Author Topic: Rooney had a wretched World Cup because....  (Read 146 times)


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Rooney had a wretched World Cup because....
« on: September 06, 2010, 04:47:16 AM »
WAYNE ROONEY had a series of romps with a £1,200-a-time hooker when wife Coleen was pregnant.

The England and Man United striker bedded pretty Jenny Thompson, 21, over several MONTHS.

Last night she told us: "Wayne chased me with sex texts and paid in wads of cash. He didn't seem to care he was betraying Coleen."

The Cheating England ace begged Jenny, 21, and her pretty friend to fulfil his fantasy with a sordid THREESOME.

Then he summoned the vice girl back again and again - while trusting wife Coleen was expecting their son Kai.

Jenny, 21, exclusively told the News of the World: "Wayne certainly enjoyed all our meetings and didn't seem to care what he was doing to his wife.

"I think he believes he's invincible and untouchable. As a woman, I wouldn't like that done to me - especially if I was pregnant."

In an interview that will shatter Rooney's carefully-nurtured family man image - which has helped earn the celebrity couple millions - Jenny revealed how the Manchester United star took astonishing risks as he:

    * BEDDED her at Manchester's top five-star hotel, a favourite with celebs and team-mates.

    * BEGGED her to join him on TOUR with the Premier League side.

    * FIXED for a pal to pay her cash when he ran short of readies.

    * ROMPED with her at a team party.

Jenny told how she first met Rooney, 24, in June last year at the Manchester 235 Casino where he was drinking with relatives and team-mate Rio Ferdinand.

"I was at the bar in the VIP area with another escort girl and they called us over for a chat," she said.

"We went for a smoke in the toilets with Wayne and his brother and exchanged phone numbers. At that point Wayne didn't know what sort of work I did."

But the star quickly made it plain what he was after. "He told me to meet him in a quiet corner of the casino and we had had a kiss for about three or four minutes," said Jenny.

"It was about 3am when my friend and I left and I started getting texts from Wayne as he was going home. He said, 'Do you fancy meeting up?'

"I said yes but told him it wouldn't be for free. He texted back saying, 'Fine, that's not a problem.' Then he asked if my friend would like to join us and she agreed."

A week later Rooney met the girls at the famed five-star Lowry hotel. "My friend and I made an effort," said Jenny.

"We both wore identical black lacy bra-and-brief sets specially bought from La Senza.

"Wayne told us he'd never had a threesome before. He was shy and awkward - and me and my friend were left to do all the work.

"He didn't want us to put on a lesbian sex show, he was more into two girls pleasuring him at the same time. But it was all over far too quickly."

"I asked Wayne if he'd ever been with vice girls before and then, all of a sudden, I remembered he HAD!

"I told him, 'I remember reading in the newspapers about you and the old granny!' Wayne just laughed. He thought that was really funny."

Rooney's earlier brush with scandal came in 2004 when he confessed to visiting a seedy massage parlour in a rundown area of Liverpool for £45-a-time sex, including a romp with a 48-year-old grandmother nicknamed Auld Slapper - the first time he was caught cheating on devastated childhood sweetheart Coleen.

Since then Rooney, who played for England on Friday night at Wembley, has crafted a brand of happy family life that's helped win big-money sponsorships and endorsements.

But the tawdry truth is just a year ago he was at it again.

After the threesome the second vice girl stayed out of the arrangement but Rooney kept up his liaisons with Jenny. It was two weeks later the pair met again at the Lowry.

Jenny, who normally charges between £150 and £200 an hour, headed straight to the star's room on the third floor.

"It was about 11am," she said. "The door was off the latch and I just walked in.

"He was on the bed, in his bathrobe with nothing underneath, ready for it. There was an iPod and a few clothes lying around. We went straight into it. It lasted for about half an hour."

Jenny also had sex with Rooney on a chaise longue next to the bed. "I did most of the work, and he was saying nice things about my body," she added. "He was trying to be filthy but he couldn't quite do it. He's quite shy. Five minutes after sex he said he wanted a smoke and got the guy from the desk downstairs to go and get them. He paid him £200 or something ridiculous like that for a packet of Marlboro.

"We were chatting but he didn't mention anything about Coleen and I didn't bring it up. The money was in his jeans pockets. He counted it and handed £1,200 to me in twenties and fifties. He said he'd enjoyed it and we'd have to meet up again.

"I never imagined Wayne Rooney would ever be one of my clients. I know a lot of people call him Shrek but he's actually not that ugly when you're sat in front of him."

Jenny said most of their meetings followed the same pattern. "Wayne had a few different mobile phones to contact me, all pay-as-you-go throw-aways," she added. "Wayne was actually quite boring in bed. We always had sex with a condom. I'd stay about 45 minutes with him in his hotel room.

"Then he'd pass me the money, the correct amount, all counted out, sometimes in an envelope, sometimes just a bundle. When he didn't have the money with him I'd pick it up later from a pal of his who worked in a designer clothes shop."

One night Jenny and her star punter met up again at the 235 Casino. Again they went to the toilets but this time it was business. "It wasn't full sex," said Jenny.

"It was me on him. I was in there for about 15 minutes. He was a bit drunk. He gave me a £1,000 gambling chip. I lost about £500 but took the rest home."

The next time Jenny saw Rooney was at a party in Rio Ferdinand's Rosso Italian restaurant.

"I went with a few girls and the whole team were there," recalled Jenny. "They were all very drunk.

"We hadn't arranged to meet but Wayne spotted me int the crowd. About half hour later he held my hand in front of everyone and led me away down these stairs.

Michael Owen was looking at him in disgust. Wayne made no effort to be discreet and I was embarrassed.

"Wayne took me downstairs into the cooking area and into an office. Again we didn't have full sex, I pleasured him. He couldn't say much because he was so drunk. He was sat on a chair.

"We were only down there for about 10 to 15 minutes. A few days later he texted saying he'd left some money at the clothes shop.

"I wasn't really that concerned but there was about £600 in an envelope marked 'Jenny'."