Author Topic: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes  (Read 3491 times)

Russell Bell

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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #60 on: August 22, 2010, 06:39:43 PM »
I agree with you that the reason people do what they do when they shouldnt (a lot of the time) is cause of the way things are in their environment.  Then, you say "who set the streets up to be like this?".  Who are you referring to?  The govt?  And if so, how? And I'm not talking small examples, I mean how is this constantly going on in your opinion?

You also mention "fitting in" as a reason that this cycle is not broken, and that America should change it.  I'm sorry, but I cannot see how peer pressure can be rationalized when talking about choosing a wrong path which will lead to destruction in your and your family's life.  Not playing holier than thou by the way, but when you choose a certain life, don't blame the govt or a group of people for the consequences.  As for America changing it, the family structure and if that's not there than the community should be changing this, not "America".

Also, you say that white people think that race does not matter in the US.  Is that not a generalization and the heart of what you seem to despise about these supposed racists?

« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 06:47:08 PM by Russell Bell »
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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2010, 08:27:37 PM »
I agree with you that the reason people do what they do when they shouldnt (a lot of the time) is cause of the way things are in their environment.  Then, you say "who set the streets up to be like this?".  Who are you referring to?  The govt?  And if so, how? And I'm not talking small examples, I mean how is this constantly going on in your opinion?

You also mention "fitting in" as a reason that this cycle is not broken, and that America should change it.  I'm sorry, but I cannot see how peer pressure can be rationalized when talking about choosing a wrong path which will lead to destruction in your and your family's life.  Not playing holier than thou by the way, but when you choose a certain life, don't blame the govt or a group of people for the consequences.  As for America changing it, the family structure and if that's not there than the community should be changing this, not "America".

Also, you say that white people think that race does not matter in the US.  Is that not a generalization and the heart of what you seem to despise about these supposed racists?

When I look back at my high school I remember my freshman class, then I remember my senior year class. Half the students from my freshman class dropped out or ended up in continuation schools, while most of the students that DID make it ended up staying in the hood rotting in its misery and only a few (mostly Asians, I was considered the Smartest Mexican at my school and I only had a 3.1 GPA lol... I just did my shit) ended up going to college. Yes some that stayed started working, but man do you see the economy now a days? Do you see how hard it is to get a job in this market? Imagine in the hood. It aint gonna happen. People gotta eat, what do you think theyre gonna do? The bad habits develop and a system is created. Schools don't do shit about, my teachers didn't give a fuck about half the students in my class that didn't give a fuck because they were influenced more by what's going on at home and around home. I see that as a social and shit even economic problem due the inefficiency of these people. So what does America do? They pretend like everything is all good and treat all people the same through our "laws." Except we're not all the same, you see it socially. A person from the block dressed in how he'd dressed from where he's from is automatic a red dot in whatever situation he's in. At a party, at a store etc.. he will be judged. Most people from the hood are Latinos or Blacks, so yes this a racial thing. There is a system set up in our neighborhoods, we're paying our taxes and our government isn't supporting our people enough with their education system and their law enforcement adding fuel to the fire with its misuses of power. Even if some of us are on the welfare system they are still citizens and are part of the state. I see this as a taxation without representation of the state. And by saying a group of people are helpless because of their type of being, is inhumane and racist. Lets just say all that shit invalid anyways. Don't you think it's only right to help the people you make money of off anyways? Think about it if these people become more efficient they will add more money to our economic structure. Education is never a bad thing, miseducation is.. which is what's going on in MY HOOD. We're all the same people, just with different opportunities. We gotta accept to problem and start progressiveness, instead of acting like ITS ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD... ummm not it's not! That's why you can't call a black person a nigga or nigger in America DR LAURA... because you don't come from where they come from. You're not their Brother which is how it's used now a days. And to think you do is ignorant and it's clear you have no clear realization of the issues in this nation.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 08:39:05 PM by TP The Tutor(Keystyle king) »

Russell Bell

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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2010, 12:07:07 AM »
I agree with you that the reason people do what they do when they shouldnt (a lot of the time) is cause of the way things are in their environment.  Then, you say "who set the streets up to be like this?".  Who are you referring to?  The govt?  And if so, how? And I'm not talking small examples, I mean how is this constantly going on in your opinion?

You also mention "fitting in" as a reason that this cycle is not broken, and that America should change it.  I'm sorry, but I cannot see how peer pressure can be rationalized when talking about choosing a wrong path which will lead to destruction in your and your family's life.  Not playing holier than thou by the way, but when you choose a certain life, don't blame the govt or a group of people for the consequences.  As for America changing it, the family structure and if that's not there than the community should be changing this, not "America".

Also, you say that white people think that race does not matter in the US.  Is that not a generalization and the heart of what you seem to despise about these supposed racists?

When I look back at my high school I remember my freshman class, then I remember my senior year class. Half the students from my freshman class dropped out or ended up in continuation schools, while most of the students that DID make it ended up staying in the hood rotting in its misery and only a few (mostly Asians, I was considered the Smartest Mexican at my school and I only had a 3.1 GPA lol... I just did my shit) ended up going to college. Yes some that stayed started working, but man do you see the economy now a days? Do you see how hard it is to get a job in this market? Imagine in the hood. It aint gonna happen. People gotta eat, what do you think theyre gonna do? The bad habits develop and a system is created. Schools don't do shit about, my teachers didn't give a fuck about half the students in my class that didn't give a fuck because they were influenced more by what's going on at home and around home. I see that as a social and shit even economic problem due the inefficiency of these people. So what does America do? They pretend like everything is all good and treat all people the same through our "laws." Except we're not all the same, you see it socially. A person from the block dressed in how he'd dressed from where he's from is automatic a red dot in whatever situation he's in. At a party, at a store etc.. he will be judged. Most people from the hood are Latinos or Blacks, so yes this a racial thing. There is a system set up in our neighborhoods, we're paying our taxes and our government isn't supporting our people enough with their education system and their law enforcement adding fuel to the fire with its misuses of power. Even if some of us are on the welfare system they are still citizens and are part of the state. I see this as a taxation without representation of the state. And by saying a group of people are helpless because of their type of being, is inhumane and racist. Lets just say all that shit invalid anyways. Don't you think it's only right to help the people you make money of off anyways? Think about it if these people become more efficient they will add more money to our economic structure. Education is never a bad thing, miseducation is.. which is what's going on in MY HOOD. We're all the same people, just with different opportunities. We gotta accept to problem and start progressiveness, instead of acting like ITS ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD... ummm not it's not! That's why you can't call a black person a nigga or nigger in America DR LAURA... because you don't come from where they come from. You're not their Brother which is how it's used now a days. And to think you do is ignorant and it's clear you have no clear realization of the issues in this nation.

First, I know how bad the economy is.  The economy is not a racial issue, or a "hood" issue.  The economy being terrible effects everyone, as most people are a paycheck away from losing their homes no matter if they are from the slums or the middle class neighborhoods.  I have a friend who worked in education, but cannot get a job here in California due to the cutbacks.  He applied for unemployment and it took him over a month to get a check because they spent several weeks making him answer the same questions over and over again over the phone, on the internet, and through the mail.  Meanwhile, he almost lost his home due to not having the money to pay rent.  He's WHITE, lives in a lower-middle or middle class area, and looks like an everyday working person.  Only he could not find employment.  Did he say this was because of race? No.  Gender? No.  It's the fucked up economy.  Times have changed.  This is not 1950's Alabama where a white guy could walk in looking like a bum and get a job over an educated well spoken black man.  Times are tough everywhere and have been going that way for a long time, regardless of whether you walk around in dreads and a tall tee or board shorts and a billabong shirt.

Also, I work in education.  Or am at least trying to stay in the field, as I cannot find a permanent job either.  And you saying your teachers just don't care sounds like just angst against the system talking.  Most teachers are in a field where they are grossly underpaid and unappreciated, and give their all to help the students learn.  Sure their are bad 1s, but that goes for any job.  A problem with education (and also what stifles teachers from being effective)  is the fact that there is so much government interference with what teachers can and can't do.  State standards, state testing, etc.  This is intended to give a cohesive program to public education, but really just ends up tying the hands of teachers who otherwise could be creative or elaborate on a certain topic, but  cant because they have to rush through everything to get their students ready for some state test that doesnt really accurately measure the kids' knowledge in the first place. 

As for teachers who really don't care, well this is sad.  But, the blame should not be solely on the teachers, or even a majority on them.  Education should start at home, and another major problem here is it is not in many cases.  When people come from Mexico to work here in California and send money back, I say fine do what you have to do to survive.  But often times (not ALWAYS) a side product of this is a whole crop of kids who arent fluent in the language and have no educational reinforcement at home.  So they go to school and could give 2 shits less about what they do in class.  I mean, what is a teacher supposed to do if a kid knows he has no one telling him to do homework at home or study?  Like you said in your post, many will not do the right thing, and just fuck off during class.  A teacher only has real power if there is some kind of reinforcement at home.  I worked with several students who lived this scenario, and it really is sad.  The key here is if you come to this country, for the good of your children and our society, learn the language and reinforce the value of education to your kids (yes, assimilate to some degree).  And yes I know there are kids of all colors who end up with parents who are unable/unwilling to get involved with their kids' education, but this scenario has effected me and others in my area hundreds of times (and probably represent some of the people we've been talking about).

As for me being a racist because I said that those who chose a life of crime should deal with the consequences, well thats just ridiculous.  A "type of being" as you put it sounds like you are pigeonholing people with bad circumstances into a group of people who somehow cant control their own criminality, which is also ridiculous.    I'm not saying I don't sympathize with the guy who sells drugs cause he has to, I have an old buddy who I grew up with who does. I hadn't seen him for years and saw him recently.  After asking what hes up to, he put it well...."You went to college, I sell drugs.  I might get caught, but whatever".  That's taking responsibility to a degree and recognizing what he's doing isn't legal, but it is what it is.  If he gets caught...thats on HIM, no one else.  Fucked up situation that drove him there, yeah.  But what about the dude busting his ass at a menial job but doing it the legal way?   Remember, you reap what you sow, and thats just a fact. 

« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 12:09:21 AM by Russell Bell »
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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #63 on: August 24, 2010, 11:16:23 PM »
I ono what the fuck you talkin bout lil kid. But you special..

Nah but seriously, there's no point in arguing this it's all on point of view. You'll probably never see mine and I won't see yours. At least we can get at each other respectfully.


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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #64 on: August 25, 2010, 05:38:36 AM »
I agree with you that the reason people do what they do when they shouldnt (a lot of the time) is cause of the way things are in their environment.  Then, you say "who set the streets up to be like this?".  Who are you referring to?  The govt?  And if so, how? And I'm not talking small examples, I mean how is this constantly going on in your opinion?

You also mention "fitting in" as a reason that this cycle is not broken, and that America should change it.  I'm sorry, but I cannot see how peer pressure can be rationalized when talking about choosing a wrong path which will lead to destruction in your and your family's life.  Not playing holier than thou by the way, but when you choose a certain life, don't blame the govt or a group of people for the consequences.  As for America changing it, the family structure and if that's not there than the community should be changing this, not "America".

Also, you say that white people think that race does not matter in the US.  Is that not a generalization and the heart of what you seem to despise about these supposed racists?

When I look back at my high school I remember my freshman class, then I remember my senior year class. Half the students from my freshman class dropped out or ended up in continuation schools, while most of the students that DID make it ended up staying in the hood rotting in its misery and only a few (mostly Asians, I was considered the Smartest Mexican at my school and I only had a 3.1 GPA lol... I just did my shit) ended up going to college. Yes some that stayed started working, but man do you see the economy now a days? Do you see how hard it is to get a job in this market? Imagine in the hood. It aint gonna happen. People gotta eat, what do you think theyre gonna do? The bad habits develop and a system is created. Schools don't do shit about, my teachers didn't give a fuck about half the students in my class that didn't give a fuck because they were influenced more by what's going on at home and around home. I see that as a social and shit even economic problem due the inefficiency of these people. So what does America do? They pretend like everything is all good and treat all people the same through our "laws." Except we're not all the same, you see it socially. A person from the block dressed in how he'd dressed from where he's from is automatic a red dot in whatever situation he's in. At a party, at a store etc.. he will be judged. Most people from the hood are Latinos or Blacks, so yes this a racial thing. There is a system set up in our neighborhoods, we're paying our taxes and our government isn't supporting our people enough with their education system and their law enforcement adding fuel to the fire with its misuses of power. Even if some of us are on the welfare system they are still citizens and are part of the state. I see this as a taxation without representation of the state. And by saying a group of people are helpless because of their type of being, is inhumane and racist. Lets just say all that shit invalid anyways. Don't you think it's only right to help the people you make money of off anyways? Think about it if these people become more efficient they will add more money to our economic structure. Education is never a bad thing, miseducation is.. which is what's going on in MY HOOD. We're all the same people, just with different opportunities. We gotta accept to problem and start progressiveness, instead of acting like ITS ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD... ummm not it's not! That's why you can't call a black person a nigga or nigger in America DR LAURA... because you don't come from where they come from. You're not their Brother which is how it's used now a days. And to think you do is ignorant and it's clear you have no clear realization of the issues in this nation.

First, I know how bad the economy is.  The economy is not a racial issue, or a "hood" issue.  The economy being terrible effects everyone, as most people are a paycheck away from losing their homes no matter if they are from the slums or the middle class neighborhoods.  I have a friend who worked in education, but cannot get a job here in California due to the cutbacks.  He applied for unemployment and it took him over a month to get a check because they spent several weeks making him answer the same questions over and over again over the phone, on the internet, and through the mail.  Meanwhile, he almost lost his home due to not having the money to pay rent.  He's WHITE, lives in a lower-middle or middle class area, and looks like an everyday working person.  Only he could not find employment.  Did he say this was because of race? No.  Gender? No.  It's the fucked up economy.  Times have changed.  This is not 1950's Alabama where a white guy could walk in looking like a bum and get a job over an educated well spoken black man.  Times are tough everywhere and have been going that way for a long time, regardless of whether you walk around in dreads and a tall tee or board shorts and a billabong shirt.

Also, I work in education.  Or am at least trying to stay in the field, as I cannot find a permanent job either.  And you saying your teachers just don't care sounds like just angst against the system talking.  Most teachers are in a field where they are grossly underpaid and unappreciated, and give their all to help the students learn.  Sure their are bad 1s, but that goes for any job.  A problem with education (and also what stifles teachers from being effective)  is the fact that there is so much government interference with what teachers can and can't do.  State standards, state testing, etc.  This is intended to give a cohesive program to public education, but really just ends up tying the hands of teachers who otherwise could be creative or elaborate on a certain topic, but  cant because they have to rush through everything to get their students ready for some state test that doesnt really accurately measure the kids' knowledge in the first place. 

As for teachers who really don't care, well this is sad.  But, the blame should not be solely on the teachers, or even a majority on them.  Education should start at home, and another major problem here is it is not in many cases.  When people come from Mexico to work here in California and send money back, I say fine do what you have to do to survive.  But often times (not ALWAYS) a side product of this is a whole crop of kids who arent fluent in the language and have no educational reinforcement at home.  So they go to school and could give 2 shits less about what they do in class.  I mean, what is a teacher supposed to do if a kid knows he has no one telling him to do homework at home or study?  Like you said in your post, many will not do the right thing, and just fuck off during class.  A teacher only has real power if there is some kind of reinforcement at home.  I worked with several students who lived this scenario, and it really is sad.  The key here is if you come to this country, for the good of your children and our society, learn the language and reinforce the value of education to your kids (yes, assimilate to some degree).  And yes I know there are kids of all colors who end up with parents who are unable/unwilling to get involved with their kids' education, but this scenario has effected me and others in my area hundreds of times (and probably represent some of the people we've been talking about).

As for me being a racist because I said that those who chose a life of crime should deal with the consequences, well thats just ridiculous.  A "type of being" as you put it sounds like you are pigeonholing people with bad circumstances into a group of people who somehow cant control their own criminality, which is also ridiculous.    I'm not saying I don't sympathize with the guy who sells drugs cause he has to, I have an old buddy who I grew up with who does. I hadn't seen him for years and saw him recently.  After asking what hes up to, he put it well...."You went to college, I sell drugs.  I might get caught, but whatever".  That's taking responsibility to a degree and recognizing what he's doing isn't legal, but it is what it is.  If he gets caught...thats on HIM, no one else.  Fucked up situation that drove him there, yeah.  But what about the dude busting his ass at a menial job but doing it the legal way?   Remember, you reap what you sow, and thats just a fact. 


Russell Bell

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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #65 on: August 25, 2010, 10:29:56 AM »
forgot to put...."/rant over" on my above post

Yeah we aint never gonna agree but I love a good debate
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 10:35:09 AM by Russell Bell »
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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fuck u asshole

J. B A N A N A S

Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2013, 05:36:28 PM »
I saw this thread and was like "oh god, again?"

Russell Bell

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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2013, 10:11:45 PM »
damn sparegez was a fuckin retard

rachel maddow talking points puked back up by a gay ass physically abused by friends asian kid

Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup

Elano The One And Only

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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #69 on: May 15, 2013, 01:15:09 AM »
damn sparegez was a fuckin retard

Pretty ironic, coming from you.  :laugh:

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #70 on: May 15, 2013, 08:03:11 PM »
Didn't read the thread but was Russell arguing for his right to go around saying nigger?

Russell Bell

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Re: Dr. Laura goes "nigger" crazy on her show and then apologizes
« Reply #71 on: May 16, 2013, 12:37:48 AM »
Didn't read the thread but was Russell arguing for his right to go around saying nigger?

False.  You sound like a bigot.

The topic of education and censorship of words like nigger in classrooms came up, in the context when theyre being used in an educational sense and i simply stated that dipshit parents and principals have and would advocate this blind censorship because of the pervasiveness and disease of political correctness.

Then sparegeez popped up and started blabbering about how whites couldnt possibly ever understand racism.

The conversation then turned into sparegeez talking about how any minority automatically has it tougher and how them commiting crimes isnt their faults but rather the faults of racism and racist whites.  Typical liberal bullshit talking points regurgitated by a 20 year old college student who has no experience outside of his bubble and knows nothing.
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup