobe did not become that guy, they moved on to the next guy. They have been doing ever since Jordan retired. If Lebron shows that he isnt that guy, they will find a new guy to latch onto. And championships wont ever be your best arguing tool when it comes to Kobe, seeing as how he was the #2 for 3 of them. And lost twice in the finals. Youd be hardpressed to find anyone who thinks the Bulls wouldnt have won the two years Jordan was gone betweent he three peats. Giving them 8 strait titles. When Jordan really hit his prime and started winning titles, the Bulls were basically unstoppable. It was Jordan and the Bulls...and the rest of the league was just there. The closest thing the Lakers have been to unstoppable over this last decade was when Shaq was at the wheel.  Argue and cry all you want NIK. At the end of the day, the man you love wont be considered the best ever.

How am I delusional? Because I think Kobe still has a far more legit shot at surpassing Jordan than LeBron does? EVERY LAKER FAN BELIEVES THAT. It's despicable how much you talk Kobe down and LeBron up just because of your hate for him, and you sound so envious of his greatness, it's simply amazing..and then when you go on record and deny that you don't dislike Kobe, that just makes it even funnier...Notice how you and cham, the two most senseless douches in this section, are the only ones quoting each other in this whole argument...LOL. Who gives a fuck how consistent the Spurs have been, if Kobe was never born, the Spurs would be the team of the decade, without a question, and that thought subconsciously makes you cringe. :-*

I remember when Kobe demanded a trade if the Lakers decided to stay in rebuild mode back in '07, how you even claimed you wouldn't want him on the Spurs...LMAO. you're too much, man. credibility gets lost SOMEWHERE.

The whole board calls you delusional. The fact that you dont realize it, makes you delusional. It has nothing to do with thinking that Kobe has a better shot than Lebron at anything. It has to do with how much you completely exaggerate everything about Kobe lol. I bet you tell people his dick is really bigger than it is. You manage to convince yourself that Kobe wasnt the # 2 guy on the three peat team when the rest of the world knows he was. You convince yourself that Kobe is lightyears ahead of Lebron on the court when the world knows he isnt. You convince yourself that Kobe is on the same level as Jordan when the rest of the world knows he isnt. Etc...etc. I could go on for hours about your delusion if I really wanted to. There are too many examples to write them all down.

And wtf are you talkin about "if Kobe was never born"?! lol. You could argue over who was the team of the decade. You could go off of title count, or you could go off of who has been the better team for the whole decade. The Lakers have the title count, we have been the better team throughout the whole decade. And again, Kobe was the leader for 2 titles. Duncan has been the leader the entire decade of us being the winningest team in sports. Shaq brought LA three titles. Kobe brought 2. Sorry. Its the truth.

And yeah, when Kobe wanted a trade...I didnt want him. I dont deny that at all. It has nothing to do with personally liking or disliking him lol Its the fact that a trade would require US giving up players. The Spurs have been the type of team where they build a team piece by piece. Not just go find big stars. They actually BUILD a team that is cohesive and plays well together. Typically defensive minded, and most importantly...unselfish. Duncan is possibly the most unselfish superstar ever and thats why his fit with the Spurs has been perfect. Manu is an all star, but willing to come off the bench if its what helps the team. Paker did it last year. Kobe doesnt fit that mold of character, and he could have completely thrown off our chemistry. The Olympics were a good example, you dont just go add the biggest add the right pieces.

You, the LeBron nutriders, and Mdogg (who calls himself "sccit killa" lol) doesn't equal the whole board. I've discussed basketball with many heads on this board, most are much more knowledgeable than you, and all will tell you that I know my shit...even you know I know my shit. you're just upset that I'm a huge fan of the Lakers and Kobe's game, which are seemingly the two things you hate most in life. Kobe was definitely the 2nd option on the threepeat teams, but it was more like 1.a and 1.b (based on Shaq' demanding demeanor).. but you exaggerate his role to "Robin" status, as if he wasn't already considered the best perimeter player in the game and greatest all-around talent in the nba during that era. that's what makes your hate for kobe/Lakers so obvious. as for kobe being lightyears ahead of lebron, that's what it is..i've seen many knowledgeable basketball heads acknowledge the same thing, as well as the fact that the kobe-jordan debate wont be put to rest until kobe you acting like i'm ridiculous because of that only makes you seem even less legit.

LMAO@"it's arguable whether the team of the decade is the Spurs"'re joking, right? 5 championships to 3...lakers threepeated and went back-to-back, spurs didn't even repeat once...everyone knows the 2nd title is harder to God, you are such a joke, man. it's not debatable who the team of the decade is lmao.

The olympics were a good example? of what? of how it takes the greatest player in the game leading you to actually win?'re still a dumbass for saying you don't want Kobe on your team.

lol@ doesnt equal the whole board. Youre right man...people on this board have the utmost respect for you and your opinion lol. How do you not see that you are the biggest joke here man? Not only is it sad, its even worse because its been that way for YEARS and you still keep coming back. I cant imagine coming here over and over when nobody even wants you here.

And lol@ "much more knowledgeable than you". Your opinion of who is knowledgeable and who isnt is about as valid as financial advice from a homeless man. You assume people who agree with you, are knowledgeable lol. Again, most Laker fans here know you are a joke. Thats why they even laughed when that video of that dickrider Laker whiteboy was posted and called you. They just dont always argue with you because they dont want to argue against the Lakers. But most of the Laker fans here arent just blind cheerleaders like yourself.  Real fans criticize their team when its needed. And NOT just the role players. But the stars as well. When Kobe sucks, they say..."Kobe sucked last night". It doesnt make you less of a fan, it makes you a real one and not some faggot ass cheerleader bitch that thinks Kobe can do no wrong lol. How pathetic.

As far as this decade goes. Its actually 4 titles to 3 titles in the Lakers favor. 2010 is counted in the next decade. It goes from 2000-2009...2010-2019...2020-2029. So yes, the Lakers have one more title than the Spurs. But the Spurs made the playoffs every year this decade, had the highest win percentage in the NBA this decade (and in Sports, over .700), never won less than 53 games in a season, etc...etc. Either way, i dont say the Spurs are definitely the team of the decade. Its clearly only the Lakers or Spurs who can hold that title. And even being a Spurs fan I know it could be argued either way. When you measure the championship count alone. Or if you measure the overall success throughout the decade. fucking delusional are you lmao? theres only about 7 or so regular posters on this site remaining...of those 7 or so, 4 of them are cool as fuck with me and even hold discussions with me outside of this forum. goddamn, your punkass has bought more into the whole "NIKCC" hype than anyone in the history of this board...calm down, and discuss sports on a mutual basis, you fuckin douche, not with me being a celebrity in the back of your mind..."everyone hates you man! don't u know!!" sound like such a pathetic lil child LOL.

now back to the topic, if we may...anyone who thinks it can be argued that Spurs are the team of the decade over the Lakers is a complete tool, such as yourself. In fact, there is no Laker fan out there that would claim it "can be argued" the fact that you even say that to begin with, instead of just claiming Spurs, goes to show what a delusional douchebag you truly are..LOL.

There are Laker fans would claim that. But they would be educated Laker fans. Again, remember are a cheerleader. You dont have the brainpower to view a subject objectively. You think that your opinion must be a fact and that everyone else operates the same way. I am able to see someone elses side of the argument. I can see the argument of Lakers over Spurs for team of the decade. If you cant see the argument of Spurs over Lakers, well thats your own ignorance. Its obviously only really a two team race in that category.  And like I said, one team has 4 has 3. the team with three though has the better win percentage over the decade. Period.

yea...and the team that won 4 also threepeated in the process, while the team that won 3 didn't win ANY of their titles back-to-back. again, LOL@your dumbness. not to mention, Lakers made the Finals 6 times in the decade, and Spurs made it only 3... show me ONE Laker fan that says it's even up for debate, and I'll show you a Spurs fan in disguise :-*

You also arent bringing up the fact that you guys had your little dip once Shaq left and the team was ass. You only argue one side. You did get to the finals 6 times, I will give u that. But you only won 4 and got manhandled in the other 2. The fact that we still were the better team by win percentage even with all that "greatness" you think the Lakers pretty amazing huh?
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


^all that still doesnt mean shit...LAKERS WON MORE TITLES. LAKERS MADE MORE FINALS APPEARANCES. LAKERS THREEPEATED. All you have in your lame little argument is regular season winning percentage. thats embarrassing, bro.