Author Topic: Mookie Jones: The Nephew of Big Daddy Kane [Interview]  (Read 233 times)


Mookie Jones: The Nephew of Big Daddy Kane [Interview]
« on: July 29, 2010, 02:02:15 PM »

We hooked up with the nephew of the legendary Big Daddy Kane – That’s right, up and coming MC Mookie Jones has the right to call Big Daddy Kane his blood godfather. Of course, this is a topic we delve into quite a bit – are the two ever going to collaborate? Find out!

Jones was born in Atlanta to musical legend, Oran “Juice” Jones, the first R&B artist on Def Jam to give Russell Simmons a platinum plaque. Moving around from Atlanta to New York to Houston, Jones compares those three hip hop heavyweight cities for us.

Mookie Jones is a member of Eleven 11 Media Group, the company which helped recently put out his “Tuskegee” mixtape (more on where to find that below) and will eventually put out his “Popular Culture” album.

Mookie Jones is working with Nipsey Hussle, Big K.R.I.T., Smoke DZA and more.

Enjoy. Auto!
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Re: Mookie Jones: The Nephew of Big Daddy Kane [Interview]
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 02:02:38 PM »
Interview: We’re right here with up and coming rapper Mookie Jones and we have a whole lot to talk about. We want to get into your background first so tell our readers what it’s like coming up in Houston?

Mookie Jones:  Actually, I was born in Atlanta and I spent the first nine months of my life there before I moved to New York and spent the first 13 years of my life in New York. And then I moved around between 1st Louisiana and now Houston and I’ve been stable in Houston and made a home for myself. This is where I started my whole career. I became a man at 13 after I moved to Houston. I was rapping out here all my life. Coming up out of Houston, I got a lot of love. I got to mix my city style with a southern drawl.

Interview: Since you’ve lived in both, how would you compare New York to Houston?

Mookie Jones: One is a lot faster and more rapid. In Houston, I’m able to calculate my moves a little more because it’s not as fast.

Interview: Your whole life of rapping started in Houston. Who were your early rap influences?

Mookie Jones:   My godfather Big Daddy Kane was the first person to sit down and break down bars with me. He was the first one to really give me a good insight of this game from a lyricist standpoint. That’s why I’ve always been placed as a lyricist. I always want to make good music.

Interview: Big Daddy Kane is your blood godfather?

Mookie Jones: My godfather

Interview: The legendary Big Daddy Kane?

Mookie Jones:   Yes sir

Interview: WOW. Tell us about that.

Mookie Jones: He really sat me down right when he was shooting this movie. I got to meet him and he gave me a chain. I told him I wanted to be a rapper and he asked me to freestyle for a minute. He told me I was nice and he told me to keep going. We’re always in contact. When he’s in the city or I’m in his city, we sit down and just drop jewels with each other.

Interview: What type of advice has he given you?

Mookie Jones: He always told me to never stop. Music is a love. It’s a woman that will stand second to none. It’s my wife right now, my girlfriend, it’s my everything. He always told me that you gotta’ love her the same way you love anything else. You can’t ever stop loving her because she’s only gonna’ love you back as much as you love her.

Interview: I like that. Any talks of a collaboration between you two?

Mookie Jones:  Oh yeah we’re definitely gonna’ collaborate. That’ll definitely happen.

Interview:  Crazy. I got a little off track but want to get a bit more about your background. At what age did you start taking rap seriously as career?

Mookie Jones:   At 2

Interview: From the very start?

Mookie Jones:  I would even say two years before I was born.

Interview: Ok. You mentioned how Houston is not as fast as New York and you get to calculate things a little more. What do you think of the whole independent Houston scene? It’s pretty crazy.

Mookie Jones:  I’m a chess player. My father taught me how to play chess. Everything is always about calculation. Make your next move your best move. And in Houston, I was able to look at people become self made. There aren’t any real big major labels to back you up and do everything. A lot of people used to sell music out of the trunks of their cars out here. It gave me that aspect of the game; to do everything yourself. You are what you make yourself.

Interview: Ok. What do you think of the current Houston hip hop scene?

Mookie Jones:  2010 Houston, it’s a new Houston coming up. You have a bunch of great new artists coming out of Houston such as Young Problems, Candy Red, 4th & Inches, The Union and of course, the OG’s such as Bun B and his UGK movement, Scarface and more. I’m happy to be apart of where Houston is going.

Interview: Tell us about your involvement with VH1.

Mookie Jones:  They did a show on my father for VH1. I’m cool with a lot of the VH1 Stars because Eleven 11 Media and Mics and Models. Shouts out to all of the VH1 Stars that know Mookie Jones they’re all cool it’s a big family.

Interview: Big Daddy Kane is your godfather but you also just said VH1 did a show on your father. Who is your father?

Mookie Jones:  My father is Oran “Juice” Jones. He was the first R&B artist on Def Jam and he gave Russell Simmons his first ever platinum record.

 Interview: Wow, that’s crazy. So you have one musical legend as your godfather and another as your father. What’s that like?

Mookie Jones:  My father always taught me to strive. Music basically paints the picture of the times. He always taught me that when I make music, I have to paint a picture of what’s going on right now.

Interview: How active is he in your career?

Mookie Jones:  He’s very active. He taught me how to write music. He taught me everything really. He taught me how to write real songs. A lot of rappers start off just writing 16 bar verses but I started off writing songs.

Interview: That’s a big difference. How would you rate your song writing abilities?

Mookie Jones:  I think I’m excellent (laughs). I really don’t like to brag and boast about myself. I like to hear fans or even that random opinion. Sometimes I just put my music on in a car full of people I don’t know and I don’t tell them it’s me, and just get that pure insight from the listener.

Interview: In order for our readers to form that random opinion, where can they check out the music?

Mookie Jones:  You can check out the music on You can look me up on Google; I’m all over the blogs, and I’m on a lot of different blogs. If you Google the name Mookie Jones, you’ll find a lot of music on there.

Interview: What are your immediate plans for your career?

Mookie Jones:  I got a project called “Tuskegee” right now that’s out already. It’s for free download. You can download that right now. That’s the free download mixtape. And then my album called “Popular Culture” that’s coming out through Eleven11 Media.                                                                                                                     
Interview: So after “Tuskegee”, it’ll be the “Popular Culture” album coming out through Eleven 11 Media that’s wassup can wait to hear it! Eleven 11 Media is your current label situation?

Mookie Jones:  “Auto” I got a deal to release my next couple of albums.

Interview: You’ve worked with some big up and coming artists such as Big K.R.I.T. and others. Big K.R.I.T. is making a lot of noise and just signed to Def Jam. Are there any other artists your working with that you want to share with us?

Mookie Jones:  I’m working with a lot of big artists. Shouts out to Cinematic. I’m working with Smoke DZA, Nipsey Hussle and others. Me and Big K.R.I.T. are about to get some more stuff knocked out. It’s about to just keep moving.

Interview: Dope. If you could accomplish one goal in your career of your choosing, what would that be?

Mookie Jones:  I want to win a Grammy of course just like any other artist. I want to win the ASCAP award for songwriter of the year and just make history.

Interview: I like that and we wish you the best of luck with everything. We’re gonna’ end it on that note Mookie. Do you have any last words before I let you go?

Mookie Jones:  I want the whole world to say “Auto” with me. That basically means automatic, autonomic and autopilot. Autonomic means self made, automatic means it’s automatically gonna’ happen and autopilot means auto in the sky. Everything is on cruise control, auto. That’s the new word and the whole world is gonna’ say it with me. You heard it here first. If they can’t say it like “auto”, his name isn’t Mookie Jones. Shout out to my family my people and Eleven 11 Media.
Co-Director of Site Content For Raptalk.Net
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Re: Mookie Jones: The Nephew of Big Daddy Kane [Interview]
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 02:17:02 PM »
newphew or whateva. he cant make it.  ::)