Author Topic: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency  (Read 1931 times)


Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2010, 04:08:57 AM »
From what I've seen, and talk to from people on the ground in Haiti during the Aristide over throwing, these death squads were none existance, even in the second term. He used more strong arm tactics in the second term to protect his presidency, but he never had death squads. My sources come from people in Haiti during this time, I talked to people who were covering the Haiti rebellion, and were filming a documentry, Haiti and the Endless Revolution. They said that when the news showed the 2,000 protesting to over throw Aristide, that behide them was over 200,000 protesting to keep Aristide in power.

Is Wyclef a puppet, think about this, when any politican looks for a Hip-Hop artist to say, hey, I listen to hip-hop, they all say Wyclef. From John Kerry to Bill Clinton, everyone but Obama says Wyclef. On top of that, isn't it weird that now out of no where, Wyclef wants to run Haiti when he hasn't lived in Haiti. Now that Haiti is weakened, now that Haiti is desperate, Wyclef wants to run it. Of course he has no governing experience and he can't even run his charities, BUT he now wants to run his former home country. Unless he knows he has help, he wouldn't and shouldn't do it. Wyclef is up to something, as the establishment's favorite Hip-Hop artist is now ready to lead a country. This has puppet written all over it.

i think your reading too much into certain things and mixing certain shit up fam

bill clinton & obama are both part of the system, they have both made there whole political career based on conmanship and pimping certain communities to look cool to get votes

bill clinton gave a pardon to a scientist called robert gallo(who worked on the US goverment's Special Cancer Virus Program that produced the AIDS virus in the 70's) from prosecution for making the AIDS virus after Boyd Graves took the US goverment to court for the creation of AIDS in 1998, plus clinton's is alledgedly the illegitimate child of one of the rockefellers

obama was on the council of foreign relations, you can't get anymore system representative than that, plus he got the same bloodlines as most system mudda fockers and he has shares in a pharmecuetical company that has a history of eugenics going back to the 40's amongst other things

john kerry is just a shook mainstream politician that dosen't want to go against the system and likes to beat around the bush and let the status quo remain because he's weak, the senate hearings on the contra/iran arms affair in the 80's and his dilly dallying on standing up for his values, back peddling to look so called harder to get votes, compromising his values over that vietnam atrocities shit has shown this

what these politicians listen to or champion in music does not have a bearing on reality when it comes to who they think is a puppet, clef just rolls in those type of circles, because of his charity work

its because of his genuine charity work and not playing the charity politricks 'game' that the system switched on him and started putting out misinformation throught the media, he has genunie love for brothers and sisters over there and thats why he was out there on the frontlines helping our people through the earthquake and seeing all the system instigated redtape and politricks that he decided to run for president

clef is in the endz(hoods), everywhere he goes, he shows that love, from the hoods of the US, to london, to ghana, to ja, he shows that love, truss me on that, clef ain't a puppet, no he ain't fam 
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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2010, 09:17:59 AM »
I'm not just talking about what music politicians listen to. After all, the only reason Obama even said other artist than Wyclef is because he has to show the black community he actually listens to Hip-Hop music, or if he was some white guy he'd just stick to Wyclef like every other politician.

What I'm talking about is how a person who can barely run a charity, who has no governing experience now wants to run a country he hasn't lived in for over 25 years, when that countries at it's weakest. Especially when that country has an exiled ELECTED president in Africa who was overthrown by the countries elite. you claim death squads and intimidation by Aristide, but that has been unfound, even in the second term. If and no true reliable source has mentioned death squads, but if he did try intimidation because he was fearful of being overthrown again, well it didn't work. Since 2004, Haiti has been until under ring wing military control, don't let those elections fool you. The majority of the people are for the Lavalas party, which has been excluded from elections since Aristide being overthrown. That's like not allowing the Democrats or Republicans to run for office.

My beef with Wyclef is that he should be trying to political stability, he should be asking for Aristide to return, and the leaders of Haiti to come together. Instead, with no governing experience, he wants to run the country. Wyclef is as qualified to be president as I am. He has celebrity that others in the world will like, and that's it. He will be like the Arnold of presidents, and we all know Arnold is a part of the establishment. Wyclef is showing his no different. It's like Obama, what started out as a truly honest career has turned because they sold out, thinking they can change the system from within. Like Obama though, Wyclef will learn you can't change the system, the system will ultimately use you, and once it's done, crucify you in the press.


Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2010, 11:31:48 AM »
I'm not just talking about what music politicians listen to. After all, the only reason Obama even said other artist than Wyclef is because he has to show the black community he actually listens to Hip-Hop music, or if he was some white guy he'd just stick to Wyclef like every other politician.

What I'm talking about is how a person who can barely run a charity, who has no governing experience now wants to run a country he hasn't lived in for over 25 years, when that countries at it's weakest. Especially when that country has an exiled ELECTED president in Africa who was overthrown by the countries elite. you claim death squads and intimidation by Aristide, but that has been unfound, even in the second term. If and no true reliable source has mentioned death squads, but if he did try intimidation because he was fearful of being overthrown again, well it didn't work. Since 2004, Haiti has been until under ring wing military control, don't let those elections fool you. The majority of the people are for the Lavalas party, which has been excluded from elections since Aristide being overthrown. That's like not allowing the Democrats or Republicans to run for office.

My beef with Wyclef is that he should be trying to political stability, he should be asking for Aristide to return, and the leaders of Haiti to come together. Instead, with no governing experience, he wants to run the country. Wyclef is as qualified to be president as I am. He has celebrity that others in the world will like, and that's it. He will be like the Arnold of presidents, and we all know Arnold is a part of the establishment. Wyclef is showing his no different. It's like Obama, what started out as a truly honest career has turned because they sold out, thinking they can change the system from within. Like Obama though, Wyclef will learn you can't change the system, the system will ultimately use you, and once it's done, crucify you in the press.

1.our cut an paste sumthin from another website i posted this same thread on, instead of typing the same shit

"the whole qualification bullshit, george w bush went to university, that dosen't take away from the fact that he is a duppy, slow, ignorant piece of shit

its about basic common sense, its not always all about academic qualifications, even if it would be better if he had some in certain regards to certain aspects, but you can be academically bright, but common sense stupid, or have a lot of wisdom and deep wit your shit, but have no academic qualifications, you get what i'm saying, personal experience in life has always shown me this

and i'm not knocking education in anyway, shape, form or fashion, because education is the key to any successful civilazation, truss me on that, thats why the system historically has kept human being community's they don't like, from acheiving academic success, to keep there grips on power so they can carry out there imperialist goals and agenda, you get what i'm saying

clef has the street smarts and common sense to know he's gonna get him an advisor that will advise him on who should go in which position and do what, you see what i'm saying, no political tribal politricks or system puppet master stuff, he has he's own money, no greed and a genuine love for all his and our people over there, yes he does, he's the perfect person for the job in my eyes, thats the way i see it anyway"

2.again fam, your believing the system instigated misinformation fed through the western media about clef's charity organization, they switched on his charity because of the exact reason that clef is authentically, genuinely 100% for our people over there, he isn't into playing the system's charity 'game' politricks, you see what i'm saying

3.obama has been obama from day one, he hasen't sold out at all, he has always been on the side of the system, he has always had a public image of an concilliator, he's not a revolutionary, he ain't a radical, he ain't a civil rights guy, he ain't about progressive change, he's an centrist mainstream politician thats deeply entrenched wit the system, its simple as, he's always rolled like that, he's speeches are just on some conman level because thats what he is, a conman
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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2010, 07:00:06 PM »
LOL M dogg fucking idiot. Maybe he believe haiti tragedy was caused by elite so wyclef can be president so they control haiti. Dumb faggot ah ah ah

When the hell did I say the earthquake was caused by elites.

I said that they should bring back the ELECTED president of Haiti, who was thrown out of power by a United States backed military coup.

I said that in the rebuilding, when there are people asking for Aristide's leadership, the elite are instead looking for Wyclef to distract the people.

I said Wyclef has no governing experience so how in the world can he lead a nation in it's worst crisis in it's history, and for Haiti that's saying something.

As for LONDON!, your points

1. THe whole qualifications is not bull shit. Education may not be needed, but at the same time, we are not talking about Jesse Ventura taking over a healthy Minnesota, or a Ronald Reagan, who majored in Economics btw, trying to revive the United States economy, this is Wyclef, a musician, trying to revive Haiti during it's worst crisis it's ever had. Aristide was not experienced either, but he was an outspoken voice behind the alter as a catholic priest during the Duvalier reign. Aristide was on the ground, helping the people, Wyclef has lived in the US, visiting Haiti and giving money, but not getting involved politically.

2. His charity, to his credit, is not as bad as many others. But it was put out there in the media because there was some faultiness going on. The media acts in two ways, all of it for ratings and their bottomline. They either act to get the biggest story, outside of any other "system's" agenda because they know people will watch, then they put out bullshit that's feed to them because it's suppose to be credible news. In this case, Wyclef made for the biggest story outside of any "system". I don't know about the UK, but in the US, the story died fairly quick after it came out, and then every journalist in the mainstream came out defending Wyclef, almost like a cover up.

3. Obama was Obama since day one, now his something else. I know many of people from Chicago, I live in the Mid West and many people from Chicago move out here all the time. Close friends have told me that Obama use to be in the neighborhood all the time, and he was truly genuine about his work. He worked at getting people organized, and advocating for those with no voice. If you heard him talk, he was talking single payer health care, he was talking about modern civil rights, he was talking like a classic liberal. Fast forward to his time as State Senator, his talking the same, but his working to get things passed in a political manner. This becomes his biggest argument to run for senator.

Then, fast forward to 2004, out of no where this little know State Senator who couldn't even win a primary in 2000 is now being talked about as the next president of the United States. I mean, he can't even beat Bobby Rush, there is no way an establishment candidate has that happened to them. Reality, Obama is trying to work out a way that he can make change, but from within the system. Fast forward to 2010, Obama has not made that big change, but a bunch of little changes that go against the system. This is over looked because it's not the change we expected, we wanted more. But for even this little change, Obama is now the Velcro president, everything bad that happens sticks to him in the media. He wouldn't be president after 2012, enjoy your Sarah Palin administration.


Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2010, 05:11:47 AM »
LOL M dogg fucking idiot. Maybe he believe haiti tragedy was caused by elite so wyclef can be president so they control haiti. Dumb faggot ah ah ah

When the hell did I say the earthquake was caused by elites.

I said that they should bring back the ELECTED president of Haiti, who was thrown out of power by a United States backed military coup.

I said that in the rebuilding, when there are people asking for Aristide's leadership, the elite are instead looking for Wyclef to distract the people.

I said Wyclef has no governing experience so how in the world can he lead a nation in it's worst crisis in it's history, and for Haiti that's saying something.

As for LONDON!, your points

1. THe whole qualifications is not bull shit. Education may not be needed, but at the same time, we are not talking about Jesse Ventura taking over a healthy Minnesota, or a Ronald Reagan, who majored in Economics btw, trying to revive the United States economy, this is Wyclef, a musician, trying to revive Haiti during it's worst crisis it's ever had. Aristide was not experienced either, but he was an outspoken voice behind the alter as a catholic priest during the Duvalier reign. Aristide was on the ground, helping the people, Wyclef has lived in the US, visiting Haiti and giving money, but not getting involved politically.

2. His charity, to his credit, is not as bad as many others. But it was put out there in the media because there was some faultiness going on. The media acts in two ways, all of it for ratings and their bottomline. They either act to get the biggest story, outside of any other "system's" agenda because they know people will watch, then they put out bullshit that's feed to them because it's suppose to be credible news. In this case, Wyclef made for the biggest story outside of any "system". I don't know about the UK, but in the US, the story died fairly quick after it came out, and then every journalist in the mainstream came out defending Wyclef, almost like a cover up.

3. Obama was Obama since day one, now his something else. I know many of people from Chicago, I live in the Mid West and many people from Chicago move out here all the time. Close friends have told me that Obama use to be in the neighborhood all the time, and he was truly genuine about his work. He worked at getting people organized, and advocating for those with no voice. If you heard him talk, he was talking single payer health care, he was talking about modern civil rights, he was talking like a classic liberal. Fast forward to his time as State Senator, his talking the same, but his working to get things passed in a political manner. This becomes his biggest argument to run for senator.

Then, fast forward to 2004, out of no where this little know State Senator who couldn't even win a primary in 2000 is now being talked about as the next president of the United States. I mean, he can't even beat Bobby Rush, there is no way an establishment candidate has that happened to them. Reality, Obama is trying to work out a way that he can make change, but from within the system. Fast forward to 2010, Obama has not made that big change, but a bunch of little changes that go against the system. This is over looked because it's not the change we expected, we wanted more. But for even this little change, Obama is now the Velcro president, everything bad that happens sticks to him in the media. He wouldn't be president after 2012, enjoy your Sarah Palin administration.

will just have to agree to disagree fam, because will going around in circles

and i'm by no means an advocate for sarah palin, she's a right wing ignorant duppy fruitcake, yes she is, even though she's not apart of the establishment, she would be another disaster, worse than bush

obama is wholeheartedly apart of the system, he always has been, i mean george w bush has charity's, it what he's movement in power in power that determines what type of person he is and obama's movements is that of a centrist, mainstream establishment politician, entrenced wit the system, wit a public image of an concilliator who makes nice conman speeches, thats obama from day one up until now, nuthin has changed, the trying to provide free healthcare for all issue was only championed by him because his mother died because of his family growing up poor and not being able to get better treatment, if it wern't for that, he wouldn't give two shits about healthcare 
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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2010, 11:37:10 AM »
This dirty motherfuck was busted stealing donations from his charity, which is the purpose of all major charitable orgs, yall read up on that.  As I said back months ago, the Haiti earthquake was engineered and used as a political and military ploy for the psychos that have been fucking the human race for eons. Now they install this scumbag as a political leader down there. And motherfuckers happily eat this shit up cuz he's a a goddamn celebrity. This is n9t a good thing, this a fucking coup and a travesty to haitian people.

M Dogg™

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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2010, 12:19:50 PM »
This dirty motherfuck was busted stealing donations from his charity, which is the purpose of all major charitable orgs, yall read up on that.  As I said back months ago, the Haiti earthquake was engineered and used as a political and military ploy for the psychos that have been fucking the human race for eons. Now they install this scumbag as a political leader down there. And motherfuckers happily eat this shit up cuz he's a a goddamn celebrity. This is n9t a good thing, this a fucking coup and a travesty to haitian people.

other than thinking that the earthquake was engineered, have I not been saying that. Of course I want Aristide put back into power, so we might differ on that, but we are not too far off. Well other than thinking earthquake was man made.


Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2010, 02:42:20 PM »
This dirty motherfuck was busted stealing donations from his charity, which is the purpose of all major charitable orgs, yall read up on that.  As I said back months ago, the Haiti earthquake was engineered and used as a political and military ploy for the psychos that have been fucking the human race for eons. Now they install this scumbag as a political leader down there. And motherfuckers happily eat this shit up cuz he's a a goddamn celebrity. This is n9t a good thing, this a fucking coup and a travesty to haitian people.

i too believe the earthquake was man made engineered by US goverment's weather system weapon called HARRP(google it people, it exists), but its the same devillish creatures that were behind that shit that put out that misinformation fed through the western media because clef was on the frontlines out in haiti genuinely helping our people there when that man made earthquake popped off, not playing the goofy system politricks charity 'game', fuck the system and fuck the next anti-christ, obama and rest in peace to all my brothers and sisters that lost there lives in that man made atrocity in haiti and big up wyclef, salute
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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2010, 03:55:10 PM »
Some of yall talking bout he is being purposely put there might be onto something tho, for a long time now the Western powers have kept a close eye on Haiti and have had a particular interest in maintaining a high level of influence there, usually through their own agents high up in the government.


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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2010, 09:52:22 PM »
This dirty motherfuck was busted stealing donations from his charity, which is the purpose of all major charitable orgs, yall read up on that.  As I said back months ago, the Haiti earthquake was engineered and used as a political and military ploy for the psychos that have been fucking the human race for eons. Now they install this scumbag as a political leader down there. And motherfuckers happily eat this shit up cuz he's a a goddamn celebrity. This is n9t a good thing, this a fucking coup and a travesty to haitian people.

other than thinking that the earthquake was engineered, have I not been saying that. Of course I want Aristide put back into power, so we might differ on that, but we are not too far off. Well other than thinking earthquake was man made.

Well all I can say is to take a step back and try and connect the dots.  The technology is you deny that?  Do you think it is too far fetched and sci-fi?  Or do you think it is too sinister to actually happen?  I'm curious.

I'll dig up my post from months ago, because all of the tell-tale signs were there, and now is more evidence of what I said... 
Why was this particular tragic event so QUICKLY capitalized on and so extremely coordinated? 
How quick was Bush and Clinton down there doing photo ops? 
how quick was the BULLSHIT Red Cross telling you to text donation pledges?
How quick was our military there? 
Why were our armed forces running drills for this type of things literally just days before this occurred down in south florida? 
Why was a pedo ring down there rounding up children during the chaos (thank God they were busted)? 
And why now is an AMERICAN CROOKED CELEBRITY being pushed to be President down there?

These circumstance are NOT mere coincidence. 

lol the whole relief effort is an excuse to occupy Haiti militarily, politically, and financially.

Southcom in Miami was doing a drill for a relief effort to Haiti the day before the quake hit.

Hugo Chavez said that the US used a weather weapon on Haiti.

Kinda funny how a quake like this hits Chile and the effects are felt all over the globe, and yet a quake hits Haiti and yet doesn't effect surrounding areas at all. :rubeyes:


Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2010, 01:57:53 AM »
This dirty motherfuck was busted stealing donations from his charity, which is the purpose of all major charitable orgs, yall read up on that.  As I said back months ago, the Haiti earthquake was engineered and used as a political and military ploy for the psychos that have been fucking the human race for eons. Now they install this scumbag as a political leader down there. And motherfuckers happily eat this shit up cuz he's a a goddamn celebrity. This is n9t a good thing, this a fucking coup and a travesty to haitian people.

other than thinking that the earthquake was engineered, have I not been saying that. Of course I want Aristide put back into power, so we might differ on that, but we are not too far off. Well other than thinking earthquake was man made.

Well all I can say is to take a step back and try and connect the dots.  The technology is you deny that?  Do you think it is too far fetched and sci-fi?  Or do you think it is too sinister to actually happen?  I'm curious.

I'll dig up my post from months ago, because all of the tell-tale signs were there, and now is more evidence of what I said... 
Why was this particular tragic event so QUICKLY capitalized on and so extremely coordinated? 
How quick was Bush and Clinton down there doing photo ops? 
how quick was the BULLSHIT Red Cross telling you to text donation pledges?
How quick was our military there? 
Why were our armed forces running drills for this type of things literally just days before this occurred down in south florida? 
Why was a pedo ring down there rounding up children during the chaos (thank God they were busted)? 
And why now is an AMERICAN CROOKED CELEBRITY being pushed to be President down there?

These circumstance are NOT mere coincidence. 

lol the whole relief effort is an excuse to occupy Haiti militarily, politically, and financially.

Southcom in Miami was doing a drill for a relief effort to Haiti the day before the quake hit.

Hugo Chavez said that the US used a weather weapon on Haiti.

Kinda funny how a quake like this hits Chile and the effects are felt all over the globe, and yet a quake hits Haiti and yet doesn't effect surrounding areas at all. :rubeyes:

your talking the truth a-alike, spreech brothaman, other than clef being a stooge of the system, your talking 100% facts, true story

the western political elite loved clef before the man made earthquake to look cool to get votes or whatever, but when the earthquake popped off, they switched on him because his charity wasn't playing the system's charity politricks 'game' and put out misinformation on him fed through the western media, truss me on this fam, clef is on a level, yes he is
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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2010, 05:16:03 AM »
This dirty motherfuck was busted stealing donations from his charity, which is the purpose of all major charitable orgs, yall read up on that.  As I said back months ago, the Haiti earthquake was engineered and used as a political and military ploy for the psychos that have been fucking the human race for eons. Now they install this scumbag as a political leader down there. And motherfuckers happily eat this shit up cuz he's a a goddamn celebrity. This is n9t a good thing, this a fucking coup and a travesty to haitian people.

other than thinking that the earthquake was engineered, have I not been saying that. Of course I want Aristide put back into power, so we might differ on that, but we are not too far off. Well other than thinking earthquake was man made.

Well all I can say is to take a step back and try and connect the dots.  The technology is you deny that?  Do you think it is too far fetched and sci-fi?  Or do you think it is too sinister to actually happen?  I'm curious.

I'll dig up my post from months ago, because all of the tell-tale signs were there, and now is more evidence of what I said... 
Why was this particular tragic event so QUICKLY capitalized on and so extremely coordinated? 
How quick was Bush and Clinton down there doing photo ops? 
how quick was the BULLSHIT Red Cross telling you to text donation pledges?
How quick was our military there? 
Why were our armed forces running drills for this type of things literally just days before this occurred down in south florida? 
Why was a pedo ring down there rounding up children during the chaos (thank God they were busted)? 
And why now is an AMERICAN CROOKED CELEBRITY being pushed to be President down there?

These circumstance are NOT mere coincidence. 

lol the whole relief effort is an excuse to occupy Haiti militarily, politically, and financially.

Southcom in Miami was doing a drill for a relief effort to Haiti the day before the quake hit.

Hugo Chavez said that the US used a weather weapon on Haiti.

Kinda funny how a quake like this hits Chile and the effects are felt all over the globe, and yet a quake hits Haiti and yet doesn't effect surrounding areas at all. :rubeyes:

your talking the truth a-alike, spreech brothaman, other than clef being a stooge of the system, your talking 100% facts, true story

the western political elite loved clef before the man made earthquake to look cool to get votes or whatever, but when the earthquake popped off, they switched on him because his charity wasn't playing the system's charity politricks 'game' and put out misinformation on him fed through the western media, truss me on this fam, clef is on a level, yes he is

'Clef is not on the level. He hasn't been for at least 6 years, if not longer. 'Clef is a puppet. If 'Clef was really on the level, he'd be trying to get the REAL president back in power of Haiti. He don't even meet constitutional requirements to be president. According to the Haitian constitution...

To be elected President of the Republic of Haiti, a candidate must:

a. Be a native-born Haitian and never have renounced Haitian nationality;

b. Have attained thirty-five (35) years of age by the election day;

c. Enjoy civil and political rights and never have been sentenced to death, personal restraint or penal servitude or the loss of civil rights for a crime of ordinary law;

d. Be the owner in Haiti of at least one real property and have his habitual residence in the country;

e. Have resided in the country for five (5) consecutive years before the date of the elections;

f. Have been relieved of this responsibilities if he has been handling public funds.

There are already groups against Wyclef in Haiti, because he hasn't lived in Haiti for 5 years, he has a US passport, though still technically a Haitian citizen, his getting killed for the passport. When these laws were put into place, it was out of fear that someday a Haitian from the US, would make money in the US, then come back to Haiti and try to run the country. This was a legit fear in 1987 when Haiti wrote up their constitution, and that is EXACTLY what is happening right now. Wyclef is lobbying right now for Haiti to change the constitution to run for president, how is that.


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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2010, 06:03:56 AM »
so how long before the elections then?
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


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Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2010, 07:17:42 AM »

The major warning sign should be Time magazine running a feature on Wyclef running for president. This is the same time magazine who have lourded over some of the most evil and brutal dictators from South America. So what this tells me without knowing anything else, about what his so called ideology is, is that Wyclef is certainly in the cosey club. If he really was running as some kind of maverick then you can be damn sure the mainstream media would not have touched him with a barge pole.


Re: Wyclef Running For Haiti's Presendency
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2010, 04:07:55 AM »

The major warning sign should be Time magazine running a feature on Wyclef running for president. This is the same time magazine who have lourded over some of the most evil and brutal dictators from South America. So what this tells me without knowing anything else, about what his so called ideology is, is that Wyclef is certainly in the cosey club. If he really was running as some kind of maverick then you can be damn sure the mainstream media would not have touched him with a barge pole.

i can see the angle your coming at, but the system put out misinformation about clef's charity after clef didn't play the system politricks charity 'game' during the earthquake plus all of a sudden after he announced his running for the presidency, the irs is now on his back, so i wouldn't put too much into that, clef is for his people first and is on a level, truss me on that

theirs another candidate thats called michel martelly thats 100% on a level too, whose also running, so long as its one of these two winning, i think it would be a good look for haiti, yes i do
"get this money by any means nessassary"